Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "wit".
350 matches:
- 0penwide - Journal Writing For The Soul
- 18th_c_writing - 18th-century writing and literature
- 7th_hell - Dorm 7 Ravenclaws
- ___scenefuck - Scene Enough?
- __cute__ - cute ♥
- __limelight - Movie Appreciation and Intelligence.
- _ademonbliss - Unique & Barbed
- _another_rating - ANOTHER rating community. You love it. ;]
- _apple_scruffs_ - Apple Scruffs
- _cyrano_ - Cyrano, profaning with tears
- _dayum_ - Dayum!
- _paracelsus - The Genius Commune
- _richard_cory_ - The Order of Richard Cory
- _sexypeople - Sexy People
- _slinkster_ - arlington like whoa.
- _stamp_this_ - Stamp This
- _ticklish_ - :) sharing the fun (:
- _trailers - TRAILERS
- _way_of_life_ - A Place to Shed our Skin
- a_good_story - Everyone has their own version of the story!
- a_ranting_dom - Better Power Exchange via Telling People They Suck
- abovehighbrow - Highbrow insults, snobbery, holier-than-thouism
- absintheinparis - Absinthe and Aesthetes, Poems and Roses
- akgl - Ass-Kicking Gothic Lolitas
- alien_nation - Alien Nation
- alternateplanet - Alternate Planet
- amuse_me_monkey - amuse_me_monkey
- anachronic_arts - Anachronic Arts
- andy_richter - Andy
- annslanders - Ask Ann Slanders
- anti_coterie - anti_coterie
- antipeopleism - People who hate People
- artifaces - give him a mask and he'll tell the truth
- ask_muse - Clueless people unite! Ask MUSE
- assholetothemax - assholetothemax
- audra_mcdonald - Audra McDonald fans
- awaystupid - AWAY, stupid!
- b_h_dramawhores - drama bleeds over from the crazy bitches at b_h
- barbary_club - The Barbary Club
- barbedcocktail - the new algonquin round table
- beautiful_mind_ - A Beautiful Mind
- beeotchgoddess - Beeotch Goddess
- bemeantome - I Said "HEY!" Be Mean To Me!
- berlingot - berlingot
- betterthanhaiku - the kids who never got any Valentines
- biggiantpencil - Big Giant Pencil
- bigpicture - The Big Picture
- bitchfestival - bitchfestival
- bitchy_beauties - Beautiful Bitches
- bobdylan - Another Side of Bob Dylan
- brutal_honesty - tell me your secrets
- bryson_fans - Fans of Bill Bryson
- btr_coffee_shop - Community Coffee Shop
- btwhs - Booker T.
- caelj - Citizens Against Emo LiveJournal
- caption_contest - Caption Contest
- captionary - Captionary
- catbox - flourescent urine
- catchphrases - what a catch
- cathyannfans - Cathy-Ann Fans
- caviler - Caviler
- celladecimus - Cella Decimus
- cellists - cello community
- cflrockabilly - cflrockabilly
- chlexers - Chloe & Lex
- claim_a_shlong - Claim A Shlong
- cleverfuckers - we are clever.
- cmu_pinkos - kicking ass and taking names
- cocky_bastards - Cocky Bastards
- coffee_morrigan - The Coffee Morrigan
- colbert_report - It's French, Bitch!
- comedylab - The Comedy Lab
- contest - Contests
- covenantmush - Covenant of the Slayer
- crappy_advice - crappy_advice
- cricketlove - Love the John Cricket
- cv_dramageeks - cv_dramageeks
- dahlia_lounge - Dahlia Lounge
- damnfinefilms - Damn Fine Films
- daria_ - D a r i a
- dark__humour - dark__humour
- dbatesnailstyle - Penpals International, Debating Anything at Anytim
- dbhs_comm - dbhs_comm
- dead_poets_nh - Dead Poets Society - Southern NH Chapter
- degl - degl
- del_libro - Choose your own adventure in literature
- deliciouslydark - for those of us 'differently interested'
- discworlddebate - Where people debate about... Discworld!!!!
- dolphinbutcher - Dolphin Butcher
- dorothyparker - Dose of Dorothy Parker
- dot_bdsm_snark - dot_bdsm_snark
- dot_cattiness - We Don't Need No Steenkeeng Smileys!
- dot_dot_snark - The dot_ community bitchfest
- dot_edu_snark - dot_edu_snark
- dot_omgwtf - What were you THINKING???
- dot_pagan_snark - .pagan_snark
- dot_poly_snark - Poly Wanna Wisecracker?
- dot_sex_snark - dot_sex_snark
- dragon_slayers - We Slay the Ugly Dragon
- elitefuckers - elite fuckers
- elitepeople - The superior few
- elitisti - -=Elitism Is In=-
- emma_and_others - Emma Thompson and Other Random/Hot People
- emmafans - Fans Of Emma Thompson
- erotic_tetris - Erotic Tetris
- fandompoolside - Fandom Poolside
- faraway_land - Folklore & Fairy Tale Fans
- femanism - !feminism
- ficquotes - Fanfiction Quotes
- filmlog - Jo and Thomas watch movies
- floetry_ - Haiku Me
- fluffmuckcomic - fluffmuckcomic
- fop_club - fop_club
- fray_adjacent - Buffy Fanfic Quotes
- freakitude - LJ's Own Sideshow
- freidman - Freidman
- fuck_you_barbie - FUCK YOU BARBIE!
- fuckyourlooks - Fuck Your Looks
- funny_convos - S/he said what?!
- funny_fwds - funny_fwds
- funnyquotes - Humorous quotes
- g_vs_e - G Vs. E
- gaybutnotcliche - gay but not cliche
- geeksunite - geeks unite!
- gemutlichkeit - gemutlichkeit
- germancabaret - Das Kabarett - from its roots to the present
- getratedbyme - getratedbyme
- ghost_needs_pie - The Drawing Room
- granduer_brats - My sisters better than your sister!
- greatestminds - Nevermore
- greenleefanclub - Dr. Greenlee's Fan Club
- gryffleclaw - t00bs
- h_a_g - Hateful Arrogant Goths
- haiku_you - haikued.
- hang____over - icons & graphics.
- happypotter - ...and they lived happily ever after
- hbo - Home Box Office
- hogwartshousing - Hogwarts Sorting
- hogwartssorting - The Original LJ Sorting Hat
- holpretzcabal - Cabal of the Holy Pretzel
- hotlikewoah - hotlikewoah
- hp_caption - hp_caption
- hpravenclaw - Ravenclaw Common Room
- humoursection - the humour(tm) section
- i_am_bitter - I_am_bitter
- i_can_spell - We Can Spell
- i_think - Synapse
- iconversations - Imaginary Conversations
- idontlikeitclub - The I Don't Like It Club
- illicitliaisons - Illicit Liaisons
- imquote - IMquote
- insult_me - The Best Insults
- interesting27 - Adaptable Idea
- intr0verted - intr0verted insanity
- ireadxanti - Grandory Stories: the Official Beckaleck Fan Base
- iscc - ISCC
- isla_de_misfits - isla_de_misfits
- john_moe - For fans of John Moe
- kasschat - Kasschat Prime
- keen_eagle - Ravenclaw Common Room
- kieranuts - religious (kieran) nuts
- killerbud_420 - Bud Smokers
- kinda_intuitive - ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!
- l_word_fanfic - l_word_fanfic
- la_treehouse - La Treehouse
- larrydavid - Larry David Fans
- latenight_drunk - Dave Attell Fans
- latenite - Late Night With Conan O'Brien
- lecterphiles - Lecterphiles
- lets_do_this - lets_do_this
- limericks - write a bit with rhymes and wit
- lisa_simpson_ - The Lisa Simpson Community!
- lit_drinkers - The Literary Approach to Alcoholism
- ljreviewz - We Review Your LJ
- ljtrl - Livejournal Carson
- logosnotmythos - Alternate Rating Community for the Rational Mind
- lokeans - Lovers of Loki
- loki_island - Loki Island
- loli_biatches - Lolitas with Attitude (also:Boston EGL)
- lollipop_cuts - lollipops can be sharp
- loose__ends - the antidote to radio four comedies..
- lovelypremise - delve inside the infinite corners of a soul
- lsu_literati - lsu_literati
- m0nstarr - monstarr
- mailed_dreams - Just Another Hopeful Romantic
- manifesto_elite - Elite <3
- marxist_rebels - Political Unrest for the Grouchonian Types
- masked_schemers - masked_schemers
- mbp_assholes - Jerks R Us
- michael_pokay - Michael & Pokay do the dictionary!
- minds_wide_open - Open Minded People
- minimalistcomic - Minimalist Comics
- misfits_inc - misfits
- miss_west - Mae West or BUST !
- my_funny_honey - he makes me laugh
- mythosdrabble - Mythology Drabbles
- nationstates -
- newagebliss - Cutting Edge
- nicetryjerkoffs - for only the most impressive people on lj
- niteblade_fun - Diversions of Adam
- no_she_didnt - no_she_didnt
- non_idiots - Non Idiots
- nonidiots - Non Idiots!
- nonstoptalkers - God help us, we can't shut up.
- nonuglysass - I'm not just cute ~ I'm sassy
- note_to_hack - Dear Fanfic Writer...
- novelnovelbits - Brilliant Brevity
- novelnovelchunk - Lucid Loquacity
- nutburger - Nutburger
- observe - Dan Dan Banana Fanna Fo Fan...
- ocelot_of_doom - God.
- oh_fuckyes -
- or_glamourbomb - Glamourbombing Oregon since ?
- oriflamme - Typo Exposé
- osamabendrinkin - a Community Where Nothing Is Safe From Our Humor
- outcastpix - punk, goth, freak, nerds, dorks, pic hoes
- pagan_bitch - Pagan Bitchings
- pagan_lake - Pagan Lake
- parodism - Parodism and Witticism Corner
- pearls_b4_swine - Pearl Caster
- perfetto_dieci - Perfection at it's best...
- pervygeekfancy - Pervy Geek Fanciers
- philobate - Philosophy, Debate etc.
- photo_echoes - Photo Echoes
- pinup_dolls - do you have what it takes?
- playwrights - Plays and Playwrights
- plotnefariously - The Evil Twins' Lair
- poison_are_we - poison_are_we
- poisonedreverie - Poisoned Reverie
- poly_bitch - Poly Bitchings
- popicons - Pop Icons
- practicalwisdom - guiding light
- proverbiaphiles - turn of phrase
- puns - Puns
- queer_kol - Queers of Loathing
- quotechallenges - Quote challenges
- quoteloop - quoteloop!
- rabid_fangirls - A box of one dozen starving crazed weasels
- random_q - random_q
- rate_a_brain - NO STUPID PEOPLE ALLOWED!
- rate_my_life - rate_my_life
- ratemypoetry - Rate My Poetry
- ravenclawnewts - Ravenclaw Common Room
- reallycoolfucks - Really Fucking Cool
- realmisfits - The Real Misfits
- recklessscholar - Student outside the box
- red_windmill - The Red Windmill
- reds_brothel - Madam Red's Brothel
- renandstimpy - Kilted Yaksmen Association
- resoundingbitch - resoundingbitch
- richweirdoes - Rich Weirdoes - RHPS shadow-cast in Orlando, FL
- rotfl_ - ROTFL - A laughing journal
- rotting__angels - Rotting Angels
- rq_spinoff - Random Question Spinoff
- rq_version0 - rq_version0
- rq_version101 - rq_version101
- sad_world_humor - Humor in a Sad World
- salmon - Salmon, The Band
- sanctimoanious - Sanctimoanious, because elitism is just a parody.
- sane_potter - sane_potter(The Daily Prophet.Potter *Discussion*)
- saturday_lunch - saturday_lunch
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- sex_2_teh_maxx - Major Sex Fiends
- shackart - The Shrieking Shack's Artistic Side
- shadow_realm - Dark meets Light
- shoresofavalon - Where Brilliant Minds Unite
- showmeyourwits - Show Me Your Wits
- shrieking_shack - Shrieking Shack RP
- sick_sad_world_ - Sick Sad World
- sinful_cookies - too much brilliance on one page
- sissy_boys - Sissy Boys Ltd.
- slacker_jacks - Slacker Jacks Playhouse
- slashersanon - Slash Reviewers Anonymous
- smarterthanthou - The Ravenclaw Common Room
- snape_daily - Snape Daily
- snark_is_sex - Snark Is Sex : A Fandom Community
- so_gingerly - Pre-Franz Love
- sobettes - The Sassy Supporters of Slytherin Quidditch
- sofas - Society Of Folks Advancing Silliness
- soorvivrr - soorvivrr
- sp_republicans - South Park Republicans
- sparringwithtam - sparringwithtam
- spencerink - SpencerInk
- spiritlamp - fin de siecle
- sporky_reviews - The Sporky Reviewers -- we'll review your LJ!
- stapled_hands - No one understands me!
- stop_sucking - stop_sucking
- story_continued - Continue The Story
- stray_cognition - Random Thoughts - Stray Cognition
- strumpets - Tarts
- stupidfucks - F The Bitches
- sugar_hippo - You know nothing.
- sundaynightclub - The Sunday Night Club
- synapsesynopsis - .Creative. .as. .Fuck.
- tandemwriting - tandemwriting
- tds_caps - The Daily Show Screen Caps
- tehsquaretable - The Square Table
- tell_the_truth - Tell The Truth
- templeofthecat - Cat's Meow
- the_aesthetics - the_aesthetics
- the_blackorchid - The Black Orchid
- the_good_doc - Hunter S. Thompson fans
- the_pen_pwnz - The Pen Pwnz
- the_prestige - The Prestigious
- the_treehouse - the_treehouse
- thealuminumdawn - The Aluminum Dawn
- theentertainers - Prepare to be entertained
- thepinkflamingo - Sex Friends
- thepollyoucrew - The Poll You Crew
- therealfakenews - The Real Fake News
- thesassy - The Sassy
- thewritebrain - The Write Brain: Insert Witty Subtitle Here.
- thompson_daily - Emma Thompson, daily
- thousandcats - Thousand Cats
- tongue_n_cheek - Tongue_N_Cheek
- tricksters - Would you like to touch my monkey?
- ugly_ass_shit - Putrescense & Abnormality
- uncloaked - the cape as red blood;
- unknownsumone - Nobody Special
- unleashedmuse - The Undefinable Brilliance and Random Scribbles
- unusual_people - Unusual People
- urbanitas - colloquia in lingua latina
- vain_bastards - vain_bastards
- vodeville - Vodeville
- vodeville_news - Vodeville News
- walpurgatory - Walpurgatory RPG
- we_aint_gagas - The Bohemian Midnight Radio
- weblosers - quips 'n' qualms
- wentworthtech - the wit crew
- wesleyan - Wesleyan University
- wgc_randomnity - The randomness of life at an all girls school in W
- what_if_lj - What would Jesus type?
- whisperingquiet - whisperingquiet
- whomwouldyou - whomwouldyou
- wickedkiss - Shae and Kimmeh
- wildecentury - Wilde Century
- wildefic - Oscar Wilde Fanfic
- wilderoastcafe - Wilde Roast Cafe - Minneapolis, MN
- witsandhalfwits - Tell us a joke!
- word_jam - word_jam
- wordsmith_ - A Writing Prompt
- world_of_hate - The World of HATE
- wpf - World Poetry Federation
- writing4fun - Writing for fun.
- wschurchill - Sir Winston Churchill, I say!
- xbohemiandreamx - Truth x Beauty x Freedom x Love
- ximpress_mex - go ahead...give us your best shot...
- you_dumb_douche - I hate all of you.
Interested users
The following users are interested in wit. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
479 matches:
- 7rin - trin
- ___siamese - the zenmaster
- abcprincess - abcprincess
- absolutcalm - D
- agentry - Adam Gentry, Verbal Legerdemain
- aimo - Aimo
- airstretch - stretch
- aisling - Aisling D'Art
- aldous - Aldous Tyler
- alexandria - krit
- alexmegami - Alex-chan
- alisgray - girl as cake army
- allie - imagination salvation
- allmylamerglory - A Chapter of Accidents
- altus000 - Logarithm For The Ladies
- ambulicious - Ambrosia
- americangothic - Han Solo
- amphetamine5000 - Andrew Ricci
- amye - Emaleth
- an7ie - Andie, Just Andie.
- androgynousmind - Devil on your shoulder
- angel83 - ..nescient tatterdemalion..
- angelcarnivore - Mara
- angelgirl - ***megan the angelgirl superstar***
- angelina8 - Laura
- angelvoice - angelvoice
- ariesgirlie - that damn ariesgirlie
- arohanui - Kate
- arosebud918 - Amy Rose
- artless - artless
- ashweekins - Ash
- asinine - Mo
- asnredneck - Asnredneck
- asterisk8 - sniffles the hedgehog
- asti - Asti
- athena80 - Liss
- austengirl - Rachel Leora
- automaticman - The Automatic Man
- avertedgaze - Bless her dotty, troglodyte heart
- avienda - Avienda
- awccmfan - Could I Be More Confused?
- babyonfire - lalala
- badfae - beware_the_faerie_gone_bad
- bbdll - Ambyr Rose
- bdufren - brad
- beatnikonvespa - Stolen Ghost Orchid
- beautifoolish - Beautifoolish
- bedazzle - Amy
- beeble - kim's xanax
- beijaflor - an electric eccentric
- bestinshow - Yea for Progress
- biting_the_sun - unquietgrave
- blaisey - A Politically Incorrect Girl
- blossom - ann
- bluehenna - The Moon Spinner
- blueshattered - when lexies go wrong
- bluevelvet - Blue Velvet
- brava - Amanda
- brooklyngirl - * real live brooklyngirl *
- bumpkin - lizz
- caesuraplaid - Té
- camdez - Cam
- capnsponge - The lawyer with an eloquent tongue
- caradrina - fire thought she might rather be water instead
- carmina -
- cg07446 - And Then I Wrote...
- chanda - Chanda
- chandra - Chandra
- cheerkittie - Sara
- chrisrayn - Chris
- chuckm - Chuck Meyer
- cleanlikegod - Elixir Sue
- cobweb - cobweb
- collie - death valley queen
- corachaos - Cora Chaos
- core9 - Corinne
- counterfeitfake - Sir Pixelot
- cp - CrushPuppy
- crackhedmo - CrackHedMo
- cryllius - Dave
- curlychris - Christina Joyce
- cutelilduck - cutelilduck
- cybertiger - cybertiger
- cyclicity - cyclicity
- cykochica - Made up in brains what she lacked in pedigree
- cynnerth - Cyn
- cyphiroth - Chris
- cyrenasea - The Almighty Bitch Queen in all Her Dark Glory
- czircon - S. David Hammack
- darius - Darius Bacon
- darkestdreamer - Dream
- darkfaerie - DarkFaerie
- darryn - Jimmy The Toucan
- davestang - davestang
- dawngirl - MsDawn
- dayna - A Masters in Reverse Psychology
- deadpanwalking - DeadPanWalking
- debergerac - cyrano
- decembertyger - December Tyger
- deepriver_woman - She's A Mixture Of Love And Gasoline
- demonstar - Space Cowboy
- dervish7 - Steven
- deviation - Hate as pure as sunshine
- divinechaos - DivineChaos
- doeadear - Please don't let me turn into Kathie Lee!
- dominus - Albert Tay Weicheng
- door - Anathema Device
- dosteric - Frick
- dragonlord58 - Carlo Di Marco
- dreama - Bunnyfluff the Destroyer
- drooldrifter - every name is my name
- droz5 - More fun than a barrel full of Elvi
- dutchplum - That Girl
- dykestar - Femme Pedegogy
- dyskodyke - My name is Tina, I'm a lesser-known character
- e023 - Ernesto Francisco Mendoza Porras
- eimran - Marg
- elisaj - Elisa*
- ella - Turthi Sintit
- emperorxavier - Legion
- emptyflow - emptyflow
- empy - Le serpent qui danse
- endgame - Endgame
- enthiomaniac - Second assistant bookkeeper
- ertai - The Ion Chef
- estrangler - est.
- eternalinternal - nausea
- etherealcereal - Lynn
- euphoricone - Dragolin
- evilgenius - Rachel
- evilinthenameof - dangeresque, too?
- exophagy - super lover
- fadingbluestar - The girl behind the glass
- faeriechilde - just another misfit toy
- fairylilly - Willow
- fairymelusine - Fallen Caryatid
- feste - Dennis Feste
- fightdir - Fightdir
- fireborn - Kassandra Fireborn
- fireflypkb - just another cold tuesday breakfast
- firestorm - my closet holds no bones
- flirtini - On a need to know basis
- fluffy - stranger
- flyingbrick - em
- forkintheeye - Andy Pandy Juck-a-Dandy
- frankie_cat - cute & evil
- friskypixie - Tasha
- fuktup - Fuktup
- gadfly - Gadfly
- gadget_girl - Your Fidgety-Fadgety, Gidgety-Gadgety Girl
- geloe - Qitten
- giorgio - Giorgio
- girlblah - maggie on the rocks
- girlnextdoor - lina.
- girlreveling - Beth
- girlvinyl - Cotton Candy Explosion!
- gleepy - Curtis R Anderson
- goddessofe - The Goddess of e
- goldfischegirl - camera-yielding loud mouth
- gorthead - Glop
- gravity_ - YOU I BITE YOU
- groove_haircut - Groove Haircut
- grue - JK
- helenmelon - trapped like a trap in a trap
- helloneko - Liz
- hellsangel - Manda
- heyjana - heyjana
- hildera - Archangel
- hiphophottie - i've never seen a pretty girl look so tough.
- hippocrates - Hippocrates
- hippytreekiller - John Nick
- hot_kachina - epistrophé
- iain - Iain C.
- ic - Dance With Me
- icetray - Joran Dax
- imachick - ali
- imnwunderland - Mary
- inherentmalaise - Megan Gorman
- internautte - too young to fall asleep
- irisathena - Iris
- issaarden - Issa Arden
- jadeanngel - ann
- jadedgyrl23 - Maxine Shaw, Attorney-at-law.
- jamesvx - geoffV
- jason30 - Jay
- jayjaybear - Jim
- jaynedeaux - Jayne Deaux
- jdeunique - Demanding POWER with an Intense
- jenx - JenX
- jezabelle - Esther Greenwood
- jimb0 - Jim Morrison
- jinx1419 - Alison
- jo464 - roundhouse kick to the face
- joelseph - Joelseph
- johnnypanic - johnny panic
- johntchoe - Antoine Bugleboy
- jonah - Area Man
- justatailor - Angel
- justjay - search for pleasure, search for pain
- kalayamdsn - Michele
- kali_devi - Kali
- katal - Luciano Metzia
- kate_michelle - kitty
- katgolightly - katgolightly
- katyakoshka - The Smoldering Volcano of Ephemeral Chaos
- kcarp - Katy
- keneally - nick
- kial - morning sleepy eyed girl
- kiapa - Kiapa
- kill - Kill
- killmesarah - this must be what love tastes like
- kiltorispelling - KillToriSpelling
- kimiki26 - kimiki26
- kingprad - Carl the Gee-Whiz Wonder Boy
- kingryan - ryan
- kita - pantsuit sort of thing
- kitra - Kitra
- kjaceyma - Hyggezonen
- klulyss - Klu
- kstellak - miss. "k"
- kylie - Kylie
- l2ico - Rico
- labardine - Ranagan_Labardine
- lackluster - jamie
- lalunedenoire - WingedPinkEsper
- larly - and dream of sheep
- laurel - Laurel
- lazlopanaflex - Cunning Linguist
- lberghol - animatress on the edge
- leesawmay - Lisa
- libertango - Hal
- lilshyangel - we are all such products
- linz18 - Wasn't Fuzzy Wuzzy
- liontamarin - Lion Tamarin
- londontheory - finn, again!
- lonita - Lonita
- lordleviathan - Shari Vegas
- loseric - Reject
- lostness - Andrea
- lovesuicide - BleedingRomantic
- lucidmynd - lucid
- luna_goddess - Starla
- lunaleise - she bites through your dried lean meat
- lycantras - Just Little Old Me
- lynspin - that blonde girl
- lyssrose - uber-geek chick
- maboo - Daniel: Causer of Cognitive Dissonance
- machmed - The Americana Dream
- mad_spirit - Mad Spirit
- maiathebee - maia
- mamarama - Dr. Mama Spell
- manangjoy - manangjoy
- mangagurl - Jay
- masscooper - Diet Dr. Vodka
- mediavixen - Rebecca Valentine
- mellowdrama - cornelia candypants
- mephistopheles - Misty
- metallicat93 - Katy
- migrainegirl - amusing myself to death
- miki - miki
- milesruiz - J
- minn - Minnie
- miscca - Harmonious Discord
- missilv - Ms. Missi
- missing - Trake Adams
- missrachael - Ella Minnow Pea
- missslugg - Lori
- miyeon1121 - MiYeon
- mlechan - Henna Gaijin
- moesmith88 - That guy named Moe...
- mooseking - The World's Youngest Old Man
- morian - Morian
- msmarlamae - Marla-Mae
- muldr4scly - «…Muldr4Scly…»
- murmurs - Murmur
- mustadio - Mustadio
- naebliser - Kari
- nashata - Amanda
- naskele - Naskele
- nathanblack - Nathan Black
- neptune609 - Morg
- newt0 - Adam
- nicchus - Tom Nix
- nicerinabadway - John
- nickboy - 'til there was rock you only had God
- niftycosmic - Rose and Valerie, Screaming From the Gallery
- nightgarden - Rachel
- nixc - Nicole
- noctapeepa - NoCTaPeePa
- now4ever - now4ever
- oatmeal - Boyle's Law
- oboe_sama - glennuine draft
- obscured00 - Brian
- ode - Ode
- oenone - DomoKun
- omegachicken - jar
- omi - Ayachi
- one_woman_army - Darth Tater
- onyx_flame - Krys
- oracleasylum - O, the Magik Cricket
- osuptygal - The Untalented Ms. Teresa
- owenng - Owen Ng
- pandora - Big Black Pupils
- pandora270 - Pandora's Centrical Helios
- paranoidandroid - Marvin
- patchworkgirl -
- patricks - Patrick
- paxsenarrion - Girl Goddess No. 9
- penguinfairy - the girl you wish you knew but forgot you don't
- peredesucre - Pere De Sucre
- perfectself - ~*Kimmy*~
- petit_chou - Gigantic Bat from Mountain Caves
- pezzly - Todd
- philosophrclown - to shocking even for channel four
- phoenixelement - Phoenix
- photogrphygrl - ms complicated
- pierydys - Pierydys
- piiko - Piiko
- pinkstatik - Kait
- piscean_ic - Yuri
- plasticprincess - Kiley
- plish - Thinking Outside the Socks
- plur - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect
- poetqueen - Julia McClellan
- polinees - Adam
- pootrootbeer - T.J. O'Pootertoot
- prema - cassytha filiformis
- priapus - lockjawnever!
- primate007 - Dirt Nap
- prismperfect - prism perfect
- psychicbooty - Logan
- purplehaze - oh so sardonic
- queenduh - A lack of esteem
- quietkarma - Simple Male
- quietshell - quietshell
- quirky_me - Absent
- rainbrot - Brain Rot
- ranai - Carolina Mantooth, the Red Bullet of the South
- razzle - Razzle
- redglitter - watermelon sugar
- reesey - Manfred Humperdink
- rella869 - Nix
- relsqui - I'm not silly, I'm just seriously impaired
- revbones - revbones
- reve - Anne
- riversabine - caterpillar girl
- rivet - Jodi
- robnoxious - Robnoxious
- roguebelle - Cassandra
- rowan23 - Rowan
- rude_punk_girl - Jackie
- sailor_cheese - Martushka
- saintwhocares - Albion Moonlight
- sanatae - Dacey
- sandstar - | Sandi* - The Sensory One |
- sarahmc - Sarah McDermott
- sarahpi - Ms. Sarah Q. Pi
- satanicpenguin - [jen and juice]
- satyric - Satyric
- saxtus - Scott
- sbswinger - patrick
- scarfboy - scarfboy
- scheherazade - scheherazade
- schlickster - justhappytobehere
- scottobear - Raj KAJ
- scribbit - WHAMMO!!!
- scrillahaley - Haley
- scuzzlebutt - Nick
- secretworldofme - Jessica
- segue - segue
- sgnp - Some Guy Named Paul
- sgtaurora - Nikhil Patwardhan
- shandanette - snotface
- shugrbee - The Rhapsody of Me the Bee
- shutterbug - Shutterbug
- sickbitch - sickbitch
- silent_dancer - E
- silent_sensei - (a life in parentheses)
- silver_aeris - Tina
- silvermoon - dorothy
- simon_moon - simon moon
- sincerelylies - A NEW GIRL
- sinnocence - Kitty Shitt aka Vexx
- siren52684 - Stacey
- skybri - Brian
- skyftzhevn - Sky
- skywalker404 - Greg
- slaeve - Shard
- slipkn0t - Bohemiam Samurai
- smasherette - alainaº
- snowflake624 - and now i'm drowning..
- soulessflame - Goth Powder
- spacebunni - Unlucky
- spacelion - Draco Malfoy
- spadix - Aly
- spazdog - Nicole
- specificocean - specificocean
- spiralstairs - Martin
- spiralstarlight - Hopeless
- spite - :[diatribe]:.
- spottedspot - ~:*tangle*:~
- sqrfruit - Kate
- starboy - scattered ashes, on the roof of your mouth
- stardazzled - Tiara
- starjunkie - filmstar
- starkravingmad - stark raving mad
- starlajo - Jo
- starling321 - Star Fitzgerald
- stellae - Liz
- stollerini - stollerini
- stormcrowley - Insomnia with a smile
- strawberrygirl - La Femme Em
- stylishbastard - Martini
- styroteqe - x
- sungsdottir - J.C.H.O.
- supurnuva - Geng
- sweethrtemma - lima bean~
- swornpacifist - SwornPacifist
- taerjinhov - TaerJinhov
- taerowyn - Taerowyn
- tainted_star - the sky is red
- taintedangel - Tainted Angel
- tamahome - Doer of Good Things Where Women are Concerned!
- tamertonv - Tammy
- tangletoy - tangle of toy
- tatooedkoi - Koi Kitten.I could step off the end of this pier..
- tedkennedy - Ted Kennedy
- tenacity - hey sugar
- thatcute - Mark
- the_real_sorrow - Sorrow
- thecure4ca - Peter Gibbons
- theda_bara - Eidolon
- theena - Theena
- thehangedman - The Hanged Man
- theninjakitten - Ninjakitten
- thezygo - Sucky McSuckerson
- thineownself - a veil, and one step
- thoth - Joshua
- thrawn - The nameless One
- tma - Alex C
- tobascus - Greg
- tolvar - Tolvar
- topher - Christopher Cashell
- topski - Christopher
- trista - Crabbella Snarkette O'Crankerton-Bitchgerald.
- tristia - tristia
- tweezlebum - Misty
- tylor - Stab Master Arson
- uclangel - PK Tech Girl
- vaguelygreggy - Greg
- vaguelyspecific - Andrea
- vargatron - The Two-Faced Call
- verbl - Scott Baio Ain't Got Nothing On Me
- vintagemod - Michelle
- violetsuede - defined by memory
- virgoangel - Amy L. Harris
- viscera - viscera
- vodalus - Vodalus
- vulgarlad - damaged bad at best
- wageslave - Lucan
- wakked_out - The Boy Looking At You From The Corner
- walkingman - Walk On Down A Country Road
- wanderlustlover - Baby Dragon
- webartin - Loreli
- westernomelette - feeling minnesota
- whhsweetie - Jess
- whirlingdervish - sky.
- wickedeyes - C@mille
- winkandsmile - thomas
- witchylass - Jessica
- wordsmith9 - Zwielicht Farfalla
- wretcheddoll - Mrs. O
- wrinkledinfant - wrinkled infant
- xlostxinnocence - jason
- xrakhx - Jami
- yaleelee - Yale E. Lee
- yurei - Yurei
- zendaisy - ZenDaisy
- zornrot - Zoran