Below is information about the "tattoo_ink" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | tattoo_ink (399058) | |
Name: | tattoo_ink | |
Location: | San Diego, United States | |
E-mail: | | |
About: | Community owner: gcat Community Moderator leaders: divalita and tijae The haremgothicraverjodrakainaicoronaborealispayphone35cents_tekwh0re_mynttellmewhatiwantdanicacloverkillfallen_fizzgig elvinchildfuckin_narklolo13sarin_girlwickedgemini & b0pp The "Harem" is made of 18 lovely ladies. They are my moderators. They will be the ones you go to if you have problems. They are the ones that will ultimately get intouch with me and report what needs to be done. If you have a problem please contact them. Why there are 18? I don't know? Don't care deal with it and have some fun while you're at it. I guess being the master only means I get to break ties. Community goal: To Share to others the wonderful world of tattoo's. Whether you're covered from head to toe with them or have only one it doesn't matter. Show your stuff off so everyone can see! This is not a rating community. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to show their works. If you are an artist and want to get your work out there let people know about it. Post pictures of your art nd tell people you design tattoo's and are for hire! If you own a shop and want people to know about it plug it! The same goes for any tattoo shows/conventions get this stuff out there! Rules and guidelines: My biggest actual rule is "Tattoo's Only" Anything else will be deleted without warning. Basic guidelines Rule 1: Remember the Human Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life A) The old stand by of treat others as you want them to treat you. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace A) This is a tricky one. You have been allowed to join a forum this does not give you exclusive rights. While I appall censorship I and only I control everything in this forum. You do not have "Freedom of Speach" here. My Rules. My Laws. My Forum. End. What you do have is the freedom to express yourself as long as you follow the rules. Try to run things your way and you will be stopped especially if it disrupts the forum or causes some really fucked up shit. No questions asked! Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth A) Multiple pictures and long posts please put them behind a LJ cut Rule 5: Make yourself look good online Rule 6: Share expert knowledge Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control A) At the same time flames can be fun and healthy for letting off steam! Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy A) Taking flame wars to private is recomended but don't take it beyond control. Rule 9: Don't abuse your power A) This ones for me and or future moderators. Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes A) Don't be an asshole! Most of these rules are from the "THE CORE RULES OF NETIQUETTE" which can be found at I pretty much adhere to these rules when doing anything online. Most people don't see the person on the other side of the writing on the wall. With this forum there's going to be a lot of pictures and a lot of critics. Honest opinions are good and constructive criticism is also welcomed. 0 tolerance for anyone exhibiting eletists attitudes, threatening with obvious violence, racism and for whatever else I decide. Remember this is my community and to continue your stay in here you will abide by my rules/guidelines. There is no censorship cry babies in here and or freedom of speech bullshit. You will lose hands down. Besides think of it this way. Would it be right for me to come into your house for a party and start eating everything you had, setting things up to my liking and telling you how to live your life? No it wouldn't be. So many people get the meaning of freedom of speech and censorship mistaken it's terrible to see their interpretations. The biggest problem is it's done mostly by our youth... I am not affraid to smack anyone down off their soapbox. Now as for age requirements... There aren't any. However do not come in here asking where you can get a tattoo done by someone who will do minors. If that person is willing to do something like that then who knows what the fuck they're willing to do or have done. These kinds of people are not welcomed here and will be removed immediately. This also goes for posting a question on how to get a fake I.D. Don't do it and just wait until it's legal for you to get a tattoo. You'll appreciate it a lot more and so will your inker! If you are affraid to post anything that is questionable please put it behind a LJ Cut and warn viewers. Follow these guidelines for posting pictures. Pictures- If you post a picture please make it no more than 480/640. Multiple pictures please post behind a LJ cut. What is defined as a "postable" picture? If it has a tattoo in it it is considered postable. Yet, please take into consideration the scene as well. I have no problem with nudity combined with a tattoo but if you're going to be tasteless then I have a problem and the post will be deleted. And come on members if someone shows a bit of TnA or CnA if it outright doesn't look like Pr0n or a tasteless pic from someones webcam don't come bickering about it!! And before you post something like it ask me and I'll give it a yay or nay. **Addendum** Minors for the most part this means under the age of 18. However that is different in some states. You will adhere to these rules. No questions asked. If you break them you're banned, end of question. * Any other material that is a violation of applicable state, federal, or international law. * Explicit, nude, or erotic pictures taken of anyone under the age of 18, whether or not the model is over 18 at the time of posting even if it includes a tattoo. * Material that meets the United States legal definition of "indecent". * Instructions on how to break the law. * Do not post your tattoo's if you are not of legal age. * Do not ask where to obtain a tattoo illegally. * Do not list locations or individuals willing to give illegal tattoo's I can be reached at Thank you much Enjoy -=((>^..^<))=- | |
Interests: | 33: abstract, art, care, color, discussion, electric, ideas, ink, inker's, inking, lotion, men, needles, new age, nudity, nyc, oldschool, pain, photo, pleasure, promotion, rules, san diego, skin, skin art, tat, tattoo, tattoo gun, tattoo work, tattoos, traditional, tribal, women. [Modify yours] | |
Members: | 1569: View Members . | |
Watched by: | 1036: 0110010110, 2zdayz12, 419, 53rd, 5starscorpio, 7deadly_sins, ____oh, ___forgivemenot, __null__, _c4138tr0n, _chatterbox_, _crazibeautiful, _errata, _hi_c772, _high_heels, _mourningstar_, _pagan_poetry, _piano_island, _remembrance, _sexymama, _striptease, _tekwh0re_, a_warm_place, aarontheturtle, ab_ra_ca_dab_ra, abbybeth, abe_the_cop, ableedingheart, accidentprone66, acidictearz, acrossthesky, actraiser666, adagio_breezes_, adiaspeer, adifferentblue, aflowerunseen, aftermidnight, age_adrienne, agent242, aintgotone, airliner, aislincalum, akashatheory, akki, alchemist, alenacher, alexibear, alhooter, all_ahoo, allicat232, alt2good, altair99, alternative_mom, amaranthfig, ambiguity_rules, aminorthreat, amojojo, amyt, anadrama4yamama, anesthet1zed, angelbaby420, angelicchaos, angelicdevil229, angeloflove, angiebell, angylgirl, animationdoll, animepunk, annewk, anti_nowhere, anuebunnie, applexapple, archon_ramie, artforpie, ashbdash, asthoughtsfall_, astraydragon, astropoetic, asukamisu, asynja, at_the_library, atanvarneroquen, autumnmoon77, b0pp, badnews_liar, badxstar, baileh, ballinislife13, bastard_core, batwingz__, beastwith5hands, beaver_bandit, bella_rules, belmontaudi, benpeek, better0ffdead, betterthannever, bgdftnsfn, biancasboudoir, bigbull, bigredpaul, bing, bl33d_black, blackgem, blacknyx, bleakauspex, bling_chong, blubreezes, blueruinn, bluevelvet, bluexroses, boregasm, boringlamelife, born2lose, branbee02, breakaway25, breathe_in_now, brethlessmahony, brimstoneangel, brstrokerwcu, brynndalynn82, brynne_m, bubbleberry, bugluvr, burnthosetears, cadaverlegs, calmlikeabomb, cantgetthrough, captainbitchy, cardboardjunkie, carnal_oblivion, cataclysme, catbiscuit, catoninetails, cd_delorenzo, celtic_shamanes, cerealkillah, cgi_ravager_360, champchic, chaossix6, chaoticchild, cheakymonkey, cheezbee, chelley_bean, chelseagirloioi, cherry_cyanide, cheshirrrecat, chigurl7, chingotobendeho, christinecous, ... | |
Member of: | 5: dearvibrator, diy_promo, ink_till_death, tattoo_ink, thugz_life | |
Account type: | Free Account |