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User:elrond50 (748862) Paid User elrond50
Exile's Island
The Refuge of Truth
Name:Emperor in Exile
Website:Elrond's Isle
Location:Houston, Texas, United States
Bio:I exist at the center of a paradox. Houston is my home base. I'm a former commercial banker and a Political Scientist. Most things in this LJ are political, current events, or fandom related.

There are a few personality traits I feel I must add to this. First I am an intellectual snob. Second, I will admit when I am wrong, but will not apologize for my opinions because they are mine. I take my time to arrive at them with reason and consideration.

Finally, I leave this journal open to create a level of discourse. All are welcome to comment all I ask is that comments are thought out.

Had to add this because it is so right.

i'm in ravenclaw!

be sorted @

On another note: I don't care about spoilers one way or the other. Really, in the grand scheme of things spoilers are really worth nothing.

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Memories:11 entries
Pictures:less than 10 public
Interests:128: 49ers, 80's music, alexander hamilton, annie lennox, astros, banking, baseball, bene gesserit, bio-technology, blond jock boys, bright abbott, business, calvin klein, carnivale, cartography, college basketball, colossus, conner kent, culture, current events, dancing, depeche mode, desperate housewives, duke, dune, earthsea, economics, egypt, egyptology, empires, epics, eric johnson, erotica, fanfiction, fantasy, fantasy football, football, gardening, gay, gay fiction, genetics, graham hancock, great houses, greco-roman history, heralds, history, homosexuality, hot blond guys, hot male athletes, house atreides, houston, information, innovation, international finance, investment banking, j.r.r.tolkien, james mcavoy, jocks, juan carlos ferrero, justice league, law, legos, leto ii, liberals, lionel luthor, litney, lord of the rings, lost, love & glory, magic, marvel comics, melange, men, mercedes lackey, military affairs, mlb, movies, mutants, mythology, myths, narnia, new order, nfl, outsports, pet shop boys, peter rasputin, philosophy, physics, politics, ps2, robert silverberg, rockets, sci-fi, science fiction, scott summers, slash, spies, sports, star trek, star wars, stargate atlantis, stephen king, superboy, swimming, technology, templars, tennis, texans, the litney, the silmarillion, the west wing, the x-men, theatre, thillers, thomas enqvist, tom clancy, ultimate x-men, valdemar, vampires, vicious pink, wall street, whitney fordman, wisdom, wizards, writing, x-box, x-men slash, x2. [Modify yours]
People188:adjrun, ahab99, ajaye, alejandradd, alexajones22, almeda80, also_boni, alymalone, anothersuperboy, anxietycafe, aotearoagal, aragorns_queen, arashikami, arielspirit, atiejen, autumnyte, bastian1967, beresfordlane, bigboobedcanuck, bradausmus12, brak666, breve, brimstoneangel, brooding_soul, bulletproofmonk, cabari, captnobvious, carleton97, carolinecrane, christinefic, clari_clyde, coppertopp, creedcascade, dameange, damienroc, dammitcarl, danni4287, danosulik, darkangel40, darkmattr, davissh, dawning_star, deeablo, denara, dolores, dr_kipper, drkcherry, eanja, echosrevenge, edgecity, edie22, eep1313, eleanor_lavish, elendilstar1603, elethe, eleveninches, elgatoneun, elleesttrois, ellemem, ellenore, eloquentwthrage, elrond50, embitca, ethrosdemon, eurisko97, evil_man, ewacat, fanaddict, ficchica, flyrangel, foggynite, fourcorners, girl_clone, goss, hackthis, halcyon7, hecho_en_uuee, hobert, housespinner, hyperfocused, icanreadyourmnd, icebun, ilexa, j_crew_guy, jb_slasher, jeffla, jksladder, jmtorres, joyfulgirl41, jub_jub_bird, kaino, karlthepagan, kattahj, kayim, kbfan, kellinator, khaoskat, kilronan, kissesago, knightoffire, kryptonsite, kryshoc, kstanley, ktbaxter, kyanoswolf, ladykardasi, linabean, lnb1956, logovo, lugonn, maveness, mecurtin, medie, mei_x, memarkw, miggy, minotaurs, missbegotten, mmbarnes, monkeycrackmary, mosself, mueve_la_cadera, mugwamp83, myashke, mybistories, nostalgia_lj, oakengland, olivuw, orbifold, panfandom, pellmelody, pennyproud, petshopboy1983, phoenix_shadow, plumsnickety, puppetoflove, purple_smurf, queenofalostart, queenofthorns, raelan, ragepoint, ravenspb, researchminion, rhiannonhero, row2000, ruedifference, ruggerdavey, runningdog, scarlet1815, serialkarma, shattered, shellah, sparkyred, starkeymonster, stone_princess, stopawhile, strangie, strawberrycream, sullivanlane, taraljc, teaphile, terileigh, terpsichoreslyr, thay_space, thd3, the_atlien, thefreek, thegayboyfriend, tigress35, timian, toolheadjdg, trowa, ttcarter, ultimatemother, urhigness, valentinemichel, vampsarecool, velvetglove, visbot, voleuse, wallie18, wickedripeplum, wirrrn, writerlibrarian, writingpathways, wyoluvr, xunre, zen2475
Communities46:_jamesmcavoy, arrakis, athens_daily, atlantis, atlantis_past, atuan, boy_touching, bus_riders, cock_talk, colossus_fans, deadwood_hbo, duneslash, gayingupsports, harrydraco, hawaii_slash, heated_debate, horror_slash, hot_sports_men, hotjocks, housefic, jcferrero, lost_slash, lost_tv, lxg_slash, men_who_slash, nickngreg, oc_slash, oceanfic, out_write, pegasus_gate, sciencefiction, silmarillion, slashreaders, stargate, tennisfans, the_grey_havens, the_guesthouse, theboysofsummer, theoc_slash, titans_together, ultgaycolossus, ultimate_marvel, undies_hardons, whitneyfic, x_slash, xmenevolution
Feeds5:booksix_leaky, calnhobbes, garfield_comic, leaky_cauldron, pennyarcaderss
Account type:Paid Account

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