Below is user information for Ldy, the lemony, ligerish ducttaparian. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | ldy (3541) |
| Ldy, the lemony, ligerish ducttaparian's Treehouse of Lost Thoughts ~Welcome to my Treehouse; I think you're gonna liiiiiike iiiiiit~ |
Name: | Ldy, the lemony, ligerish ducttaparian |
Text Message: | Send ldy a text message on his/her cellphone/pager. |
Location: | Upstate, New York, United States |
Birthdate: | 1968-06-13 |
E-mail: | |
AOL IM: | LdyLemontini (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
ICQ UIN: | Ask me :) (Add User, Send Message) |
Yahoo! ID: | LdySaphyre (Add User, Send Message) |
Bio: | When I was one, I was just begun. When I was two, I was nearly new. When I was three, I was hardly me. When I was four, I was not much more. When I was five, I was just alive. But now that I'm six, I'm as clever as clever.
I think I'll stay six now for ever and ever.
--A. A. Milne
Like any other normal six-year-old, I enjoy Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade, sushi, geeky computer things, the Search for Truth and acting (professionally and amateurly, but rarely my age).
Shameless Amazon Wishlist Plug!
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Now, what else could you possibly need to know? (Hint: answers found in journal)
Please note: due to having limited amounts of both time and sanity, I am unable to link back to everyone who befriends me. I do make a point of visiting everyone who links to me from time-to-time, though.
Memories: | 281 entries |
Interests: | 150: *smuckers*, 13, 42, abusing language, acting, alchemy, alexandrite, anagrams, ancient civilizations, animals, art, astronomy, big words, billiards, blinkenlights, bliss, blowing bubbles, bonfires, books, britcoms, butterflies, chaovana, cheese, chocolate, clouds, coffee, conversation, cookies, cryptic crosswords, curiousity, daydreaming, desktop publishing, dictionaries, douglas adams, dr. seuss, dragons, dreaming, eclecticism, edgar allan poe, encyclopaedias, england, enormous freaking dowels, epistemology, etymology, faeries, fantasy, fireworks, games, geekdom, grammar, grateful dead, great larouche toad-frog massacree, grinning, hugs, humor, ice cream, ike, inner peace, integrity, jazz, joseph campbell, kaleidoscopes, kiting, language, laughing, learning, levis, lewis carroll, lucidity, megazeux, moisturizer, monty python, music, myself, mystery, mythology, naked snow angels, nature, newcastle, non-sequiturs, nutraceuticals, old books, pbs, pink floyd, pirates, poetry, pool, problem-solving, psychedelia, puzzles, r. crumb, rainbows, reading, rocky horror picture show, rootbeer, sapphires, scents, schroedinger's cat, science, scifi, secret story, serendipity, sesame street, shakespeare, sharing, silliness, simpsons, skeet-shooting, skinny dipping, sluggy freelance, snarks, spontaneity, stars, stunt-kiting, sushi, swooning, tangents, tarot, terrapin, tevas, text adventures, the magic garden, the spanish inquisition, thunder, to be happy, toys, trees, truth, uncle floyd, understanding, video games, vogon poetry, wackiness, wasabi, water, waxing poetic, weather, whimsy, whiskers on kittens, wilderness, willy wonka, wind, wine, winnie the pooh, witticisms, wonder, words, writing, you, zen. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | 480: 32793, 9mm, abbacat, abqd, adrianj, aerasin, aetius, akuma13, alcestis, alen, alexis_rose, alfabettezoupe, alicenwndrln, alifeofmyown, allyn, amelia, amplitude, andysoft, angryvixen, anniesavoy, antinomic, aphonik, apod, applelard, aprilrobin, art_challenge, axiem, aynatonal, babyfatz, bad_baby, baddolls, badhand, badmammajamma, bandicoot, bardiva, bathroom_read, battlesketch, bbcnewsworld, beatnikside, beautyorbeast, bebe_mariana, beeswing, being_angyl, bigbull, bigkev, billijean, bitman, bitteroptimist, blackcustard, blaukrabbe, blinkenlights, blogus, bobcat, boingboing_net, bondagefiles, boondocks, boxofdelights, boymaenad, brandelion, breekola, brunching, bstring503, bunicula, butterflyvine, cackalina, calnhobbes, camplj, cantwork, caren, carrie, catandgirl, chrisa, chrishaas, chryssaliss, circlek, circlekon, circlekon04, cleopatra, cloudbound, cloverbee, cock_star, coloringbook, comic_getfuzzy, cominguproses, compostheap, coral, corto, cracked_helmet, crasch, curiouscat2, cypher, czircon, damnitnicole, darkangel65, darkbloom, darklem, darktrain, darryn, datawais, davebarrycolumn, deadmenwalking, designdiva, deunsander, devevre, dewhitton, deyo, dictionary_wotd, dilbert_feed, discworld, dlocke, doeadear, doonesbury, dorktowerfeed, dormando, doublescorpio, dragoncon, drkscrtlv, droid, druid, duchess_webb, dufresne, duhreetoh, duinlas, eatherial, eccequambonum, edgarallanpoe, eeecho_42, electricjuice, ellie, elsnaibs, elvisthepug, elwe, elysiangirl, emiliejolie, emma_christine, endril, eponym, estokes, eviloompa, fantasm, farbel, fatmojo, fbofw_feed, feh, felisdemens, ferretsofglory, fetishphotos, fgty, fightingwillis, fiorile, folkypunk, foxtrot_feed, frank, frannyzooey, friday_five, fritzling, frostbyte, funkwit, furchild, gadfly, galebird, gamethyme, gawain69, gbdances, gdj, geckodru, general_jinjur, gev, gnomeygirl, god_dot_com, godblossom, goninzo, gooroo, grapefruitmoon, graye, greysonwolf, grokdotcom, grrrrrrrrrrrowl, gruggach, gryn, halcyonsadie, handbasket, happyjosie, happypage, hatgnat, heavenli_angel, heavenli_kiva, heckonwheels, helen_comic, henman, her_whispers, hexsensei, hitchhiker, homestar_rss, horseofshadows, hypnogun, i, ifjuly, imperfectly, impincidents, indigobluejelly, indigoskynet, innovatory, insecuritiesinc, inspectorjury, involute, isis, iwows, jayfo, jeckelnjeckyll, jeep_guy, jenont, joedecker, jordandumptruck, judas, jude_fest, judyth, juiceboxhero, justj, jwz, jzig, keethrax, kellwood, kelly_marie, kelvix, kenwalker, kevinkell, khisanth, kittenfc, klimtkat, knightwizard, kowillis, kristylicious, kuro5hin, kvance, ladyfire, ladyjanegrey, ladysingsblues, lake_awake, lakme, ldy, ldysaphyre, lianna, lipid, lisakayline, lithium_picnic, living_well, lizvang, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_support, lost_cities, lost_in_shadows, lostdream, lovepink, luker, lukescottwalker, lunar8, lunar8_feed, lusciouswife, ly, lynspin, mactavish, maegical, marieofroumania, marnanel, mauracelt, maydayparker, mcsweeneysrss, megadodo, megatokyocomic, mental_workout, mentalguy, merisa, metal_hurlant, michaelboy, milkncookies, mimeabuse, mindwalker, mine_own_words, miss_calamity, misspriss, mistertibbs, mistressfrog, mobley, modrnwrld_comic, mommymom, moneypenny, monkey, moraxian, mouseferatu, mousesmom, movingforward, mrfreeze, mrmustard, ms_princess, msggoat, mtffm, murdock, muse, my_angels, myth, nbbmom, needlewench, neenerface, new_snopes, newbabel, news, nicodemus, nightwisp, nikidoodles, njljbash, nonsquitor_feed, nonunc, noodleboi, northerngrrl, not_fun, notyourgirly, officialgaiman, ohmyhead, oki, oldfatbalddude, oncogene, oonie, ophelia_blu, our_company, ozmaofoz, pageeater, paidmembers, papoose, paul_melancon, pearlzb4swine, penguinboi, penguinboy, pennyarcaderss, pepysdiary, peripheral_view, perpetualmotion, pervygeekfancy, petermarcus, petit_chou, phatpharmer, pigri, piman, pixelwench, plasticdaffodil, plasticlittle, pokee, poonariffic, price, princessashi, princessblondie, prytania, psychowolffe, puckish_lady, purpleflame, purplepimphat, pvx, pyrop, quill, rao, reens, reflecting_pool, remember_tilly, reprobayt, rhiannonstone, rhythmphish, rillifane, rivet, robont, robp, roseisrose_feed, sabbat, saltyjenny, samvimes, sandstar, scaedu, scottbateman, scottobear, scouseboy, seanarcher, seattlesque, seefuchs, serendipity, serij, sexychicken, sfwriters, shadesong, shadesongcon, shaesune, shammack, shandygaff, shared_boxers, shazam, shmivejournal, shoe_fetish, short_ankh, sickboy, sillyheads, simply, simplyred, sinfestfeed, sir_lance_a_lot, sirclick, sky_light, slackbastard, slashdot, sluggy_feed, snowboom, somebodies, song_and_yendi, soulstorage, spankyspanky, sparkybutcher, stargazer, starinthewind, starlazdaze, starsailor71, stephaniegeigh, stephaniekaye, strange_bru, strangebru, stuck, summerspirit, sunshine_two, superstar_pig, suziannabean, swivelpanther, taigu, tarot, tarpo, tasslehoff, taybar19, teferi, terra, thats_it, the_monstrosity, theashifaction, theferrett, themouse, theonionfeed, theraevyn, theregister, thestraightdope, thetech, thinkgeek, thistimearound, tillytollo, tracytracy, trb2001, true_nexus, turtlehead, twistopher, twofootsmall, underwatercolor, userf_feed, vanilla_christ, velocity, vespertine_1912, vidicon, vivame, vjacob, voodoolimbo, waning_estrogen, washell, watership, weetanya, weswilson, wheelchair_matt, wilwheaton, wjl, womanonfire, wonkatania, woodwhat, xercesblue, xiombarg, yendi, zebra, zoethe, zztzed |
Friend of: | 326: 32793, abqd, adrianj, aerasin, aetius, akuma13, alcestis, alen, alfabettezoupe, alicenwndrln, alifeofmyown, allyn, amelia, amplitude, andysoft, angryvixen, anniesavoy, antinomic, applelard, aprilrobin, axiem, aynatonal, babyfatz, bad_baby, bandicoot, beatnikside, beautyorbeast, beeswing, being_angyl, bigbull, bigkev, billijean, bitman, bitteroptimist, blackcustard, blogus, bobcat, boxofdelights, boymaenad, brandelion, breekola, bunicula, cackalina, cafemusique, cantwork, caren, carrie, chrishaas, chryssaliss, circlek, cleopatra, cloudbound, cloverbee, cock_star, cominguproses, compostheap, corto, cracked_helmet, crasch, curiouscat2, curtis, cyan_blue, cypher, czircon, damnitnicole, darkangel65, darklem, darktrain, darryn, deadmenwalking, designdiva, deunsander, dewhitton, deyo, diony, dlocke, dormando, drkscrtlv, droid, druid, duchess_webb, dufresne, duinlas, eatherial, eccequambonum, edgarallanpoe, eeecho_42, electricjuice, ellie, elsnaibs, elvisthepug, elysiangirl, emcgough, eponym, estokes, eviloompa, eyot, fatmojo, feh, felisdemens, ferretsofglory, fgty, fiorile, folkypunk, frannyzooey, fritzling, frostbyte, furchild, galebird, gamethyme, gawain69, gbdances, gdj, geckodru, general_jinjur, gev, gnomeygirl, god_dot_com, godblossom, goldrose, gooroo, graye, grrrrrrrrrrrowl, gryn, heavenli_kiva, heckonwheels, henman, her_whispers, hitchhiker, horseofshadows, hypnogun, i, imperfectly, impincidents, indigobluejelly, indigoskynet, insecuritiesinc, inspectorjury, involute, isis, iwows, jamaicanjungle, jeckelnjeckyll, jeep_guy, jenont, jezebel_speaks, joedecker, jordandumptruck, jsjackso, judas, ... |
Member of: | 40: adultchild, battlesketch, bebe_mariana, camplj, circlekon04, cluelessecstasy, coloringbook, cooking, directory, discworld, dragoncon, fantasm, found_objects, futurecity, grammar_mavens, haikuarena, jazzclub, jude_fest, lithium_picnic, living_well, lj_nifty, lost_in_shadows, lunar8, megadodo, mental_workout, njljbash, paidmembers, pervygeekfancy, plasticdaffodil, purplepimphat, quill, reflecting_pool, remember_tilly, sfwriters, shoe_fetish, sky_light, sluggyfreelance, tarot, the_monstrosity, theiconplace |
Account type: | Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter |