
Guinea pig galore

Filed under: — @ Aug 31, 04 | 1:03 am

So I got an e-mail by this girl begggging me to post this drama. It isn’t entirely LJ Drama, but I’m pretty bored. I’m also sad because Kate is leaving the Internet. But anyway. Here’s the drama crap that somebody or another e-mailed me.

In a nutshell - Ms Drama Queen aka justme111 (her journal ) has, in the past year, survived being a battered wife-whilst-pregnant-with-critically-ill-fetus, puppy set on fire, kid snatched at gunpoint, cancer, (twice), scratched by phantoms and god-knows-how many more dramas this chick has struggled manfully through. I think she died once too.

She is a guinea pig rescuer. Only, the disasters spill there too. She can’t get just 5 guinea pigs dumped in a parking lot like the rest of us, oh no. She gets 300 dumped on her in one go. So what does she do? She posts on the Internet (in between taking care of the 300 pigs who all need baths, feeding, medicating, weighing, toenail clipping etc etc.) She posts about it here. Offers of donations are made.

People on guinealynx.info immediately call her on it, as this isn’t the first time heroic Kim has saved singlehandedly the world and its cavy population and been back on the net in 2 hours flat, and offers of donations are withdrawn.

Kim updates her made-forljdrama-lj “I HOPE YOU LIKE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS. ” and ” am leaving the rescue business. I am sick and tired of being the subject of witch hunting” topped off by “Keep strong, stay thin, and remember, food is poison” Seems she’s now tossing anorexia into the crazy world of Kim’s Critters. And the ever gullible fools of petshub begin a For Kim thread. rolleyes. http://www.petshub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18200

Kim has now attempted suicide, but at the time she was in hospital - she was tracing my isp details and posting them on her lj.


Gainesville crap

Filed under: — @ Aug 28, 04 | 4:41 am

So we got this e-mail about some drama. I’m too lazy to check it out, but things have been slow other than Jameth, so here you go.

Summary: For a long time now, the Gainesville community on LJ has had one serious argument. Are questions about things like classes and professors at the University of Florida appropriate for the Gainesville community? Every year, round about when the students get in to town, the townies (townies = a non-student resident of Gainesville, FL) start complaining about the UF posts. It wasn’t a problem before. The moderator had a strong stance, one I agree with: UF is a part of Gainesville and therefore anything related to UF is related to Gainesville. But, this past May, the mod graduated and left the community to a new mod. It was like changing the Supreme Court. Someone brought the case back up…

And then, after years and years of having the same solid rules…
The new mod takes hold of her new power and radically changes the rules.

So, feeling embolden by my convictions and how I felt about this issue…


You too can get a year subscription to NAMBLA just by re-newing your paid LJ account

Filed under: — Strages @ Aug 24, 04 | 5:04 pm

Convicted child molester and LJ non-user Ed Rodriguez is kiddie-raping love
Details of Ed’s Conviction

Thanks to lj user hardvice - get yours now before LJ Abuse comes down on this post!


Filed under: — jameth @ Aug 24, 04 | 7:27 am

Dear James,

We respectfully refer you to section XVI of the LiveJournal Terms of Service (ToS), per your request. Specifically, the following excerpt:

========BEGIN TOS EXCERPT========


You understand that all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from which such Content originated. LiveJournal.com does not control Content posted via the Service and, as such, does not guarantee the validity of such Content. You also understand that by using the Service, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. Should Content be found or reported to be in violation with, but not limited to, the following terms, it will be LiveJournal.com’s sole discretion as to what action should be taken.

You agree to NOT use the Service to:

1. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is in LiveJournal.com’s opinion to be unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive to another’s privacy (up to, but not excluding any address, email, phone number, or any other contact information with out the written consent of the owner of such information), hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

========END TOS EXCERPT========

Regarding your request for simplification of our previous email:

1.) The LiveJournal Abuse Team received a complaint that an entry you posted (specifically, http://www.livejournal.com/users/jameth/1243986.html) contained content solely to harass another user of the service.

2.) The Abuse team investigated this complaint, and found it to be a violation of LiveJournal’s ToS.

3.) The Abuse team determined the appropriate action to be taken, in accordance with section XVI of the ToS: “Should Content be found or reported to be in violation with, but not limited to, the following terms, it will be LiveJournal.com’s sole discretion as to what action should be taken.”

4.) The Abuse Team contacted you, informing you that you are required to remove said entry as soon as possible, but no later than 12:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) Thursday, 26 August, 2004. This requirement remains in effect.

We note that you have made several posts to your journal since our notification email was sent on 2004-08-22 at 17:12:46 PDT. Please be advised that our requirement was (and is) that you remove the post as soon as possible. The fact that a deadline time was given in our notification does not imply permission for the entry to remain until that time. Please understand that, if the Abuse Team determines that you have had ample opportunity to remove the entry and have not done so, action may be taken against your account before the time given in our notification.

We note that multiple posts made to a journal subsequent to email notification have been considered valid criteria for such a determination in the past.

In light of the above, we strongly urge you again to remove the entry in question as soon as possible, but no later than 12:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) Thursday, 26 August, 2004, to avoid action being taken against your account.


LiveJournal Abuse Team



Filed under: — jameth @ Aug 23, 04 | 2:14 am

Dear LiveJournal user jameth,

We have received a complaint that you have posted an entry which contains content designed solely to harass another user.



This is a violation of the LiveJournal Terms of Service, and as such the entry must be removed as soon as possible but no later than 12:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) Thursday, 26 August, 2004.

Please note that editing the entry in question or changing its security settings to ‘private’ or ‘friends only’ will not suffice. The entire entry in question must be removed to prevent action being taken against your account.

Please further note that additional violations of our Terms of Service may result in action being taken, up to and including suspension of your account.


LiveJournal Abuse Team

My reply:

I don’t necessarily see how the post in question is violating the Terms of Service. No LiveJournal user is referenced in my post. Is this non-negotiable?

Also… Are there any other entries I should remove regarding this situation? You may send just one email with multiple requests. I won’t mind.




Filed under: — anonymous @ Aug 21, 04 | 7:14 pm

This is a “clearing house” post re: the recent events involving the sex offender information recently posted on LJ Drama and LiveJournal.


Original LJ Drama post

Follow-up LJ Drama post

Jameth posts the email from LJ Abuse

LJ Abuse instructed Jameth to remove this post

Correspondence between Jameth and LJ Abuse where in LJ Abuse keeps closing out the “support request” ticket without answering questions


Illinois Dept. of Corrections information on Edwin Rodriguez

Homepage of Edwin Rodriguez

LJ userinfo for Edwin Rodriguez

His recent LiveJournal accounts, awakened_ and usmcbear, have been deleted and may have been archived elsewhere.


Other posts on LiveJournal regarding this situation:

http://www.livejournal.com/users/flysmurf/99011.html (now deleted)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/kyleinaz/208209.html (now friends only or private)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/gleninchicago/296362.html (people defending Edwin Rodriguez – “i was blown away that matt did that …. talk about mean…. i mean ed is no saint but damn boy thats some karma matt is going to have to live down for years…” Matt = thefreek, another person suspended from LiveJournal for exposing Ed’s history and current actions)


I don’t know what choice you should make but I want you to know I’ve considered your actions and stand with you against this dangerous, overzealous policy. You have performed a necessary social function which is protected and defended IRL. By failing to acknowledge the social value of this public information in our community, Danga exposes itself to liability from civil action. Unfortunately, that is no way to stop them from taking this course.


Authors/Admins: Feel free to edit/add to this post
Beloved Fans/Readers: Comment to this entry with links involving this situation


Quick Administrativa

Filed under: — @ Aug 20, 04 | 10:52 pm

Just a quick note here…

1. Okay, so the drama submission page has been submitted and we’re looking at it. Nevermind this.

2. I’ve approved the memberships. So you should be able to login now. Let me remind you that the whole reason we have it is because you fuckers decided to comment spam. So now you have to sign-in.

Okay, it turns out that invalid e-mails cause the server to bounce them back to us. And. Well. That requires more work for us. And that’s bad. So if your account doesn’t have a real e-mail address, we’re gonna start deleting them. Because that is less work for us. So change your e-mail to something real. Start a free e-mail if you must.

We are all for free-speech (duffnote: OH GOD GRANT I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS - Gnote: FUCK YOU I JUST WORKED 14 HOURS <3 ). Within certain legal limits, of course, we want you to say whatever the fuck you want. That’s just how it is. Part of that, to me, is standing behind what you say. I never post anonymous, because it just strikes me as being a coward. Especially since you are pretty damn anonymous here anyway. It isn’t like we require a real name to sign-up. If you want to know what we have on you… read the legal page and the privacy page.

Okay, okay, it is our bad for not converting them over to the new system yet. Remember the lazy part from above? Yeah.

I think that was everything I needed to say. I dunno. Maybe I forgot something. If I did I’ll just edit this post later.

Oh, and jameth is so kicking ass.


Filed under: — jameth @ Aug 20, 04 | 10:39 pm

Dear LiveJournal user jameth,

It has come to our attention that you have posted personally identifying information about another LiveJournal in a LiveJournal entry. This is a violation of the LiveJournal Terms of Service.

In order to prevent action being taken against your account, you must remove the following entry by Tuesday, 24 August, 2004:


Please note that removal of the entire entry will be required. Simply removing the name of the user involved will not suffice.

Please also note that future violations of this nature may result in action - up to and including suspension - being taken against your account.


LiveJournal Abuse Team


Filed under: — jameth @ Aug 20, 04 | 4:31 pm

Wow. More fallout from yesterday’s awakened_/usmcbear scandal involving the posting of his mug on LJdrama (and various other journals/communities) that was found on the Illinois sex offender web site. I’m not going to bother linking to his journals anymore because they have been deleted.

Has this been on the tip of everyone’s tongues and they all feared an Internet (or perhaps public) lynching if they piped up about this?

There are quite a few people out there that are trying to defend Edwin Rodriguez. People are making death threats against the other LiveJournal users that exposed Ed Rodriguez aka awakened_ aka usmcbear aka whatever else (he apparently has several other journals that he uses and he’ll probably sprout up another journal in the next week or so, according to inside sources) as being convicted of aggrivated sexual assault against a child under the age of thirteen.

The key question here is … Why are these people standing up for Mr. Edwin Rodriguez, Child Rapist Extraordinaire?

Personally… I’ve had some close friends of mine make mistakes in the past and they have been in trouble with the law. People try to “hate” on them because they are ex-convicts; I stand by my friends because they have beaten the recidivism rate. They are functioning, contributing members of society. They go to work, pay taxes, drink Pepsi, etc., and aren’t concerned with robbing another bank or trying to kill their ex-girlfriend again or whatever. So, I stand by my friends that have been convicted in the past because they haven’t offended again.

Oh, wait!! Ed Rodriguez is still fucking kids! So, are these defenders of Ed just really, really good friends that will stand by him no matter how many times he fucks naive teenagers? $Or, perhap$… are there $Cash$ $Prizes$ involved (you know, $paying for eve$rything when$ you hang out with friend$ so they wil$l like y$ou no matt$er what$)?

Anyway. Enough of my personal opinions on the matter. Let’s get to the drama that has rapidly propogated around the LiveJournal gay community:

thefreek posts about Ed: http://www.livejournal.com/users/thefreek/150408.html

Defenders of Ed start attacking him: http://www.livejournal.com/users/thefreek/150776.html

A post that has since been deleted: If anyone messes with me, or my friends, I will hunt them down and I will make them pay…

Oh, and don’t forget Ed trying to explain everything here (another deleted post which was saved): He also crossed state lines to have sex with a minor he met from the internet. We call that situation, a predator.

Please note: If you wish to comment anonymously regarding this situation because of fear of retaliation, please post anonymously here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/jameth/1243104.html?mode=reply



Filed under: — jameth @ Aug 19, 04 | 9:12 pm

Six posts surfaced earlier today within the “gay bear” LiveJournal communities regarding lj user awakened_ AKA lj user usmcbear and the fact that he is a convicted sex offender. The posts were immediately removed by moderators of the communities. I’m not sure of all of the communites… but I know that this “sex offender alert” or whatever was posted to musclebears and hotbearsandcubs.

One of the questions that arises from this situation: Are the mods of these communities trying to protect this sex offender?

Anyway, on with the drama. Here’s your Public Service Announcement from LJDrama.org: Awakened_/Usmcbear aka Edwin “Ed” Rodriguez is a convicted sex offender (please note the severity of the offense at the bottom of the image – aggrivated criminal sexual assault with a victim under the age of thirteen – please let me know if i’m interpreting this incorrectly):


IM conversation from anonymous tipster:

jameth: so wait
jameth: how many minors has he had sex with
jameth: and how old were they
Anonymous: the one listed on the sex website which was “under 13″ and [REMOVED] last year when he was 15 and now him again when he was 16


I can’t find a concrete link between the person on the Illinois sex offender site and lj user awakened_/lj user usmcbear… but I figured I’d post this anyway because I have confirmed with more than four different sources that Ed Rodriguez is, indeed, lj user awakened_/lj user usmcbear.

Here’s a link to the screenshot including a conversation between lj user awakened_ and another livejournal person (names removed to protect the innocent):

“this is not to be talked about in public for reasons of why we are keeping this quiet.”

I didn’t understand this screen shot at first and I doubt anyone else will. Apparently, it’s a post wherein lj user awakened_/lj user usmcbear was discussing his recent trip to Los Angeles to visit his underage lover [name removed]. Hence the reference to keep things quiet – he doesn’t want anyone to know that he’s fucking a kid.

End of public service announcement. Enjoy your day!

UPDATE 4pm PDT… Just received this IM conversation from some random anonymous person:

Removed: Jameth.
james 98 10 1: yes?
Removed: lj user awakened is also lj usre usmcbear
Removed: not to sure if you knew that.
james 98 10 1: Proof?
Removed: look at USMC bears website ;-)
james 98 10 1: What does it say?
Removed: rather, awakened.
james 98 10 1: it’s awakened_
james 98 10 1: but what does the web site say?
Removed: this is awakened_’s website http://usmcbear.smugmug.com/gallery/76262/1/2643744
Removed: i recongize that person as usmcbear
Removed: not awakened_
james 98 10 1: So, they’re the same person.
Removed: most likely.
Removed: the two pictues do look a lot a like.


So, lj user awakened_ is lj user usmcbear. Is this confirmed? See evidence here: http://usmcbear.smugmug.com/gallery/18825/3/7446057 … looks like the same guy to me. Please also note that the birthday for Edwin Rodriguez is the same on lj user usmcbear’s profile info. Well, the same day/month. Coincidence? I think not. Exposed? Yeah, I think so…


“He told me to go get dinner and bring it home.”

Filed under: — killhamster @ Aug 17, 04 | 10:38 pm

* McclanesHo has joined #1justin
<onejustin> omg
<McclanesHo> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/001.jpg
<kate> oh wow
<McclanesHo> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/002.jpg
<McclanesHo> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/003.jpg
<McclanesHo> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/004.jpg
<killhamster> oh hay
<chr15> Hooray!
<onejustin> OMG
<McclanesHo> This is just a teaser. Stay tuned!
* McclanesHo has quit IRC (Quit: McclanesHo)

Vagina Drama, or, Can We Please be More Homocentric?

Filed under: — missarrow @ Aug 17, 04 | 1:20 am

As if an entire community about vaginas isn’t gay enough, belladonnalinbelladonnalin makes a post in vaginapaginavaginapagina, asking everyone to “try using language that includes those of us who don’t exclusively sleep with or want to sleep with men or those whose sexuality never includes men at all”, and everyone flips out. Amidst the expected “HEY I’M STRAIGHT & YOU’RE MAKING ME FEEL GUILTY FOR IT” replies, there are some gems:

I am in no way denying that most people speak in terms of heterosexuality, or that compulsory heterosexuality is a problem…rowmyboatrowmyboat

Um, ok.

In response to an inquiry about the word “womyn", [which is, by the way, one of the most inflammatory words to use in the English language besides “twat” and “sand nigger", in case you weren’t aware], the poster says:

There is also questionable etymology behind the use of the word “woman,” but two popular suggestions are that it derives from the term wifmann, meaning basically “wife/female of a human being” or, even more simply, wo-man, not-man. Either way, it’s something that some people take issue with, etymologically and symbolically. Some feminists change the spelling of the word, not only to e remove that etymology, but also to make people have exactly this conversation - if wymyn are seen as nothing more than either not-men or wife-of-human, then we are less than nothing. –belladonnalinbelladonnalin

You know, because the meaning of a word can’t evolve. This thread quickly devolves into little more than a “My online dictionary can beat up your online dictionary” pissing contest with little or no viable results. Verdict? “Womyn” is a comfort phrase that irritates both sexes.

The amazing thing about this thread is that the poster, after asking everyone to appease her divine bi-sexual sensibilities by not speaking in terms of heterosexuality, is accused of being homophobic.

One more thing: Not all girls have vaginas, and Please check your “hetero privilege” at the door, ma’am!.



You ain’t heard nothin’ yet. folks!

Filed under: — siannan @ Aug 14, 04 | 6:13 am

And LJDrama is the first to bring his dulcet tones to your eager ears!

i am a member of the media, and everyone is just lining up for the hype that we’ve created.

Filed under: — ChrissMari @ Aug 14, 04 | 12:32 am

email submit (to me).

“Hurricanes can bring out the scaredycat in us all, and apparently the retard asshole in some. As nervous college students overrun the gainesvillegainesville, FL community with projections and worries about the storm, quieteidolonquieteidolon a member of the media (who has yet to graduate from college) takes a stand against people who got to the flashlight aisle before him.

there is NO REASON the entire wal-mart flashlight, bottled water, and battery sections should be empty right now. seriously, go try to buy a flashlight. they’re all gone. i couldn’t even get a small flashlight to keep in my car for nighttime repairs.

i am a member of the media, and everyone is just lining up for the hype that we’ve created. thank you, your money/circulation ratings boost is well appreciated.

The best remark (and best username) goes to Hungsolo, who points out that in a town featuring citywide closings and questionable weather, “you were just at wal mart buying that flashlight *today* of all days for “car repairs” in the middle of the rain. =p”. ”



Filed under: — Strages @ Aug 13, 04 | 9:01 pm

LJD received the following emails earlier today -
Correspondence between Matt and Nickyboy.
You may remember Matt as the person Nickyboy accuses of duping him out of 300.00.
Nicky claims to have paid him the money - if he would hack LJ Drama..and my journal, at least that was the initial request.

Anyhow…time for more fun with Nicky.

From: Nickolaus Pacione [mailto:nickolauspacione@bloodmoon.every1.net]
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:13 AM
To: palanthos@cinci.rr.com
Subject: I want a confession…

Are you not mrhaxxor4surebooya@hotmail.com? If you are – I am going to be
sending you a bill for $300.

From: Matt

To: ‘Nickolaus Pacione’

Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 3:23 AM

Subject: RE: I want a confession…

So is this the guy you paid? He’s dead. Thanks.

From: Nickolaus Pacione [mailto:nickolauspacione@bloodmoon.every1.net]
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:52 AM
To: Matt
Subject: Re: I want a confession…

No, that is you – I am now changing the game fucker. Pay up. That
person is you – I am not dumb. You got outsmarted by a college drop out
– the amount get progressively higher for each remark you make on your
journals. That is the rules. You owe me $600 in 24 hours then I am going
to raise the cost by $50 a day. I am going to make it very hard for you to
pay your rent.

Click More for more Nicky fun

“Give me back my money your fucking con artist. “

Filed under: — siannan @ Aug 13, 04 | 8:10 pm

Yes, friends, it’s time for a break from the mediacrat melee. So who pops up? Our old pal Nickolaus. We love him! But he doesn’t love us. He wanted us to get hacked. As a matter of fact, he even paid someone three hundred bucks to have it done. Too bad it was all a load of crap! Nicky got exactly what he paid for in the eBay auction: an email from a dog. Which, might I add, he paid SHIPPING INSURANCE FOR; further proof that the poor lad was skullfucked at birth.

Personally, I love where he says he figured it alllllllll out, but only IMMEDIATELY AFTER he sent the money.

addtionally: I have in my possession some pertinent email correspondence between Nickypatches and his erstwhile haxx0r for hire, but I dunno how to upload shit with this pMachine interface and that fool jameth won’t help me because he’d rather pretend to be a twink and prance around in his Winnie The Pooh suit.

But jameth is still not as gay as Nicky.


you have 5 minutes or livejournal abuse will be contacted

Filed under: — siannan @ Aug 12, 04 | 10:25 pm


I’m wondering why jameth is getting the brunt of all this, considering he’s not the one who snapped the pictures of her stuffing her cocksocket, or put them online, or gave out the url to others. GEE, DISPLACEMENT MUCH?

Then again, she asked her sister! And her sister’s a LAWYER! OMGZ!

Homogay marriages not involving Jameth.

Filed under: — ChrissMari @ Aug 12, 04 | 6:58 pm

Apologies in advance for showing my distain for New York Wankness.

abraxas_seeker abraxas_seeker writes in newyorkersnewyorkers about how she wants to piss of GOP delegates with this classic idea:

hey NYC Bush-haters!…Everyone should walk down the street holding the hand of someone of the same sex. Just for fun. If you are feeling ballsy, pretend your pal is your lover. Just to annoy them. It makes me uncomfortable and livid that these people are invading our city, and I wanna make them as uncomfortable and livid as possible too.

This is one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever seen in my life. I hate the Republicans = old Conservative backwards haters / Democrats = young Liberal openminded intellects argument.
What ensues, however, is even more retarded:

Somone who wants to prove how OMG NYC they are says that doing this would take up valuable sidewalk space. They must know the city is crowded because that’s a real New Yorker there!
Closet homophobes (omg! closet! get it? huhuh) come out to say how immature it is because not everyone agrees with gay marriages.
Republicans come to say how not every member of the GOP is homophobic.

abraxas_seeker abraxas_seeker finally calls people retards, which is the most intelligent thing said in the whole thread.

That naked guitar guy in times square gets mentioned for some reason. Someone must have seen him on TRL or something once. Also someone thinks Chelsea Clinton is hot.

There are a lot of other stupid things being said and I invite you to read it yourself.

There are too many people in these threads who don’t even live in New York and want to be Carrie Fucking Bradshaw so they joined the community. New York would be a lot more awesome if everyone wasn’t so up their own asses about being in New York.

Hay Innernet!

Filed under: — Leonard Estrada aka McClane @ Aug 12, 04 | 6:48 pm

Perhaps you have been confused as to what those last few entries were about. Well I am here to help out! Hi! I’m Julian McClane, you may remember me from such previous LJDramas as Julian Bashing! and “MY BLOG IS THE MOST POPULIST BLOG IN SCHOOL!!!1111oneone”

Well today I am here to explain what’s going on in LJDramaland. Recently I attacked LJDrama’s most loved fag because he said something mean about me on the internet (Incidentally, I always tell other people in this situation to “Just ignore them and they�ll eventually get bored with you.” but it looks like maybe I should take my own advice instead of writing another column about it)

Anyway, looks like I have more enemies than I thought! Apparently yesterday afternoon on the #1justin chatroom someone came in and dropped a bunch of documents about my various irl (and lied about) legal troubles. This is the protection order my wife and children had to get because I threatened to kill her, the children, myself, and burn her parents’ house down if she refused to go to a movie with me. Several times I also forced myself sexually on her. Wow, I am a fucking jerk! Who knew! I guess our masked internet avenger knew! Hey guys! Look, the record of my perscription drug abuse! Mmm I sure love that xanax! I talk about how I can’t pay my rent or pay child support. I also wax on about how I can’t find a job. Maybe I should sell my imaginary BMV . In even more horrible parenting news two of my children got a seperate protection order from me where it was specified that I am not allowed to remove them from the US or talk about their mother.

Hope you enjoyed this segment of “Getting to Know Julian McClane aka Leonard Estrada” and hopefully we will see your repeat hits next time! Because I need hits! Give me hits!! Tell all your friends, because the thing I am most desperate for is ATTENTION!


Filed under: — anonymous @ Aug 12, 04 | 5:18 pm


A Story of True Love

Nicky looked up as a body eclipsed the spare luminescence that lit his art. His ebon eyes raked, like sharp blades, over the figure before him. Who dared to disrupt his delicate creative process?


A Greek God, stood in golden flesh before his dilated eyes. His heart palpitated wildly in his chest cavity as if he were running a marathon to announce to his country, “Nike". His palms grew unexpectedly slick as he drank in the mysterious visitor like a tropical drink with a cherry and a pink umbrella on top.

“Who…who are you?” He asked, voice wavering, uncertain like a blushing virgin; though he wasn’t, his virility was famed. Women swooned when they viewed his Hagrid-like figure gliding through dark alleys. Everyone knew that he was anatomically consistent, yet suddenly, his voice stuttered when confronted by the vision before him.

“I’m rich, and I’m beautiful.” Came the soft lispy reply. It curled through the air like the bar smog and hung in a fog around his ears, ringing like small silver bells of the solstice.

Nicky caught his breathe at the musical sound, reminiscent of a sweet voiced eunuch. He opened his mouth to reply, but found that his mouth was like a desert; absent of all moisture, just arid. Endless sand and not a sound to be heard but his quite breath. Exhaling.

“Can you tell me where I can find the best place in town? I want to purchase a fine bottle of wine.” The bright shade before him peered down curiously, his eyes bright like shining stars gone supernova.

Nicky’s dark eyes traveled around the shadow packed bar, wondering how the angel before him had fallen into the squalid dirty hole of humanity.

“There’s wine here,” he quickly replied, not willing to let the heavenly creature from his sight.

“Is it any good?”

“We can find out together,” Nicky said, gesturing to the cushioned stool that spewed forth its innards in colorless piles of cotton like so many sheep jumping over fences.

The incubus in human flesh glanced at the papers spread like abandoned feathers across the table and the man behind them. Long hair, black as a dying night. A beard reminiscent of a wicked villain, dark and greasy as it hung limply under his chin.

“What are you doing?” The fairy creature gestured to the thin sheets of dead trees littered with words, scrawled like insects swarming across the pages.

“I’m spilling my soul. This ink is my blood as I try to exercise the demons in my head. I am creating written art, flowing, dark, inky art.” Nicky replied, hoping to capture this fae one’s interest with his dark gothic mystique.

“I’m a model-photographer. My name is Grayden.” The bright one offered Nicky his hand.

Nicky stared at the perfectly formed fingers held out to him like some sacrifice to please the gods. He took it, grasping the equally clammy skin and grasping it close. Their hands seemed to burn one another, causing some dark stirrings to coil in his stomach. It was in that moment that a most unholy union was born. Cats yowled in agony and dogs howled in horror as they foresaw the future. The interweb would tremble before them when finally confronted with their true love.

Nicky + Mediacrat = OTP!


< McClanesHO> just call me the deepthroat of the net

Filed under: — duffey @ Aug 11, 04 | 7:10 pm

* Mcclane has joined #1justin
[jameth] wtf
[duffey] lol
[Mcclane] http://photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/01.jpg
[Mcclane] http://photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/02.jpg
[Mcclane] http://photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/03.jpg
[Mcclane] http://photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/04.jpg
[Mcclane] http://photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/05.jpg
* Mcclane has quit IRC (Quit: Mcclane)
[duffey] oh man clicking
[onejustin] oh wow
[duffey] uh what
[hep] ok we need a writeup about this
[hep] as anon
[hep] someone do it
[jameth] oh wtf is that shit
[onejustin] ASIAN MALE
[duffey] ahahha
[duffey] WIN
[onejustin] yah just copy paste the log
[duffey] i got it
[jameth] OH MY GOD.
[jameth] someone should mirror that shit now
[duffey] hep: onto ljdrama?
[duffey] i will
[duffey] gimme a sec
[onejustin] “he spit in my face several times”
[onejustin] lol
[jameth] oh my god what is this
[jameth] is this mcclane
[jameth] is it confirmed that he is leonard or what, i dont get it
[onejustin] “he threatened to kill me if i refused to go to a movie with him.”
[jameth] but i am loling
[onejustin] “prescription drug abuse” oh my
[duffey] http://duffse.cx/fuckinglol
[onejustin] where in the fuck did this come from
[duffey] mirrored!
[jameth] wtf can u trace people that log into sxe.ca chat
[onejustin] rofl his ssn isn’t even blocked out
[onejustin] no
[onejustin] the web interface is totally anonymous


16:36 -!- McClanesHO [~446c2d4a@ZiRC-5CA6D0BF.pagefault.net] has joined #1justin
16:37 < McClanesHO> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/06.jpg
16:37 < duffey> lol
16:37 <@kate> oh
16:37 < McClanesHO> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v381/markmark111/07.jpg
16:37 <@onejustin> oh wow
16:37 < McClanesHO> stay tuned into this channel for more fun to come, kids.
16:37 < McClanesHO> by for now
16:37 < McClanesHO> bye
16:37 < duffey> lolol
16:37 < jameth> oh wtf
16:37 <@kate> how special
16:37 < jameth> oh what is this!
16:37 < duffey> this rules.
16:37 < McClanesHO> the fun is just beginning
16:38 < duffey> internet.
16:38 < McClanesHO> I have plenty more where this came from
16:38 <@kate> ILU MCCLANE <3<3
16:38 < jameth> WHAt
16:38 < jameth> WHO ARE YOU
16:38 < jameth> MASKED MAN
16:38 < McClanesHO> just call me the deepthroat of the net
16:38 <@kate> WHO ARE THEY
16:38 < McClanesHO> bye
16:38 < jameth> AAAAAAHAHA WHAT
16:38 <@kate> THEY ARE MY SPOUSE
16:38 < duffey> ahahahahahah
16:38 < duffey> YES
16:38 -!- McClanesHO [~446c2d4a@ZiRC-5CA6D0BF.pagefault.net] has quit [Quit:

My reply to McClane

Filed under: — hep @ Aug 11, 04 | 5:01 pm

On any of McClane’s other crazed attacks on LJDrama I have kept quiet, mostly because I don’t really care and if he wants to see himself as king of all livejournal drama, I am happy to give him that crown. But now he is trying to mock up statistics to try and prove his nebulous claim and I feel I have to step in and clear the air so to speak.

First off, I assume he is talking about total google search terms or something silly. I really don’t know. But I do know how search engines work and Google in particular since I spend a lot of time working with Google Engineers for other projects. So first off, let’s compare Alexa Pageranks:

LJ.US’s pagerank is 2,573,471 while LJD’s is 238,606. This is starting with the most popular internet website at 1 and moving down. If you look at the traffic graphs, in the one month that LJD has been back up you can see the radical jump in traffic while LJ.US Isn’t in the top 100,000 which means it gets no hits (except when it makes attacks on better known websites to try and generate traffic from the rebuttals of said website and said website’s viewers) For more details on how Alexa gets it’s ratings click here.

Then is external links into ljdrama and livejournal.us. LJD has 79 links in while lj.us has 84!!! OH NO! COULD THIS BE DEFEAT!?!?!?!? Not once you analyze where the inbound links are coming from. The results for ljdrama are all various blogs, news articles, or other worthy links, while the lj.us links are mostly spider engine links, using terms such as photos of women undressing and when you click on it isn’t even a valid result. I suspect this is from meta bombing, a practice of putting random search strings into meta tags in the hopes that it will generate more traffic. Conclusion: search engine results from other search engines don’t count. <3

Next we will compare google results! Including all the results for ‘livejournal’ doesn’t work because that means any search referencing livejournal.com gets included. Instead lets compare total page hits for the terms “livejournal.us” (since that is how people usually refer to the page) and “ljdrama” since that is how this site is usually referred to. Results? livejournal.us gets 426 results while ljdrama gets 9 480 results. And if you read through the actual search results for the term ljdrama, on all the pages I went through ljdrama.org was definately the ljdrama in question. Perhaps if McClane spend less time on bad design and spiteful attacks on his enemies, and more time writing stuff that was actually funny and/or worth reading, he would have some hits to show for it. Note that ranking with a search result changes based on the google server you access. So on a result for ‘ljdrama’ we could be number one from one server, but number three from another. Finally, if you have the google toolbar you can see the pagerank for ljd(5) vs lj.us (4).

At this point I am bored of internet detective work, so I leave you with a repeat of Grant’s challenge. Let’s see those apache logs McClane. Or an even simpler test. Host a tracking image from us on lj.us for one month, and we will do the same in return. Then we can compare hit stats at the end with our own collected data. love, hep

Stats, huh?

Filed under: — @ Aug 11, 04 | 12:50 pm

McClane has recently made the logical error that “livejournal.us still has a higher search engine placement and therefore, more hits than ljdrama.org"…

What he fails to recognize is there is not a direct correlation between the two. But for his “evidence” he states that if you go and put in “live journal” into Google or Yahoo, his site comes up higher. Well big fucking surprise since he copied the name.

Note, however, if you actually put “livejournal” in Google his site doesn’t appear in the first handful of pages at least. I got tired of looking after page 6. This is due to Goggle recognizing all the sites actually at livejournal.com that are higher in terms of Google’s placement criteria (which takes many factors into account, including meta keywords… which he uses).

So, as I am a perfectly fair and logical type, I suggest we compare our actual statistics. Apache generates those statistics for us, so they can’t be faked. Pick any month in 2004, except this one. What’s your highest, McClane?

Ours is 197,875 unique visits for April. It comes to 1,113,369 hits for that month. If he’s willing to show his stats page (if he’s using Apache it is reallllly easy), then we will do the same. Then there are no questions about it. I mean the actual page too, not just some screen capture.

And hey, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe somehow he had a month with more than 200,000 unique visits and 5,000,000 hits. If goatse can then I’m sure he can too. (more…)



Filed under: — Strages @ Aug 10, 04 | 4:22 pm

Livejournal Review recently received the following email from a person that has been featured on LJD:

If you’ve been to ljdrama, i’m sure you’ve read about me. i’m one of their favorite victims. they have written about me so many times that i’ve developed emotional and psychological problems. my doctor put me on paxil to reduce my anxiety attacks and she wants me to get into counseling. i read about your experience with those assholes @ the ljdrama page… what did you do to get them off your back? what can i do to stop them from writing about me and harassing my friends? i threated to sue them but they just laughed at me. what would you do mcclane? all i want is peace and make friends on lj.

I have no idea who the author of that email is, but I’m turning to our readers to ask them if they would be so kind as to offer any advice that they might be able to give that person.
Apparently unplugging the computer and walking away is just too easy.

Furries and robots and Bud Light.

Filed under: — ChrissMari @ Aug 10, 04 | 3:05 am

kamuelakamuela is getting pissed off in ljers4presidentljers4president over the recent announcements from the different factions of the dramacratic party (here here here and here)

If this dumb fucking shit keeps up like this until October 30th, I am going to raise the Expatriated Zulus as an army, stage a military coup and suspend elections.

Furries and robots and Bud Light.




Also, some furry fucktard is getting pissed about the hepkitten/jameth vs dancingdrew/chrissmari slinging match. That’s just too hillarious.

Support your canditates rights to free speech!!!!

PS Dancingdrew/ChrissMari 4 Prez

PPS Is someone going to submit a damn php submit form to hep so that you all can give us good shit again?


You are currently using 1000 MB (100%) of your 1000 MB.

Filed under: — killhamster @ Aug 09, 04 | 10:29 pm

Somehow, vampwillow has managed to amass nearly one GB of spam email in her gmail account since late June. She shares this information with the gmail community on LJ, only to be asked, “how the hell do you get that much spam?” A few people share advice on deleting unwanted emails and preventing spam in the first place, but phoenix isn’t going to take this abusive behavior.

In a followup post, vampwillow explains that the reason she’s receiving such a crapflood of spam is she owns domain names and Interet websites. More specifically, she’s got all her spam being forwarded to her gmail account instead of properly configuring spam filters and utilizing the blackhole for unrouted mail. But this is all still gmail’s fault, because they’re still in beta and don’t have an “empty trash” button yet.

As someone who owns a couple of domains and helps with admin on others, I laughed with this along with 1justin, who spammed up my inbox about this.

Announcing our entrance into the LJ Presidential Race

Filed under: — hep @ Aug 09, 04 | 7:17 pm

This weekend, at the Dramacratic National Convention, we, hepkitten and jameth, accepted the Presidential Candidate Nomination for the Dramacratic Party (dramacratic party community | hepkitten’s acceptance speech)


Filed under: — jameth @ Aug 09, 04 | 12:03 am

Sick of those anti-Bush/pro-Gay/pro-Furry/anti-Fat/pro-NUF colorbar memes? So is everyone else, apparently.

Check this shit out: http://www.livejournal.com/users/paperxbullets/143125.html

I think this is the best quote (from superconductor): “I understand that you guys are for gay marriage, but why do you have to constantly start something with everyone who reply’s [sic]? This doesn’t matter at all. It’s not like President Bush is going to be scrolling through Livejournal one day, and see your wonderful color…and will change his ways.”

But wait, kids. There’s more: “I am very sorry if you have 2 gay uncles and a gay cousin…not my fault. Dick inserts into vagina, not ass…”

Really! After you’re done sifting through the 200+ comments in this entry, I’m sure you’ll all be saying the same as coasterfish: “Screw you guys I’m goin to play Xbox.”

Please thank tygerwings for the submit.


Anime + stupidity = defriending drama!

Filed under: — A @ Aug 07, 04 | 5:47 am

How about a nice little defriending drama?

wrongly_amused defriends sarainuyasha after the latter gets mad that the mod of some forum didn’t translate a manga one week because, gasp, her sister-in-law died. (Geocities link, bandwidth is crap there) How selfish of her to have a sister-in-law! She only said it to get attention and sympathy! And to avoid her weekly obligation to translate manga for 12-year-olds! BUT IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MANGA REALLY! sarainuyasha has sympathy for her! Even though she probably made the whole thing up!

sarainuyasha, of course, knows all about the grieving process. And people just can’t deal with the “harsh reality that is (her) opinions”.



Filed under: — A @ Aug 04, 04 | 11:46 pm

Misia makes a post about surviving sexual violence and roughly 983759283574 people post that they, too, have been raped/harassed/what have you. killhamster links to it with the phrase “rape is sometimes justified” and some trolling ensues.

Then, of course, someone accuses all/none/some/50%/8%/41%/fuck if I know how many of the commenters of lying and being attention whores. It’s a pity parade! There is also a short pissing contest about who ‘really cares more about victims of sexual violence’ and poloemily rants about a victim of ‘ethnic fucking cleansing’ because that has so much to do with whether people on LJ are lying about having been abused. I suppose if she inserts a curse word that makes it a little bit less awful that she’s using the perpetrators’ euphemism for genocide?

Also: It’s not okay to mock rape victims! Yes it is! Maybe! No it isn’t! Yes it is! WILL TEH INTARWEB EVER DECIDE?

P.S. I have been reliably informed that these links may be triggering, and I can tell for myself that most of it isn’t funny. You were warned!


THE WAIT IS OVER -become a hip kid, too!

Filed under: — Strages @ Aug 02, 04 | 6:36 pm

Simply can’t get enough of the forever on-going mediacrat drama?
Just can’t seem to get that mediacrat jingle out of your head?
Well, now you, too, can be RICH and BEAUTIFUL..

I’M RICH AND I’M BEAUTIFUL - clothing for all the hip LJers.

Be sure to check out jamethjameth’s journal!!!

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