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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in VELVETDIVORCE's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, March 15th, 2002
    1:16 am
    She Had No Idea, and started to cry, she said in a good way....
    Leave it to the one week of the month that my best friend is out of state for Britney and Justin to Split.


    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: Weezer - The Good Life (live)
    Sunday, March 10th, 2002
    6:29 pm
    going to see The Time Machine with Robert, Lauren, and Hillary. But for some reason im not worried about that right now.


    Current Mood: horny
    Current Music: Would You Mind - Janet Jackson
    12:18 pm
    Why is dashboard on an MTV soundtrack?

    Current Mood: angry
    Current Music: Aqueous Transmission - Incubus
    Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
    11:16 am
    Im glad that the concert is less than eight hours away, I need to talk to my best friend and of course she's not online.


    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: The Faint-Worked Up So Sexual
    Sunday, February 10th, 2002
    11:28 pm
    No Point
    I was wrong, everything is all good, infact I think things are better than ever.

    -Brandon xxx

    Current Mood: energetic
    10:30 pm
    Last Night
    Yesterday was wierd...Wait a minute I need to organize my thoughts, Okay I think I'm ready. Yesterday I did absolutely nothing. I just kind of walked around the house. I typed in all the names of all the teachers at Los Alamitos High School. I still have some anatomy homework to do. Last night, I dont know what happened but Andromeda was in a bad mood and I didn't help by asking why in a rude way, and I apologize for it. I dont know what's been going on lately but something is wedged between us, maybe it's me but for some reason I feel like something isn't there that should be. Lately I've been really tired and everyone says I look sick. Today I woke up with a really bad head ache and a runny nose, go figure. My mom is staying in bed, like I want her to. She hurt her leg at work the other day and ever since then her leg wont close. I mean it wont scab over. Scabbing is the one sign that everything is okay, especially in diabetics. I have kind of made sure that she stays off her leg. It seems to be working, I do hope it does.
    I dont know why but for some reason Im listening to some jill scott and I like it. Last night around 8:30 I went to work and I ran into Brian, and he told me that there was this big party at Rob's house, He had red eyes and was acting kind of stupid. So I went to Rob's house and I ran into Lauren, Rob, Bridget (rob's little sister) and a few other people. There was a lot of drinking and I am glad to say that I didn't take part in. Besides they only had like cheap beer around and who likes that? Well 12:30 rolls around and I decide to leave, well on my way out Rob's mom was hugging someone and spilled her beer on my clothes. I went home explained to my parents what happened and they told me to hang my clothes outside. I did and I went to bed.
    This morning, I woke up and I realized that my clothes were outside, I then decided to put on my plaid pants, My mom then proceeded to say "You're losing weight, those pants are getting a little baggy." I was all happy and it gave me a renewed sense of strength. Oh and Im happy that my friend is all loving herself right now, everyone knows she needs to.

    -Brandon xxx

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: Jill Scott - One Is The Magic #
    Thursday, January 31st, 2002
    10:48 pm
    Tomorrow and All Of next Month

    Please if there is a God, let me survive Black History month.

    Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
    12:35 am
    My livejournal Peeps!!!

    I do have a large entry coming very soon, But I am too tired to post it right now.


    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: NxD- Total Hate 95'
    Tuesday, January 1st, 2002
    12:34 am
    The David Lynch Test

    Which David Lynch character are you most like?

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Esthero - Heaven Sent
    12:16 am
    Happy New Year!!!!

    Happy New Years mis amigos favoritos...rofl

    I think My spanglish is half correct.


    Current Mood: drunk
    Current Music: Britney Spears - Live in concert...well a rebroadcast of Over Protected
    Sunday, December 30th, 2001
    7:36 pm

    I have acquired TWO incubus tickets, and I need someone to go with me. Got any suggestions?

    I just got canceled on by my sister and now I need someone to go with, (who can drive) I have a car, and I have two tickets.


    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: Mindless Self Indulgence - Londen Bridges
    Wednesday, December 26th, 2001
    9:34 pm
    Sorry to everyone I made plans with today, I had a wee tiny asthma attack this morning and didn't really feel like going out today.

    (It just took me three tries to spell my own name)

    Current Mood: blank
    Tuesday, December 25th, 2001
    5:12 pm
    Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
    Im so happy, I got everything I expected on Christmas. In fact this Christmas was so great I just wanted to go and thank jesus himself for being born on this very day. I got the best gifts in the world.

    1. Jill Scott's live cd

    2. Cole Porter's self titled album

    3. The Smashing Pumpkins' greatest hits

    4. Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas on dvd

    5. Dream for an Insomniac

    6. Drop Dead Fred <3<3<3<3

    7. Take the Cannoli by Sarah Vowell

    8. Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice

    9. Leaving Eden by Ann Chamberlin

    10. A $60 gift certificate to Hot Topic

    11. A $20 gift certificate to Best Buy

    12. And I will soon have the camera of my dreams when I go and talk to Mr. Stacks in january.

    13. And a whole hell of a lot more things that I cant remember at this time.

    My best friend got into an accident so I want everyone to pray for her to get well before her trip to Arizona to visit her husband.

    And Once Again, Merry Christmas
    Love You all

    Current Mood: rejuvenated
    Current Music: Vandals - Oi To The World
    Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
    10:20 am
    I now have my christmas list...well almost
    I now want for chritmas..

    1. a camera

    2. Razorblade Romance by HIM

    3. Jill Scott's live cd

    4. Cd Burner

    5. New Cd Player

    6. A new Car<3<3

    7. Electric Kissing Parties by Ultimate Fakebook

    8. A nightmare before christmas watch

    9. A bettie page lighter

    10. A tripod

    Okay, I think that's about everything
    this is try number three to get this entry right.


    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: Ultimate Fakebook - Silver Date
    Friday, December 21st, 2001
    7:56 pm
    I feel I'm walking through this, my life, paralyzed
    But this sweet frustration keeps me alive
    It seems like

    I have died a thousand days
    Just to feel this quicksand
    Every moment is embraced
    By this sweet frustration

    Okay, This last week has been a week from hell. Right now Im in a very bad mood and if I come off as such you'll probably understand why. Let's start off with monday, I had the worst day in the world. I looked like shit, people were just being assy and I had to give a presentation in British Literature that about half the class wasn't ready for. Tuesday I had this massive creative energy to go and conquer the world with. But of course I just gave up. Wednesday rolls around, the worst day ever. It was deadline day in yearbook. I mean It was The deadline day. For anyone who knows anything about deadlines, you're not suppose to miss them right? Well wednesday fifth period rolls around, I have my work done, My newest bestfriend in that class named Samin has her work done. Pretty much everyone is done. Well two of my classmates decided to leave class early and go to another teacher's room. I have two problems with this decision on their part. 1. People should never ever leave yearbook on a deadline day. 2. People who don't have their work done dont have the right to leave regardless of who's on campus that day. Okay, so the two classmates Kelly and Meghan left class to got to see their friend in Mrs. Wilson's room. Well about halfway through the period, Tawnya this girl that was responsible for doing some business on a certain spread goes up to our teacher (Mrs. Kaulig) and says "Mrs. Kaulig, I need to incert my quotes for my mugshots, Meghan said she has them, where is Meghan?" Mrs. Kaulig then walks out the room and retrieves Meghan, Meghan then says infront of everyone "I thought someone else was suppose to get quotes for the mugshots." so that means that she not only is missing not 1, not 2, but 3 pictures from her page. Of course this was on deadline so what does Meghan do? She leaves at the end of fifth and walks out of class with her spreads not done. I of course decide that I am going to take control of this yearbook and I decide to stay after to help out Mrs. Kaulig and the rest of the staff that needs help. So of course I'm there for 4 hours helping everyone get everything done. Needless to say, The deadline we didn't meet. I was livid, and Mrs. Kaulig is going to have a field day with the staff.

    On a side note, I took my mom out to dinner and paid for it with my first paycheck. I was so proud of myself.
    Oh yeah, Troy got home on Tuesday and I realized that Troy is the major cause of all stress in my life. Since Tuesday, we've been in numerous fights over the stupidest shit, I'm tired, he's a lawyer who copies cd's, does anyone see something wrong with that? well anyways, I need to do christmas shopping and unfortunately Troy just stole my car from me. I guess he get's nothing but cole for christmas.
    Oh yeah, Today I ran into this guy named Paul. Of course me in my super cool way decide that I should swear to christ and Paul got all kinds of offended. Oh well, I had plans tonight of going to see that movie The Lord of the Rings but those plans got canceled. Tomorrow I might go see it.

    Okay Im not making any sense and I hate you all
    (how you like that for christmas spirit?)

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: NIN - Starfuckers Inc.
    Wednesday, November 28th, 2001
    5:49 pm
    Today was fun...Infact the last week has been good.
    Today was great, I failed a test in anatomy, well oh well. I'll pass the next one. I had to stay after today for mathematics. Apparently I'm not allowed to miss 3 assignments in three weeks. Ahh well I got to math and the teacher just kind of made me sit there for like two seconds then said I could leave. I then walk around for awhile and I run into my Brazilian friend Tales and I asked him if he wanted to go find a shirt with me for work tomorrow and he said yes. Oh yeah I got that job at blockbuster and I work with Rachel. I also found out that she reads my journal in the company of others. Ahh.. Well we get to the shirt shop, I find a shirt, after shocking Tales a few times. It was like that time Andromeda and I were in mervyn's and we kept shocking each other. I think that was back in like october or something. I cant remember right now. Well I buy the shirt and we leave. I then ask T if he wants to go take pictures, since Andromeda & Katrina have me addicted.

    It was so funny, and of course K-mart never dissapoints me. Some fat black woman set off the alarm once again. She didn't say THE line I was hoping she would but maybe next time. I'm gonna go take some pictures for yearbook now then do some homework. I got this funny email today. I think I'll post it.

    For all of you that get sick of receiving all> the "cutesy" friendship crap, read on............

    Dear Fucker,
    You are my fuckin' friend, And I hope you fucking know that's true. No matter what the fuck happens, I will stand the fuck by you. I will be fuckin' there for you, Whenever the fuck you need me. To lend you a fuckin' hand, a fuckin' good deed.So fuckin just call on me, Whatever the fuck you need. And I'll fuckin' always be there, Cause I give a fuck. Forward this promise to all your fuckin friends to show your fuckin' friendship and watch who sends it the fuck back too you... And fuck you if you don't fuckin send it back!:-)


    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: System of a Down - Toxicity
    Tuesday, November 27th, 2001
    2:03 pm
    Random email I just got
    Click Here!!!


    Rofl..If I want porn in my email, I'll go looking for it.


    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Nin - Starfuckers Inc.
    Friday, November 23rd, 2001
    3:42 pm
    God Ashleigh is funny
    Me: Brian has a crush on porche
    Ashleigh: whose that
    Ashleigh: wait the soph
    Me: that fat black girl that wears pink
    Ashleigh: lol omg you are so lying
    Ashleigh: he likes small girls
    Ashleigh: not huge ones

    less than five hours till the concert

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Thursday, November 22nd, 2001
    12:43 pm
    Happy Fucking Thanksgiving.....
    Today has been a real treat. So far I have gotten in three fights, two of them involving my brother Troy and the third involving Brent. I have been awake for about 40 minutes now and I can't wait for this day to be over.

    I took the emo test.... ROFL

    I am 55% EMO.

    Emo Kid.
    Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater.

    Take the EMO Test at!

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Nine Inch Nails - Starfuckers, Inc.
    Sunday, November 18th, 2001
    1:31 am
    *I have died a thousand days just to feel this quicksand*
    I had the best time today, I went to my brother's last game. Brent played phenomenal. The game was well played but unfortunately the other team one. My dad and I walked out onto the field while my mom finished a call in the bleachers. My dad and I walked over to brent were we were greeted by all of Brent's football friends. They were actually nice and they were extremely respectful to my father. Mom finally came down from the bleachers and we all went over to greet an old friend of Brent's that was on the other team. Bastard!!!! rofl...Im just kidding. The guy was nice and his mom and little brother were sweet too. We part ways and my mom asks me if I want to go to Nordstroms. We get there and my mom goes to the women's shoe section and she finds a pair of shoes that she loves. She asks me if I want anything and I say that I could go for a new pair of sneakers. We go to the shoe section and I find a pair that I love, I try them on and of course their clown shoes. They were like 3 sizes too big, making them a size 19. I look for them in my size, grab them on and I hand them to my mom, She then asks if I need any clothes of course I say "no, I really dont need anything." I go glancing around and I find this sweater that I have been looking for for a long time. Its this deep red, almost blood red but not quite. I try it on and it fits. I grab it and throw it in the cart (Im wearing it right now) and I got these cool shoes that are adidas with white stripes coming from the bottom to about the middle of the shoe. There perfect for me and my enormous feet. My mom and I then go to this little restaurant, I cant remember the name of it but the food was great and we had this long discussion about school and our family and then my mom tells me that for graduation my aunt wants me to go to her house (mind you she lives in Bermuda, down the street from david bowie and she has like a guest house and a beach house built into the side of a cliff with its own private beach.) So yeah I guess I know where Im going for summer. God I love how cool my family can be sometimes. We go home and I swear I have just enough time to put on my new shoes and Noe comes through the door. We leave after I kiss my mom goodbye and tell everyone that I am going out. We go to the long beach town center and we go and see Serendipity. Unfortunately we got to the movie theatre around 7:20 and the movie didn't start until 8:20 so we went to this arcade and played all these stupid games. They were all the games just for kids and we were like playing them and cheating too. It was great. We get out of the arcade and we sit on a bench and watch children dance under these raver lights that are spinning on the ground. We watch the kids for what seems like five minutes and then I ask this woman what time it is and she says its around 8:05 so we go into the movie theatre. We get to our theatre and realize that there is a line waiting to get in because the theatre is not clean. We wait in line, make Friends with the people behind us. The line starts to move and we go and get our seats. The movie begins and from there on out I swear that it was the best movie I have seen in a long time. The whole movie was great. So after the movie gets out Noe and I head back to my house to pick up my Mxpx album and she puts in an Angry Samoans cd and we listen to that while we head to Marina Pacifica to get something to drink. She gets house coffee and I get Hot Chocolate. Which was a better choice? I think mine was but that's besides the point. We then head home and part ways. I think Im just gonna go brush my teeth and then go to bed because I am tired. God today was just too perfect.


    Current Mood: rejuvenated
    Current Music: Weezer - I just threw out the love of my dreams
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