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oh what will be my destiny, another rainy day [19 Apr 2002|10:46am]
[ music | brian eno - needle in the camel's eye ]

Have tried twice to email Jackie and each time the fucking thing crashes and I lose all my wonderful carefully-typed drivel. Fuck.

Am still avoiding people. Really have no idea what to do with myself. So I went out and bought fun things - stockings and makeup and CDs and so forth. And last night I slipped in the kitchen on the puddle that stupid Ben made under the freezer and fell on my ass and hit my head on the fridge. It was stingy and embarrassing and a bit disorientating. After that I kept dropping things twitchily. Am soon going to contract cabin fever of some kind. Cannot begin to estimate insanity of choices I make... Cannot begin to reason these things. Finding a solution is right out.

On the plus side, I have cigarettes.

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he said angel, your halo ain't fitted too good for a little while now... [18 Apr 2002|04:48pm]
[ music | the egg - 'at home with the braithwaites' theme ]

And yes, I'm still in the computer room. I feel the need to record my plans for the day to try and right this mess.

1. Avoid everyone except maybe James via text message.
2. Go rent or maybe even buy Amélie and watch it.
3. Buy fizzy cherry cola bottles for consumption during film.
4. Read a few pages of Midnight's Children.
5. Organize a plan or system for what in hell I'm going to do when I finish Uni in just over a year.
6. Repeat to myself that I don't hate everyone. (That staring girl has left now... maybe I was just paranoid but I swear it wasn't unfounded, the way she was behaving.)
7. Work on Betsy.
8. Refuse to let Stuart work on Betsy.
9. Try not to be a martyr or a bitch about refusing to let Stuart work on Betsy.
10. Blah... that's enough planning for one day.

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the heart is deceitful above all things [18 Apr 2002|04:12pm]
[ music | joy zipper - checkout my new jesus ]

Yes, I'm having another crazy day. Well, a spin-off of yesterday's crazy day. But before I explain, I would like to record the fact that there is a fat, bespectacled, dyed-red-haired indie-schmindie bitch in this computer room and she keeps looking at me. Her fat pigtailed friend and she seemed to have reason to notice me arrive because one tapped the other and looked at me as if they'd been talking about me. I do not understand because I have never met these fucking people, and I realise how ridiculous and paranoid I sound but it's all getting to me now.

So... it's funny that up until now in my life, I have honestly been able to say without doubt or reservation that I think I am a good person. But yesterday and today I've felt so angry and sad and jaded that I am now afraid to talk to my friends in case they see how horrible I've become. I'm manipulative and jealous and attention-seeking; I'm paranoid and deceitful and I constantly do stupid things that I know are stupid just because I feel too chaotic inside to exercise a modicum of self-control.

I went home to have dinner last night, and thought I felt fine, and once I'd eaten it all came back up again... worried stomach. Stuart texted me to ask if I wanted to go to Brynderw and I replied monosyllabically, so he teased me a bit and then realised I was serious and then it was "Are you okay? Do you want anything? Can I come round and look at Betsy?" I'd rather you didn't, I said. Have fun at Brynderw.

All the time so fucking angry at him when really he hasn't done anything to warrant such wrath. And so determined to keep away from everyone that last night I recorded the Amélie soundtrack for James and walked right round to Brynderw in wind and rain. When I stopped outside the door I could hear them all in there - Owain, Stuart, James. And I posted the tape through the letterbox and ran away like a fucking lunatic.

Plan for today is to stay away from everyone. I have to get out of this computer room quickly in case he comes and finds me. So I'll see you later.

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for well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder [17 Apr 2002|01:09pm]
[ music | the beatles - hey jude ]

Just had seminar on Postmodern architecture. We wandered round campus looking at stuff and smoking, mostly. I've also bought Midnight's Children for next week's seminar and I fully intend to read it. Oh yes - new responsible me who will attend all seminars and do all pertinent reading for each one.

We went to Comedy night last night. Stuart found me in the computer room humming "Hey Jude" to myself and we went into town to buy food, then came back to mine and stuffed ourselves on chicken fajitas. Jonny got his hands on the new album and invited us to a listen of it but we went with Andy to the Union instead to watch him be funny. He was, too. At one point someone in the audience answered their phone, and he yelled across "Where did you learn to whisper, in a fucking helicopter? I'm not on TV, you know, I can hear you!" His letter-writing campaign was good too. If you get the chance go see him.

After that I was meant to go home and read for my seminar but Charles Jenck's theories of the rules of postmodern architecture were just too much, and I ended up sending weird messages to Stuart about how I was considering moving to Montmartre the next day. The Amélie soundtrack can have that effect on you.

Of course the real reason was that I felt upset. I'm not sure why... I just sense things changing for a way I don't consider to be better. I could elaborate more on this but it's not a good time - Adam is sitting at a computer almost opposite me and I'm doing my best to look spastically engrossed in what I'm doing so I don't have to "realise" he's there. Damn. It's all so awkward.

On a plus point... Richard is rahhhther interesting. Ho hum.

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hey billy, ain't this sweet? i can try to find a reason to give you anything [16 Apr 2002|03:04pm]
[ music | yann tiersen - amélie ost ]

Greetings from sunny Aberystwyth! And for once it actually is sunny - I'm wearing sunscreen and a little yellow vest and everything. Been back since Sunday and it's all good so far.

The boat ride was nice enough, except the other Irish Caroline was on it and it was one of those awkward situations in which you know you're both gonna be travelling tot he same place and you ought to be friendly and talk except that neither of you especially knows or likes the other. It was okay though. Off the train and Stuart and James met me in the station, which was nice. Then it was straight to the Wetherspoons for many double gin and tonics and chatter of what went on in the holidays... nice to be back among everyone again.

Everyone else went back to Brynderw except Stuart and me who stayed behind to have drinks with Jonny and his friends - Calista and Tom and Abby and so forth. I like Tom and Calista very much and Mike seem nice but I'm kind of unsure of the rest of them, so I wasn't keen about hanging around there though it was okay. We went back to Brynderw with wine, which I drank far too quickly and ended up throwing up everywhere. I stumbled home after I'd told Stuart I'd wait for him and fell asleep with the light on. Next morning I realised he had my suitcase but it was okay - I had enough clothes and a spare toothbrush to get me up and outt he door for shopping and registration.

He and I shopped and then bought baguettes and sat down to eat them on a wall in the sunshine. I got myself a Legolas poster (mmmm, Orlando!) and the Amélie soundtrack, which is beautiful of course. We strolled up to campus to pick up registration papers and watch this week's film, Last of the Mohicans. It was sucky in a funny way - vicious Indians, gasping heroine, long-haired hero running tirelessly up many hills in slow motion. Oh yeah, and a lot of mist. You know the kind of thing. Then it was up to Rosser bar so Stuart could attend his TV production meeting and bring Andy along - they're gonna do a "live studio" production of him performing Straight to Video.

The Bay was fun. I wore my black dress and some fake eyelashes and took it easy on the alcohol due to the previous night's drink-induced sickness. I had to sit on the door for an hour stamping hands and so forth because I'm DJing next week, but I was talking to Gavin and people, and so it was okay. Katy and Natalie were there. I can tell Natalie hates me and I'm glad Katy is as sweet as she seems to be - as soon as we arrived in the club she leapt up and launched herself at me in a big hug. I'm so used to being used as a stepping stone for girls to get to Stuart that it's refreshing to see someone who doesn't seem to have such ulterior motives.

The Oompa-Loompa (I swear she looks like one) was hanging around when I came back to sit. She knelt down in front of me and was running her hands up and down my legs claiming she'd met me and Stuart before and she really fancied him and did I think he liked her? I pretended I didn't know who she was. Stuart was ignoring her and everyone was laughing, and I was irritated because I intensely dislike her, but at the same time she was behaving pathetically and I felt guilty and embarrassed about it. Eventually Stuart told her to go away and she went off to cry in the toilets. Her friend came up to tell us so in a childish kind of way but no one really cared. Andy leaned over and said to us all "He should've gone out with her - then we all could've gotten free everlasting gobstoppers." And I laughed along.

Amazing how often and how badly a girl will make such an utter fool of herself for a boy. It makes me sad and it makes me glad and I'm not sure how to explain the psychologyies behind it. I feel sorry for those girls and yet I'm glad I'm not them and hope I never will be.

Adam bought me a drink and jokingly suggested I have sex with him as repyament. He's nice but there's no spark - if I were with him he'd irritate me badly due to his niceness, the way he agrees with everything I say. I need someone to bicker and argue with. He needs someone who is nice and sweet and positive.

Andy and Stuart went back to Abby and co's house and stayed til 6 or so. I went on home. I felt a little bit weird about it but eventually it was okay. I know that this is how fractures begin - when your best friend wants to spend more time with people you don't, and how it can all happen so fast. And yes, I'm scared of losing him even if it isn't totally. But going home alone last night helped me prove something to myself. And today I feel generally better for it.

Now I'm going to do more food shopping, then going home to make myself the mother of all salads and read about postmodernist architecture. Woohoo.

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my audience loves me, you'll agree [14 Apr 2002|12:49am]
[ music | placebo - hang on to your iq ]

which children's storybook character are you?

this quiz was made by colleen

(I couldn't have hoped for a nicer result in such a test.)

Am leaving for Uni in several hours. Have not yet packed or been to bed. Bought too much stuff this term and have no room to pack it all. Damn my relentless drive towards retail therapy.

Stuart just sent me an email in which he told me that at times he thinks he subconsciously associates me with his mother. I don't think Sherlock Holmes is worried about his job yet as everyone else in the fucking world has probably already noticed that... but I'm sort of glad he realises.

I spent today in town with Kate and Sarah and Emma. Gave Kate the telescopic sword I bought her in Amsterdam and she loved it; Emma was thrilled to receive her cans of Chocomel (although the bouncer hassled us and tried to confiscate them as he thought they were beer. Get a fucking job, dickhead.) I drank gin til me head hurt. I also ate the olive that came in my gin martini. I don't like olives but sometimes I feel good about eating them.

I cried this morning when my mother left for her residential weekend, and she was so moved she cried to. It's ridiculous - I don't think I ever cried as a child when she left the house - but this felt nasty and so I stood at the top of the stairs, nineteen years old, pyjama-clad and in tears saying "I don't want you to go." Don't tell anyone how pathetic I am.

I feel fat today. I think I'm putting on weight since the end of term because of the excessive amounts of eating I get up to when I'm bored or procrastinating. Today for example, I have put away half a coconut, a bowl of spinach pasta with cheese and salad, a Thai chicken wrap and tortilla chips, about seventy glasses of gin, half a packet of M&Ms;, two pieces of honey-seed bread, a plate of chicken curry and rice and a small tub of Belgian chocolate Haagen-Dazs. Jesus - it seems even worse when I write it down. I deserve to be the size of a fucking house. Have decided to curb my eating for the next while. If you see me eating anything, grab it off me and throw it away.

Also: got hair cut today for going back. It's in a slanted bob, shorter at the back and just past my jaw at the front. It's sitting nicely for a change. Two people asked me if I was wearing a wig. I'm choosing to take that as a compliment - I like wigs.
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Hot DAM! [11 Apr 2002|02:44am]
[ music | alex gopher - the child ]

Heyyy... I in Amsterdam!

Today I have seen pretty buildings and tourists and weeping willows and canals, pornographic photos and paintings and mannequins and films in the sex museum, the house where Anne Frank and her family hid from the Nazis for almost two years, and a diamond factory and prostitutes in red-lit windows and house-boats on canals. We were invited to a live sex show by a pimp, we were almost killed by aggressive cyclists, we walked in random circles taking in the city and realised the reason we kept missing stuff was because we were in a new time zone and one hour behind everyone else, we shopped at a flea market in the morning in the sunshine by the side of the canal listening to the song from Jules et Jim on the stall radio. We ate Italian food and spoke bad German and drank French wine and met Dutch people. Pocture postcard scenes and funny situations. This city is strange and beautiful, and I'm going to come back. Tomorrow we plan to go to the Van Gogh Museum and Madame Tussauds and maybe the Euro cinema. How cool.

All this in one day, and we haven't even been to a hash cafe yet.

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unnovations [07 Apr 2002|04:56pm]
[ music | watching the amanda show ]


It's all so funny, it's hard to pick a favourite...

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every candle waving, eccentric to please; and every scandal saving, dogmatic to ease [06 Apr 2002|02:08pm]
[ music | watching dexter's laboratory ]

What do people say behind your back? Find out @ digitalcharisma

I just watched Popular, which I used to love and haven't seen in ages, and the two groups of girls were all premenstrual and fighting and burtsing into tears for no reason. I think the previous entry can be partly ascribed to premenstrual hysteria. He didn't do any such thing, I was just angry that it's always about him, that I go out of my way to follow up on him and he doesn't bother doing the same.

Met Adam and Sarah yesterday at Arcadia for lunch, then we headed for the pub and found Nathan and set about getting wasted. Michael turned up, and Graeme, and we went to the off license and got more drink on the way home then went to Heather's house and watched Friday night comedy TV til Catie came round.

It was so fun to see everybody again, especially Adam of course. We went to Popscene around eleven and it was packed but we elbowed some space on the dance floor and danced away. I can't remember parts of the evening, but today when I woke up I have purple nail varnishall over my fingertips and scratch marks on my arm. Oh yeah - and my head and stomach feel less than healthy. I blame the apple schnapps.


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back to square one [04 Apr 2002|08:44pm]
[ music | the prodigy - voodoo people ]

I'm itching to talk to him.

The Belle and Sebastian concert was last night, and I wished so much I could've been there. After I knew it was over, I sent him the fourth text message in a row that he hasn't replied to. Which is rude. Which I can't abide.

And today I've been finding it hard to know what to do with myself, and I can trace it all back to the fact that I want to talk to him. I see him every fucking day usually - this isn't natural. I'm working on the magazine, pasting the articles onto their pages, and I need his drawing for the front page and the other things he said he'd do months ago. And so, when I'm torn between wanting to ring him at home just for a chat and wanting to text him saying "If you haven't got the courtesy to reply once or twice, you can fuck off", this email arrives:

'Hi, sorry for not writing or contacting in any way for a while. Been busy or sleeping. Which is what I'm going to do now so you still don't get a proper e-mail sorry. B&S; were good I'll tell you about it later. I posted my essay so that's all good now. Anyway yes... I'll probably e-mail you late tomorrow night with lots of news which might be interesting... or not. we'll see.
love stuart x'

"Lots of news which might be interesting... or not." I can translate this into all sorts of horrible meanings, but I'm distilling it down to two which we'll cross reference against the email he's going to be gracious enough to write me tomorrow - either he told Jenny something he shouldn't have, or he got off with Jonny's little whore-girlfriend's stupid giggling friend who is about sixteen at the gig.

I shouldn't pre-empt like that, but it's become second nature now - I'm so suspicious and I'm so aware of how easy it seems I could lose him. I'm angry at him already, and I'm scared too. I know it's pathetic of me but I can't help it. Because no matter how much I pretend, or how much I sometimes feel like I don't want him at all, you never get over someone who is so perfect and so infuriating and so close to you as he is.

Fuck fuck fuck.

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andy says... [02 Apr 2002|08:53pm]
[ music | pixies - bone machine ]

Heh. I just checked my emails and Andy has sent me the funniest questionnaires. Just to explain the background, Andy reads a lot of this and writes questionnaires for my magazine that are heavily influenced by it and take the piss out of those crap questionaires you get in proper magazines. And he, Stuart, and all my other boy friends have a habit of teasing each other with the primary-school favourite line "Are you gay or something?" and such like. These quizzes are an elaboration on that...

Are You Gay?

Are you? Are you fucking gay or something? Do you like bumming men, eh? Or maybe you?re one of those women-gays. What do they even do? They what? Ugh, that?s disgusting? can I watch? But anyway? In the world we live in these days the boundaries between the sexualities are increasingly blurred, and sodomising the arse of another is even considered legal in some towns in the south. How therefore are we to know if we too would enjoy being entered in some way or even entering the orifi of a member of our own gender? Easy - With our glib pre-packaged generic questionnaire(s)!


1. You wake up to find yourself with a big lob on. What are you most likely to have just been dreaming about?
a) Thirteen cheerleaders running in slow motion through a wind tunnel.
b) Two huge bowls of ice cream with cherries on top.
c) Daddy shouting, mummy crying.
d) A nice pert arse, belonging to a sexy man who you would like to have sex with.

2. You are walking past the meat counter in the supermarket. What takes your fancy?
a) A big juicy steak that will give you the energy required to become fat and be lewd at young girls when you?re drunk with your disgusting fat mates in the pub.
b) Chicken breast.
c) A whole baby pig with its heart torn out.
d) Big sausages that look like the cocks of men that you would like to suck and have stuck up your bum as sex.

3. Whilst browsing in HMV you spot a copy of your favourite cd. What is it?
a) Some full on butch nu-metal RAWK! that you like to mosh to and feel up female crowd surfers while they?re at your mercy.
b) Some dance compilation that you bought cos it had a girl on the front.
c) A cd of children?s songs that you listen to and cry trembling in the corner.
d) Will Young?s cd which you bought cos you think he?s sexy in a male way.

4. While flicking through the channels on your spanky TV set, what are you most likely to stop and watch?
a) Baywatch, phwoar!
b) Ground Force.
c) Any show with children playing happily which you watch, mouth slightly agape, eyes wide with the merest hint of pain and tears behind your rapturously lit face.
d) Baywatch, phwoar!

5. You go to the toilet in a pub. Do you??
a) Go to the urinal, whack out your length and piss freely ? staring straight ahead so as not to catch an unpleasant glimpse of another man?s winky.
b) Go to the cubicle and take slightly too long as you think about that girl whose arse was pressed against you in the queue for the bar.
c) Still hear the banging on the bathroom door. The banging and the fear?
d) Wish that there was another man in there with you so you could kiss his face and feel your stiffies straining at each other through your trousers.

6. The film Speed comes on the TV. Do you??
a) Crack open some lager and sit on your sofa with your legs apart staring at the screen like a pile of offal.
b) Look at Sandra Bullock?s cleavage throughout and miss most of the plot.
c) Remember the bus rides to school. The calm before the storm. The peace. The anticipation. The shakes?
d) Look at Keanu Reeves and estimate the density of his scrotal content and what it would feel like banging against your chin.

Did you answer?
MOSTLY A?S: You?re either a deeply repressed homosexual or a virile cock-fearing straight man with nothing to worry about. The fact that you bothered to finish this quiz implies the former. Think about it. You had to do a quiz to make sure. That means you doubted yourself. A real straight man would have turned the page straight away. What?s wrong with you? One day you?ll wake up and you?ll be forty three and suddenly queer.
MOSTLY B?S: You?re definitely not gay but you clearly don?t have a girlfriend so you might as well be. If you had a girlfriend you wouldn?t be reading this magazine. You?d be in her bedroom having sex to her on her boobies. Just think of the hours of ecstacy your missing out on. Thrust thrust thrust? not for you. Then there?s the walks on the beach, the walks on the beach, the intimacy, the feeling of completeness? still you could always rent Sleepless in Seattle again.
Or watch Blind Date with tears in your eyes, you sad twat.
MOSTLY C?S: You?re not gay but god help you?
MOSTLY D?S: You are gay. You probably already knew that but if you didn?t then what are you waiting for? There are uncharted depths of muscular arseflesh waiting for the insertion of your blood-hardened man-girder to pummel them to orgasm as we speak. Stop reading. Get out there and bugger. Oh and if you?re catholic then you?re going to hell so make the most of it.


1. You wake up to find yourself with the horn ? your twitchy fanny button is stiff like a smartie. What are you most likely to have just been dreaming about?
a) Some guy who looks like Leo DiCaprio or something staring at you smouldery-eyed across the floor of some pleb-filled disco. Before walking across the floor and impressing you with his wit, sweeping you up in his arms and filling your vagina with his penis.
b) Waking up in the back room of the library with Mr D?Arcy.
c) Cutting off that ungrateful shit of an ex-boyfriend?s pathetic chipolata prick and burning it in front of his family.
d) Being muff munched by Britney Spears in dungarees.

2. You are walking past the meat counter in the supermarket. What takes your fancy?
a) Big sausages that look like the cocks of men that you would like to suck and have stuck up your fanny as sex.
b) Mince for your puppy Timmy. The one with the waggly tail and licky tongue.
c) The cleaver they?re using to chop up the carcasses like all the men who?ve ever done you wrong.
d) Big sausages that look like the cocks of men that you would like to strap onto yourself and have stick up another girl?s twinkle as sex.

3. Whilst browsing in HMV you spot a copy of your favourite cd. What is it?
a) Will Young?s cd that you bought before you realised he was gay. It?s still a good song though ? you soulless whore.
b) That Green Day cd you got cos Jason liked it and talked to you about it once, long ago.
c) You Oughta Know by Alanis Morrisette. She sings more truth than anyone could ever know.
d) I am a lesbian by The Lesbians.

4. While flicking through the channels on your spanky TV set, what are you most likely to stop and watch?
a) Baywatch, phwoar!
b) Titanic, or Romeo and Juliet or some fucking shite.
c) Something in which Davina McColl brays at some boob-tubed bimbo until she dumps her boyfriend and covers him in gunge.
d) Baywatch, phwoar!

5. You go to the toilet in a pub. Do you??
a) Take two friends with you and fuck about with your make up for what seems like an hour to the poor stiff trousered twat you left holding your drink at the bar whilst you discuss him with your friends before you let him take you home and cum in your twat.
b) Sit quietly pissing whilst the prettier girls discuss all those gorgeous hunks out there that will always be just out of your reach.
c) Pity those poor bitches talking about their boyfriends and how they don?t know that all men are worthless cheating scum and your better off with your cuntbuster 2000.
d) Drunkenly take advantage of the fact that girls are comfortable with intimate same sex contact by adjusting your friend?s top and ?accidentally? touching her nipple.

6. The film Speed comes on the TV. Do you??
a) Remember the time when you let some guy get to third base with you on a bus and absentmindedly flick yourself off over Keanu?s chest.
b) Turn it off and put your Wuthering heights video on.
c) Laugh out loud at the idea of basing a relationship on passion. That never works. Then proceed to tell Sandra Bullock exactly what you think she should do. She can?t hear you you stupid bitter bitch. It?s a film.
d) Daydream about licking Bullock?s snatch.

Did you answer?
MOSTLY A?S: You are straight. You are also a whore. All women are whores.
MOSTLY B?S: You are straight. You have a great personality and have loads of male friends who you get on with really well and think of them more as brothers than potential boyfriends ? largely because you haven?t got a fucking chance with them. The only time they even remotely come on to you is when they?re completely shitfaced you probably went too far once and let one of them fuck you then felt cheap and used in the morning when he came out with some crap about not wanting to ruin the friendship. Take solace in the fact that you have a genuinely great personality, well you?d have to really. Your probably have a great sense of humour too. In fact you?d be every man?s ideal partner if you weren?t so fucking rank ugly.
MOSTLY C?S: You are straight but you wish you were a lesbian. There are decent men out there it?s just none of them go to the same shitty dives you go to. And they all have girlfriends. Girlfriends they love and have great sex with and would never cheat on in a million years.
MOSTLY D?S: You are a lesbian. If you get a coherent business strategy and don?t mind the morals of it you may never have to work again.

Oh Lord, how I laughed.

[If you're offended, please don't bother to tell me, it'll spoil my fun. And that's all it is - fun. Satire. He doesn't seriously believe this shit, comprende?]

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i met myself in a dream and i just wanted to tell you, everything is alright [02 Apr 2002|07:30pm]
[ music | the wildhearts - nita nitro ]

Hmm. Am having an okay day - babysitting while my parents go out to a play. Sometimes I wish I were an only child again; having Katie can be difficult sometimes. But not too bothered.

I'm thinking of things, and I'm not quite sure what. It's so much easier when you know what you want. I realised the other day that I will be twenty next birthday, and the thought is a scary one. I still feel like I'm about sixteen. But again, I don't feel bad. Just strange.

Am going to think now, and reply to emails and suchlike. I have Dr Pepper and cigarettes to aid me on the way. Go me!

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a crap website selector told me, so it MUST be true! [02 Apr 2002|03:15am]
[ music | kirsty maccoll - they don't know ]

The wise and astute beings *ahem* found here have informed me that I am 96% physically compatible with the beauteous and wonderful being that is him. Oh Lord, I say - bring it awwwnnn...

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hit me with your rhythm stick [02 Apr 2002|02:05am]
[ music | nin - gave up ]

"Fiction turns me on. I'm a Hentai freak!"

What's Your Fetish? Take the test at Nollykin's World

Whaddayou expect? I work in a bookshop!

Stuart is so depressed at home by himself in culture-forsaken Essex that I had to email him this to try and cheer him up. Dunno is it worked though, as he hasn't mailed me back yet.

Spent all day watching Furturama and the Simpsons, and then went to see Mulholland Drive with Kate. I've seen that movie twice and I still can't follow it, but damn if I didn't enjoy it again. Followed movie with a meagre, weak and overpriced gin martini. Goddam pretentious yuppie bars.

Kate says my haircut makes me look very Pulp Fictionish... which is kinda cool. Maybe I won't get it restyled after all.

I leave you with a David Lynch quote. It's v. amusing if you imagine it in his usual booming 'Gordon-Cole-from-Twin-Peaks' voice:

"As a child my sister Margaret was frightened of green peas, because they were hard on the outside and soft on the inside."

[the man is a freak but i love him]
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being a judas is so nowadays [31 Mar 2002|06:17pm]
[ music | the strokes - is this it ]

Tonight I'm going to see E.T. at the cinema, which I have already seen, and tomorrow I'm going to see Mulholland Drive, which I have already seen. The things I do for those bastard friends of mine.

Easter's been okay. Not great, but okay. Last night I went out with Emma and James to Emma's friends' house and got veryd runk on vodka and red bull and had to endure talking to some dim-witted American bint about hyperactivity in children. I said they were all put on Ritalin. Later she claimed her friend had had his drink spiked but she couldn't remember what with.

"Rohypnol?" I suggested
"Wow! You rilly know your drugs. Is your dad, like, a doctor?"

Then we went to the Limelight and a lot of people I knew from school turned up. It was quite nice to see them, even though I got my nipples poked by Ginger Mike, strange child that he is. I necked more voddie and red bull but I had to go home early and consequently I spent the til three in the morning running round the house gabbling drunkenly to my parents about politics and yoga and why Keifer Sutherland seems weirdly young and interesting in 24. My dad had forgotten to buy us Easter eggs so he slipped out of the house at about 1am and bought us stuff from the all-night garage. If Katie goes to bed early I might get to eat some of hers too. *Greedy for chocolate*

I should maybe phone Stuart. Or maybe not. Adam C keeps texting me random pieces of information, and I mentioned it to Stu by text message yesterday. He answered "Adam's a bit of a dweeb really. He's nice but you could do much better." I felt obliged to point out that I wasn't planning to 'do' Adam at all, but he didn't mention it any further.

Amsterdam in just over a week! Emma has given me directions to the sex museum and the red light district and told me how it's safer to mail grass back to yourself than attempt to smuggle it back with you, so armed with that info, we're all set.

I'm off to drink more wine. And eat more chocolate eggs. Mwuhahaha!

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jesus got out of bed and drank wine for your sins [31 Mar 2002|06:13pm]
Sitting over Sunday lunch, my mother attempts to engage me in conversation about my friends in an "i'm cool with stuff" kind of way.

Mum: Do James' parents know he's gay?
Me: Um... no, I don't think so.
Mum: (sympathetically) No? Aw. That's a bit of a bugger.

*Cue much hidden laughter into my roast potatoes*
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i couldn't decide if you got on my nerves or not [29 Mar 2002|11:27pm]
[ music | theaudience - you and me on the run ]

Passport finally sorted and so forth, but by the time I got home from Belfast I was wrecked and hungry and too warm. I stomped around the kitchen lamenting into the fridge how hungry I was but how there was nothing to eat, but when my mother offered to take me food shopping I perked right up. I bought strawberry milk and hummous and fresh spinach, Thai spices and coconuts and Haagen-Dazs and pasta and... well, you get the idea. I enjoy food shopping. Shopping of any kind.

Jackass is on TV. That guy is wearing a cup over his nuts and he's had kids kick him, people hit croquet balls at him, sledgehammers swung right into him, paintballs shot at him and now he's lying on the ground and they're dropping billiard balls onto his balls from two storeys above. And all he does is laugh. Crazy fuck.

I've been working on song lyrics all day. I have an idea for a song that I love but it's so hard to phrase it right. Yesterday I wrote a song about how much I love my boots and how anyone who disagrees will get kicked to death. It's quite funny actually. No honestly, it is.

Milla Jovovich is cute, even in shitty L'Or?al adverts. I saw so many things in Belfast today that I wanted to buy - clothes and shoes and make-up and lingerie and CDs and books. Consumer culture is simultaneously so satisfying and so infuriating.

Am waiting for French and Saunders to come on - it's been too long.

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"chibble under the oaktree" and other gems of predictive text... [29 Mar 2002|04:17am]
[ music | pagan wanderer lu - control ]

Spent the evening laughing with my Catie. Admitted certain things about the boy, things I still have trouble admitting to myself. Did not, however, mention the strange and vivid dream I had nights ago in which I was pregnant and it was his.

Horrible journey Irelandwards of which I do not wish to speak. Bloody Welsh railways. Am now home, all is pretty with the world - my cat and my dog, Dr Pepper and cigarettes, tulips in a vase and minestrone in a bowl and a gin martini with an olive earlier today with Rachel. I have a new quilt for my bed and it is deliciously toasty-warm. I've been sleeping like the dead these past few nights. I'm going to Amsterdam in less than two weeks for some total.slothful.relaxation and giddy hazy fun.

At Home with the Braithwaites is great stuff. Catie was greatly impressed by Andy's CD. Control is a beautiful song and I'm proud that one of my friends wrote something so gorgeous [and when i send you your letter, i'm going to tape it and send it to you too]

Want to spend money I don't have on t-shirts and trinkets and electrical appliances I don't need. But I think I'll settle for a glass of icy-cold water and going to bed with Gormenghast (not in a sexual way) to be snug under my quilt.

Tonight I feel like I might never ever die.

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we'd all be good if we just could [26 Mar 2002|12:39pm]
[ music | pulp - babies ]

For some reason, I find the act of grinding black pepper onto all my food quite soothing.

Essay aw' done, passport forms arranged, boat home booked and James is coming with me. Yay!

I watched Playing By Heart last night. It was kind of predictable, obviously, but Angelina Jolie was (as ever) fabulous. Great hair, great character, fantastic.

Today is pretty and sunshiney and I may take advantage of this fact by going to the beach for a walk. Tomorrow morning its home-I-go for Easter.

When I wear these boots I feel like nothing can touch me.

The chorus of Babies makes me feel unusual... fabulous song.

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you say "why?"; i say "why bother?" [25 Mar 2002|12:25pm]
[ music | alisha's attic - i am, i feel (found in ben's collection) ]

Take the "What Kind of Southerner Are You?" Test!

Created by


Uh... ne m'understand francais pas, but that's kind of cool, what with N'Awlins an' all.

I am alone in my house. There are no flatmates, no Stuarts, not even an Angelina-cat to keep me company. Being so on your own is a little bit crazy and a little bit cool. Stuart stayed all night - we watched Toy Story 2 on DVD and talked [about what I can't remember] and in the morning when he was getting ready to go, James and Lucy called round to pick up the Cibo Matto copies and stayed for a bit. Stuart came back to mine later to copy his graphics files from my computer onto disc, then sat around saying how he should go now and tidy up before his parents came to get him. I was tempted to go with him and help, but I had stuff to do too and I felt too tired and icky to meet his mum and dad again. So he said bye, and lingered in the doorway and I didn't get up or hug him, just said "bye" like he'd be calling back in ten minutes. I'm not sorry about it, but it still felt very weird.

And the feeling got weirder - I realised after about an hour that I was having trouble knowing what to do with myself. I'm so dependent on him sometimes. I understand what cabin fever can do to a person. It was so weird to not hear the kettle boiling in the kitchen, or the TV going in the living rom, or Ben stomping in and out the front door jangling his carkeys or Fiona in the kitchen with tea and Radio Two being gently bossy and motherish. And worst of all was to know that Stuart wasn't a minute and a half away from me, that he couldn't come down if I asked him to, that texting him was pointless and that I wouldn't be seeing him for a long time. That felt bad.

So I tried not to think about it. Instead I thought about song lyrics and cigarettes and Easter eggs and sixties shirts and I played my guitar and fucked about on the computer. But all my Cds kept ending too quickly, and the silence was eerie when they did. I got very freaked out at one point, when it was beginning to get dark [murderersburglarsrapists], but I went up and raided Ben's room for CDs, videos and books. I didn't do myself any favours by choosing to read Blasted, but after that I watched James Bond flicks and felt much better. James texted me and invited me round but I was happy where I was and dozed off before midnight, slept like a log.

Today: ESSAY. Oh yes. Nothing else. Here I go.
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