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User:chelona (487022) Paid User chelona
Ticking away the moments that make up the dull day - Pink Floyd "Time"
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Location:Sterling, Virginia, United States
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status va_turtle (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:IMPORTANT: This is MY LJ, and what I write here has to do with MY interaction with people in MY life. Deal with it. ;-)

I am married to an incredible man ([info]voltbang), with a three year old daughter named Maddie (short for Madison). I am basically "lead programmer"/"systems architect" at a government contractor in Reston. I am a spiritual pantheist Unitarian Universalist pagan religiously, and Libertarian/eclectic politically.

I have a post here about my available filters. Please let me know by commenting to that post if you would like to be included in whichever of my optional filters. Enjoy. :)

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The WeatherPixie

Memories:15 entries
Pictures:14 public
Interests:140: 80s music, abortion rights, ad&d;, alternative lifestyles, alternative sexuality, anal, ancient cultures, ancient egypt, anthropology, atlanta, atlanta thrashers, babies, baby, babylon 5, bdsm, bead weaving, beading, beads, beadwork, bi, billy joel, bisexuality, board games, bondage, books, brutal honesty, card games, casual sex, celtic rock, chocolate, cider, cirque du soleil, civil liberties, classic rock, cnn, comparative religion, computer games, computers, cons, conventions, crafts, d&d;, dance dance revoloution, ddr, douglas adams, dream theater, dungeons and dragons, egyptology, elton john, family, fan conventions, fandom, farscape, fibromyalgia, fiction, fluxx, friends, games, gaming, geeky stuff, godiva chocolate, handguns, hard cider, heinlein, hockey, honesty, hugs, im, instant messaging, ipod, italian food, j. michael straczynski, jimmy buffett, kids, logic puzzles, love, loving more, making friends, marillion, marriage, men, monty python, motherhood, motorcycles, movies, mp3s, music, mythology, non-monogamy, open marriage, open relationships, pagan parenting, paganism, palm pilots, pantheist, parenting, pasta, paul simon, pink floyd, poly, polyamory, polytheism, purple, puzzles, relationships, religion, religious studies, reptiles, responsible non-monogamy, riding motorcycles, robert heinlein, role playing, role playing games, rpgs, science fiction, science fiction conventions, sensuality, settlers of catan, sex, sex and the city, sex-positive community, sexuality, six feet under, sleep, sociology, spirituality, strategy games, sushi, target shooting, tattoos, the 80s, the discovery channel, the princess bride, tivo, trivia, trivia games, turtle tattoos, turtles, tv, unitarian universalism. [Modify yours]
People202:505247, _brightshadow_, aelf, althaea, amberfox, amenquohi, amnormand, anexstacy, ani_moore, animamea, ariadnesthread, ariedana, arrowstar, astrophysicat, audaceblue, awyman, azbound, badmagic, bafleyanne, baronmind, beckon, bheansidhe, blasphemoose, blimey85, blueingenue, blushing_grace, boneshard, brideswell, bunbun61, c_kretsquirrel, carpone, cchan8, chelona, chrishaas, christilyn, christine9600, chrisv, corp_carrot, cptjohnc, cscottd, cutlass172, cyberangel_, cz_unit, dandelion_diva, dda, ddr_ho, deepgeek, deza, deza_writes, divinerose, donut_fiend, dorei, draakken, dragontdc, dwildchil, entilzhavalen, estasia, evolynrayne, faenocturne, faireraven, faithzan6el, fireandearth, fireheart, fizzygeek, fortryll, funguy1897, fuzzface00, ga_sunshine, geminigirl, gingerdc9, gjacknow, goldilocks_va, grail76, groktoberfest, gwynraven, h46crewchief, halucin0jenx, happypete, hbd, holliehoxenfree, hookncrook, hotmaewest, irishdawg, ivorydamsel, jaycova, jcurious, jennacc, jerseygirl1, jhulten, jonfmorse, jp7, jsbowden, katann, katianna, kellfire, kellinator, kitiara, kmusser, ktnb, kytynpet, ladylyonesse, laureladams, lefunkymonkey, lemonly, lesliepear, lethebasii, liatha, libidoergosum, lubedpumpkin, lupaloo, luscious_purple, madbodger, mammasteed, martinhesselius, maryheather, melaniesuzanne, metaphorge, mfree, midwinter, milkmaidmolly, moshah, musicwolf, myindigodreams, nadeera, natalieann, noelfigart, novaman1818, pea_pod, pelham_guy, phillyvixen, photognome, pierced_one, podling, polyarticle, polybynature, polyprogressive, ponderingpetal, progressd, prunesnprisms, puck42, pvt_brennan, rdhdsnippet, reedrover, rev_bri, rigelkitty, robeli, rolsby, royannadawn, runningwave, satyrblade, scottywan, scruffycritter, selki, shadesong, shadrone, sharrainchains, shellefly, sir_alf, sjdr, skye_windsinger, solaphobe, spirit_wanderer, split88, status, stevehohd, stormok, sujata, sungo, sunriseata140, sydb42, sylphon, tall_man, tenn_crichton, theferrett, thegreyman, therealocelot, throwingstardna, thrust169, thymeenough, tigereyes20151, tigress34, tndrheart, torena, twstdpear, unix_vicky, vesuvias, virika, visgoth, voltbang, vvalkyri, wandering2flame, wolfieboy, woodwardiocom, wvhotmalebody, xilet, xiombarg, xydexx, yendi, yorkshirelad, zammis, zanna_voodoo, zellto_1971
Communities72:adulternatives, altparent, altpersonals, arisia, askpoly, babysteps, bdsm_poly, beaded_jewelry, beadfreaks, beadweaving, beadwork, bipolypagangeek, blog_sociology, breath_of_erato, challenging_god, chez_turtle, chosenfamily, community_promo, compersion, conservatism, crafty_bizness, dark_christian, dot_cattiness, dragoncon, emeraldrosega, ethical_sluts, fairfax_county, fibromyalgia, fridayfiver, jpdyruu, libertyparents, lj_nifty, lj_style, ljover30, lovemore, mock_the_stupid, nakedparts2, nopity, northern_va, nva, opti_turtle, pagan, paidmembers, partyatvernards, pcos_journal, poly_grrls, poly_marriage, poly_r_people_2, poly_youth, polyamorous, polyamory, polyfamilies, polypagans, polyparents, polypeople, polysoutheast, positivepoly, religious_left, religiousdebate, sexexpert, shayara, slow_poke_poly, sos_usa, the_sopranos, the_thrashers, thefridayfive, theism, thought_club, tivolovers, unitarians, whquestion, yruuer
Feeds7:davebarrycolumn, fuzzblog, thegamereport, theonionfeed, thinkgeek, tivoblog, turtletracks
Friend of:206: 505247, _brightshadow_, aelf, aggression, althaea, amberfox, amenquohi, amnormand, ani_moore, animamea, anotherjen, ariadnesthread, ariedana, arrowstar, astrophysicat, audaceblue, auryn29a, averyslave, awyman, azbound, badmagic, bafleyanne, baronmind, bheansidhe, blimey85, blueingenue, brideswell, bunbun61, c_kretsquirrel, carpone, cchan8, chalice66, chelona, christilyn, christine9600, chrisv, confesstome, confesstonobody, corp_carrot, cptjohnc, cscottd, cutlass172, cyaneyed, cyberangel_, cz_unit, dandelion_diva, darkwolf69, dda, ddr_ho, deepgeek, deza, divinerose, donut_fiend, dorei, draakken, dwildchil, elfgirl, entilzhavalen, estasia, evilsibe, faireraven, faithzan6el, fireandearth, fizzygeek, fortryll, funguy1897, fuzzface00, gallowglass, geminigirl, gingerdc9, gjacknow, goldilocks_va, grail76, groktoberfest, gwynraven, h46crewchief, halucin0jenx, happypete, hbd, he_who_wanders, holliehoxenfree, hookncrook, hotmaewest, irishdawg, ivorydamsel, jaycova, jcurious, jennacc, jerseygirl1, jet_li_wannabe, jhulten, jonfmorse, jp7, jsbowden, karlita, katann, katianna, kellfire, kellinator, kingnat, kitiara, kmusser, krakenhaggis, ktnb, kytynpet, ladylyonesse, laureladams, lefunkymonkey, leliel, lemonly, lesliepear, lethebasii, liatha, libidoergosum, lubedpumpkin, lupaloo, luscious_purple, madbodger, mammasteed, mark_o_rama, martinhesselius, maryheather, melaniesuzanne, metaphorge, mfree, mightywombat, milkmaidmolly, missbiscuit, missy_moon, moshah, musicwolf, myindigodreams, natalieann, noelfigart, pelham_guy, phillyvixen, photognome, pierced_one, podling, polybynature, polyprogressive, ponderingpetal, princesslizabet, progressd, prunesnprisms, puck42, pvt_brennan, rdhdsnippet, redactrice, rev_bri, ...
Member of:61: adulternatives, altparent, altpersonals, arisia, atlbloodbowl, babysign, babysteps, bdsm_poly, beaded_jewelry, beadfreaks, beadweaving, beadwork, bipolypagangeek, blog_sociology, breath_of_erato, challenging_god, chez_turtle, community_promo, compersion, crafty_bizness, dark_christian, dot_cattiness, dragoncon, emeraldrosega, ethical_sluts, fibromyalgia, fridayfiver, libertyparents, lj_nifty, lj_style, ljover30, lovemore, mock_the_stupid, nakedparts2, nopity, northern_va, nva, opti_turtle, pagan, paidmembers, pcos_journal, poly_grrls, poly_marriage, poly_r_people_2, polyamorous, polyamory, polysoutheast, positivepoly, religious_left, religiousdebate, sexexpert, shayara, sos_usa, the_sopranos, the_thrashers, thefridayfive, theism, thought_club, tivolovers, unitarians, whquestion
Account type:Paid Account

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