Below is user information for Fox Surprise!!!. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | metaphorge (482992) |
| metaphorge- the Archbishop of Balogna!!! just because it's Balogna doesn't mean you can't use it to make a sammich.... |
Name: | Fox Surprise!!! |
Text Message: | Send metaphorge a text message on his/her cellphone/pager. |
Website: | |
Location: | San Francisco, California, United States |
Birthdate: | 1973-05-31 |
E-mail: | metaphorge | @ | |
ICQ UIN: | 269155698 (Add User, Send Message) |
Yahoo! ID: | metaphorge (Add User, Send Message) |
Bio: | I occasionally post adult material to this journal; underage viewers should not proceed. This warning is made in cooperation with LiveJournal's request for such statements.
met·a·phor Pronunciation: 'me-t&-"for also -f&r; Function: noun Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French metaphore, from Latin metaphora, from Greek, from metapherein to transfer, from meta- + pherein to bear Date: 1533 1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in "drowning in money"); broadly : figurative language
forge Pronunciation: 'fOrj, 'forj Function: verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin fabrica, from fabr-, faber smith Date: 14th century 1 a : to form (as metal) by heating and hammering b : to form (metal) by a mechanical or hydraulic press with or without heat 2 : to form or bring into being especially by an expenditure of effort (as in "working to forge party unity")
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Memories: | 79 entries |
Interests: | 150: π, 23, 42, abstract hip-hop, absurdity, action figures, amorc, androgyny, anime, anti-libertarian party, appalachia, archetypes, archetypographics, ardhanarishvara, art as activism, assimilation, avatars, being madly in love, big fucking guns, bisexuality, biting, bodhisattva, boycotting the riaa, buggery, california secession, camouflage, cephalopods, chaos theory, collage, communication theory, consensus building, coyote teaching, creative commons, cthulhu mythos, cyber culture, cyber1a, dancing, decadence, delirium, dharma combat, diplomacy, discordianism, drum n bass, ebay, efficiency, electronic music, entheogens, esoteric discordianism, fhqwhgads, fiddles, film music, flow, geeks, girls with strap-ons, gnosticism, graffiti, graphic design, gypsies, gödel's incompleteness theorem, hands for alligators, hentai, human networking, iced coffee, immanentizing the eschaton, industrial design, industrial music, infornography, intimacy, irreverence, japanese toys, kitsune, kubricks, kundalini, kwisatz haderach, left-hand path, love monsters, macho feminism, mad cow disease, mecha, megalomaniacal villains, meme hacking, memetics, metaphor, metasexuality, midi accordions, minimates, misfit toys, mysticism, neotribalism, network science, nonduality, nonverbal communication, nyarlathotep, open source, orpheus, p2p, pakhandi, panentheism, pantheosexuality, personal divinity, photography, pirates, poetic terrorism, polyamory, pomosexuality, pop art, positive revolution, post-postmodernism, queer, reality hacking, responsible communication, rolling calf sinfonette, rosicrucians, sacred whores, sapiosexuality, second superpower, semiotics, serial experiments lain, slaying sacred cows, smart mobs, social engineering, street art, subjective reality, sustainability, tantra, technopaganism, tentacle porn, thai iced tea, the borg, the cheat, the drivetime, the invisible college, the power of myth, the red pill, the second renaissance, transhumanism, tricksters, trip-hop, tsalagi, unix, urban myths, urban shamanism, urban vinyl, very large array, virtual communities, web design, whirling dervishes, zen, zero population growth, ∞. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | 642: View Friends . |
Friend of: | 580: 23od, 37inarow, 808, _cluttered_mind, _tekwh0re_, aanalii, abstr00s, acidreams, adameros, adityanath, advengirl, aeiou, agntprovocateur, ai_fi, akienm, albino_moon, aleeceh, alexmizell, alostrael, alphaskye, amai_unmei, aman_geld, amberfox, amberite, ammiejoy75, amnormand, anabelsdreaming, angeliccelestia, angelwild327, anthologie, apotheosist, ariedana, arisbe, arohanui, artbyair, artistic_chaos, ashkalon, ashley_y, ashliana, ashlupa, aurelio1979, auros, aussie_nyc, autodidactic, avatar_x, avphibes, axamendes, azurelunatic, bake, beernotbombs, being_angyl, beyond_kitkat, bheansidhe, bigbrother2084, bird_of_prey, blackflag669, blackfyr, blackthornglade, blog_project, borntohula, box3, bullywug, byrdie, caffeina, cakkafracle, cegan523, centralasian, chaoticerotic, charleseb, chelona, cherrypep, chris2342, chrisla, chrisv, chuck_lw, chuckdarwin, cid62, cindygerb, circletofroses, cloeigrrl, cnfsdyoie, confesstome, confusedpillow, conscience, cosmodromo, costello1177, coyotenefarious, cpmcdill, cr0wgrrl, createdworlds, crowborja, cthulhia, cyber1a, cyclometh, cynica, cynthiarose, cyyren, dabrooklyn, dakels, dancinglights, dandycat, daoistraver, darkdirections, darklady_domina, darkmoon, davio, davor, dawnd, delirium_dotcom, deliriumcrow, deus_x, deusdiabolus, devcandy, deviant_1, deza, diconcious, digitalsidhe, dipped_in_honey, discordspuppet, diztraktcid, djdigit, djmermaid, dmlaenker, doctus, dorei, doublefeh, dpp, dr_augenblick, dr_pipe, dresen, drjon, drtao, drugaddict, dslartoo, eagle, egoremover, eianorange, electricdog, elektrafying, elinor, ellimonstah, ellipsisdbg, elnigma, eloquentscream, elorie, elphie, elvis_christ, elynne, em_kraz, enotsola, ... |
Member of: | 118: 18thangel, 2_0_1_2, abstractthought, accordions, adbusting, alice_gothica, allegrad, americaneyecon, angrypsycho, antiwar, art_theory, bayarea, being_friendly, bi_the_bay, bisexual, blogshares, blueribbon, bodypositive, bottledthoughts, boundinstripes, buildyourwings, burning_man, bush_sucks, camophiles, careofmachine, childfree, chimaerashimmy, codex_3030, coffeefetish, comeinpeace, community_promo, compersion, conlangs, cthulhu_nunnery, cyanophilia, cyberpunk, cybertron, dancesafe, dark_christian, darksideofebay, discord_society, dna_fans, eccentrics, empaths, eric_in_elevatr, eroticvisions, flcl, fuck_arabs, futurecity, gi_joe, glamourbombs, glassesfetish, green_future, hentai_bliss, hippies4u, house_of_leaves, humancomputing, i_witness, infinite_lj, infojunkies, interracial, justslutty, kaotika, kidnap, kithrayna, lain_fans, libraries, lj_dev, lj_nifty, ljfoaf, marissamarchant, mctoys, molluscious, necronomiphiles, nlp, nonduality, nude4peace, occult, om_bodhi, orkut, paidmembers, polyamory, privateclub, pronoia, protest, ptherkin, queerchoice, s2component, s2styles, sanfrancisco, serialain, sexual_ritual, sf_for_free, sfba_sf_fans, sfpoly, shadowrun, shamanism, shayara, smurfy_people, sos_usa, subculture_nerd, syn_promo, technopaganism, the_matrix, the_outback, the_pillows, the_quickening, tribe_dot_net, tricksters, tsalagi, twisted_lens, umbertoeco, unitarians, urban_decay, vintage_sex, virtucomm, wee_tolkien, wikipedians |
Account type: | Paid Account |