Who? Uko
Age: 17
Birth date: 30/12/86
Lives: Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England

Favourite bands: Oasis; The Smiths; Pulp
Book: Harry Potter series and A Clockwork Orange
TV: Danger Mouse; The Royle Family; Jonathan Creek; The Simpsons; The Office; Only Fools and Horses
Films: A Clockwork Orange; If....; Withnail & I; Watership Down; Trainspotting; Billy Elliot; Kes

Bitches: Alex DeLarge; Mick Travis; Withnail; Jarvis Cocker
Band: The Libertines
Song/Music: Can't stand me now ~ The Libertines
Reading: Pulp: Truth and Beauty ~ Mark Sturdy; Beloved ~ Toni Morrison; Othello ~ Shakespeare; The French Lieutenant's Woman ~ John Fowles
Film: Withnail & I; A Clockwork Orange; If....

Capital S
Fanfiction Alley
Sugar Quill
Slytherin MiSTS
Fandom Wank
Other Than Fandom Wank
Mock the Stupid
The Literature Network

Recommended fanfics;
Harry Potter;
Summon the Lambs to Slaughter
Irresistable Poison
The very secret diary
Of serpentine etiquette
Harry has two godfathers
A lot to be upset about
Canis M's fanfics

Lord of the Rings;
Letters over the sea
Pretty Good Year
First and Forever archive
The Making of Samwise
The Night Season
Amazing Creatures; Teasel's fanfiction

Other Fandoms;
Black Ink, White Paper
- Sherlock Holmes/Dr. Watson slash


Even blogs need a Disclaimer
[19/11/04] [8:06PM]

*Watching Children In Need* Dude, how ginger is Prince Harry?! I mean, I always knew his hair was ginger, but I never noticed how positively orange it was until just now.


Current Mood: *blink*

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[19/11/04] [4:52PM]

They're building a HMV in Barnsley. Opening early December. OMG YAY!

Current Mood: delighted
Current Music: Glamorous Indie Rock 'n' Roll ~ The Killers

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[18/11/04] [11:21PM]

An evening spent watching repeats of Blockbuster and Bullseye on Challenge TV. BOOYAH!

Bullseye amuses me so much. The prizes are so crap X}; And Blockbuster is full of GEEKS! Which would explain why I spent time sat in front of it shouting answers.

And then I did chemistry homework and things Sucked again.

Current Mood: cheerful

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[18/11/04] [6:53PM]


Well it's a change from the rain.

Current Music: Inbetween days ~ The Cure

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[18/11/04] [5:02PM]

Mmm, Jammy Dodgers! And my mum bought Christmas crackers too! Holidays are coming! I want to pull one now~.

And apparently it's snowing in Penistone, and for the rest of us it will be -5 tonight. Bah. "Why bah?" you ask. "You don't need to go outside in it." Perhaps not, but my bedroom has a horrible habit of adapting to the outside temperature. It's going to be freezing tonight.

I cannot for the life of me find a picture of Liam Brennan as Iago in the version of Othello I saw last week. I want to make an icon. Bah.

Current Mood: mardy-arsed
Current Music: Overture to the sun ~ ACO OST

[3] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[17/11/04] [10:38PM]

Look at all the spa~ce in Hotmail! *goggles*

Current Mood: shocked

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[16/11/04] [11:14AM]

I've just been, like, a foot away from Patrick Stewart. Who wants to touch me? I SAID WHO WANTS TO TOUCH ME?!

Current Mood: like, totally cool

[3] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[14/11/04] [10:49PM]

My mother better bring me back something from London. I did the dishes while she was away.

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[14/11/04] [12:21AM]

My bedroom is freezing. I've been up there writing an essay and my teeth have just been rattling together. Dunno how on earth I'll sleep while it's like that.

In the meantime, I'm terribly glad that Stalin chose to become the 'man of steel' rather than stick with his original name. Because if I had to talk about Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili in my exam paper I think I'd have a breakdown simply for the spelling of the thing. And the size! My own name is twenty-three letters long but that bastard pisses all over it.

This song's been in my head since someone posted it in response to Bush's re-election. So much love.

Current Mood: cold
Current Music: Going Underground ~ The Jam

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[13/11/04] [7:33PM]


My sister allowed me to steal the computer just to post that article. It's that good.

Current Mood: hysterical
Current Music: Seductive Barry ~ Pulp

[1] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[12/11/04] [6:47PM]

I love the User Info for this community X} It makes me want to join, which is sort of pointless really seeing as I've not even applied to either never mind been rejected.

I'm trying to kill time so my icepops will hurry up and freeze.

Current Mood: impatient
Current Music: This is hardcore ~ Pulp

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[12/11/04] [6:27PM]

Bleeeaaarrrgh! Hate going into the cellar! There's too many...organisms down there. Still, if I want Angel Delight ice lollies it's a task I must endure.

Mmm, Angel Deli~ght.


Current Mood: scared
Current Music: The Fear ~ Pulp

[1] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[12/11/04] [7:27AM]

My mother is abandoning me for London, so I'm alone in the house with Emma till Sunday. This is not such a bad thing, as I won't really have to endure her much; we'll take turns on the computer and barely see one another between. Nevertheless...

Convo this morning:

Uko: These jeans are a bit big *comes in trailing, feet invisible, jeans hanging off arse*
Mum: Roll them up then.
Uko: No! (I'm not so uncool as that!)
Mum: Meh...well I suppose it's the 'in thing' for grunge type kids to wear them long.
Uko: *Faintly baffled* I'm not gru-- and they call it baghead these days, mother. Grunge is sooo early nineties =P...though 'baghead' is more of an insult. You can also say 'mosher'.
Mum: Mosher? Well I suppose you'll have to be a 'mosher' then...ew.

Sigh, my mother is so not 'with it'.

Current Mood: silly

[3] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[10/11/04] [5:30AM]


Current Mood: sleepy

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[08/11/04] [6:09PM] [GIP!]

I'm really pleased with this new icon.

*Goes to play with Photoshop a bit more*

Current Mood: pleased
Current Music: Stars ~ Dubstar

[11] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[06/11/04] [12:46AM]


Oh, it was about time I made one.

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Ninth Symphony

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[04/11/04] [6:53PM]

Why on earth does my word processor's spellcheck not understand the word 'genome' yet is quite happy with 'chimæras'?

Current Mood: working
Current Music: Road to ruin ~ The Libertines

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[03/11/04] [1:29PM]

How depressing.

Current Music: Tomblands ~ The Libertines

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[31/10/04] [1:00AM]

*Goes back in time* Oooh~!

Extra hour in bed!

Current Mood: pleased
Current Music: Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 ~ ACO OST

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[30/10/04] [8:04PM]

Email from my mother...

The Sea )

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Love spreads ~ The Stone Roses

[2] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[29/10/04] [3:24PM]

I've created a new family on the Sims but, before I move them into their lot, I've decided they need to be haunted. So I've moved in a different family into their lot first with the sole ambition of murdering them brutally. I decided that these ghosts would have to have something special about them, so I made each famous. I created Sherlock Holmes, Queen Victoria, Stalin, Jack the Ripper and Beethoven, all for the purpose of killing. Then I trapped them all in seperate rooms and gave them each something to play with according to their personalities. Sherlock got a chess set so he could exercise his brain power while he died, Victoria a big chair for her to gaze down at the commoners or blank walls or whatever, Stalin a bed because I believe he snuffed it in his sleep, Jack the Ripper a fire because I couldn't find any knives for him to fart about with, and Beethoven, most obviously, a piano. Lesson learned from all this? Beethoven is indestructable. He's been sat at that piano, knocking up his creativity points, while all the other Sims around him died (Jack first, then Sherlock, then Vicky, and last Joe). Beethoven, on the other hand, being a stubborn German, will not die. He also won't remove himself from that bloody piano. He has ceased to move entirely, but he is not dead. I've been waiting and waiting but nothing. While I've been waiting I've grown rather attached to him and thought of keeping him, so I gave him a fridge. But no movement. He's starving hungry but won't move to the fridge! I've no idea what to do with him. I can't sell the piano because he's sat at it.

Strange, strange man.

Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: Ninth Symphony, fourth movement ~ ACO OST

[7] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[27/10/04] [5:44PM]

"Careful? Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in ze heart with a clothes
hanger while still in ze womb?"

I love this film XD;;

Current Mood: giggly

[4] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[27/10/04] [3:51PM]

*Splutters* Fucking HOTMAIL! It's a good job I make a point out of nosying into my Junk Mail every so often otherwise I'd have missed my bleeding college tutor emailing me about my personal statement. Bloody hell!

Current Mood: irritated
Current Music: Bad Cover Version ~ Pulp

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[26/10/04] [8:10PM]

I am currently capping A Clockwork Orange for Silver, who is making a lovely set of icons on the subject. However, got a little distracted while doing it in the form of PSP 8, which I am still getting used to (have only just discovered the wonders of the Brushes; I was still being delighted by that lovely smeary paint effect so demonstrated on this layout).

Anyway, this distraction. I have no intention of ever making this journal Friends Only as I find it pointless. I like to friend people at random and am quite happy to let other people friend me at random also. I do, however, find it rather difficult to just add someone when all they have is a FRIENDS ONLY picture on their journal. A Friends Only sign doesn't really suggest to me whether or not I'd enjoy your journal. For all I know I might be friending someone who makes a hobby out of bumming dogs or a right-wing neo-Nazi BNP fucktard or whatever. I like to have something to go on, and usually a dash of User Info just won't cut it. Basically, I find Friends Only journals fucking pointless if they carry the message "if you want to be added just comment =DDD". Obviously I've no problem with Friends Only entries being an erratic user of them myself, but the entire thing just smacks off pointless to me when at the same time you want people to add you. But I'm rambling. The point is, was I ever to make this journal Friends Only for whatever reason, I would have to use this picture I have just gleefully photoshopped...

Slightly risqué... )

And that's my bit of creativity/perversity for the day *continues capping*

Current Mood: perverse
Current Music: Theme from A Clockwork Orange ~ ACO OST

[2] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[26/10/04] [6:10PM]

Am at my dad's, who has the delicious novelty of speakers. So I've been watching this while sobbing with laughter and observing the last happy vestiges of my childhood vanish into the filth.

Current Mood: *gawk*
Current Music: Matthew 'playing' a toy guitar

[4] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[25/10/04] [5:41PM]

Hee! Though they missed out the Homer the Smithers reference =P That episode was on the other day and it had me in fits knowing what it was parodying. Nevertheless, hee!

Gawd, love this bit of music.

Current Music: Beethoven's Piano Concerto no.5, second movement

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[25/10/04] [2:05AM]

Took bloody long enough.

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5, first movement

[2] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[24/10/04] [2:45PM]

Only just woken up.

Lazy, Uko. Very very lazy.

Current Mood: awake
Current Music: Thieving magpie ~ ACO OST

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[24/10/04] [2:33AM]

"Then, brothers, it came. Oh, bliss, bliss and heaven. I lay all nagoy to the ceiling, my gulliver on my rookers on the pillow, glazzies closed, rot open in bliss, slooshying the sluice of lovely sounds. Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh. The trombones crunched redgold under my bed, and behind my gulliver the trumpets three-wise silverflamed, and there by the door the timps rolling through my guts and out again crunched like candy thunder. Oh, it was wonder of wonders. And then, a bird of like rarest spun heavenmetal, or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship, gravity all nonsense now, came the violin solo above all the other strings, and those strings were like a cage of silk around my bed. Then flute and oboe bored, like worms of platinum, into the thick thick toffee gold and silver. I was in such bliss, my brothers."
--A Clockwork Orange; Part One Chapter Three

Me and Silver were just discussing book quotes we like, and this one is a mutual one so just felt like writing it up. Would kill to be able to write like that.

Current Mood: impressed
Current Music: The Ninth Symphony, Second movement ~ ACO OST

[3] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[23/10/04] [11:38AM]


I like well-designed official sites.

Current Music: William Tell Overture ~ ACO OST

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[22/10/04] [11:46PM]

Ahh, my telly night. Have watched episode of QI on BBC2 and another on BBC4, and then settled to Jonathan Ross in which Ringo Starr was quite wonderful, if positively titchy compared to Wossy who I always forget is a tall bloke. Rah <333

Now I am going to sit here and contemplate doing something useful. Lalala...

Current Mood: okay

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[21/10/04] [7:08PM]

You'd have thought that due to the fact the entire chemistry building is currently being relocated thus meaning we have no labs, no learning centre, and very few classrooms at all which will not be occupied/barren, the teacher would allow us a little break. Wouldn't you?

Balls. We have to do a bleeding half term test and no mere matter of having nowhere to work is going to dissuade her! We'll do it standing outside in the rain with the bulldozers before we can get away from that!

Yes, I'm just fretting because I can't do it. Shush.

*Sigh* *plays*

Current Mood: worried
Current Music: Underwear ~ Pulp

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[18/10/04] [10:56PM]

Eating kiwis while inflicted with mouth ulcers = stupid

Yummy though.

Current Mood: full
Current Music: This is hardcore ~ Pulp

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[17/10/04] [8:45PM]

New layout~ Sort of. Half of it is missing because the friends page is refusing to load in. Will try it again tomorrow, assuming, for the time being, that it is a Livejournal cock-up. Mreh.

And they're autumn colours >.> And orange. For obvious reasons.

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Dance of the hours

[2] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[17/10/04] [12:12PM]

FOUND IT! It's only taken me years. I just didn't know the spelling! Ahh, memories~. Scariest ride I've ever been on is in that place. Not scary as in the Oblivion might be considered scary, scary as in "Jesus Christ this thing isn't safe Oo;;;!!" scary.

The weirdest thing about it is a found it looking at a Mary Sue author's profile, wondering what country she came from (she spelt Scarborough 'Scarbourgh" and claimed it was in the south of England XP). So I suppose I have to forgive her slightly for fucking up our geography. Dagnammit.

Current Mood: nostalgic
Current Music: Piano Concerto no.4, third movement

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[15/10/04] [6:32PM]

Am reading comments on Mugglenet on the news that Franz Ferdinand will possibly be playing The Weird Sisters in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (oh please please please!!). Came across this comment which has had me rolling;

"I have never heard of "Franz Ferdinand". Is he popular in the UK?"

No, sweetheart. He's been dead years.

*Laughs and laughs and laughs*

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Ninth Symphony, Fourth Movement ~ ACO OST

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[14/10/04] [6:48PM]

Thanks to Mock the Stupid, I now have a new favourite word: defenestrated

Current Mood: geeky
Current Music: March from A Clockwork Orange (9th Symph, 4th Movement)

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[11/10/04] [11:41PM]

You know you're tired when...

...doing history homework you look at the page you've just written, and find Stalin apparently defecated the Left. No, self, he did not. He defeated them.


Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Sunrise ~ Pulp

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[11/10/04] [6:05PM]

Fucking bus broke down again, though this time without me on it. So I had to wait in the cold for forty-five minutes until the next one turned up. Grah! I am displeased, Yorkshire Traction!

On the other hand, my CD finally came! Only took them a month =P! The bloke at the till was very sympathetic, mind... "Oh, I know what you mean. I ordered it last year and it took ages." Still, I have it now, I can play this track to death simply for the fact it makes my hair stand on end. Best opening shot ever. I keep expecting a voice over though. Alas, can't have it all...

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: Title music from A Clockwork Orange ~ ACO OST

[1] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[09/10/04] [1:18AM]

Watching Jonathan Ross this evening has once again introduced me to that bizarreness that is Bjork's accent (never mind the woman herself). It starts of Icelandic, reverts to Cockney, then heads back Northwards. Very unusual.

And a new series of QI!!! <333 Oh, Stephen, oh, Alan, I missed ye! More useless information I can stock away in my brain, which I will subsequently use to put people off eating the red Smarties in the tube. I always preferred orange, anyway.

Current Mood: pleased
Current Music: Blue girls ~ Pulp

[5] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[05/10/04] [5:06PM]


Current Mood: appalled
Current Music: Death goes to the disco ~ Pulp

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[05/10/04] [4:46PM]

This song is so...happy! And bouncy! I have insane fondness for the "Oh, you've got such a beautiful body/You'll make such a beautiful body" lyric. In fact, the lyrics in general, simply because of the double entendres. And it reminds me of t3h Sallie, which only makes it better X} But then, anything about Death reminds me of Sallie.

The bus didn't break down, so no mini adventures (as opposed to Mini adventures, which involve quite a different vehicle) today. Instead, I sat in my Russian history lesson doing about the rise of Stalin, and considering what Hogwarts houses he, Lenin and Trotsky would be in. Stalin very obviously a cunning, ambitious, "any means" Slytherin. Trotsky definitely a Ravenclaw. Lenin's a bit harder, but probably a Slytherin too, with borrowed tendencies from other houses. This may seem strange, and it is, but I always try and place historical characters in a Hogwarts house. I tend to give up quickly though because people who make their mark on history of a tendency to be Slytherins, with the odd exception.

Anyway, I'll shut up now and groove to my song =3

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: Death goes to the disco ~ Pulp

[6] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[03/10/04] [10:22PM]

The Adventures of Tom Riddle and Lord Voldemort Sims: Updated!

So, I tried to get Tom into private school. Unfortunately, it didn't go quite to plan. It started with Tom making the phonecall to the headmaster, inviting him round, and he said he'd see me at 5pm. This would be all well and good, except Voldemort decided at that moment to set fire to the chilli con carne. So, I'm in a panic, they're in a panic, the fireman's running around the place and eventually the fire gets extinguished. Now, there's a little less than an hour till the headmaster turns up, so I'm in a bit of a state. Someone needs to make dinner. I get Tom to do this, having lost all faith in the Dark Lord's culinary skills. Voldemort is made to stand outside to head the headmaster off so that he doesn't see the state of the kitchen (which is covered in rotting food) or the fact that dinner isn't ready. So Voldemort stands outside, and the headmaster turns up, and they start a conversation. The headmaster wants a tour, which no one really wants to give him because the house is a bit of a mess, despite the mincing maid who's just left. Rather grudgingly, Voldemort shows him the hall.

Meanwhile, Tom is making a cock-up of the spaghetti (the most advanced thing I could make him cook). He can't fit it in the cooker. This turns out because it is full of burnt pastries and burnt chilli con carne. I tell him to remove the chilli con carne, and he proceeds to serve it up for the private school headmaster. I get hysterical, and make him throw it away. The headmaster is Unimpressed. Voldemort is thrown back into the kitchen, and he dishes up a jelly. Tom keeps the headmaster busy, though he seems unimpressed by the boy's bragging and doesn't think the house is a suitable environment for a child. Puh. He only saw the front rooms.

He's also unimpressed with the meal, or doesn't pay attention, because I am awarded 0 points for it. Voldemort, who is in the process of a breakdown, chooses to have an hysterical fit right there. I try and charm the headmaster via Tom again, but it is to no avail. Apparently, our family is not good enough for their establishment. Tom, in a fit of teenage rage, throws himself upon the art easle and begins to paint wildly. Voldemort bursts into tears. Tom, who is really the one being cheated here after all, has to put down the paintbrush and make him feel better.

Anyway, like I said, Voldemort keeps having little breakdowns because of his lack of social life. He is getting regular visits from Social Bunny, which only he can see. I have created Donnie Darko. At one point, while he was chatting enthusiastically away with the imaginary rabbit, the maid came up behind him. The maid blinked once, then proceeded to twirl his finger at his head, announcing what we all thought. Poor old Voldie.

Tom, in the meanwhile, is madly in love with Orlando, and the feeling is returned with great enthusiasm. I was right; teenager's aren't allowed to WooHoo, but they are allowed to make out, which involves plenty of dry-humping. And he sneaked out in the middle of the night with Orlando and returned exhausted but Pleased. Which is good enough for me, I suppose.

Emma's married characters, on the other hand, are getting plenty of WooHoo from one another, as well as holding the ambition of WooHoo-ing three people in a public place (they've already WooHoo-ed each other in the changing rooms). The woman, who was initially the bloke's maid, got into a fight with some long haired ginger fella, and beat the shit out of him, throwing him on his arse so he cried. She then, rather bedraggled I imagine and quite knackered, went home and WooHoo-ed her husband in bed. And straight after, she fell asleep, before he'd even managed to sit up. Poor sod; can't be good for his self esteem!

Current Mood: giggly

[2] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[03/10/04] [10:18AM]

I barely spent time online yesterday due to obsessive playing of the Sims -- and playing properly this time. I created Tom Riddle and Lord Voldemort and moved them into The Riddle House, making Voldemort Tom's dad because there was no "younger Dark Lord", "older Dark Lord" option. The Riddle House is huge and Victorian-wallpapered; lots of dark green and stone.

Tom Riddle is an over-achieving 'smarty pants', whose ambitions are to get into private school and to become a doctor. He's also the best speller in his class, having won a competition. His fears include being rejected for his first kiss (aww!), and using public toilets. He's currently acne-ridden but it took me a while to notice because he wears pitch-white foundation to keep his skin anaemic. He's going through that pretentious angsty stage teenagers are prone to at the moment, wearing black lipstick and swirly eyeliner on one eye. He keeps bringing friends over who I'm desperately trying to get him to WooHoo with, even though I know teenagers aren't allowed to WooHoo in this game =P Unfortunately, this is difficult, due to the Voldemort factor...

Voldemort, who is currently going through a mid-life crisis in the form of painting his face so he looks like Annie Lennox, is a proper little housewife. His hobbies are cooking and cleaning, when he's not playing chess, and his greatest fear is Tom getting a D, or Tom dying. Like his son, he wants to cheat death, which I am insanely pleased with. Now, whereas he's very concerned and loving with his son, he's not so nice to his son's friends. Whereas he was okay when 'Orlando' came around (I didn't name him!) he was rather embarrassing -- making Orlando dance with him while Tom was fetching food, and then bouncing up and down on the settee in glee while the boys played video games. On the other hand, when Tom brought another male friend over -- one I can't remember the name of --, Tom nipped out of the room to do something and Voldemort proceeded to corner the friend and insult him, while poking him in the belly. The friend burst into tears, ran out of the house and I've not seen him since. While this was rather tragic for Tom, who I was -- yet again -- helping to get the friend into bed, he didn't seem really bothered, as he and his dad then proceeded to gossip and snigger over the lad, then had a big family hug and all was well in the Riddle household.

I'm now trying to work Tom's arse off and make him an A+ student (he's only a B at the moment). When I do, Voldemort is going to make a fabulous dinner (hopefully he'll have learned to make salmon by then) and will call the headteacher round and proceed to use his mirror-learned charisma points to charm him into letting Tom into private school. That, or he will suddenly remember he's supposed to be a Dark Lord with no regard for human life, and will threaten to kill him if Tom isn't accepted. Which would be a hell of a lot easier.

Current Mood: mischievous
Current Music: You're my best friend ~ Queen

[1] [+] [+mem] [edit]

[02/10/04] [11:34AM]

Sims... )

Current Mood: silly
Current Music: Don't stop me now ~ Queen

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[29/09/04] [3:50PM]

That was cheap Oo; I know it was a smaller package than last time but crikey. I'm now worried I've spent too little and it'll never get past customs.

Anyway, one down, two to go *cracks fingers*

Mum surprised me earlier by professing a likeness for the Franz Ferdinand album. I didn't even know she'd listened to it! Perhaps things are not so hopeless for her as they first appeared.

Current Mood: shocked
Current Music: Jenny was a friend of mine ~ The Killers

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[28/09/04] [6:38PM]

And now I want one.

Current Mood: surprised
Current Music: Smile like you mean it ~ The Killers

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[27/09/04] [6:24PM]

Emma's just walked in.

Emma: Dad phoned up earlier. Matthew's got impetigo. It's really contagious.

I was at my dad's yesterday. Fucking hell! *goes to poke face in mirror*

Current Mood: hypochondriatic? that a word?
Current Music: On top ~ The Killers

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[25/09/04] [5:53PM]

County survey )

Current Music: Apocalypse please ~ Muse

[+] [+mem] [edit]

[25/09/04] [3:07AM]

I enjoyed doing this way too much =D And got them all more or less correct, save some minor hiccups. Hell, even Silver didn't do badly considering she's never visited the place and her only experiance with the accent is my own watered-down version.

Do it, it's fun! If confusing to most.

Current Mood: enthralled
Current Music: Storytime ~ Edward Scissorhands OST

[+] [+mem] [edit]