Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "hobbits".
433 matches:
__all_in_one__ - Anything and Everything
__arwen_support - __arwen_support
__believe__ - _believe in the unseen_
_greendragon_ - The Green Dragon
_lotractorrpg_ - more lotr actor slash rpg!
_readingroom - Shirasade's Reading Room
_the_inklings_ - The Inklings
_the_journey - _the_journey
_the_third_age - In the third age
a_i_t - An_Inquisitive_Took
absolute_lotr - The Ultimate Lord of the Rings Community!
ac_lotr_crew - The Lord of the Rings Crew
addmeprecious - ADD ME PRECIOUSSSS!
adventurers - Waiting for Gandalf: Adventurers
aft_tolkien - AFT Tolkien
afterthering - After The Ring
allthingsfae - Fae and More
aniraperiannath - Desiring Hobbits
anti_arwen - for those who have actually read the books
anti_legolas - Legolas Dislikers of the World, Unite!
apartment412 - Apartment 412
apavannente - Apavannente
arda_claims - Arda Claims
asparagus_story - asparagus_story
astin_daily - Astin Daily
athelingas - Lord of the Rings Slash
aus_lotr - Australian LOTR Fans
baseic - Baseic Icons
bboyd - Billy Boyd fans
beyond_lotr - Lord of the Rings and Beyond
bigdamnicons - BIG DAMN ICONS
billanddom - The Five Hobbits
billastin - billastin lovers
billyboyd_daily - Billy Boyd Daily
billydomfans - Billy and Dom fans
bitofearth - Bit of Earth
bloodphoenix - BloodPhoenix Icons
bloom_room - The Bloom Room LJ Community
bloomilicious - Bloomilicious
blootin - blootinomgwtf!
bobw2004 - Lord of the Rings Con 2004
bodice_laces - Distracted By Bodices
bookofwestmarch - Red Book of Westmarch
booksofbagend - Books of Bag End
boromirlovers - Boromir Fans
boyd_daily - Billy Boyd Daily
boyd_fan - Cutest Hobbit on the Block
brit_actors - brit_actors
broken_glasses - Books lovers of all Types
budgetwv - Budget Girls
bway_cafe - Let's Make it Crazy Again
caribbeandreams - Loving the pirates Jack Sparrow and Will Turner
carry_on_elves - Tolkien's elves but not as you know them
cazbah_kiddies - The Cazbah Crew
ceramic_snowman - ceramic_snowman
charmedcouplets - Charmed Couplets
child_within - Imhên
chronicles_me - The Chronicles of Middle-earth
coinherence - The Inklings
council_of_nine - The Council of Nine
councilofelrond - Council-of-Elrond
cousbands - Cousbands
csop - Crazy Smigglemedorf Obsessed People
cynical_movies - Film Cynics
dead_poets_nh - Dead Poets Society - Southern NH Chapter
deleterius - Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings Mary Sues
denofsin - Boinkington Manor
dirty_hobbits - Dirty Lil Hobbits: A Hobbit Slash Journal
divinelydiluted - divinelydiluted
dmonaghan_daily - dmonaghan_daily
do_me_denethor - Do me, Denethor
do_me_eomer - Do Me, Eomer
do_me_frodo - Do Me, Frodo
do_me_gandalf - Do me, Gandalf!
do_me_merry - Do Me Merry
do_me_samwise - Do me, Samwise!
dominicmonaghan - dom dom dommmm
domism - The Church of Dom
domlijah_shorts - Domlijah Shorts
dommie_dreams - Dom Dreams
dreamfellowship - dreamfellowship
effin_hobbits - 'effin hobbits
elf_haven - This is a Sanctuary For Elves
elfland - Elfland
elflings_ - The Elves of LJ
elijah_daily - Elijah Daily
elijah_forever - elijah_forever
elijah_is_gay - elijah_is_gay
elijah_love - elijah_love
elijahexchange - ElijahExchange
elijaholics - ELIJAHOLICS
elijahwood - elijah wood fans
elves_n_amazons - Elves and Amazons and such
elvesoncampus - Elves On Campus ; An online comic
endof_allthings - End of all things
eowynsrealm - Fans of Éowyn
evenstar_icons - evenstar_icons
ewfnsisters - The LOTR (lads)-holics united.
faeid - faeid
faerie_icons - Faerie Icons!
faery_hill - Faery_Hill
fain_taur - The White Forest
fan_domestics - fan_domestics
fan_fiction - We love FAN FIC!!
fanarchy - fanarchy
fandom_goddess - Fandom Goddess
fangirls_anon - Victims of Fangirlishness
fantaisie_sign - Fantaisie Sign Icons
fellow_shippers - Fellowshippers: LOTR RPS
fellowship_nine - Fellowship Nine
fellowshippers - Slashobbit
ficfantasy - Fictional Fantasies
find_you_a_box - Concerning Hobbits
florida_rings - Tolkien Fans of Florida
fluffy_death - fluffy_death
flwshpofthecast - Fellowship of the Cast
flying_guitar - The Sisterhood
fram_it_up - the nook
framitopia - framitopia
freak_show_icp - The Great Milenko
frodo_wood - frodo_wood
frodofans - Frodo Fans
fruitsofchaos - Fruits of Chaos
ft_awesome - ft_awesome
funpretty_icons - Fun and Pretty ICONS
gamgeebrood - Gamgee-Gardner Family Brood!
gamgeehall - Gamgee Hall
gandalf_lovers - gandalf_lovers
geek_luv - geek luv
getmmomeb - The GETMMOMEB
golden_wood - Lord of the Rings Icon Challenge
goldenhall - the Golden Hall
got_the_blues - Got the Blues
grazyabout - grazy_about_lotr
grdragnbackroom - The Green Dragon Back Room
greatbiggeek - Great Big Geek
green_dragon - LotR Artists' Community
green_dragon_ - green_dragon_
groovy_geek - Groovy Geek
guttercourt - The Royal Court of the Gutter
gwendrind - gwendrind
haldir_horde - The Haldirs of Livejournal
halfling_heroes - People For The Protection of Hobbits..
hallsdiaries - Halls of Innocence - Diaries
hallway56 - hallway56
hidden_realms - Otherworldly realms
hip2be_square - robbit icons
hobbit_claims - Claim a Hobbit!
hobbit_fluff - The Hobbit Fluff Community
hobbit_hug - hobbit_hug
hobbit_icons - LOTR Hobbit Icons.
hobbit_life - Hobbit Life
hobbit_luv - hobbit_luv
hobbit_mania - HOBBIT MANIA
hobbit_slash - Hobbit Slash Community
hobbit_smut - Hobbit Smut Fan Fiction Challenge Community
hobbitcrossing - Hobbit Crossing
hobbitish_folk - Hobbitish Folk
hobbitlotr - Hobbit
hobbiton - Lovers of Middle-Earth
hobbitporn - hobbit porn
hobbits - Hobbits
hobbits_gather - hobbits_gather
hobbits_of_kd - Hobbit Lovers of Khazad-Dum
hobbitsaresex - hobbit perverts
hobbitslash - Hobbit Slash
hobbitsync - Hobbits 'n Sync
hobbitweed - hobbitweed
holesomehobbits - Healthy Hobbit Wenches
home_of_the_fae - Home of the Fae
hoom_hoom - Shameful LotR Spam
hpscarves - hpscarves
ibreakfrhobbits - I Brake for Hobbits
icon_crazies - icon_crazies
iconimate - Animate Your Life
imaginarybar - the iBar
in_the_garage - nerdy obsessions
insane_icons - insane_icons
intershards - InterShards
inutachi - The Inu-tachi Treehouse
itaintsopretty - It Ain't So Pretty
keljordia - KELJORDIA
kellyism - For those who worship Lly
kinkyhobbits - The Kinkiest Hobbits of Them All
kiriss - Kiriss Melindos
kurt_nilsen - Kurt Nilsen fans on LiveJournal
kzim - DJ Gir
labyrinthlust - Labyrinth Daily, Masquerades, & Bowie factoids
ladsofthering - Lads of the Ring
larpers - LARPers
laughlorien - Mirkwood's Open Mic
learn_tolkien - Learn the Languages of Tolkien
legolas_love - Legolas is mine :)
legolasofmrkwd - Legolas Greenleaf
lij_icons - elijah wood icons
lij_pics - Elijah_Wood_pictures
liquor_jaysun - Liquor & Jaysun
lives_of_arda - -Lives of Arda- A LOTR / Middle Earth RPG
lordofringsrpg - Lord of the Rings Role Play Game
lordofthe_icons - lordofthe_icons
lordofthebetas - Lord of the Rings Beta Readers
lordoftherants - LotR Rants, Gripes, and Just General Unhappiness
lordoftherings - Lord of the Rings
lordotrings - Lord of the Rings
lotr200 - lotr200
lotr4lyfe - lotr
lotr__icons - lotr__icons
lotr_actors - fans of LOTR actors
lotr_art - LotR ART
lotr_au - LOTR Alternate Universe
lotr_au_fic - lotr_au_fic
lotr_brandyhall - Brandyhall: A Lord of the Rings Forum
lotr_canon - lotr_canon
lotr_charmed - LOTR Charmed RPG
lotr_chorus - the lord of the rings lyrical icontest
lotr_cult - Lord of the rings audience participation
lotr_daily - LOTR Daily
lotr_dreams - The Dreaming Theatre
lotr_fandom - lotr_fandom
lotr_femslash - Lord of the Rings Femslash
lotr_fiction - Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction
lotr_freaks - lotr_freaks
lotr_haiku - LotR haiku
lotr_hush - the lord of the rings hush challenge
lotr_icons - Lord of the Rings Icons Community
lotr_icontest - LotR_Icontest
lotr_insiders - Home is behind
lotr_losers - lotr_losers
lotr_msting - Lord of the Rings MSTings
lotr_news - lotr news
lotr_pervs - lotr_pervs
lotr_philosophy - lotr_philosophy
lotr_playground - LOTR Playground
lotr_poetry - Lord Of The Rings Poetry
lotr_recs - Lord of the Rings Fanfic Recs
lotr_refugees - LOTR Refugees
lotr_some - LOTR:Slashers of Middle Earth
lotr_spokane - LotR Trilogy 12/16 in Spokane
lotr_the_book - Lord of the Rings-The Book!
lotr_wallpapers - Lord of the Rings Wallpapers and Icons
lotr_whorehouse - The Middle Earth Whore House
lotr_withdrawal - lotr_withdrawal
lotranon - Lord of the Rings Anonymous...a Support Community
lotrart - Lord of the Rings Fanart
lotrbackgrounds - Lord of the Rings Backgrounds
lotrbookrants - Lord of the Rings Book Ranting
lotrboys_daily - LOTR Boys Daily
lotrchat - LJ Lord of the Rings Chat
lotrcostumes - Lord of the Rings Costumes
lotrcrew - lotrcrew
lotrdrabble - The LOTR Drabble Community
lotrdrabbles - Lord of the Rings Drabbles
lotrfanficfiend - lotrfanficfiend
lotrfangirls - Lord of the Rings Fangirls
lotrfic - Lord of the Rings Fanfiction
lotrgirls_daily - LotrGirls_Daily
lotrhp_elite - lotrhp_elite
lotrhp_slash - LOTR/HP Slash Community
lotrips_recs - Lotrips Recs
lotrmoulin - lotr-moulin rouge fan alliance
lotrnoncon - LOTR NonCon
lotrparody - LOTR Parody
lotrporn - One Stop Porn Shop
lotrquotes - LOTR Quotes
lotrroleplay - LotRRP
lotrrp_muns - LotRRP
lotrrpg - Lord of the Rings RPG
lotrslash - Lord Of The Rings Slash
lotrslashannals - Lord of The Rings Slash Annals (Archive)
lotrtrivia - LOTR Trivia
lotrunderground - LOTR Underground
lunar_satellite - lunar_satellite
lusteaters - Lust Eaters
madbagginses - The Mad Bagginses Community
malin_ambar - Malin Ambar [Golden World]
mathoms - Mathoms: LOTR GiftFics
me_claims - Middle-earth Claims
mepd - Middle-Earth Police Department
meriadoc_fan - O Blessed Meriadoc!
merrynpippin - Merry <3 Pippin
merrypippins - a spoonful of sugar helps the 2nd breakfast go dow
merrysstruggles - Meriadoc Brandybuck
mespt_daycare - Arda All-Species Daycare
meu_studentlife - Middle Earth University student life
mid_earth - mid_earth
middle_earth - Middle-Earth Sock Puppet Theatre
middle_earth_ - Lord of the Rings Character Analysis
middleearth2040 - middleearth2040
mildreds_kilt - mildreds_kilt
minas_ithil - NAZGUL!!!
mirkwoods - Nienna
mithrilawards - Mithril Awards for Tolkien Fanfiction
monaghan - dom fans
monaghan_daily - Dom Monaghan Daily!
morayasicons - Moraya's icons
mordorks - Mordorks
mrorlandobloom - orlando bloom fans
mysticthrill - Obsession Is For The Strong
n_rpg - NualaRPG
nancingpony - The Nancing Pony
nawt_realleh - Nawt realleh!
night_stars - Night Stars
ninjapornmonkey - ninjapornmonkey
norwescon - Norwescon
numenwriters - A place for writers to share their muses
nutellalove - Nutellalove - where no lickable guy is safe
of_middleearth - Those who dwell in the lands of Arda
of_the_shire - Live.Like.A.Hobbit
officers_club - officers_club
ohtari - Warriors
only_tha_sex - only_tha_sex
ontheset - On The Set
opmwc - Michael White Conference
orlando_haters - We Hate Orlando Bloom
park_city - Park City
pelennorfields - Pelennor Fields
photoshopless - Photoshopless Icons
picturepeople - Nothing Clever Is Coming Out Right Now. Sorry.
pippin_merry - Pippin Took and Merry Brandybuck Community
pippinfans - Peregrin Took
pony_pals - The Wonderful Pony Pals!
potc_lotr_icons - potc_lotr_icons
powermetalheads - Power Metal Fans!!!
prettygoodyear - pgy Fan Community
proudtoslash - proudtoslash
prvyhobbitfancy - pervy hobbit fanciers
pseudoheroes - the infamous pseudoheroes
pure_obsessions - Obsessions
qsmgsfd - vanya
rabidpippinfans - rabidpippinfans
rangerelfmellon - friendship between Aragorn and Legolas
ratal - all-unseeing-slash haven
rg_council - RPE
rgbrsremembered - Frodo and Sam
ridikkulus - Vivz&Vlie
ring_rants - Rants of the Ring
ringactor_icons - LotR actor icons
ringbearerfrodo - Frodo Baggins
ringcon - Ring*Con
ringer_icons - Lord of the Rings Icon Challenge
ringleaders - The RingLeaders
ringprov - Lord of the Rings Improv
ringspam - Reich und Faul
rivendell - Lord Of The Rings Fan Community
rotk - The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Movie
rotkfans - rotkfans
rotkfans_chat - rotkfans_chat
rp_universe - Movie, Novela, & Video Game Role Playing Universe
rpg_list - RPG Listings
rpg_tales - Sagas of Dice, Dungeons and Dolts
rpw_icons - The Ring, the Pirate, and the Wizard
ru_elves - quendi
scifi_smut - Fan fiction inspired by Sci-Fi/Fantasy works
scorchcakers - Short Attention Span Flirters
sean_astin_fans - Sean Astin Fans
seanastin - The Sean Astin Community
second_age - The Second Age S.R.
secretscrolls - SECRET SCROLLS
seksicomm - The Hobbit Hole
sexula - The Court of Sexula
sexy_domorlando - sexy_domorlando
shardsofarda - Shards Of Arda
shardsofnarsil - Shards of Narsil
she_bears - Wild Women Against Razors
shicharacters - The character journal for The Startled Hippo Inn
shire_gathering - shire_gathering
shire_kitchen - shire_kitchen
shire_ladies - Shire Ladies
shire_pride - The Shirelings
shroomylembas - Mushrooms and Lembas
shy_writers - shy_writers
sickhobbitlove - Sick, Sick Hobbit Love
silmarillion - The Silmarillion
skinny_hobbits - Good Eating Hobbits
slashpuppets - Pups
slashwraiths - The 'Lord of The Rings' Slash Community
slashy_lotr - Slashy_LOTR
squicky - Mmm...Squicky!
starledhippoinn - The Startled Hippo Inn
sticklebats - Sticklebats: A LOTR Community
tales_of_ea - Tales of The World That Is
teens_gsa_lj - Sarah's GSA LJ for Teens and Our Issues =)
teh_icons - teh_icons
terra_di_mezzo - Tolkien Italia
teunc - teunc
the_fellowship - The_Fellowship
the_garbery - The Garbery
the_geeklings - the geeklings
the_grey_havens - Namárië
the_one_tolkien - For Dedicated Fans of Tolkien's Middle-earth Tales
the_tooks - The Took Family
the_trip_thing - The Trip Girls Rock!
the_unfuckables - The Unfuckables
thefantastic - The Fantastic
thepaperduet - The Paper Duet
theprancingpony - The Prancing Pony
therightfangirl - Conservative Fangirls Coalition
thestarlitsea - The Starlit Sea -- A LOTR support community
thetook - Hobbit Hole's Round Robin
thompsonplague - thompsonplague
tigatog100 - tigatog100
tir_tairngiri - Fabulous Faeries
titanic_claims - Titanic Claims
togetherrrrrrrr - There and back again....
tolkien_books - tolkien literary purists
tolkien_essays - Essays on the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien
tolkien_fans - Fans of J.R.R Tolkien's books
tolkien_rpg - tolkien_rpg
tolkienart - Art Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien
tolkienscholars - tolkienscholars
tookute - A Pippin Community
tornado_sex - Lovers of Tornado Sex
toying - Toying At Our Leisure
truth_untold - What's really going on between Sam and Frodo?
ttylc - ttylc
viggenstein - Viggenstein & Other Monsters
wargs - W.A.R.G.S.
warofthering - War of the Ring
waterinpockets - Confounded Nuisances
we_love_elves - We're Crazy 'Bout Elves!
wee_tolkien - The best of each day's Tolkien news
weenation - The Wee and Mighty
wehavearemedy - We Have A Remedy
weirdandproud - Strange (Or Normal) People with Odd Interests
wesitonelves - We sit on elves!
whitecity - WhiteCity
whitecityooc - WhiteCity OOC
winged_balrogs - the Great Debate
wordsleftquiet - Words Left Quiet
writersblok_net - The Writer's Blok LJ Community
xantifangirlx - haters of those annoying fangirls
yogaclass4catz - * T * K * C *
youdrawidraw - youdrawidraw
Interested users
The following users are interested in hobbits. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
454 matches:
19 - falling star
_hopecries - _hopecries
actgirl5 - Angela
adoralyna - Adoralyna
aerolyn1 - May 29th, 1583
ah42 - Flower Sniffer
ahappytragedie - .:.little:miss:barkley.:.
aikochan - rebecca of the rain&trees
ailei - the corner of grey street & the end of the world
airame - Maria... the other potato
airika - Erica
allichan - Allison
alligatorgirl - stephanie
almond_tiger - plums deify
alpha_complex - alpha_complex
amiablehatred - people named allison are stupid
amidori - ami
ampstable - revolution 9
amyblack - Amy Black
angelofdisease - Angel of Disease
angeluspixy - Dur deee dur. :B
ar_feiniel_ - ar_feiniel_
arainbowlikeyou - arainbowlikeyou
archane - Archane Nightspirit
arien - Guiding the Sun
astrobleme - astrobleme
atsuki - My Dark Heart
aubiered19 - K. Piggy
auntspooky - susan
aya9 - Aya
aylapolgara - Jen
aylaranzz - Arielle
baadjim - Keif
babylinks - babylinks
baileh - Gettin' advice from a caterpillar
barubarachan - Barbara
bearhug - Bearhug
bentsafteypin - Suz
blackvelvtjess - jessi-cat the drunk kung fu kitty
blinkgurl - Autumn
bloodlust_bitch - the Sarah
bloodyqueen - Belle
blue_michiru - Michiru
bohemianbeauty - ~*Meg*~
bohemianrain - Owner of the DomHug!
breebree16 - Benny
bri_chan - Brianna
briege - Briege
briguyman - Ivan Czekov
brillig - Bandersnatch
bunny_of_steele - Fujiyama Mama
buttermuffinmax - The Road Through Me...
bytheskies - the liquid dew of youth.
callmedirk - Sara Beth
canadianyams - Bring me the Disco King
captainkay - Kayleigh
carenza - ¤©å®ëñzå¤
catgirlrach - Rachel
cattails - Cattails
cdtslider - Kevin
celandine_g - celandine_goodbody
celiaka - Celia the Uneventful
cenedra16 - cenedra16
ch0sen_0ne - Ronnie
cheesymoon - moon cheese
cherylwoo - cheryl
chewonglass - Nena, das schönste Kind
chibimun - mees arteestic syd
chocochu - The Notorious Z.O.E.
chocomoose542 - Mooserella the Magnificent
cj_sparx - C.J.
clintonswish - MICHI NI MAYOTTA!
clocksareevil - luna
constellation - constellation
coxonite - anjin
cpt_backfire - Annabella
cpudemon - Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World
crazydazy - Julia
crushmaniac - Concert Whore Christine
cupiecake - Jenface!!!111
cuspie - Dawn
danachan - dana (a halfling, hard, bold, and wicked)
darksidhe - Winter
darthjen270 - Jen
davybabyjones - eleven past five
deadmonkie - frodo.
deaths_paramour - Cassandra
deedala - Dee
demonllama27 - Anne E.
denajane - Ava Jones
destortion - frontal destortion
devilish578 - Lazy Muse
devoid - Jenn "Come on Eileen" Hamel
devon - a Siamese Cat of a Bird
dianasampayo - I am nobody's little weasel.
diehardapplefan - Dak
divinelight - Teeny
dmbcrush21 - diana
docwho88 - falco98
dr0wn1nsil3nc3 - Shaihana
dragonlady7 - bridie the penguin queen
driendelle - Silver Flame
dryad - Dryad
eclecticdreamer - bethany, the AF penguin queen.
eclipsecaptor - shanbot yoda
eellewzeeya - Chyem Vyelekee Eellewzeeya
elecktrik - pirate prude
elite - A Savage Journey to the Heart
elven_beatnik - Aho
elysiandreaming - Nicola
emulov - Rocky
emuses - Eil's Muses
entropic_love - erika
entwood - banana
erewinweik - Brad
evil_holls - Hollschen
evilizzy - Jarrad
faerie_mushroom - Alicia
faeriedaydream - Brittani
faithshard - Lareth
fallenicon - heart of snow
fantomediva - Meeesichetta
fariydust211 - -:¦:- Lyssa -:¦:-
feuerrader24 - .dreams in digital.
fiddledragon - Sarah
finabair - Cheesehead in Paradise
firemage - ♥ Melissa ♥
flamedevil - she who must not be named
fledgeling - Natalia Rivera
fleurrochard - Fleur Rochard
flickerswitch - Sexy Colonel Switch
flowerpixie3 - Robyn
flying_wombats - kitty
forestwalker - Forest
frackattack - Tasha L.
fracklette - Kawaii
fresh_face - fRESh_fACE iCONS
frieth - Frieth
frodo_shagginz - frodo_shagginz
fudgedbadger - Sblommie Monaghan
fuelhideaway - .VirulencE.
fuuh - elvellon
galadriel1401 - Galadriel
gamblore - jerry no!- i thought we were cool!
gastave - Gastave
generator_gawl - Risa ~Kaze no Koibito~
geshmally - geshmally
gimmelgirl - Tziona Maccabee
gingermegz - Meagan
glamorousnj - Sassy Laura
glimmergirl - glim
goldengalaxia - Sirius
greenabsinthe - I am 32 flavors and then some...
grimalkin - Lucy
gryffyn - gryffyn
gypsyjr - Hippie Geek Girl
hadattack - Magoo MaGillicutty
haleysings - Haley/Morwen
happeh_hobbit - Clarey
healingwinds - i'll go my way heroically
hissmisery - :*:broken~angel:*:
hobbez - Hobbez
hoggle - Cleo
hollywood69 - *A*TwIsTeD*mInD*
hunnyxxxbunny - SexXxy Hunny Bunny =)~
hyadra - Libby Marie (The Coolest Hobbit)
hydranymph - Emily
hyperprincess - Galindafied
i_love_legolas - ~Stay close by~
iam4him - Holly
induced_silence - induced_silence
inkie_kay - inkie_kay
insane_desire - Remembrance
iridani - Iridani
isismoon23 - Shera
ithiliendweller - Norah
j0anne - *j0*
jazzhot - theresa
jedi_stephie - Stephie
jediwitch - The Mome Wrath
jenjaina - Jenni
jens_skye - Jen
jianna - I know you are but what am I?
jiffygeoff - Geoff
jiggity_jig_pig - Jiggity Jig Pig
jinsha_knight - jinsha_knight
jisushii - Jishii
jozabad - Jozabad
juliebean - Julie
junkiemonkey41 - Miss Padfoot
just_sleeping - DeQ
katemonkey - kate monkey
kathiejmie - JMie
katty927 - Katie
katybe - Katybe
kaytee4ever - Kaytee4ever
kikgrl3003 - They call me..Tater Salad
kiobie - Kiobie
kit_a_licious - Intrepid Pirate and Questionable Cartoonist
kitsileya - KitSileya
kittnpunkie - Arwen
kittypie - Meow
kniggets - kniggets
kuragari - and we are in need of a love pixie?
kurosawa - Sarah Bauer
labonte1829 - ashley
lady_aurora - MJ
lady_ermina - lady_ermina
ladycheysuli - April Christine
ladycolleen - Colleen
ladyjackyl - LadyJackyl
ladyrohan31 - ladyrohan31
ladysunshine - May Sárie Vandisse
laynie - Laynie
lazuli46 - Karael T.
leahthegreat - Leah
legolas145 - Jill
legolasstandee - The Corrugated Prince of Mirkwood
likeyermom - Chrissy
lilali - Ali
lindzjsu - Lindz
lisaofdoom - the vatican was not amused
llamajoy - llamajoy
llanberis - Llanberis
lnstinction - lnstinction
logansrogue - Nacey
lolliepop_ - "'ll have to kill us, too!"
lorenta - jessness
lougolas - * Louise *
louisiana_trout - Junpei
lunali - Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, or Raphael
lunarainbow - that girl is poison
luv2hobbits - luv2hobbits
macnatty - Natalia
magicklibra - Sarah
mallory_mike - mallory_mike
mandrella - mandrella
mangomandie - Mango
maren - Maren
marishi - m.k.
markjumblie - MarkJumblie
marzarelo - Marzarelo
mattsquirrel - Disciplined Breakdown
me_brandybuck - Merry Elle Brandybuck
meganisapirate - meganisapirate
meglimir - Ruby Meg
mekka - mekka
melanieathene - Melanie Athene
mentalpiracy - Carrie
merraquade - Nani-chan
mertonfanatic - internet p0rn
merynetjeru - Vanayáviëiel
mia982 - Melissa
mikiyuu - Steph
milkyway - phlan
minaloush - Mina-Rose
minny - Julie
mirawhisperwind - Ashley
missmystery - ♥ Miss Mystery ♥
mistress_minion - Tuesday
mistressgeanie - Ava Kranskey Boyd Frodo Mayer
mollicento - sarcasmic ermentrude
molrak - Nik, ehm, Elm
moondog - Your Own Personal Jesus
moondroplette - The voyeur, the builder and the destroyer.
morbid_mistress - I'm somebody else, the wrong person.
mrjess - Jesse
mrkywater - Filthy Human
mrs_silmarwen - mrs_silmarwen
mutante - Mutante
mygift2you - I can't forget your style or cynicism
nanashi04 - Nanashi
nanet - Jenny
nekomimi - Freak with a Fetish
netnette - Forgotten to the world, Forgotten to myself
nieninqui - nieninqui
nikegurl637 - Justine
nippa56 - Debs
nitegodesx - Sugar Fried Poofy Thing
notemily - Sophie
nsyncstalkme - Peter Drinkwater's Lolita
numberthree - Captain Lly Jell-O
nurikochan - Nuriko Windchaser
nutcake - Rachy
oceans_of_jade - dressed to kill
omg_oneone - omg_oneone
opal363 - Opal
ormus - An Cam Dubh
oronoda - MaryKender
otaku1 - Josh
oxygenfreereba - Reba P.
p03ticxxtrag3dy - P03TicxxTraG3dy
pan_chan - The Manda Panda
pandorascross - Melissa
paynith - anja! anja!
peachys_icons - peachys_icons
pebele - Pretend Poet
perian_poit - perian_poit
periantari - Hobbit-queen
perspicacious - Jean
pezika - ooo lah lune
phuzz - Maranwë Ancalimë
pickles_on_cars - pickles_on_cars
pierydys - Pierydys
pixiedestroy - Skye
pointed_lust - pointed_lust
pookiechick - Christina
prettynpink283 - The Whittling Pirate
princessaimmerz - cries my old life
prizm - Jeffery
psychogizmo - Sammi
punkgrrl921 - Pleistocene Playmate of the Month
purple_cow - Ash
purvis - Stephen Purvis
qotcpcf - Chrysilla
quackzarr - so maybe i'll be a writer
quistis0 - Angiie
rainbowgoddess - dummes Mädchen
rainmare - Imbrium, Sea of Rains
randirien - Essay
rants_from_mom - rants_from_mom
readingroses - Leah
rebelious_dork - Jilly
redfishy - Kelley McGinnis
redjester - Red Jester
reia - Aranel
revelationtrib - Revelation
riahannon - Mistress Mary
riffkitty - Kathleen
rishao - Hikari
rockstarry - Punchy
rogara - rogara
roguejournal - meire
rokukitty - ★ [twilight to starlight] ★
rosiee - Just another crazy fool...
rowanlockwood - Rowan Lockwood
royaltyofmirkwd - Thespian Gone Wild
rph_0000 - Master of all that is inconsequential
saffah - Elly
salculd - Christop
sarahxoleigh - sarah
sarrahmich - Sarrah
sasha_pervaya - Sasha
satyrboy356 - Teflon
schmooz - Suzisuzisuzisuzi
scootermark - scootermark
scream1227 - Kate Margeson
sekihidama - Michelle
seneferia - Lix
seventhstar - heathir
shatteredsilver - || .diGitAL dREaMeR. ||
shiningspark - its to jimmy eat world and those nights in my car
shortypenguin - The Bohemian Hobbit
shy - it's just the way i'm feeling
siamesedreamer - Amy
siff - estherina
silent_lamb - jesse
silje - The fragile
silver_crescent - honesty's limitation
sjester - Dammit Dawn!
skingames11 - Heroin
skulliton - Skulliton
smilefromaveil5 - Caitlin
smoochyscoop - Smoochy
snazzysocks - Kara
snewzn - snewzn
sodapopkitten - Natalie
softside - Cassanova Frankenstein
sohma_shigure - Shigure
sold_my_soul - Bite me
sorasoup - ? ?[l][a][u][r][e][n]? ?
soulfower - Qué Será Será
sox_n_crayons - Kate
spazzbot - in a land of make-believe that don't believe in me
spiffiness47 - spiffiness47
spiritwolf77 - The one they call Muad'dib
spongebober88 - Kirstin
sraklee - Ariel
stara44 - stara
stellaburst - mo
steppingstones - carter donn
stormy_lolita - Femme de glace
strawberyjam - I eat heart attacks
studdedstar - all i can be is me
stumbling_grace - Aria Krueger
sua_lay - Rimau Sua Lay
sunnything - Notorious S.U.N.
superforeigner - The Rock Star Formerly Known As SuperForeigner
sweetadeline - Jillian
sweetandsour - Celestial Tranquility
sweetchick216 - Mary Ann
sweetseraphim - Bebe Goat
sylverwind - Sylver
taiji_yue_elf - Susan
tainted__tears - tempt me, dreamers never die
tanithdevika - Tanith Devika
taysbluethong - Sabrina
teesameesa - Teresa
teffy - Stephanie
temporal - claudia
terri_rogue - The New Mother Nature
the_frail - Vash the stampede
the_odd_one - bat country
theacer - Some Sophomore
thechewybar - Becki
thecollossalsoc - thecollossalsoc
theorangechick - Mychelle
theotherej - ::marigolds for eyes::
thepiratequeen - Extraordinary Machine
thetoad - The Toad
thinfeawen - waiting to happen
tibek - Tibek
tigrin - Tigrin
tis_true - i'm going to kill worf
todd - Knick Knack Paddy Whack
tomatoe18 - Ami-chan
trancevisionz - may the dork ^_^
tuketoke - Brittany
uko_chan - Uko
undead - undead
unsoundgal - laura.
urbanfae - urbanfae
vampie6 - jzg
vandonovan - Tumanipiis
velocttx - .
versaphile - Pam
verylisa - Lisa Var-LeTha
vurtsnake - TechWolf
waterdragon - Shel
wayfarer - Dave Clouston
weathergirl_03 - Aneela
weirdeddie - Pshaw
wiccakid - Mel Mush
wift - P a r a n o i d
wisdumb - #!@
witchblade69 - Habbit Rabbit
witeiris - Teh Sa
wolf_nymph - katiebird
wooha34 - k a t i e
workingirl - Emmykins
x_kaminoai_x - Thursday's Child
xinkz - Isnald "Chaz" Wahargbqer
xlinkx - kaepora
xmagentax - i'll be anything you want me to be.
xnoodleboyx - nobody likes you when you're 23
xxevenstar - Yo Momma
xxxtine - Christine
y2jai - Jai
yama_winner - Tanya of Slytherin
yoinkgirl25 - that one girl
yourdead - mary
youreasunchild - corey
yunachan - Bebop Viol
zulithe - Zulithe