Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "macs".
95 matches:
- 0000_free_stuff - FREE MONEY, FREE iPODS, FREE STUFF!!!
- 0_a_free_ipod_0 - GET REFERRALS HERE BAYBEE!!!!
- _adorkable_ - Geek Testers of Love
- _last_dance_ - ...only seventeen *
- ambrosiasw - Ambrosia Software Discussion
- andrealives - Andrea Is The Bestest
- apple_turns - apple_turns
- applepro - Apple Pro Users
- appleworld - A Macintosh Planet in the LiveJournal Galaxy
- bad_hoodoo - Bad HooDoo
- bananamedicine - Banana Medicine
- beautynthegeek - Beauty and the Geek
- bipolart - bipolart
- bloodredflowers - the community o' artists!
- boston_geeks - boston_geeks
- bowspirits - Venture into the realm of Bowspirit's Aim
- c_c_s - C.C.S.
- classicmacs - Classic Macs: Greyscale and Lovin' It
- coders_haven - 01101001
- cs660614 - cs660614
- csff_mafia - CSF Film Mafia
- design_crit - Egos go home!
- digitalartist - Digital Artists
- do_me_mstrchief - Do me, Master Chief.
- dorkitude - dorkitude
- dorkus_adorus - we love science.
- ellenfeissfans - Ellen Feiss Fans
- ffa_flames - Team Fanfiction's Antichrist
- finalcutpro - Final Cut Pro User Community
- fountainhoppers - a community for Stanford students
- gamedog00 - gamedog00
- geekhumor - Everything that Makes a Geek Laugh
- geekparents - GeekParents
- geekykins - geeks, dorks and nerds & those who <3 them
- glowingscreens - People who spend too much time with their computer
- goaskisis - Go ask Isis
- guitar_players_ - guitar_players_
- hobo_empire - Hobo Empire
- hot_elite_geeks - hot_elite_geeks
- intermont - Virginia Intermont College
- ipod_snobs - iPod Snobs
- iwannafreeipod - Let's Get Free I-Pods!
- jodawisoft - Jodawi
- johnstevensiv - John Stevens Fans
- juicy_deets - keith's special talk
- kcad - kendall college of art & design
- kidpix_zen - The Kid Pix Nostalgia Community
- lazyanddistrac - lazy and so, so fucking distracted
- ljev - LJ #ev
- love2argue - Do you love arguing?
- mac_osx - Macintosh OS X Discussion
- macheads - MacHeads
- macosx - Mac OS X
- macscreenshots - Shift + Command + 3 Me, Baby
- museofthedamned - Muses for the Damned
- musictech - Miller's Spawns
- nerdnyc - Nerd.Journal
- nfacommacademy - nfacommacademy
- olygraphics - Oly Graphics
- otisart - OTIS
- overstimx - Overstim
- owenscott - Owen Scott
- parsons - Parsons School of Design
- photo_shopped - photo_shopped
- pratt - pratt institute
- printpublishing - Print Publishing discussions
- promacgeeks - The Crazy Ones
- quarkxpress - design and layout pros
- red_vs_blue - Red vs. Blue
- sans_pantalon - "Wipe them out. All of their pants."
- schatzie_brown - schatzie brown
- sexy_beeyotches - fatty mcfatson
- shufflepuckcafe - Classic Mac Games
- silverskirt - SilverSkirt - Alterna-pr0n at it's best
- sonicfanfics - LiveJournal Sonic Fanfiction HQ
- species_of_one - Caitlin R. Kiernan Community
- stanford08 - Stanford Class of 2008
- stanford_u - Stanford University Students, Alums and Fans
- statenews - The State News
- sundaynightclub - The Sunday Night Club
- support_embed - Support Category Embedding
- support_upi - Support Category UPI
- support_web - Web-UI Support Team
- tech_toys - Technological Toys
- techchicks - techchicks
- thecruxshadows - Tales of the Cruxshadows
- thirddayfans - Third Day Fans
- unemo - the dead genre obituary
- victoria_bc - Vancouver Islanders
- wayner - Wayne State
- we_have_lives - Tyler Avenue Neighborhood
- webreviews - Web-UI Support Category Review Requests
- webtech - Web Technology Discussion Board
- why_bill - Why, Bill?
- windows_servers - Windows Servers, about them, help for them
Interested users
The following users are interested in macs. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
477 matches:
- 13fingers - 13fingers
- _elizabeth_ - Beth
- aaronx - Aaron Headly
- abarros - Andrew Barros
- abazoe - Cake or Death?
- aboxbayz - Cassius
- aegidian - Giles
- aeireon - Charles Sadler
- aero - Aero
- agentenigma - Agent Enigma
- ahm - Anders Hellström
- ahvaugha - Me
- aidenraine - The Petulant Carrot
- airwalke - David
- alext - Alex Tirrell
- allaboutgeorge - George
- almond_tiger - plums deify
- althea5000 - althea
- alynch - Adam
- amiss - amiss
- anesthet1c - N
- angrynerdrock - angrynerdrock
- aniline - aniline
- anipaschke - The original Ninja
- anjibee - Anji
- annimh - Dreamer of Yore
- anthonysimon - Anthony Simon
- antialias - Antialias
- antipeople - Anti
- apizzello - Andrew Pizzello
- appleguy - Jason
- applenut - crapplenut
- aquaenumen - Mer
- artvamp - artvamp
- athene - Athene Numphe
- atrofik - atrofik
- auroralockwood - Aurora Lockwood
- ausiewanab - Kara
- avengangle - The Next Best Thing, and Damn Proud Of It
- aviator - Dean
- azulskies - e.
- ballistik - Coffee, Tea, or Me?
- bassline - bassline
- beardydog - Robert
- beckmermaid - Becky
- beetlebum - Ming Wu
- beginning - Ashley
- bellum - Schvetska
- beloth - Beloth
- benclark - Ben
- bester - Al
- bigme - jon
- blair230 - Chris
- bluedaisy - Hope
- bluetennille - blue
- bobt - ItsMrBob2U
- boo8026 - bradley
- boosie - Boosie
- boyslickme - Amanda Katrina
- bratling - Still the prettiest
- bsgi - Ancient One
- cailin - cailin
- cairine - miss didn't miss a thing
- caitfoom - Caitlin Eva
- canned_ugly - trisho
- captaintemerity - Captain Temerity
- carash - Caranada
- cassiopia - Amy
- celiaka - Celia the Uneventful
- chariz808 - •Annie•
- cheezitgod - MJ
- cheryljill - where's my elephant?!
- chickennibbles - p
- chinthe - chinthe
- ciannait - The Divine Institute of Metaphysical Research
- cinetic - Michael
- ckirkman - Atomichris
- clamp - Clamp
- cobweb - cobweb
- coded - Coded
- cowsoncrack - The Electronic Symphonic, the Sound of the Found
- cr250mxer - toji
- cybrr0se - Stosha
- cyndi79 - Cyndi
- cyrril - Colin D.
- da_guru - The 11th Letter
- dadahomiesquid - Cone
- darkladyofnight - Live Jennie
- dburr - Donald Burr of Borg
- demonllama27 - Anne E.
- denisem - Maraschino Cherry
- designerish - Designerish
- dethbunny - brain scratch
- devilette - The Fiery Femme
- deziner - Joshua
- dfitzpat - dfitzpat
- dionysos3 - Dionysos
- djchrono - DJ Chrono
- djz - Z
- dluke - Daniel J. Luke
- doctorgonzo - Bill
- dommichan - dommi
- dorkgirl - Rhonda
- dragonlady7 - bridie the penguin queen
- dreamrot - Tonzura koite
- drewan - Drewan
- drgrim - Wil's journal
- dripfaucet - Bradley
- drstein - Dr_Stein
- dumbassgenious - G.P.D.
- duskprince - Raven
- dutch_quiad - Dutch Quaid
- dzer - DZER
- elusis - Elusis
- emmeangel - .::emme::.
- enero - ★
- enna - ...too honest and flawed...
- epowell - Ed Powell
- ericorama - eric
- esora - Emily
- eternitysportal - Tennille
- evarlast - evarlast
- evildork - ben
- evilex - Mullet Barbie
- evilrob - rob waters
- faeriefatum - Faeriefatum
- fallingforward - Ratatosk
- farrow - Darcy
- fatherdan - Dan Kelly
- feimaosky - feimaosky
- fiorebrilliante - Kelly
- flammadrakon - nitachondria
- flrtygrl99 - Dale
- flyswatter - Mom
- fogpanther - Lori
- fortis - Zack Corcoran
- foxmagic - Brian Kendig
- fraserspeirs - Fraser Speirs
- freddyforeskin - freddy
- frogge - Stefany
- frood - Jammer
- funnieboy - Matt
- gabriel266 - Gabriel
- galaxiastar - Jessica
- garamond - Andreas
- gigglz - Mindi
- giles - Giles
- ginniff - Colin Thompson
- girlstar313 -
- gitaiba - Gitai
- glee02 - G
- glo_baby - Gloria
- godzappa - James
- grace2001 - Grace
- grafixbj - yandingo
- graphxgrrl - contents under pressure - handle with care
- gwens - wootie woot woot
- hamusutaa - Andy Scheffler
- hana - OWL
- haraldi - Herman
- hellhunter - Erik
- hellothere - HiThere
- herrokitty - somebody set us up the bomb
- hiitsmethatguy - bscottk
- hippierage - Disturbed
- honeypot - And the stars were shinning
- hpgang - Brad
- ibrad - Brad Bower
- ickynicky - Nicky
- idigital - Aaron B. Russell
- ignis - Quarter life wanderings
- imatt - Matthew
- inchcafe - She
- incipient - incipient
- inflatablepants - Taby
- irchance - Inu
- ithilien - Lauren
- jadedmachine - No Name Maddox
- jamesis - Jamesisisisisisisisisis...
- janecat2 - Kate
- jarebear - jared
- jarebears - Jared
- jedi_mstr - JediMstr
- jemimajoy - JemimaJoy
- jenacam - jenacam
- jennah - Jennah
- jennuh - j3nn1b0t
- jentifer - funny like a funeral
- jericho1 - jericho
- jerk720 - John
- jessicamlive - Jessica
- jevim - Sam
- jewelies - jewelies
- jillzee - Jilly
- jindalimbs - jindalimbs
- jinxer - Mandy
- jmichiko - jacob
- jmouille - jmouille
- jnala - yarffaJ nalA
- jnewton - josh
- jocasta - Jocasta
- jochan - that gal
- jodamiller - Joshua
- john8112 - JP
- josephfinn - Joseph J. Finn
- jrk392 - Jason
- jumpy - Jon
- juri_sempai - El Pollo Diablo
- justnimge - JustNImge
- jwmo - Jake Wallace
- kairyuu - Robin's Minstrels
- kalarr - Steve
- kalban - Sir Kalban
- kallipygos - kallipygos
- karinaquinn - riotk
- katsuie - Katsuie Shibata
- katsutoki - Katsu-toki!
- kev_n - Kevin Michael
- kevorkian - c h r i s
- kevseconds - Kevin Seconds
- kiara49 - Jen
- kibbles - Kibbles
- kidren - Kidren
- kingsley - kingsley
- kissyface - Kashi
- klulyss - Klu
- kneb - Ben Keller
- krbullock - Kevin Bullock
- ladycorbeau - Nightlily
- ldreamer - David
- leilah - Sarah Kavanaugh
- lesingeviolet - never was a cornflake girl
- lilliane - Lilliane
- liqwid - Stephen J. Crim
- littleemoboy - GIRbot
- lizzied - Lizzie
- lodidodi - xxxtina
- loganx3d - Mark
- logicisunreal - Jaclyn
- londn - matt
- lonelysun - Ross
- longwill82 - WILL
- lovable133 - Emily
- lunarosa - Robin
- lurker - Devin
- luxnightmare - Fashionably Incomplete
- lynxfire - Teris Stormwind
- macbrain - MacBrain
- machinajynx - Joanne
- madri - Meow-meow, Mr Anti-demon Cat!
- magentagoddess - Amy
- makokino - Makokino
- marksplatter - mark splatter
- markusn - Markus N.
- meandpud - me
- meggo87 - Meg
- megz1621 - Meghan
- megzies921 - Meagan
- melitami - Melissa
- mew - the first star
- mice - Gilda Slice
- migrainegirl - amusing myself to death
- miscca - Harmonious Discord
- misterp - Tai
- mithrandir - Jeremy
- moenniv - moenniv
- mogby - The flames that kiss me dead
- mojojojoojo - Shadow
- moochia - Moochia
- moonkai - Shauna Lee
- morbid_faerie - ThE DaRkEsT FaE
- mortalwombat - The Laughing Mathematician
- mostly_harmless - mostly-harmless
- motherfuckit - sarah
- mountainheather - Heather
- mrjay - Jason
- mrmojave - Nick Mojave
- mspalacios - Miguel
- msparker - HarveyPants
- munkeesee - Falling Up Slowly
- murphymagick - Murphy
- mustardseed - Adam
- myexperiment - clever, not beautiful
- mylambert - b.e.looney
- myprettysong - Agnes
- mzandstra - michael zandstra
- nadiachan - Nadia Labeikovsky
- nakor - Nakor, the Blue Rider
- narcissism - m.e.i.
- nausved - Halley
- neil - neil
- neogod - Jesus Benavente
- neokitty - =^..^=
- neu - reverse psychology never tainted me
- neweasterner - James Welborn
- ngb2k - Norbert
- nina333 - a threefold utopian dream
- niniane - Niniane
- nitagirl11 - Anita
- nothereyet - nothereyet
- nox - Friend Called Five
- oakwood - One Pissy Kitty
- oboe_sama - glennuine draft
- oflanigan - oflanigan
- ogopogo - Miner at the Dial-a-view
- oncee - oncee
- onebrightlight - onebrightlight
- onewaystreet - onewaystreet
- opposume - Trent O'Donell
- orangerynd - the other bean
- p3ssimist - jared
- paleblueeyes - Mizz Brooz
- partridge - partridge
- patty_puke - marauding ghourl
- pazu13 - Lamont Cranston
- pedrocor - pedro
- peekin - peekin
- pelorus - Pelorus
- penguinicity - Slayer of Altoids
- pennybocks - Grace
- perseph4981 - Rachel
- pezzgrrrl - pezz g grrrl
- phanttomm - ElectroGirl
- pillsy - pillsy
- pixelpusher - PixelPixie
- plato4013 - Brad
- platypus - el diablo robotico
- poocat - ::Pink Goes Good With Green::
- porthos8 - porthos
- preciousroy - Chris will eat the Robot
- princessrini - Doll With Fangs
- psychowolffe - just a girl
- punquin - stephanie
- purplesparklies - manda
- rabbitbenrin - Ben
- raenyday - Raeny Day
- rainer3 - We're so frelled
- ranecloude - diana
- raquelds - Rachel
- ravendon - Raven Lee
- rawart - RAW Mortis
- realmac - Elliot
- rebel1o5 - Dina
- redgreenblue - /sbin/mike
- reiaino - Rei Aino
- rekling - REK
- revfilthy - Milton Reder
- richpizor - 2πr
- rickolis - rick
- rinux - ☆★ RiNuX ★ ☆
- riven - 割れた妖精
- rkmlai - rkmlai
- roachspray - Roachspray
- roguekonoko - Gem
- rosefox - Rose Fox
- rosesandvine - Rose Colored Wine Glasses
- rosesanguina - Anjali
- rotis - rotis
- rowan23 - Rowan
- rparker - I <3 Roseanne.
- rpd - RPD
- rtrouton - Rich Trouton
- runatiku - Dina
- saitan - saitan
- samhamm - The Sam Mighty and Strong
- sandmandream - The Mindfreak
- sandybright - Sandy, The Queen of Mediocrity
- sanguine37 - The communist Mac-using Cake-listener
- sanjiseigen - Sanji Seigen
- sarahcascade - SarahCascade
- sarcazm - The Lone Tanuki
- satsuka - Satsuka
- scarletboi - Scarletboi
- scary - Sean Carey
- scoot - Scoot
- scullyteen - la nuit etoile
- seanluc - Sean
- searnold - Sarah's Journal of sorts...
- secretsquirrel - Secret Squirrel
- sefidel - George Windsor
- sensrhps - Ricardo
- shadowsmyst - ShadowsMyst
- shannyk - Public Domain Life
- shekhina - Peek not through a keyhole, lest ye be vexed
- sicklipstick -
- sillymonk - John Graham
- silverfairae - Phoenix Rising
- silverlite - ChokingDownLove
- silvermchic - michelle
- sith - Sith
- sk8ercat - I'm so cool I suck!
- skandy - Andy Vilaine
- skinnypvp - Spiggy
- skits - skits
- sleepykiwi - Cannon
- slef86 - Sarah
- smitty99 - Chris
- smjor - smjor
- smurf - Smurf
- sollitaire - Sollitaire
- somatori - everyone else's girl
- soundofsilence - Natto-caster Maleficent
- soundxplorer - Jabrockson
- southseattle_65 - southseattle_65
- sphaelar - Lucas
- spiral - spiral
- spitecandy - spitecandy
- spyrit - Guenevere
- squarebear - Square Bear
- stormyvawn - Stormy Vawn
- suckability - FANLESS
- summerrose - Susannah Summerrose
- swerve - Radio Free Swerve
- swissjunkees - Miss (Agent) Enemy Anemone
- swngsetrockstar - ★.·:*¨¨*:·.Ash.·:*¨¨*:·.★
- tadra - Tadra
- tantra - Amy
- tarakay - tara
- tare - Tara
- teejeans - Laura
- the_claw - Not Just A Rascal
- the_turtle - iRoger
- theamandapanda - Amanda
- theducks - A Rubber Ducky
- thefrogprincess - Hentai Bob
- thewalledcity - [city]
- thewanderer - save me from myself
- thewizard - Digital Man
- thistlelurid - ~the (girl) with a (HUGE) thorn in her side~
- thunderclap - occassional perkiness
- tim_reynolds - Matt
- toastednut - null0
- toph1285 - Topher
- torquemada - The Captain of the Gravy Train
- tp - untitled ballad
- transientmoods - Ungodly Mannerism
- tregoweth - tregoweth
- trunks - Trunks
- turningpoint - turningpoint
- twistedunicorn - Twisted Kim's
- twistedwit - The Innocent Pervert
- umgawa - Umgawa
- untoucheddreams - Deceptively Cute
- verabradley247 - LindsaySlee
- vettybird - Vetty
- viggen9 - Matt
- villian - Villian
- visualdream - adichan
- vorpal - Sebastian
- wakked_out - The Boy Looking At You From The Corner
- warsop - geekgirl
- webchicky - WebChicky
- wicker95 - John
- winslowe - Brandon Winslowe, P.I.
- workroom - ...
- writerchick - I am me. Me I am. Am I me?
- wtobiasjr - wtobiasjr
- wub - Wub
- wubfur - Wub-Fur Internet Radio
- x_nocticula_x - _x_x_nocticula_x_x
- xcrymeariverx - The Pop Narcotic
- xelar - ALeX
- xenofalcon - xenofalcon
- xkx - k
- xtemplarx - xTemplarx
- xvance - Chris.
- xyloart - Las Sanguijuelas Humanas
- yflyn - An Apple Eater
- yfu - Yoshi
- z0ltan - Zoltan Warrior of Power
- zane314 - Brian Roney
- zang - I Am Zang
- zeiss - Jason Kogler
- zenmetsu - zenmetsu
- zfenris - Zach
- zharradan - Thomas Castiglione
- zzcoop - zzcoop