Thursday, March 31st, 2005
9:55 pm
this might be out of place, but I'm such a unitic that over a year ago, I decided to let the whole world know. Wanna see ( how? )
love and light, amelia
| Monday, March 28th, 2005
1:04 pm
If you want peace, you must give up the idea of conflict entirely and for all time. - A Course in Miracles
current mood: contemplative
| Sunday, March 27th, 2005
4:26 pm - Hi!!!
Was just searching around LJ and I found this place (im also on the e-mail list) :) I am an active LJ user and I am just getting back into Unity and the plans are in the making to start up an NGU connection at my church...
any hoo I just wanted to say hi and hope everyone had a wonderful Easter :)
*hugs* Jonna
current mood: determined current music: Evanescence
| Saturday, March 26th, 2005
8:54 pm - Easter message
Friends, have you ever wondered what Jesus might say about Christianity if he were to walk the planet today? Certainly he would be saddened by the wars that have been fought in his name. And he would likely be dismayed that his two great commandments have been largely ignored. But what would he say to get us on the right path again? A letter from him might read something like this…
“Dear Friend,
“My message to you today is the same as it was 2,000 years ago. Like me, you have always been and will always be a child of God. Knowing and living that relationship allows you into the Kingdom. You can enter it right now.
“Being a loving daddy, God is intent upon giving you complete happiness and fulfillment. There is no sacrifice necessary by anyone for you to achieve that, either then or now. All that is required is that you change your mind about what you think you know about your relationship with God and with each other. He is as close as the beating of your heart. He is never absent, although you insist that he often is. And this thing about loving your neighbor? I meant what I said.
“The cause of my death is of little relevance to my teachings. I did not die to save you from your sins; only you can do that. My death was merely a preamble to the culminating lesson I offered. The final lesson was in the resurrection that I demonstrated; what has been lost in the lesson is that this resurrection is inevitable for you. Yes, inevitable… for you. Perhaps you will not awaken in this lifetime, but sooner or later you will take my words to heart and realize that all that I have done, you can do also, including the re-union with God.
“Why wait another lifetime? Claim your inheritance of joy, abundance, love, and peace now. God is ready to give you that which you truly believe you deserve.
“Do you still have questions? Sit patiently in the silence; they will be answered.”
current mood: optimistic current music: Whose Line is it Anyway? =D
| Sunday, March 13th, 2005
11:06 pm - A couple questions
Hi everyone.
I was just wondering - how does NGU operate? Is it like YOU? Are there weekly meetings, and conventions and stuff? How would I find out about meetings and get togethers in my area?
current mood: curious
| Saturday, March 5th, 2005
5:38 pm - Hi everyone!
Hi everyone.
I'm new here.
I'm not currently attending Unity, but I used to. I was in YOU when I was 18, and I stopped because I got really busy with graduating high school and got really overwhelmed, because I was getting so involved in so many things. *Sigh* I shouldn't have stopped.
Anyway, I'm not really...Well, I don't know what I am anymore. I have become very involved in paganism, and there are so many parts of it I love, but I miss Unity and the feeling I would get when I was there. It sounds corny, but I felt so connected to a higher power when I was there. I felt it everywhere. It was such an amazing feeling.
I've been studying with the College of Wicca and Old Lore, and they have a great purpose - teaching those who need guidance in learning about the Craft. But I don't feel any sort of higher power when I'm there, not even in the rituals, and that bothers me. I feel it when I go to circles with close friends, but not in the College. So maybe I'm just in the wrong place for studying. There are other things I don't like, but I don't want to use up this whole post.
Aaaaanyway. I just thought I would join to keep up with what's going on in Unity. I'm considering attending a church again, maybe just once in a while at first. I feel like I'm (once again...I seem to be always coming back to this =P) questioning what kind of spirituality I really have. Maybe it's a mix of paganism and Unity. I just don't know yet. ^_^
So yeah, I'm looking forward to posting! Sorry for the tangent! =D
current mood: New!
| Monday, November 15th, 2004
10:21 am
Hola amigos!
My name is Jennie Willingham and I am part of the blossoming Norhtwestern region of NGU. I feel very blessed that, after five excellent years of YOU and twelve amazing years overall of discovery in the realm of Unity, there is a continuation in this form as I am not prepared for the "upstairs" of my church. Like the very beginnings with Myrtle and Charles and Cora, I have questions and thrive on discussion.
I am forming a chapter at my church with ex-YOU and whoever else feels the desire to attend. If anyone has suggestions on how to conduct meetings, ideas for activities, discussion topics, or anything else they would be greatly appreciated!
I am so excited to be involved in this wonderful opportunity! I like talking with people, so please contact me whenever.
Excitement and clarity, Jennie
current mood: Hooray!! current music: India.Arie: Ready fgr love
| Sunday, November 7th, 2004
3:52 pm
hi everyone! my name is svenja, and i'm a newbie to ngu! i'm from duluth, ga, which is in atlanta, graduated from y.o.u. last spring. i attended the SE NGU retreat "harvest your health" a few weeks ago, and absolutely loved it. it actually took place at my church, which was very convenient for me :). it sparked a lot of enthusiasm for me, and i've decided to start up an n.g.u. chapter in atlanta with a few of my friends, laura and wayne. we already have about 10 ppl that are interested in coming. our 1st meeting is nov. 14th! i am ecstatic about making everything happen. if you live in the atl. area or know someone that does that might be interested, please let me know and i'll email you the info. i'm so excited to have stumbled upon this website! it shows how big n.g.u. already is! looking forward to reading more from n.g.u'ers from all over the place! namaste, svenja
current mood: excited current music: sister hazel
| Sunday, October 17th, 2004
3:53 pm - Reading Materials, part deux
Hello Fellow NGUers. After reading the responses from you here, from the NGU mailing list, and from assorted "real life" friends, here is the reading list I've compiled ( Read more... ) I hope it is useful to all of you! I believe it will be a great resource for me in the future.
Love and hugs, Jessica
current mood: chipper current music: Under the Boardwalk -The Drifers
| Monday, October 11th, 2004
8:49 am - Reading materials
Hi all.
I have a question for you lovely ngu folks. I'm gathering a reading list together of spiritual/inpspirational books I should read in the coming year. Mom has given me an audio version of Eckhart Tolle (sp?)& the Power of Now, and I'm pretty sure I've read all but the most recent Richard Bach books. Any suggestions of writings that inspire you, educate you about life, spirituality, etc?
Thanks for all assistance and thoughts! If I have time, I'll probably cross-post this to the NGU mailing list, so if some of you see this twice, I apologize.
Many thanks,
Jessica Unity North Atlanta (occassional attendee)
current mood: working
| Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
3:53 pm - Sending love
I'd like you all to send your love and prayers to the family of Michelle Reeves. She graduated from North Atlanta Unity the year before I did. She was killed in an alligator attack at her grandparents last Sunday. She was one of the sweetest girls I grew up with, and her family will miss her a lot. Love and light. Sarah
| Thursday, September 23rd, 2004
11:00 pm - Just an FYI
The main email list for NGU has been syndicated for livejournal.
This is where most NGU people communicate.
You can find it at:
current mood: content current music: Pete Yorn - Strange Condition
| Friday, September 3rd, 2004
8:46 pm - Joy Songs
Hey all... I hope that everyone is doing well... I am a sponsor for the YOU at Unity Church of Clearwater(FL), and last year we had a fire that started in the YOU room due to electrical problems (no one was hurt, and we are just now getting back into the rebuilt building). The challenge that we are having is that while we were meeting in tents outside, there was nothing done about the YOU service hours, and we really weren't in a place to be able to go to rallies/ retreats. Jump ahead to now. We have youth that are going to the upcoming fall rally, and there are some newbies that don't know the joy songs... all of the little books that we had for them burned in the fire. My request (and I am thanking spirit in advance, knowing that all will manifest itself at the proper time) is for any joy songs that you all remember. Even if you aren't from the SouthEast region, that's okay, new Joy Songs are always fun to know for International Conference. If you could send them to me via e-mail at melodybeaudry@hotmail.com, that would be super awesome. Again, I hope that all are doing well, and I thank all of you in advance for anything that you can send my way. Light and Love, Melody
current mood: determined
| Wednesday, August 18th, 2004
2:35 pm
Hi there! I can't remember if I alread introduced myself, so if I did, sorry for the repeat! My name is Melody, and I graduated from the SouthEast region of YOU in 2000. I am now married with a beautiful son named Hunter, and I am also a spnsor with the YOU chapter that I graduated from, as well as a member of the Youth Ministry Directors Team at our church as well. I am so glad that I found NGU on LJ, and I look forward to talking with all of you!
4:25 am - Hi!
Hello. I'm Sarah Summerfield, I graduated Y.O.U. in 2003. I was a part of a regularly meeting N.G.U. group at my home church of North Atlanta for a while, but we all started school and attendance slacked off. I just went on a huge binge of adding Y.O.U.ers I knew to my friend's list so if any of you see me and don't know who I am... well I'm me... Yeah... I shouldn't write things at four in the morning but I'm glad to find NGU on LJ and look forward to remeeting a lot of you and meeting new folk too! 'Night!
current mood: sleepy
| Friday, August 6th, 2004
12:39 pm
Hey, everyone, my name is Amelia Worth and I went to Unity by the Bay in North Bend (More like Coos Bay), Oregon for many years. I now live and go to school in Eugene.
Just wanted to say hello, and wondering if Nick Muncie was around? I found out about NGU through Carol Torres, who had talked to him, and was just wondering.
| Wednesday, July 14th, 2004
4:18 pm - And...
| Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
11:15 pm - I just read this and had to share it, kinda long
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there were all of these little light beings just hanging out enjoying life in that joyful & timeless dimension. And then one day a very large, magnificent angel came to them. He had a very serious look on his face. He was looking for volunteers for a very important cosmic mission. "We have this small - but very special - planet out at the edge of the Alcyon galaxy called Gaia. It is quite unique like a beautiful garden and it is teeming with hundreds of thousands of different life forms. It has been something of an experimental station in the galaxy and it has a most interesting humanoid life form that incorporates the very highest and lowest frequencies known in the cosmos. It is in fact the very epitome of dualism. On the one hand it is an incredibly beautiful life form and is capable of carrying the highest frequencies of love, light, peace and joy known throughout the whole Universe. On the other hand it is capable of carrying the densest and darkest frequencies the cosmos has ever experienced - frequencies which the rest of creation evolved beyond eons ago.
Here is the current situation. Within the domain of time, this planet goes through periodic cosmic cycles. It is now coming to the end of two major cycles - a 2,000 year-long age of Pisces and the 25,000 year-long cosmic year in its journey around Alcyon, the central sun of the Milky Way Galaxy. With the completion of this cycle, many things are coming to an end and many things are about to begin. But most importantly, the planet is experiencing an infusion of Light that is dramatically increasing it's frequency. As during any major time of transition, there will be a certain amount of turbulence. Some of this will be geological, for Gaia herself is a living being and is also evolving. But much of it also involve s the humanoid species that dominates the planet. This will not be a particularly easy time for the species -especially for those who are sleeping and those who are vibrating at the lowest frequencies.
As the frequency changes it will create insecurity which in turn will create fear. The first era of evolution on this planet was the physical era and the key word was survival. The second era, which is now ending, was the mental era and the key word was logic. The third era, which is now beginning, is the era of the heart and the key word is love. This is the highest frequency. Those who currently hold the reign of power on the planet are of the old order of the physical & mental. To the extent that they can make a graceful transition to a heart centered and divinely guided life, it will NOT be an easy transition. To the extent that they are unable to do this, they will experience much turmoil. So this is the current situation of Gaia.
The reason I am here is to seek volunteers who would be willing to incarnate in humanoid form on the planet at this time to help make this an easy and smooth transition. We have sent prophets and teachers in the past. Very often they were brutally persecuted or killed. In other instances they were set up as "gods" to be worshiped. The humanoids built elaborate religions and rituals around them and used these religions to control each other. They did everything except follow the simple teachings that were offered. So this time we are trying a different approach. No more prophets, saviors & avatars that they can use to create religions. This time we are sending in thousands - actually hundreds of thousands - of ordinary light beings with only two assignments: 1) Stay in your heart. Regardless of what happens, stay in your heart. 2) Remember who you are, why you are here, and what this is all about. Now that seems easy enough, right? Unfortunately, it’s not!
As I have said, duality has reached its peak on this planet. This species has perfected the illusion of good and evil. The greatest challenge you will experience is to remember Who You Really Are, Why You Are Here, and What This Is Really All About! When you remember, you will be able to stay in your heart, regardless of external events. So how will you know when you are forgetting? It is easy. Watch your judgments. The moment you notice that you are in a place of judgment you will know that you have forgotten Who You Really Are, Why You Are Here and What This Is Really All About. That will be your signal.
Now here is the challenge. Life on this planet will require a great deal of discernment - wise evaluation of what is true, what is appropriate and what is for the highest good, both for yourself and for the planet. In many ways discernment is similar to judgment. However, you will know when you are in judgment and when you have moved out of your heart when you are in a place of blame. We know how challenging this planet can be. We know how very real the illusions on this planet appear to be. We understand the incredible density of this dimension and the pressure you will face. But if you survive this mission - and it is a voluntary one - you will evolve at hyperspeed. We also should say that we know that some of you who will go to this planet as starseeds, will never germinate - never awakened to the remembrance of who you really are. Some of you will awaken and begin to shine, only to be choked down by the opinions and prevailing thoughtforms around you. Others will awaken and remain awake and your light will become a source of inspiration and remembrance for many.
You shall incarnate all over the planet; in every culture, every race, every country, every religion. But you will be different. You will never quite fit in. As you awaken you will realize that your true family isn't those of your own race, culture, religion, county or even your biological family. It is your cosmic family - those who have come as you have come – on assignment to assist in ways large and small in the current transition. True brotherhood and globalization in its highest form will come only in remembering Who You Really Are, Why You Are Here, and What This Is Really All About. It will come as you return to the true temple of Divine Presence, your heart, where this remembrance takes place and from which you are called to serve the world.
So, are your ready? Good!
Oh, and by the way, there are a couple of other minor things I should mention... Because of the density, you can't operate in that dimension without a space suit. So you will be equipped with a biological suit that actually changes over time. There are many things we could tell you about this but our orientation time is short, I think you should just jump in and experience it. You should be forewarned, however. There will be a danger in that if you forget who you really are, you may think you ARE your space suit instead of the fact that it is simply your vehicle in that dimension. Once there, you will notice that there is an infinite variety of space suits and a great deal of attention given to these. However, in spite of the infinite variety, because this is a planet of duality, they all fall into two basic categories called 'genders.' Again, we really don't have time to go into this now. But you will find your relationship with your own space suit to be most instructive and interesting. The other little thing is this: In order to operate in that dimension, you will also receive a microchip called a 'personality.' This is like an identity imprint that, along with your space suit, will essentially make you different from everyone else. This will allow you to participate in the hologram there - something they call 'consensus reality.' Once again, there will be a real danger that you will become so engrossed in the holographic personality dramas that you will forget who you really are and actually think that you ARE your personality.
I know it sounds rather unbelievable right now, but once you get there... Again, there is so much more we could tell you by way of orientation... we think you can learn the rest experientially 'on site." The only thing that is important is to remember Who You Really Are, Why You Are Here, and What This Is Really All About. If you can do that, everything else will work out fine. But do take note: So few really DO remember this they stand out as 'different' and others called them 'Enlightened" or 'Awakened" and similar terms. Strange isn't it? Well, Good Luck & Bon Voyage!!! The Cosmic Founder.
| Wednesday, January 7th, 2004
2:37 pm - NGU is getting a newsletter
The International Next Generation of Unity team is excitied to present an idea that has been a long time coming. We are doing a Newsletter. This is to answer the call of communication greatly needed within our movement. Our newsletter will have information about what's going on internationally and in each region, events, and spiritual tidbits.
Our first newsletter will be coming out at the beginning of February 2004. It will come out 6 times a year - at the beginning of each even month (February, April, June, August, October, and December). Articles will be due on the 15th of the month prior to the month it comes out.
However, since this would give a week for articles to be written (because it would mean the due date for this first edition would be January 15th, 2004) we are extending this to January 21, 2004.
We are asking any member of Next Generation of Unity who feels called to write an article for this newsletter to do so. We're looking for your spiritual thoughts, NGU news, information about your Local Connections Groups, and more! Please send your articles to nguezine-owner@yahoogroups.com.
The newsletter will initially be in email (text) form, however, there will be a printable version available in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat pdf. To join the email group where the newsletter will be http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nguezine/join or send a blank email to nguezine-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. (Note: this group will not have any discussion, only the newsletter will go this list).
Please feel free to contact me or the international team (at ngucreation-owner@yahoogroups.com) if you have any questions or ideas. Thank you all so much for your service to Next Generation of Unity - and welcome to an exciting 2004!
(And if you'd like, I can post it to this community, let me know if you'd want that...)
current mood: excited current music: Cake - Building A Religion
| Wednesday, December 31st, 2003
4:39 pm - NGU Prayer Opportunities
Well, let me start by wishing you all a Safe and Happy New year! I also wanted to ask if any of you are doing Burning Bowl Ceremonies for New Years....I am thinking about doing one as well, and maybe we could talk about that. Anyway, I do have a couple of things that I have wanted to share lately.... so without further ado...
NGU Daily Prayer List There will now be a list to connect us all in prayer each day. This is a going to be a part of a bigger prayer network that will be the NGU Prayer team (more info to follow shortly, email me for details). Each day - we will focus on a spiritual truth, and then pray for an aspect of Next Generation of Unity. It is only 1 email per day. These emails will start January 1, 2004. If you are interested in joining please go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nguprayer/join or send a blank email to: nguprayer-subscribe@yahoogroups.com If you are interested in writing for this email group please email that submission to nguprayer-owner@yahoogroups.com
NGU Mastermind Group (via email) If you are looking to start the next year of your life in prayer - and to shape it the way you want it to be - via shared faith, this is the group for you. We use the 8 step mastermind prayer process (reading it once a week) to connect and share what we are looking for prayer support and energy on (example: new partner, new car, health, etc) and we give that support and energy to each other. The prayers come out each Sunday. To join: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngumastermind/join or send a blank email to: ngumastermind-subscribe@yahoogroups.com For more information please email ngumastermind-owner@yahoogroups.com
We are seeking to build an active prayer team, and more info on that will come out soon. We could do either of these groups as a lj community.. just a thought...
current mood: peaceful current music: George Michael - Faith