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September 11th, 2004: A Happy Mishap Pt 1
©2003-2004 Philip Lagas-Rivera
Posted by Phil on September 22nd, 2004: TSE Update
hey everyone, just an update on what's going on; the next strip is 3/4 of the way drawn and will be up probably sometime this weekend. :)

Posted by Phil on September 11th, 2004: A Happy Mishap Pt 1
this strip lost a lot of detail in the resizing, check out the high res version. and by the way, you have Cameron and his girlfriend to blame for this particular storyline ;)

as some of you may have noticed. i'm putting this strip up several days after September 11th. i've done this for a very specific reason. September 11th was a very special day for our nation. on this day, something with incredible impact happened to America: i started a webcomic. hard to believe that it's been a year. so much has happened, both in my life, and with TSE. i have a lot to look back on and be proud of over the last year, and a few things i'm not so proud of (again, both in my life and in TSE).

the few of you out there who have been reading TSE since it first began, give yourselves a pat on the back, and please know that it means more than the entire world to me. to Cameron, Liz, Nick, N, Robin, Becca, Christine, my whole family and other friends (too numerous to mention) who offered me support when i was first beginning and have continued to do so over the last twelve months, i cannot express how much i owe to you.

let's recap a bit, shall we? let's see, i started out here one year ago, with mere pencil on paper and ended up here. to date, TSE has had 117 comic strips (including filler, but not fan art) and is seen by approximately 150 unique people each day (this was higher until my update schedule became shaky).

other milestones from the past year:

i'm sure there's lots more that i've left out, but that's a good start.

much love,
-Philip A Lagas-Rivera
The Shallow End looks best when viewed with Mozilla FireFox at no less than 800x600 resolution (1024x768 best).

©2003-2004 Philip Lagas-Rivera

Powered by: Comic Update Script for PHP (CUSP) Version 1.7.4