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Below is user information for Noël Lynne Figart. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:noelfigart (210621) Paid User noelfigart
Noël Lynne Figart's Internet Musing
Be afraid, be bored, be a reader
Name:Noël Lynne Figart
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Website:Noël Lynne Figart
Location:Fairlee, Vermont, United States
Bio:I've always had an unfortunate fascination for the warrior-poet type. My no-nonsense side is completely at war with a rather absurd romanticism that I have attempted to beat to death with a club. Thus far, it seems to be a draw. I like: Rock-n-roll (both musically and euphemistically), reading on the side porch with a tall glass of iced tea, reading at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, reading in front of a fire with a snifter of Bailey's Irish Creme, reading in the car while... Well, you get the picture. I am inordinately fond of dancing to drums. I hate: Cheap bourbon, country music and okra.
Memories:91 entries
Interests:55: arthurian legends, asatru, atkins, atkins diet, ayn rand, baroque, callahans, camping, chocolate, clothing design, costuming, dance, disturbed, epic movies, fine cuisine, fitness, frank herbert, freefall, geneology, godsmack, group marriage, henry rollins, hiking, j.k. rowling, james clavell, joseph campbell, karate, libertarian, literature, liz phair, lord of the rings, martial arts, philosophy, politics, polyamorous, polyamory, polyfamilies, prog metal, psychology, queen of wands, renaissance faires, renfaires, robert a. heinlein, role playing games, savatage, science fiction, sewing, society for creative anachronism, something positive, south park, tolkein, web page design, webdev, white wolf, writing. [Modify yours]
People141:_stag, _the_beast, ag_unicorn, alcinoe, ame_chan, amorsalado, angelovernh, arcticelf, ariiadne, ashbet, asim, barbarakitten_t, betnoir, brighn, browngirl, bryghteyes, burningwoman, cassiopia, catya, chelona, coyote3502, cumaeansibyl, cyan_blue, damashita, dancing_star, darthgeek, deedeebythebay, demariana, dementedevil, denizsarikaya, derien, dieppe, dominicflandry, drdemure, elfric, eor, estrellodeldia, fair_witness, feitae, fimbrethil, firecat, fraterrisus, frogger_the_mad, ghislaine, gishmi1ish, greendalek, greenfizzpops, greyman, grumpycougar, gtpooh, happypete, hlw, hopeforyou, i_am_lono, ironcobra, jobethfun67, karmicwinddance, kazvorpal, khepriamon, kitnish, lady_hawke, ladytabitha, lara68, lisa_b, louisadkins, mac_arthur_park, madpiratebippy, mathilde, meapet, missk, moonstaff, mousefeathers, mouser, mrmonsterbass, mybluebird, natalieann, nezchan, noelfigart, oakdragon, omimouse, otherbill, ottawaluc, pagawne, peaceofpie, pernishus, pialostherwings, polypachamama, prettypammie, rainbowk, ravan, ravens_hearth, renegadelibr, rev_bri, rideblackdragon, rikibeth, riverspirit54, roadnotes, rosefox, runeshower, sailorjim, sambear, sandthistle, sarahh, shadowblasko, sidhe79, simplykimberly, sinboy, sir_kisa, smcwhort, soaring_phoenix, solaphobe, spiderdust, starmama, status, stefanianne, svava, tacit, taiste, tamidon, teddywolf, tendyl, thats_ms_dragon, the_curmudgn, thette, tigerbright, tigerknight, todfox, triadj, trilobites, trybonun, tsjafo, twochicsinbham, unkaphaed, valdis, valkyrwench, wavestar, weofodthignen, witchchild, wolfger, wordweaverlynn, zevinboots
Communities19:asatruar, badheathens, batlady, callahanians, cranky_editors, gettingagrip, lj_nifty, mekaniks, ne_rennies, paidmembers, polyamory, polyboston, polyfamilies, polyparents, polysecondaries, qow, sew_hip, slow_poke_poly, upper_valley
Feeds8:calnhobbes, cathy_comic, foxtrot_feed, freefall_feed, nonsquitor_feed, olq_spicecomic, pf_feed, someposifeed
Friend of:214: _stag, _the_beast, ag_unicorn, alcinoe, ambar, ame_chan, amorsalado, an_sceal, anansi133, ancilladajori, angelovernh, angilong, animamea, arcticelf, ariiadne, ashbet, asim, auryn29a, bafleyanne, barbarakitten_t, betnoir, bfly, brighn, browngirl, bryghteyes, burningwoman, camfangrrl, cassiopia, catchild, catya, cearalaith, celticdragonfly, chelona, chrisloy, cmwagner, coyote3502, cumaeansibyl, cyan_blue, dalbino83, damashita, dancing_star, darkwolf69, darthgeek, deedeebythebay, demariana, dementedevil, denizsarikaya, derien, dieppe, dominicflandry, drdemure, dubie, dyanearden, earthymamawitch, elfric, elynne, eor, eposia, erisreg, estrellodeldia, fair_witness, fangorn, feitae, fimbrethil, firecat, flannelbutch, folkmew, fraterrisus, frogger_the_mad, fyreflye, gemma_rohesia, ghislaine, gishmi1ish, glinda_w, gloriajn, gramina, greendalek, greenfizzpops, greyman, grumpycougar, gryphynshadow, gtpooh, gyesika, happypete, hislittlekitty, hlw, hobbitblue, hopeforyou, housepet, i_am_lono, icysubdweller, ihvpave, ironcobra, jenk, jobethfun67, joetriadj, karmicwinddance, kazvorpal, khepriamon, kimberlybobrow, kimberlyonline, kitnish, kittytoys, kittyums, koga, lacrimulae, lady_hawke, ladyotterfae, ladytabitha, lara68, lavendargrrl, ldyicefire, lisa_b, livefalcon, louisadkins, mac_arthur_park, madpiratebippy, maestrodog, markuk, mathilde, meapet, missk, moonstaff, morganalilith, mousefeathers, mouser, mrmonsterbass, mybluebird, mynxii, natalieann, nezchan, noelfigart, oakdragon, ohari, omimouse, otherbill, ottawaluc, pagawne, pandemona, patgund, peaceofpie, peradouro, pernishus, pialostherwings, polydad, polypachamama, polystargazer, popefelix, prettypammie, rainbowk, ...
Member of:17: asatruar, badheathens, batlady, callahanians, cranky_editors, gettingagrip, lj_nifty, mekaniks, ne_rennies, paidmembers, polyamory, polyboston, polyfamilies, polyparents, polysecondaries, sew_hip, slow_poke_poly
Account type:Paid Account

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