21stBC [entries|friends|calendar]

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WAKE UP!!! [25 Nov 2004|05:19am]

Wake Up 21stBC! What in the blue fucking hell is going on? The chatroom has ONE person in it besides myself. Where the fuck are all you losers at? Dont let the 21stBC legacy go so easily. Ruthless says he misses the good ol BF1942 days. Howabout lets all reinstall it or BFV and get a few good games going for old times sake yeah?
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DEFTONES CHI CHENG ON A PETA PSA!!!!!! [06 Oct 2004|08:33pm]
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[01 Aug 2004|04:28pm]

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LMAO!!!11! [18 May 2004|11:31am]

[ mood | contemplative ]

LMAO! Fakie is back to his old self again! Check it out...

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Viller is French.....or apparantly that's HIS reasoning. [29 Jan 2004|05:52pm]

[ mood | worried ]

05:45:29 PM (01/29/2004) (Viller) when you drunk or stonned raves are fun
05:45:31 PM (01/29/2004) (Viller) thrust me
05:47:47 PM (01/29/2004) (Viller) dude I'm french

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uh oh.... [22 Jan 2004|04:57pm]

[ mood | discontent ]

Steve's trying to be cool again.

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Sluttitude [17 Jan 2004|01:46pm]

*** SideEffect is now known as OMFG
*** OMFG is now known as RegionalGirlIsTehSlut
(Thrasha) (13:48) (1/17/04) (Regionalgirl) how does he know I
(Thrasha) (13:48) (1/17/04) (Regionalgirl) 'm a slut?


Remember Black Mesa...
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fjf is a paranoid little bitch....lets all laugh [24 Dec 2003|11:50am]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | The Offspring - Bad Habit ]

11:48:22 AM (12/24/2003) (fjf) im gonna use dos for the rest of my life
11:50:07 AM (12/24/2003) (fjf) i have been cursed by spy monkeys
11:50:59 AM (12/24/2003) (fjf) omg they should put all spyware in one big dildo and shove it up bill gates ASS

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How you like dem nutz... [23 Dec 2003|05:23pm]

[ mood | confused ]

05:22:26 PM (12/23/2003) (NightHawk090) nuts and oder?
05:22:29 PM (12/23/2003) (NightHawk090) fuck no man
05:22:30 PM (12/23/2003) (Hannibal) you dont scratch and sniff?

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Persian is officially gay... [21 Dec 2003|01:40am]

[ mood | creative ]

01:40:09 AM (12/21/2003) (Persian) dude, this one time at a party
01:40:15 AM (12/21/2003) (Persian) i woke up with a hole in my boxers

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technology [18 Dec 2003|11:13pm]

oh no intraweb drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! side im so sorry you where band from ur favrit cs server, now wut will u do all day :*( :*( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ feel better emo kid ;__;
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side.....OHHHHH side..... [18 Dec 2003|10:34pm]

[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | The Offspring - Tehran ]

10:25:38 PM (12/18/2003) (SideEffect) you know why im pissed
10:25:45 PM (12/18/2003) (SideEffect) YOU WANNA KNOW FUCKING WHY
10:25:48 PM (12/18/2003) (SideEffect) HE GOT ME FUCKING KICKED
10:25:49 PM (12/18/2003) (SideEffect) THATS WHY
10:25:52 PM (12/18/2003) (SideEffect) KICK BAN
10:26:09 PM (12/18/2003) (SideEffect) i played at that fucking server alot too
10:26:11 PM (12/18/2003) (SideEffect) fucking dickhead

lets all give side an applause for graduating 4th grade and moving onto the 1337 School of Teh H4X: CS Branch, where he will learn how to r0x0r j00r b0x0rz and perfect teh buttsechz. He can go down in history with the other leet 12 year olds. We salute you.

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[12 Dec 2003|01:46pm]

whoops! I forgot to post this with the other episodes. Here's mustangs contribution, sorry viller ;)

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[12 Dec 2003|01:14pm]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | I keed ]

I thought I'd post this for fakie..him and his obsession with cats.

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abortions [11 Dec 2003|11:53pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | anything spicegirls ]

welcome to fakies whacky wacom adventures. I present to you the first five episodes of my oscar worthy series

http://www.co3d.com/ep5.jpg NEW!!!!
http://www.co3d.com/ep4.jpg NEW!!!!

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Funniest shit EVER [11 Dec 2003|07:42pm]

[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | The Offspring - No Brakes ]


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HAHAHAHAH! [10 Dec 2003|12:59am]

[ mood | giggly ]


OMG you guys gotta watch the movie on that link! SO FUCKING HILARIOUS! Thats some really funny shit!

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"Hey, where's Side?" "Oh, I think he's in the closet. Oh wait, he's coming out now!" [06 Dec 2003|10:26pm]

[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | The Offspring - Splinter ]

"December 06 2003 (Saturday) - [10:22:56PM] (SideEffect) wouldnt it be great to be 'boned'?"

ive got it down to the second, i'll never forget.

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Counting with SideEffect [03 Dec 2003|02:17pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | A knife penetrating a skull ]

How do you like my pic?
Lets start counting!
1 shank, 2 shank, 3 shank, 4!

5 shanky, 6 shanky, 7 shank 8 shank, 9.

and lastly 10 shank, now you try!

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Yar! [01 Dec 2003|07:48am]

Has anyone seen hannible lately? Last time I saw or heard from him was on the eve of thanksgiving. Perhaps he's just hibernating after eating all that food, I dunno :/
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