Below is information about the "Girl Geeks Rule!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | girlgeeks (635781) |
| Girl Geeks Perfect for all your geeky needs! |
Name: | Girl Geeks Rule! |
E-mail: | |
About: | This is a community for girls to talk about being geeky. Do you love Linux? Addicted to the internet? Adore computers? Stay up late watching Star Trek? Then this is the place for you.
Girls only please! For any guys who are interested in meeting geek girls, please try welovegeeks or techgirls.
Your moderators are melody_chan (clarient @, kageneko (kageneko @, equiraptor (equiraptor @, and yolosplat (yolosplat @ Please remember to edit the email address accordingly should you need to contact us. |
Interests: | 105: action figures, anime, aol instant messenger, being independent, biology, calculus, cartoon network, cartoons, chemestry, collecting, comics, computer games, computers, cowboy bebop, creating, deep space nine, drawing, dreamcast, dungeons and dragons, dvds, emulators, engineering, equality, feminism, final fantasy, final fantasy x, fun, gameboy advance, gamecube, geek girls, geek guys, geekery, geeks, genesis, girl geeks, girls, glasses, halo, halo 2, html, icq, intelligence, invader zim, iori, jolt, kevin smith, kicking butt, legolas, linux, lord of the rings, math, message boards, miniature gaming, movies, music, neo geo, neon genesis evangelion, nes, nintendo, nintendo 64, photography, physics, pizza, playstation, playstation 2, powerpuff girls, programing, reading, redhat, research, resident evil, robots, roleplaying, roms, rpgs, school, science, science fiction, sega, she-ra, star trek, star trek tng, star wars, street fighter, super mario bros, super nes, technology, television, the 80s, the internet, the simpsons, the sims, thinking, toys, transformers, video games, videogames, web design, women, women in technology, writing, x/1999, xbox, yaoi, zelda. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 587: View Members . |
Watched by: | 440: __gas0line, _amarie_, _ellie_, _eurydice_, _samus_aran_, _shadowcat, abigailb, abigor, ablotial, access_xxx_free, adifferentblue, agentrayevyn, agentscarlett, ahlrighty, ainoassassin, aiobheil, ak_alterego, alison_chains, always_a_gamer, amanaka4ever, ameya, amiyumidrone, anamatria, ang3lic_chii, angelislington, annakie, antifluff, aquariusfire, arctic_flame, arielheartsyou, ascarethwen, athene454, azarella, azariah, bakachanaileen, bakamon, bastardsword, be_tran, begraven, bellanna, bethling, binarybeauty, blacknyx, blackvelvtjess, blame01, blauschimmelkas, blue_mushroom, bocafutbolgirl, boyc0tt, brandipoo, brio_miller, bunny_chan, byezura, byrdde, caeryn, candideduro, casual_idols, cecealias, celamity, celestialwillow, celtic_shadow, cheekymonkey03, chocobojojo, chronictown, chrystalline, cickelly, claudine_c, clockwork_pixie, cloverbee, clue, codewhore, cookiemahnster, covenantofgrace, crashamandicoot, crimson_anemia, crystaldreaming, crystalshelle, crzmnky, cscimjr, cyanth, cyberneticskank, cyberspice, cynicalinsanity, d3viat3, daigong, damage_addict, damapessego, dandycat, datapard, dburr, delicatepetals, deliciouspear, depthxofxfield, devilesca, digitaltempest, dramatikpanther, drugofchoice, drusucks, ducttape_geek, eclectic_1, eeenersha, ehrenrane, eimear_rose, ella_borate, elly_ah, elyria, emiliew, emptycinema, entropygirl, equiraptor, eris779, erratic0101, evangeline1138, evywp, ezri_dax, fae_, faelina, faeriexdust, faerytaleending, fairdreamer, falynn, fanaticnerdism, fangirlie, fareme, femme_geek, ferngully, fh, final_stampede, flerly, forlorn_faelan, freezepopcicle, frellingbored, frenzied, frozenleaf, fujerica, funk_odyssey, galaxyrangerin, gamingangel, geek7, geekboygroupie, geekfreak03, geekykeeko, genki_yasha, girl_with_purse, girlygamer, girlygeek, gloriajn, gogo1302, goldi_loks, gothere, ... |
Member of: | 1: robotkid |
Account type: | Free Account |