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User:honeyassassin (92892) honeyassassin
not your hollywood daydream
Name:conforming to the standards of the nonconformist
Location:Rahway, New Jersey, United States
Bio:you can usually find me being sweet, cranky and/or moody, being a lazy slacker, always procrastinating, always curious, highly intuitive, (100% cancer) memory impaired, slightly ditzy but with the best intentions. i give great advice and have a few admirers, i didn't say they were all welcomed but i have them.

i work in a sex shop & sensuous lingerie boutique and i may have found my niche. my boss is the catholic equivalent to Linda Richmond..same hair same nails same new yawk accent!! i love my job, don't you hate me? well i don't love it all the time so don't hate me too much.

i have tig ole bitties, and an addiction to indian food. take me out for indian and i'll be your BFF. i also love cats but don't got one (sadly); love womYn and got one, love my friends & my family & i may love you too if you are special enough. ;) my journal is friends only!!

Interests:127: acoustic guitar, alison bechdel, alix olson, america's next top model, amy ray, androgyny, ani difranco, biology, bitch and animal, bob marley, butches, camels, camping, catie curtis, cats, ccr, chicks with guitars, chutney popcorn, cilantro, classic rock, clea duvall, cleavage, coffee, coffee ice cream, couscous, cuddling, dan bern, dar williams, dazed & confused, drag kings, drag queens, drawing, driving, dtwof, dyke porn, dykes, erin mckeown, evolution, falafel, falcon ridge folk festival, feminism, folk music, ganja, gay boys, gender theory, genderbenders, girls, girlyman, glasses, guitar, hairy pits, handwriting, heath bars, heathers, henna, herbs, honey, indian food, indigo girls, israel, jamaica, jess klein, jewish girls, joints, kaia, kink, kissing, kittens, kris delmhorst, learning, lefties, lesbian sex, lesbians, lynn breedlove, ma vie en rose, making out, melissa ferrick, michelle tea, mint tea, nag champa, nose rings, paisley, patchouli, piercings, pillows, ping-pong, pink floyd, pot, pro-choice, procrastinating, pussy, queers, renaissance art, salvador dali, sarah, sex toys, shaved heads, sleater-kinney, sleeping, smart girls, smoothies, southpaws, strong hands, sushi, swimming, swiss army knives, team dresch, tegan and sara, the be good tanyas, the butchies, the indigo girls, the moon, the nields, the ocean, transgender, tribe 8, tylan greenstein, typewriters, vibrators, voices on the verge, watercolors, weed, wildflowers, womyn, zucchini, , ♀♀. [Modify yours]
People68:abstract_grrl, adriannecurry, alldriedup, amazongrrl, anyone_else, asalways, beanzndisease, berlinboi, bongdust, caffeinediary, catculus, causticdiatribe, chart, chickbrarian, circebe, danzania, deathoftheparty, decotah, ellendavis, enzosf, eresh_cloudy, everbutt18, everyday_fire, exceptnot, faerydusted, femmenazi, fencerchica, folkyboy, foxysquid, geckowolf, gerneith, goddess999, grrln2grrl, happysullen, hat_head, homoderotic, honeymooninred, jimpish, julietwolfson, ketchonade, killerfemme, kwissie, ladymadonnaa, lefrooflie, lla, lsmsrbls, my_casio, olumidae, pifflegrrrl, psychospiffe, purple_person, radioreed, recoiling, reiving, rubberpeacock, rumpuscat, rye_catcher, samurai_steve, shelleyan, sincerelyjedi, sugarlobotomy, taxishoes, theunveiling, thisboy8, thriftstoreriot, triptogn, twisted_sounds, wyvernbitch
Communities24:dyke_porn, dykes2watchout4, falconridge, fryingpans, ftm_undressed, girlyfans, hairypits, healthyme, hebrew_school, hothead_paisan, inform, kissmyass_cosmo, lesbianmusic, lesbianstoners, nakedgirlparts, njlesbians, our_pets, pot_heads, queerinphilly, queerporn, retail_is_hell, she_bears, sister_spit, topmodel
Mutual Friends:66: abstract_grrl, alldriedup, amazongrrl, anyone_else, asalways, beanzndisease, berlinboi, bongdust, caffeinediary, catculus, causticdiatribe, chart, chickbrarian, circebe, danzania, deathoftheparty, decotah, ellendavis, eresh_cloudy, everbutt18, everyday_fire, exceptnot, faerydusted, femmenazi, fencerchica, folkyboy, foxysquid, geckowolf, gerneith, goddess999, grrln2grrl, happysullen, hat_head, homoderotic, honeymooninred, jimpish, julietwolfson, ketchonade, killerfemme, kwissie, ladymadonnaa, lefrooflie, lla, lsmsrbls, my_casio, olumidae, pifflegrrrl, psychospiffe, purple_person, radioreed, recoiling, reiving, rubberpeacock, rumpuscat, rye_catcher, samurai_steve, shelleyan, sincerelyjedi, sugarlobotomy, taxishoes, theunveiling, thisboy8, thriftstoreriot, triptogn, twisted_sounds, wyvernbitch
Also Friend of:16: asgoodasdave, astraluna, bassquishy13x, beautifulmuse, colombiancutie, dharma5835, driftwood, eyershprnces420, lil_blonde_sid, losing_myself, mtaiilauren, myforgottenmind, mylife4yours, snow_pea, starlet21, twohandtouch
Member of:22: dyke_porn, dykes2watchout4, falconridge, girlyfans, hairypits, healthyme, hebrew_school, hothead_paisan, inform, kissmyass_cosmo, lesbianmusic, lesbianstoners, nakedgirlparts, njlesbians, pot_heads, queerinphilly, queerporn, retail_is_hell, she_bears, sister_spit, topmodel, vaginapagina
Account type:Free Account

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