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Judge Sentences Spammer to Nine Years [08 Apr 2005|10:22am]
Judge Sentences Spammer to Nine Years
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Happy Birthday [info]eeyore_grrl! [29 Mar 2005|11:57pm]
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Is *anything* really better than chocolate? [29 Mar 2005|12:28pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | 01_symphony__40_in_g_minor_k_550____molto_allegro.wav -- mozart -- chicago symphony orchester -- james levine ]

God I love this chocolate.

They have a shop in San Francisco, but I've yet to make an expedition. (Whenever I've purchased any, it's been from other shops that carry his chocolates.) One of these days....

(I still have a few Joseph Schmidt's truffles left from Christmas. I just had two. So, so, soooo good.)

His chocolates are just gorgeous as well: they look like they taste.

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Just the tip of the iceberg, as far as his work goes [24 Mar 2005|03:18pm]
It's just the tip of the iceberg as far as his work goes, but -- even on my crappy monitor :-) -- this is beautiful:

Signature of the Sun: Sand

His LiveJournal entry for this:


I really admire [info]joedecker's work. Landscape photography is usually not my favorite genre, but his work may eventually change my mind. In any case, I love it. His most recent series, Signatures of the Sun, especially, is beautiful, imaginative and quite rich.

Although as true to life as such things can be, the renditions on his website do not -- unsurprisingly -- do the images justice. Hopefully, we'll get to enjoy some more local shows soon.

If you are not familiar with his work, I suggest you change that.

(In the interest of full disclosure, I mention that I do know [info]joedecker personally; but I do not give such praise lightly -- or out of kindness. And no, I'm not on commission. :-> My self-interest in the matter lies in the hope that he'll sell even more of his work, keep photographing, and have more shows -- so that I can see more of his pictures.)

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Librarian Heroes [19 Mar 2005|09:58pm]
Librarian Heroes
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Frienditto-a-no-no! [06 Mar 2005|12:30pm]

For users of frienditto, a request:

Please don't *$%#*&$ use frienditto. And if you do, please let me know: I'd really like to keep my friends-only posts just that.

Don't make the [info]catzen angry. It's just not a good idea.

Thank you.

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Flotsam and Jetsam in German [24 Feb 2005|10:44am]
I was looking for something else, when I stumbled across this chapter of a travelogue from a German tourist in New York City, in the year 2000. It's a giddy, chatty, cheery description of seeing the twin towers of the World Trade Center for the first time, and then going inside it to find a bank, and so on.

Obviously, there must be many things like this; but it felt eerie when I just ran across it like that, while looking for something unrelated.

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If you're on [info]cassidyrose's friends list, please read. [22 Feb 2005|12:42pm]
I've created an account, [info]catzen_announce. I added all of [info]cassidyrose's friends to [info]catzen_announce's friends list.

If you know anyone of her friends that isn't on my list, please point them to this post, and the new account. I'm using it for announcements for [info]cassidyrose.

Thank you for your help.

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Dance! Dance! Dance! Music! Music! Music! [18 Feb 2005|11:19am]
Oh, and did I fail to mention that there's a dance show today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) at 8pm in Oakland? And it's free! free! free! And I'm playing (my) music for the one suite of dances.

Details here.

If you can make it there, I'd love to see you there! Oh, and feel free to bring friends. :-)

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404 Page Hall of Fame Entry [11 Feb 2005|11:37pm]
[ mood | sick ]

This is, so far, my favorite 404 Page of all time.

(It uses sound and animation, probably Flash.)

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Update re. Upcoming Performance [09 Feb 2005|05:00pm]
I just updated my about the upcoming performance.

Please see the updated post.

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FREE Upcoming Performance (Feb 18th and 19th) [09 Feb 2005|04:31pm]
I just sent an email to someone who was interested in coming, so I thought I'd post this. When I hear more, I'll post an update. UPDATED!

Thanks for your interest!

The organization sponsoring the performance (at which a few different companies will be performing) is Big Moves, an organization that's dedicated to increasing size diversity in dance.

Copied from the front page of the Big Moves website:

The Show

Bodies in Motion IV: Sight Unseen
Big Moves presents
Bodies in Motion IV
February 18th and 19th, 8:00pm
Temescal Arts Center
511 48th St., Oakland, CA
Join us for Bodies in Motion IV, Big Moves' fourth professional dance concert. This show features a new site-specific work created by choreographer Tara Brandel and performed by Big Moves' Mass Movement along with performances by ...And Still Dancing and other local professional dance companies.

And Still Dancing is an organization for professional dancers over 40.

What I'm doing in the show

The performance I'm involved with is that performed by Mass Movement, called "Be Longings," for which I composed (with some input from the singer in one piece) and will perform the music. It's a modern dance piece (kind of a suite of dances) created by choreographer Tara Brandel for this company. FYI: In case you came to the Taste for Dance fundraiser and performance, this upcoming show will feature the complete suite of dance and music of which only a portion was performed as one of the numbers at the fundraiser.

I'm not sure yet what other groups will be performing, but I think there will be some additional ones. I'm expecting some modern dance, with the possible addition of some lyrical or hip-hop numbers. (But I really don't know, yet; I've asked the powers that be and will relay the information to you when I get it.)

UPDATE: It sounds like the entire show will be modern dance (with some contact improv). Other works:

> the piece from Mass Movement company (Big Moves),
> two pieces (including an excerpt out of a new work by Eric Kupers) from Dandelion Dance Theater,
> and one or more pieces performed by And Still Dancing

I'd love to see you and your friends there! :-)))

NOTE: It's a fairly small venue, so -- assuming you come --, it would likely be best to come a bit early.

ADDENDUM: Did I mention it was free?

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Chocolate Tasting Show [06 Feb 2005|11:45am]
The show went well: lots of people, lots of chocolate (I should have asked someone to bring me some, since I played piano during the breaks: I missed out on the Joseph Schmidt and a few others. :-) ).

The dancers did a wonderful job; I really liked [info]cassidyrose's lyrical solo and costume. The volunteers and dancers pitched in and made things happen, even while we were running out of room to put people. (Success is a bitch, hm?) I have to say that I've enjoyed watching the dances develop for the pieces for which I'm doing the music: Tara -- working with the dancers, too -- has created some lovely choreography. I look forward to seeing it on video, sometime, when I'm not playing, so I can just watch and enjoy. (Speaking of which, [info]cassidyrose, we should probably record the music during the two shows on the 18th and 19th, so you'll have the music available for the future even when I'm not available.)

Well, it had been, I think, over fifteen years since I'd played for an audience of any size (and over fifteen years since I have played regularly). I was a little nervous at first, but, after a few bars into my first improvised ditty, I just lost myself in the enjoyment of playing. I was happy that my friends got to hear me play, since it's a side of my life that I haven't, for the most part, been able to share with people whose acquaintance I've made during the last decade.

Everything I played during the breaks was mine and completely extemporaneous, with the exception of Saint Luis Blues and a section from Gary's Waltz (oh, and the first two sections of the Maple Leaf Rag :-) ). But, of course, I improvised around and through those, too. There were a few cute little girls standing and sitting next to me during a few of the breaks, watching the works of the piano move, and asking me questions while I played. (They also ran around and danced across the floor.)

The pieces I played for the "Belonging" piece were my own compositions (containing, still, a lot of improvised content), with some input for the first piece, the vocal number, from Jackie, the dancer who sang it. She has such a pretty voice, and there's a quality to it that lent itself well to that meditative refrain ("Bring the radi-a-a-ance..."); at some point, after I'd heard her voice in rehearsal, that little figure popped into my head as something I wanted to hear her sing.

One man approached me to ask for my card; not having one, I just wrote my contact info on the face of a paper plate. If I get serious about this, I'm going to need to -- egads -- practice. :->

It was fun, at the end of the show, playing away, surrounded by a number of new friends. I played as if I'd been starving for it -- which, I guess, I had. That others were obviously enjoying my playing, too, made me very happy. Manna for my soul. :-)))

[info]grubbybastard has a lovely voice, and I was tickled that he liked my playing. I look forward to hearing him sing some more: perhaps I can convince [info]arkibet and him to sing for me sometime. :-)

If I do this again, I'll place a tip jar on the piano with a sign that says "chocolate accepted." Or maybe a sign that says "Please feed the piano player with chocolate. See below for a list of his preferred varieties." That way, I'd get all the chocolate I *needed*. ;->

Thank you to all of you who heard my music, enjoyed it, and told me so. That made me very, very happy.

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victims, heroes, and the moral high ground [04 Feb 2005|08:42am]
[info]wordweaverlynn has written a (for her) typically thoughtful post about victims and heroes and their right to the moral high ground. Worth reading.
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The Waiter You Stiffed Has Not Forgotten [03 Feb 2005|02:20pm]
WHAT evil lurks in the hearts of waiters?
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Chocolate and Dance!!! [02 Feb 2005|10:37pm]
The dance/concert/chocolate tasting fundraiser is this Saturday, February 5th, from 7 to 9:30pm.

Info and links here.

Just a gentle reminder. :-)

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[26 Jan 2005|01:29pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

So is anyone familiar with Esther's Bakery in Mountain View?

If you are -- and especially if you're familiar with real German Vollkornbrot --, how are their breads? Do they bake real Vollkornbrot and bread with an actual *crust*?

(Although I have to admit that a little warning light went off when I read on their -- rather sparse -- webpage that they'd been among the first to produce a lo-carb bread variety. People! Stop taking away my carbs! I won't have it! I'm not going to take this any more!)

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Art from an angle [25 Jan 2005|11:45pm]
Buried toward the bottom of an Oscars roundup, is what I find to be a little gem:
The real truth is that there is no perfect work of art. Our perception of greatness often depends on our perceiving a work from a specific flattering angle. And the seductive power of an art work is in the way it makes us want to look at it from its best side. Greatness is not greatness but rather a mixture of near greatness and near-perfect seduction ...

--Mick LaSalle, Chronicle Movie Critic

[emphasis mine]

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...and the silencing continues. [25 Jan 2005|11:16pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Education secretary condemns public show with gay characters

The not-yet-aired episode of "Postcards From Buster" shows the title character, an animated bunny named Buster, on a trip to Vermont -- a state known for recognizing same-sex civil unions. The episode features two lesbian couples, although the focus is on farm life and maple sugaring.


A PBS spokesman said late Tuesday that the nonprofit network has decided not to distribute the episode, called "Sugartime!," to its 349 stations. She said the Education Department's objections were not a factor in that decision.

It got worse the more I read. Not surprising. But worse.

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I'll be playing! [24 Jan 2005|10:44am]
Hey, there, people! I'll be playing piano between numbers and, I believe, accompanying a couple numbers for which I've written some music, at a dance event. If you can afford it and make it, I'd love to see you there. :-)

Also note two extremely important points:

1) This is a fundraiser, so by coming to this performance, you'll be enabling more performances, classes, etc. by Big Moves, which promotes size inclusive dance of all kinds (see their website for more information about them).

2) It's a Chocolate Tasting, so there will be scads of chocolate and really good coffee for your scarfingtasting pleasure. There was a lot of really good chocolate last year, and I expect the spread will be similarly fabulous this year. (Note that a significant portion of my caloric needs for that day was met by chocolate. If you know me well, you know this speaks both for the quality and quantity of chocolate on hand. :-) ) Of course, this time I'll be playing piano, so I don't know how I'm going to get my own hands (and mouth) on some of that stuff. ;->

It's Saturday, February 5th, from 7PM to 9:30PM, at 685 14th St., in downtown Oakland (First Unitarian Church of Oakland). (Easily reachable via BART, for those keeping track.)

More information about the event can be found here, on [info]cassidyrose's page.

Tickets can be purchased directly from me, [info]cassidyrose, or at the Big Moves website.

Oh, and please tell and bring your friends. Thanks!

Oh, and one more thing: please feel free to link to this from your journal if you have one. :-)

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