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Below is information about the "OnlyUndiesClub.Com" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:onlyundiesclub (657890) onlyundiesclub's LiveJournal
Location:United States
About:OUC's LJ is now 18+. To join, click the "to join this community, click here." link at the top of this page. Users [info]devilsfood and [info]starlasaz will then be notified and will eventually add you, granted you are over 18. Contact us if you have a question or problem.

We're here, we're hot, we're in our undies.
Feel free to talk about OUC, or underwear, and we always encourage pics of yourself in your underwear. That's what we're all about!

NO HARASSMENT. You don't like what someone posts? Tough shit. You signed up for it and you get it for free. If you harass anyone, you will get banned. The end.

No dirty old men allowed.
You know who you are.

No photos of you in your undies when you were little.

NO nudity. That gets people in trouble and creates a huge hassle no one wants to deal with. We'd prefer you wear a bra/shirt, but if you MUST be topless, we don't want to see your nipples. Not even a little.

No touching your genitalia. Masturbation is not allowed here on OUC.

No linking to non undie stuff. The only linking allowed in this journal is to stuff that is undie related. THIS IS ONLYUNDIES. Which means there is to be no other bullshit. Go to other communities for that.

If your photo becomes broken due to whatever reason your post will be deleted. Host them at reliable places please! DO NOT use villagephotos. The pictures hosted on there become broken after a short while. Picture trail / / snapfish seem to be good places to host.

And unless it somehow has to do with undies, no advertising. That's just annoying. We don't want to hear about your shitty new community.

If you break the rules, your post will be deleted. If I'm in a bad mood you will be deleted / banned. READ THE FUCKING RULES!
Interests:58: bisexuality, boobs, booty shorts, boxer briefs, boxers, boys, bras, briefs, cam whores, camisoles, chicks, cocks, emo, fishnet, fucking, fun, garters, girls, guys, hardcore, hot boys, hot girls, indie, innuendo, kissing,, leather, licking, lust, making out, metal, onlyundiesclub,, oral sex, orgasms, ouc, penis, picture whores, piercings, pirates, porn, punk, punk rock, rock, sex, sexiness, shows, skivvies, smut, tats, tattoos, the net, thongs, underoos, underwear, undies, vinyl, . [Modify yours]
Members:935: View Members .
Watched by:739: 006mac, 13boobs, 2lateforme, 315killer, 4starz, 7day_weekend, 80sxfoxsho, __glittercunt, _banglikewhoa, _eraserhead_, _feisty_, _guttersnipe_, _juan_solo_, _littledevilxxx, _lucious_, _mariberries_, _poison____, _princeofpersia, _tulip, a1mfw, absence_eyes, actual_malice, acurious_cat, adamadult, adiabatic, adumbratedwaste, aesahcettr, ahhhevilclown, aintgottime, ak_acid, aktiv, alekdante, alhooter, ali500, alia69, alisinkinkyland, alisonia333, allgodown, alternagirls, altroj, alx_lmx, ambulance_down, amgrrr, amokk, ancillary, andigomeep, andthenhitler, andy999capp, angeli_dark, anitacox, anomybc, anonymous_userx, anonymouslolita, anymajordude, ar13l, aryan_blood, asdfghjklsemico, asemetric, ashlynidol, ashm0o142, asilver76, asimplevictory, assplastic, at_best, ataris960, atomict, aujack, aural_infant, avalon5825, avalonguy, awh, azr3a1, azrael1234, b00ne, babeblog, bad_things, badboyz, badlittleneko, badred, bangbangyerdead, barbi311, bardock420, battlemullet, befen, beforeyougo, benjiesque, bergot, best_ever, betterthannever, bettiemae, beyondnothing, bfreyer617, bigbear587, bigdaddy84, bigpappapunk, billiam, bjtheredhead, blargh13, bleedingsecret, blindingxstars, blondelicious, bloodtotears, bloodyicicles, bloodyoralsex, bloodyxvalntine, blueapple, bluntpeircing, bmm, bmonkey, boat_hopping, bobdylansdream, bofort, bogartx, bonerofdarkness, bonjour_love, booksyoulou, boysgetrapedtoo, britesmile, broken_golem, bubblewhore, bukthebarbarian, burningofadream, cajunag, camera_obscura, camilla_hell, camotoxkid, candlelitnight, captain_tralfaz, carahkristel, carridum, carshowzguy, catscan72, cbrite, cerenkovglow, cerina19, cestmoi9, charliekeenjr, checkonetwo, chick4guns, chrisf_uk, christopherz, chrisx, chuckles333, cinqheures, classydame55, cliche_cliche, cmonkeyj, cnuggie, cockmobster, codykillll, ...
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