Congratulations! It’s a girl!
with all the recent uproar, some hilarious stuff at dead_babies has gone largely unnoticed.
it begins here with a post about a dead baby. or baby food. something like that. but then crazayjillay stumbles across the post and deems it the worst thing ever on LJ (despite the proliferation of white supremacists, pedophiles, and furries.) she then posts about it in
teenmommies and begins a campaign of organized harrassment against our favorite baby community. shared_boxers (the “marriage is love” guy) tracks down the source of stupidity and bans all the dropout teenage sluts.
from all this, we get cartoons, the ironic realization that one of the underaged mothers who reported the community has the original marriage meme in her userinfo (warning to epileptics, there are dozens of stupid blinking things,) jokes galore, and a general flurry of unusual activity in dead_babies.
think the fun’s over? hardly. pschogrl613 decides that the menace that is a community about tasteless jokes must be stopped, despite the fact that
lj_abuse has repeatedly told people that
dead_babies may be tasteless but is completely compliant with the ToS. anyway, she spams a bunch of communities with some sort of online petition i’m guessing, and received for her efforts a banhammer. all the communities involved were also suspended. so while LJ has suffered a great loss this 9/3, the terrorists, in the form of unwed teenage parents, also have had a powerful blow struck against them.
shared_boxers would like to thank those unwashed cave-dwelling monsters for all the attention
thanks to zombie_poodle for bringing this to light while i was out fighting furries.