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I think he left out social currency...

Ross Mayfield on social network saturation, social capital, social attention-based filters, social credit, social spam, and social capital.

I pointed to the social network saturation entry earlier.

Meme: If you were going to invite 10 bloggers for dinner, whom would you invite?

The goal of this exercise is to identify nine other bloggers that you would like to meet for dinner/drinks. The only caveat is that these bloggers must be strangers, you haven't met them before. State the blogger's name, a link to the blog, and why you would like him/her to be in attendance.

Taken from the J-Walk Blog.

In no particular order:
Lawrence Lessig - Lessig is at the front of copyright reform. The author of many books on the subject, he has also appear before the United States Supreme Court to argue against our current opt out system. Lessig clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia. Lessig is an interesting guy and I'm sure he would be a great dinner guest.

Doc Searls - Doc is an old-time PR guy who told us all to get on the Cluetrain. Doc is a deep thinker. He blogs about blogging, which I'm sure gets old sometimes. Doc watched the Dean campaign unfolder on the internet and has some interesting insights. Doc also writes for of my favorite monthly publications, Linux Journal. Althought Doc seems to be more of a Mac head now-a-days, he hasn't given up on Linux just yet.

danah boyd - danah studies social technologies like Friendster, blogs, instant messaging, and cell phones. I've read most of her papers and I find her work fascinating. She has an LiveJournal account, but I don't recall her username. She also a Mac user and seems like she would be a fun person to hang out with.

Xeni Jardin - Xeni writes for one of my favorite blogs, Boing Boing, as well as reporting for Wired and NPR. She is also the online producer of http://www.kevinsites.net/, among other things. Xeni would bring her insights into popular culture and technology to the dinner table.

Wil Wheaton - No dinner would be complete without all around good guy and alpha geek Wil Wheaton. I hear he has a funny story about William Shatner. I like to hear his take on working on GTA: San Andreas, behind the scenes dirt about Tech TV and his stint on G4, and of course all things Trek.

Leo Laporte - He seem like a really nice guy. He has doing tech related radio and TV shows for years. Leo left TechTV when it was purchased by G4. He can still be seen on Call For Help on TechTV Canada, and he still has a radio show out on the left coast. I'd would like much more to hear Leo on Sat. mornings than Kim Komando. Digital Goddess my arse.

Ana Marie Cox, AKA Wonkette - She hot. She funny. That about says it all.

Dan Gillmor - Former big J journalist, now working on defining and promoting grassroots journalism. The whole bloggers as journalist thing interests me, becuase I was educated trained to be a journalist, and I want to think that I haven't wasted all my education.

Cory Doctorow - Another Boing Boing contributer, Cory  is a science fiction author and European Affairs Coordinator for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. His newest novel, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town, due out in May is about novel about urban wireless mesh network guerrillas.

Dealing with Social Network Sprawl

How do I maintain meaningful relationships with over 300 people?

I stopped using Friendster months ago. I do keep in email contact with one person on Blogshares. The question becomes how many social networks does one need. I find most of mine overlap. But my Blogger friends are different from my LiveJournal friends for the most part.

Here's another great entry from the same blog: Tracing the Evolution of Social Software

Macs, Macs everywhere

The number of iPods on the street and iBooks in the Taylor Books cafe is eye-popping. It appears every high school and college-aged person in this town got an iPod for Christmas. I was engaged in a nice conversation with a young lady in Taylor Books this afternoon about the virtues of iPod and iBook ownership. She said she has a Mac Mini on order as well.

A couple of weeks ago I was there with my attorney friend Brian when some young dude turned on his PowerBook. The chime make me whirl in surprise. He looked at me like I was crazy. I had to expain I wasn't used to hearing Macs start in public and was wondering if I was hearing things. (On a side note: he looked a lot like [info]brad, but I thing think it was him.)

Looks like I'm going to get a new iBook with my tax refund. Blair gets the one I have now.

PC Magazine reviews the top 15 Firefox extensions

I hate that I can't do a proper Blogroll on LiveJournal. Here's a list of what I read everyday.

My Blogroll

Matthew Lesko: You've seen him on late night TV...

...now read his blog.

 My Photo

Did you know the government will give you money to start your own blog!?

Death is no obstacle to the long arm of the RIAA

A story about the RIAA suing a 83-year-old dead woman is making its way across the blogsphere  tonight. The story ran in this morning's Charleston Gazette. Looks like the Gazette server held up to slashdotting.

A different kind of Watergate papers

I watched All the Presidents Men last night after the State of the Union. Many people my age say this moive was what got them interested in journalism. I just noticed on Metafilter that the  Woodward and Bernstein's Watergate Papers are now available online at the University of Texas web site (press release/about the collection). They also note Deep Throat is still not uncovered.

I think Deep Throat is Al Haig. John Dean said a few years ago  that he was going to name Deep Throat, but then he chickened out. I think he said he was going to do it in his column that runs on FindLaw. Maybe it was just a way of driving more traffic to FindLaw.

Of course University of Illinois students say they have already figured out who Deep Throat is.

This thing looks like Mothman

Creepy gargoyle auction

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One more...

The Animal Rescue Site
Feed animals in shelter

Click and Give

The Hunger Site
Feed the hungry
The Breast Cancer Site
Protect women's health
The Child Health Site
Protect children's health
The Literacy Site
Give the gift of reading
The Rainforest Site
Save endangered land

mmmmm, printed sushi<----Homer Simpson voice

Next time I want some sushi, I'll just print me up some. I just need to get a Canon i560 inkjet.

This is some funny stuff

Clueless MCSE DeVry Grad Reviews Mac mini

When I consider that a good deal of my time is spent running applications like Disk Defragmenter, Scandisk, Norton AV, Windows Update and Ad-Aware--none of which are available for the Mac platform--it doesn't make sense for me to "switch" to a Mac at this time.


Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil predicts prolonged cold

I know it's early, but I wouldn't mine living today over and over again...so far anyway.


The new Graffiti is out and it's not the paper it used to be. The redesign looks like crap, and it has lost its alterative, counter-culture bite. They lost the most entertaining Personals section.

The Charleston Gazette has picked up H. John Rogers, the closest thing this state has to Hunter S. Thompson, and has started a competing publication called The Gazz.

Free Markets

B Dalton is being kicked out of the Charleston Town Center and all the employees are being laid off. This news was confirmed to me last night by an B Dalton employee. It appears Books-A-Million will be moving into the former Montgomery Ward space, according to an story in yesterdays Charleston Daily Mail.

This pattern of running stores out of the mall to make way for other stores seems to be getting a little out of hand. Recently mall management has closed a McDonald's and Long John Slivers for a Starbucks. You would think they would be more interested in keeping stores open and collecting the rent, while free market forces decide which is the better bookstore or fast food join. But it appears they are opening new stores with de facto no-compete agreement building into the new agreements.

Tied of losing paintball matches. Call in air support.

Rich Man, Poor Man

The Washington Post ran a long piece on Jack Whittaker on Sunday.

The day would come when many West Virginians recalled the story of Jack's Powerball Christmas with a shudder at the magnitude of ruination: families asunder, precious lambs six feet under, folks undone by the lure of all that easy money.

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