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Below is user information for Stefanie. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:crystaldesire (1206827) Paid User crystaldesire
I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Oh, no! Not another learning experience!
Website:the older icons
Location:Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Bio:>> t h e g i r l
& stefanie louise
& eighteen
& australian (melbournian, to be exact)

>> f a n d o m s
& x-men (comic-verse/movie-verse) // angel // stargate sg-1 // dark angel // crossing jordan // lord of the rings // harry potter // star wars

>> r p g l a n d
& katherine pryde/shadowcat at left turn
& heather cameron/winter at x_axis
& katherine pryde/psyche at x_axis
& katherine pryde/inferno at x_underground

>> b r u s h c r e d i t s
[info]100x100_brushes // [info]___xruinme // [info]aino_hanako // [info]calixa // [info]callmefreak // [info]crumblingwalls // [info]crushedviolet // [info]hardie // [info]iconisms // [info]isabellecs // [info]oxoniensis // [info]prissywitch // [info]quebelly

>> i c o n j o u r n a l s
& friends
[info]_iconsofdoom // [info]crumblingwalls // [info]duckadork // [info]enigel // [info]hyelle_narmo // [info]lucentstreak // [info]millicon // [info]selluinlaer // [info]sinecure // [info]fanartiness
& communities
[info]alias_icons // [info]ats_icons // [info]chosen_icons // [info]decept_simple // [info]geekyicons // [info]goodhplotricons // [info]hh_icons // [info]lotricons // [info]stargate_icons // [info]starwarsicons // [info]thefifthrace // [info]wat_icons // [info]x2icons
& contests
[info]alias_chorus // [info]alias_hush // [info]alias_stillness // [info]angel_chorus // [info]buffy_stillness // [info]fs_challenge // [info]fs_stillness // [info]sg1_showdown // [info]stargate_chorus // [info]stargate_still // [info]the_47th_page // [info]treepretty // [info]xmen_chorus // [info]xmen_icontest

>> j o u r n a l g u i d e l i n e s
& personal posts
These posts are locked, and thus "friends only." If you have a burning desire to see my (completely random) posts, leave me a comment and I'll add you asap.
& icon posts
These posts are unlocked, which means anyone can view them. If you're just here for the icons (which is perfectly fine), just add the journal if you like. Your friends list won't be spammed with personal posts from me -- you'll just get the icons/graphics etc.

>> l i n k s
& iconist's appreciation day
Memories:109 entries
Pictures:28 public
Interests:128: , alias, amanda tapping, amy acker, ancient cultures, ancient history, angel, angels, animorphs, anthropology, archaeology, art, arwen, being cynical, being evil, being random, being sarcastic, being very evil, bon jovi, books, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, chocolate, classical music, colin farrell, colonel o'neill, creativity, csi, csi: miami, cyclops, daniel jackson, dido, dr jackson, english, english literature, eowyn, fanart, fandom, fanfic, fanfiction, fantasy, fiction, fred burkle, fred/wes, grammar, harry potter, hathor, highlander, history, hornblower, icon making, icons, jack the ripper, jag, james marsden, jean grey, jerry bruckheimer, johnny depp, jonas quinn, joss whedon, julian sark, katherine pryde, kitty pryde, language, languages, linguistics, literature, live journal icons, lord of the rings, major carter, merry, monty python, music, mysticism, mythology, ned kelly, osiris, philosophy, photography, piano, pippin, pirates of the caribbean, poetry, politics, powerswap challenge, rachel summers, reading, role playing, rpgs, rping, sam/martin, samantha carter, sarah maclachlan, sarah mclachlan, sarcasm, sark, science-fiction, scott summers, sg-1, sgc, shadowcat, shakespeare, singing, sirius black, slash, star wars, stargate, stargate rpg, stargate sg-1, stargate sg1, stargate-sg-1, swords, taking over the world, tarot, the ancients, the shoebox project, thor, threat matrix, tolkien, whee, without a trace, words, writing, x-axis, x-axis rpg, x-men, x-men rpg, x-men rpgs. [Modify yours]
People97:_iconsofdoom, _jellie_, _marian, _zombie_queen_, aeoluswriting, alexandriayost, allerdyce, amea, ashism, astateofirony, babypolarbear, bamfchickie, cajun_chick411, caveat_lector, charnelle, chevauchee, crumblingwalls, darxide, demonas_rogue, divinewhimsy, drownherpain, duckadork, enigel, enora, eslyssa, faechick, fannore, glazeddonut2186, gracelesslady, happy_melody, heatherly, hyelle_narmo, ignited, illmantrim, inarticulate, iniaes, ireia, iscaris, ittykat, just_confused, justfuckyou, kokochan, les_bijoux, littlest_star, lucentstreak, magneticgal, matsujo9, medie, meret, millicon, minarya, minisinoo, miss_porcupine, missatralissa, misssimm, mistful, navigation, nevskaya, newredshoes, ninamonkey, ningyouhime, npkedit, oxoniensis, panthology, parapsionic, penguinstar, phoenix_shadow, phoenixchilde, pixelism, pixienamedkatie, queenmee, rach878, rainbowglitter7, rhamiela, rohandove, roswellgal03, scrollsofthoth, selluinlaer, senav_gold, silkscreenlove, sinecure, skidiot, snarkyslytherin, sophiel, sunfish60669, swaydante, tartan_traveler, th3newblack, unscriptedwords, vilandra, vote_bob, wanderlustlover, widget285, x5_536, xenokattz, zeldaophelia, zenni
Communities39:__serpensortia, _amyacker, alias_chorus, alias_hush, alias_stillness, amy_daily, angel_chorus, baficathon, buffy_stillness, cap_it, character_pics, chosen_icons, daniel_daily, danielpix, davis_daily, decept_simple, fanartiness, fs_challenge, fs_stillness, geekyicons, humworthy, jd_daily, meridian_icons, nemec_daily, sam_daily, sg1_inspiration, sg_debrief, shoebox_project, stargate_chorus, stargate_still, sw_chorus, teh_music, the_47th_page, thefifthrace, treepretty, x_men100, x_women, xmen_chorus, xmmficathon
Feeds4:blogthings, calnhobbes, dorktowerfeed, nonsquitor_feed
Mutual Friends:77: _iconsofdoom, _jellie_, _marian, _zombie_queen_, aeoluswriting, alexandriayost, allerdyce, amea, ashism, astateofirony, babypolarbear, bamfchickie, cajun_chick411, charnelle, chevauchee, darxide, demonas_rogue, divinewhimsy, drownherpain, duckadork, enigel, enora, eslyssa, faechick, fannore, glazeddonut2186, gracelesslady, happy_melody, hyelle_narmo, inarticulate, iniaes, ireia, ittykat, just_confused, kokochan, littlest_star, lucentstreak, magneticgal, matsujo9, medie, minarya, minisinoo, missatralissa, navigation, nevskaya, newredshoes, ninamonkey, ningyouhime, panthology, parapsionic, penguinstar, phoenix_shadow, phoenixchilde, pixelism, pixienamedkatie, rach878, rhamiela, rohandove, roswellgal03, selluinlaer, senav_gold, silkscreenlove, sinecure, skidiot, sophiel, sunfish60669, swaydante, tartan_traveler, th3newblack, unscriptedwords, vilandra, vote_bob, widget285, x5_536, xenokattz, zeldaophelia, zenni
Account type:Paid Account

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