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Quote of the Day
If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears.
Glenn Clark
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Cute. Very cute. And pretty darned accurate, too.
Leo Drinking style: Leo likes to drink and dance -- they're often fabulous dancers, and usually pretty good drinkers as well, losing their commanding dignity and turning kittenish. Of course, they're quite aware they're darling -- Leos will be Leos, after all. They generally know their limit, probably because they loathe losing self-control. When they get over-refreshed, expect flirting to ensue -- and perhaps not with the one what brung them. But Leo's not the type to break rules even when drunk, so just try to ignore it (try harder, Cancer) and expect a sheepish (and hung over) Lion to make it up to you the next day.

Alcohoroscopes- what do the stars say about your drinking style
brought to you by Quizilla

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Philosopher Song - Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Quizzie, quizzie on the wall...
Westley / The Dread Pirate Roberts

Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti

Current Mood: awake
Current Music: Garth Brooks - Unanswered Prayers

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Are you trying to prove yourself to be nothing but a drama-driven child?
Congratulations, you've succeeded admirably.

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: Be My Yoko Ono - Barenaked Ladies

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More Useless Electrons To Waste Your Time
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More Quizzie Goodness
Your Love Situation by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is...Soft
During Lovemaking You Act...Like a cat, longing to be pet
Your Partner Is...Your soulmate
Your Partner Has Said That You...Are a great lover
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote."You deserve a bed of roses"
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
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Quote of the Day
Happiness is not a when and where. Happiness is a here and now.
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Came home sick from work yesterday after a half day and passed out. Guess I needed the rest. I feel somewhat better today, but I think that's because I am aggressively drugging my symptoms (feel the buzz - wheeeee!) Kitty's got the same stuff coursing through her veins too, poor thing.

Work has been going well. I've been concentrating more on consistency and succeeding admirably, as my stats show for the last 3 weeks since my review. I was hoping to take this improvement in stats and attitude into an interview for another position soon. But as I found out yesterday, my supervisor didn't submit my name and scheduling for testing and interviews has been closed. This is only the second time in nine months these positions have been opened for hire. I am not happy in the slightest about this, as can be imagined. It's not that I think I had a chance at the positions: I don't, considering my performace of late. But not submitting my name for consideration makes it look like I'm not even trying anymore.

Life has been settling down the tiniest bit from the Holidaze and other monumental events of the last 2 months. Enough that the household has realized the need for more stringent scheduling. Of almost anything. Trying to keep everyone and everything in the house clean, watered, fed, groomed, healthy, paid, organized and paid attention to is a big chore with five people and a goofy dog. I think we'll manage, though. Like everything else, it's just a matter of balance and patience.

Smoking sucks. I don't like it anymore. Its a horrible addiction. But I'm fighting it. And I think I'm winning. I started cutting back a while ago, like November. I've cut back from almost two packs a day to my current consumption level of 4-7 smokes a day. Now comes the fun part: cutting that to nothing. Goal date: January 31.

Nothing else I can think of babbling about right now. I'm sure I'll babble later, though.

Current Mood: drained
Current Music: Gourds - Gin & Juice

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No surprise here
I am a Conspiracy Nut

Which America Hating Minority Are You?

Current Mood: sick

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Yeah, this sucks.
The 24-hour nasty flu-thing two weeks ago sucked. Everyone in the house being sick off and on for the last month sucked, too. So why do I have to get a head cold now?

Current Mood: sick
Current Music: Disturbed - Down with the Sickness

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Merry Christmas, movie house!

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Xmas Eve
The kitchen sink backed up last night and we can't get a plumber out until after Christmas to fix it. And Arwyn started throwing up repeatedly this morning.

Just need to remember Presents will make it all better...Presents will make it all better...Presents will make it all better...

Current Music: Sinead O'Connor - No Man's Woman

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Happy happy happy...everybody's happy...
Work went well today. That's nice because yesterday sucked major donkey butt. Typical Woes of the Call Center employee, nothing special. Work is going well in general. That a very good thing because I managed to slack enough between Sept-Nov to bring my numbers 'below expectation.' Signing my Review that day SUCKED, I can tell you. Maybe not as much as being roasted in the depths of the Slor, but it was pretty bad. Regardless, since getting my Review I have adjusted my attitude and polished my stats. I'm just praying I'll be in a different department in 45-90 days.

Still have shopping to do. Now I remember why it was so easy to forgo Christmas last year. I hate shopping. I like the making someone else happy with stuff part. It's the getting the stuff part I hate. Next year I'm going to do it a little different. For one, I'm planning on saving my Quarterly Bonuses from work in a Christmas Club account. And second, I'm going to start shopping a couple months earlier so I can do most of it online.

I'm still all squishy about our new family, especially now during the Holidaze. It's heartwarming to feel pride and purpose and joy about Christmas, as I haven't in ages. Not since before my grandmother died, come to think of it. Hmmmm, I'll have to think about that one some more later. For now, it's just nice to be...family.

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Tomoyasu Hotei

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Name: JeepBear
Back February 2004