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User:migoth (346180) migoth
Name:Michigan Goths
Website:Gothic Michigan
Location:Michigan, United States
About:This community is for goths all over the state of Michigan, and for those who are interested in learning about the scene located here. Open membership.

Rules: (a necessary evil)
*Be courteous to others
*No Flamming, Spamming, or Quiz Posting
*No rude comments
*if you post more than one picture in the same message, use the LJ-CUT tag feature.

If you have any questions or comments, please
contact the moderator (me) [info]sh0kr0k
Interests:117: 80's, 90's, acceptance, addams family, alternative, alternative lifestyle, ambient, angst, animal rights, anne rice, art, astrology, bisexuality, black, blood, books, boots, boys in eyeliner, candles, cats, children, city club, classics, clubbing, clubs, coffee, computers, concerts, corsets, creativity, crystals, david bowie, death, depression, detroit, dogs, druidry, earth religions, ebm, edgar allen poe, eeyore, egypt, electronica, empathy, england, eyeliner, fields of nephilim, free thought, full moon, glitter, goth, goth boys, goth girls, grand rapids, grr, hair extensions, halloween, harry potter, heavy metal, horror, industrial, invader zim, kalamazoo, knowledge, lace, lansing, leather, london after midnight, loneliness, long skirts, machines of loving grace, magick, michigan, music, nine inch nails, orgy, paganism, paranormal, patchouli, peace, peter murphy, philosophy, photography, piercings, poppy z. brite, punk, pvc, rain, rammstein, rasputina, reading, religons, renaissance, rob zombie, roses, rosetta stone, rottwielers, rozzlyn, sex, singing, siouxsie and the banshees, sisters of mercy, sleep, solitude, spirituality, stephen king, switchblade symphony, tattoos, the cure, the labyrinth, tim burton, type o negative, vampires, vinyl, writing, x-files, xena. [Modify yours]
Members:207: 0ccult_sonnet, _casualty_, _joi, _rhythm_, aboutagrrl, acristis, aeternanox, always_a_gamer, angeldustgirl, angellyc, ann_esthesia, aralis, archaic_noise, artcirclemi, artemisiaabsin, asleepbydawn, atheneunknown, bamshir, bansheebathory, batwinged, bav, beautifulgirlie, belladonna_, blackenedhatred, blackworld, bleedingdarknes, bloodtrimedrose, bluedemon, bluegyrl, capt_tourettes, celarecruciatu, chillmode77, cieldumort, cleopat, clorimer, colderthanever, crespescular, crosshroomhead, damaged_angel, dancing_ferret, darkangel69666, darkborne, darkendpurity, darklittleone3, darkmoonrose, darkredboi, darkwolf2001a, darlacet, deathantilife, deathskiss, dedissue, dejectum, denisbaldwin, deniscommunity, dethany, dethinwntr, deus_x, devist8, digital_ferret, direktor, dirtypinklace, djvein, dkgloomie, doctorzero, dollwhore, dolly_bot, duchesswebb, ehrich_weiss, emperorsargosa, empiress, eyeh8u911cfh, fallenartist, fallenrhapsody, fbain, fearen, frzngoddess, fuzymunkynutz, gasplater, ghettogodzilla, ghsblackrose, godshatemachine, goodrock, gothbutterfli, gothicdevour, gothicrose85, grasp_my_life, grrlskout, grun, haclyon, harahcookie, hardcore_sugar, hate_machine, hateforkrist, hauntedeyes, heathersuxx, hochi666, ibbnmcquain, im_your_kitten, industrial989, innocencefades, insomnia_bread, ipfxtwin, istoleyourpie, itsyrfuneral, ivoux, jenifoto, jewelzypee, joebotversion3, keasbey, khad, kittgothic, kozman666, kudgoddess, kunstlerin, kw34hd1, kyasha, lachupacabra, lee_reznor, lillyrayne, lipsticksmearsx, lonesomeangel, luciferinadress, lusus_naturae, m_saint, mastercontrol, mean_salley, melukar, mercsailor, merissa_hino, miagirly, michelle_renee, miseryhead44, missa909, missivyblue, missmerrideath, mistresselaura, mstrix311, musicwerks, mustanggrl16, mylilobsession, mysticjoker, mysuicideangel, nadirnight, noizeindex, notsoscene, obsequious, ohimdead, opheliascry, ozzchik, palegothgoddess, pastorpig, pharmacophobian, playboymommy822, pretentiousgoth, prophetgoth, purevanity, ravensdream, rckstrism, riccer, right_to_omega, rita_lashette, rottingbeauty, roxics, sadisticangel, saecha, sanctityangel, sarahyzenbaard, saucytemptress, scandalousbrook, scary_guy, scary_sarahjane, scoundrel314, seaplasma, sh0kr0k, shadowdream, sirwilhelm1, sissypants, society_girl, sorrowdancer, soulmythic, spaceboysp, sravenmad, stashulah, sugarcoatedlie, suicidelips, sullenbee, sweetdecay, sylph4980, t1m3k1ll3r, tabitha_toxin, tabschicken, taxidermybey, theazhrei, thegreatdoogie, thehaloproject, tritogeniea, twilight_faerie, valenore, vampriss_raven, velvetdecay, velvetinekittie, vilification, warmerthanever, wickedmizeri, winter_born, xxmarilynxx62, zrosan
Watched by:133: 0ccult_sonnet, _casualty_, _joi, aeternanox, angellyc, aralis, archaic_noise, artcirclemi, artemisiaabsin, bamshir, batwinged, bav, beautifulgirlie, belladonna_, binary_whore, blackworld, bleedingdarknes, bloodtrimedrose, bluegyrl, capt_tourettes, celarecruciatu, crespescular, damaged_angel, danisdead, darkangel69666, darkendpurity, darklittleone3, darkredboi, darkwolf2001a, deathskiss, deniscommunity, deus_x, devist8, dirtypinklace, doctorzero, dolly_bot, dstructiveurge, duchesswebb, ehrich_weiss, emperorsargosa, empiress, fallenrhapsody, fearen, fetischmusic, fluffybumblebee, gasplater, genesm, ghettogodzilla, goblingoth, goblyndick, goodrock, gothbutterfli, grasp_my_life, haclyon, harahcookie, hateforkrist, hauntedeyes, ibbnmcquain, im_your_kitten, industrial989, innocencefades, ipfxtwin, istoleyourpie, joebotversion3, keasbey, khad, kozman666, kunstlerin, kw34hd1, kyasha, lachupacabra, lee_reznor, lipsticksmearsx, lonesomeangel, luciferinadress, m_saint, mastercontrol, mercsailor, merissa_hino, miagirly, miseryhead44, missadroit, missivyblue, missmerrideath, mistresselaura, mstrix311, musicwerks, mustanggrl16, mylilobsession, mysticjoker, mysuicideangel, nadirnight, noize999, notsoscene, octobervision, onebadkitty666, opheliascry, ozzchik, palegothgoddess, playboymommy822, pretentiousgoth, prophetgoth, purevanity, ravensdream, rckstrism, riccer, rita_lashette, sadisticangel, sarahyzenbaard, scary_guy, scary_sarahjane, scoundrel314, sedatedintolife, shaddex, sorrowdancer, soulmythic, spaceboysp, sravenmad, stashulah, sullenbee, sylph4980, t1m3k1ll3r, tabschicken, theazhrei, thegreatdoogie, thehaloproject, twilight_faerie, valenore, vampriss_raven, velvetdecay, velvetinekittie, winter_born, zrosan
Account type:Free Account

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