Monday, November 29th, 2004
10:47 pm
Katie's in the hospital, but she'll be okay. She should be out tomorrow afternoon. Posts will be few and far between for a while. If you need to get ahold of me, give a call (314-423-8371), e-mail me, or just come by. Not up for much anymore. Work and family treating me like shit, everything else gone completely insane. Leaving the internet alone for a while. Back in a couple weeks.
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| Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
12:18 pm - OMGWTFBBQ: The Battle begins again, or Thanksgiving with the ruinists
First off, it's started snowing. That's a big batch of uncool.
Anyhow, for anyone that didn't see Pud's post, or if you just couldn't get through the shitty typing, here are directions. It will be located here and the main course is at 9 PM. ( Read more... ) All in all, it should be good times. Gluttony, drunkenness, maybe some meaningless sex. And isn't that what Thanksgiving is really about? Pass these on to people who should come that don't read LJ. If you're reading this on your friends page, don't know me or this group of friends, but want to come anyway, give a shout out in the comments and show up anyway. More people always means more fun. Also, take note that this ruinist Thanksgiving will be neph-porn-free.
Addendum: Formal dress is reccommended but not required. And if anyone needs a ride please feel free to contact Katie or I at (3 1 4) 4 2 3 - 8 3 7 1. We can fit one maybe two more people in my car.
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| Saturday, November 20th, 2004
11:55 pm
| Sunday, November 14th, 2004
2:24 pm - Sausage gravy and Voodoo weight loss
Today is an educational post. We'll be learning how to make sausage gravy, and how to perform basic sympathetic magic. Assisting me will be the lovely rinae, and our target will be divinus.
For the breakfast we're preparing, we need biscuits (pre-packaged because I'm lazy), 1/2 pound of country sausage (crumbled), and 3 cups milk (room temp) and 4-5 tablespoons of flour. Fry the sausage, and stick the biscuits in the oven. Drain off all but 3 tablespoons of drippings. Add flour, stir well. Slowly add milk, stirring constantly to prevent curdling. Once all of milk is added, increase heat, stir slowly until it bubbles. Add salt and pepper to taste, continue heating until gravy thickens to the consistency you prefer. Add to biscuits. Makes one fan-fucking-tastic breakfast. Serves between 2 and 3 fat people.
Katie: The recipie that we based this on can be found here. There is a biscuit recipie on there that we need to try, but Saturday is my day off, so doing too much work is out of the question. The gravy is super-easy and very tasty. And it doesn't have the taste that restruant gravy has, as it is probably our of a jar.
Now take your voodoo doll. This one has already been prepared with divinus's hair and blood.
( And Hilarity Ensues (more pics + doll cruelty) )
current mood: productive current music: Katie and Steve jibba jabbin about cars
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| Thursday, November 11th, 2004
11:06 am - Angels with skin that cuts like a razor
Been feeling down the last couple of days. I'd say it's the weather, but I love Fall, and I love rain. Probably just getting burnt out. Had to drive Katie to the hospital the other day because her stomach was getting really bad. Hoping it doesn't turn out to be anything really bad.
Closing 5 nights in a row this week, same thing next week. Transfer to Chesterfield is being delayed because they don't have anybdy competent to take over for me, so I have to train some fucking kids to be able to do my job if I want to go to the Chesterfield store and get full-time + benefits again. If I can find something elsewhere, I'm just going to tell the Michael's corporation to suck my cock. I'm thinking a several-page analysis of the flaws in their marketing and business practices with a cover page saying simply "Fuck You." I'm sure that would perk up the District Manager's day. I think the part that bugs me most is that they pulled the same shit with roughly 700 other people. "That job you had? Yeah, it doesn't exist anymore. Have a Nice Day." Eh.
Despite all that, I've seen some decent movies lately. The Grudge was enjoyable, though not very scary. Nice visuals, though.
Twins Effect, however , was excellent. It epitomizes everything I love about Hong Kong filmmaking. Take a popular film (Chinese, Japanese, or Anmerican), take all the original elements, let a schizophrenic rewrite the script, and then make a movie much more entertaining than the original. In this case, the original plot points of Blade (upstart vampire killing aristo vampires to gain power, vampire hunter with vampiric abilities, swordplay stolen from Chinese movies in the first place, etc.) Add in two hot girls, and the completely indefinable genre (it had elements of Drama, Horror, Action, Romance, and lots of Comedy). Derivative? Yes. Cheesy? Yes. Entertaining? Hell Yeah. Heartily Recommended. For the love of God, get the Chinese version (available in the Asian block of stores on Olive, for you STL people). The heavily edited American dub known as The Vampire Effect should be avoided at all costs.
Finished The Man Who Was Thursday. Excellently written, some very deft verbal sparring, and a nicely hallucinatory logic. The ending made it feel a little like a Wally story, though.
Upcoming: Rants, maybe a short story or two, an article or two on Voudon (one serious, one not), and the secret of weight loss
current mood: Empty current music: Captain Jack- Only You & Da Vinci's Notebook- Enormous Penis
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| Friday, November 5th, 2004
12:00 pm - Yay.
So I'm 22 today. Katie has already proven herself to be the coolest person on the planet by getting me seasons 1 and 2 of Sliders on DVD. Hooray for cheesy mid-90s sci-fi. DDR later, and probably seeing The Grudge finally.
However, I have a request to make of all of you reading this. For my birthday, I would like strange and unusual recommendations. Books, Films, Comics, et cetera. Examples: Comic - Invisibles, Film - Tetsuo the Iron Man, Book - The Man Who Was Thursday. Recommend as many as you feel like, of as many types, any country. Also, you local people should come over for movies sometime.
Started G.K. Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday: a Nightmare the other day. Excellent book. Surreal Philosophical Spying, like a victorian version of the Invisibles. It has a hallucinatory, dreamlike quality to the weirdness, as well as just being flat-out funny.
current mood: relaxed current music: Fisting Kittens - Eastward March
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| Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
11:19 am - I'm packing up my friends and moving to Canada, where we can die of old age.
Okay, got that out of my system. This really depresses me. Bush in the white house for round 2. He'll now have more time to fuck us than his dad ever did. And by the time this country gets around to electing a female president, we'll fall for the same shit with his daughters. Assuming we aren't radioactive space dust by then. Gay marriage bans passed in 16 states. Why are people obsessed with legislating morality. It's ridiculous. If you leave it legal, then you can continue not doing it because it offends you, and people who are less backwards can have all the gay marrieage they want. It all comes down to dominance in the end. God is on my side, therefore I win. Maybe one of these days we'll get some Christian Scientists or Scientologists in office, who will outlaw doctors. I'd hope that that level of ridiculousness wold teach people a lesson, but I'd be wrong. It would just turn into another crusade.
I've been taking a bit of hiatus from LJ, but I'm back now. Be catching up on the friends list over the next few days, new entries starting hopefully tomorrow. Movie reviews, probably several entries worth of comic recommendations, assorted ranting.
As a side note, is there anything that you people specifically want me to write. More movies? Less Movies? More Bitching? AnNoYiNg IrReGuLaR CaPiTaLiZaTiOn? I want feedback.
current mood: pissed off
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| Saturday, October 16th, 2004
2:08 pm - I am so going to hell, or Trinity drag racing
So Lore proved here that God has the coolest low rider ever. ( relevant text ) And according to Ministry, Jesus built my hotrod. The question, then, is who would win in a dead quarter-mile (Ignoring the 1+1+1=1 of Catholic Algebra)? And what of their insubstantial friend the Holy Ghost? Does he have any automotive powers, or is he stuck on the sidelines like an ephemeral, off-brand Spritle, waging battle against a Luciferian Chim-Chim? Would that make Mary Magdalene Trixie? So many questions. I think I'm going to try to abandon this line of thought.
current music: Lee Jung Hyun - Bak Kwo
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| Thursday, October 14th, 2004
9:23 am
Tired, depressed. Not feeling very entertaining today, sorry. Anybody feel like getting together on Saturday? Katie's going to be busy all day, and the only plans I can think of involve a bottle of MD 20/20 and Titus. Since I'd rather not mope all day, someone else would be helpful.
current mood: depressed current music: DHS/Roger Sanchez - House of God (Luv Dancin' Remix)
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| Monday, October 4th, 2004
8:20 am
Back. Have car. Moved into Schubox. Normal Programming will resume shortly. I'll be home all day today, moving stuff around and building shelves, so you people should visit.
New phone: 314-423-8371
current mood: sleepy current music: Vernian Process - Musashi
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| Thursday, September 16th, 2004
8:53 am - Sick
My lungs are full of crap. On the plus side, I found a car.
98 Ford Contour, 93K miles, already passed inspection and emissions, $3995 Plus, the place will finance me despite the lack of any credit.
Comments? Warnings? Dire prophecies of a world gone mad? Input appreciated
current music: Orbital - Spare Parts Express
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| Tuesday, September 7th, 2004
2:48 pm
Now possessing a driver's license. W00T! Going to make with the car shopping, and hopefully moving to the Schubox within 2 weeks or so. Sorry for the lack of updating, been very emotionally-rollercoastery lately, more postings later.
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| Friday, August 27th, 2004
7:30 am - I don't usually do memes, but i'm too bored and frustrated to write a real post
ganked from thoemeringue Rule 1. - Ask me five questions in the comments to this entry. They may be about anything you want as long as they involve ME. So no questions about world peace, the exact computation of pi or any other thing that doesn't involve ME. Remember, this is an interview, not quiz bowl.
Rule 2 - Post these rules to your journal, then answer the questions that you get.
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| Friday, August 20th, 2004
11:13 am - bees
So I've become intrigued by ilovebees.com. It's supposedly a beekeeping website which has been hackled by entities unknown and is currently counting down to something. It's almost certainly a meta-advertisement for Halo 2, but it's still interesting. Then lazydestroyer linked me to a site about it, an I found that it's actually following in a grand tradition of ARG (Alternative Reality Gaming). Clues are planted, fake personalities and webites are employed, and people uncover the story for themselves by nudging the game along. The more successful ones seem to be viral marketing, and it will probably be employed more to that end in the future, but that seems to be mostly because large companies tend to have more resources to throw at it and maintain websites in the face of massive traffic (as ilovebees has done). Another good example is the film snippets of William Gibson's Pattern Recognition. Mysteries are planted, and people do what they do and try to make order out of chaos. John Titor may be revealed to be another such example. I love people. Anytime I start to get jaded, they break a whole new barrier of confusion, and I start to love people all over again. beautiful. I think I'd like to attempt one of these sometime. Of course, I would have to figure out what the hell to do, but I think one person could pull it off with sufficient effort and planning. Anyhow, bees. Yay.
Movie reviews later. Gotta clean and pack stuff.
current music: David Bowie - Chilly Down
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| Thursday, August 19th, 2004
7:04 am - Disappointment
Family video let me down, for like the second time ever. No Buckaroo Banzai, no Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, no Re-animator (which is really weird). Gonna continue looking. Anna or Tom, do you have them? Did watch Big Lebowski, though.
Gary used his employee magic to get us into AvP last night for free. It was only worth slightly more than I paid, definitely a letdown. Reviews of both tomorrow.
For local peeps, has anyone seen/heard from Lars lately? I miss that skinny bastard.
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| Tuesday, August 17th, 2004
4:47 pm - Weekend
So, yeah, I'm slow at updating. Friday night, garylisk, rinae, and I went to the tivoli for Zatoichi 5: On the Road. It was fantastic. I've never seen more than bits of the original Zatoichi movies, but now I want to do a marathon of them. Good swordwork, great acting, solid pacing. Shintaro Katsu is an excellent actor. I love how he can pull the shift from comedic to deadly serious instantly. Takeshi Kitano definitely has some big shoes to fill when he made his version, although i do think he lived up to Katsu's interpretation of the role. I think I want to get a samurai movie night together on a regular basis. Work through the 6 Lone Wolf and Cub movies, all the Zatoichi movies, the Musashi series, and then break out the Kurosawa. And if I can track down the Lone Wolf TV series, that would be fucking awesome.
Afterwards, we went back to Gary's house, where he showed me Memories. I've been wanting to see it for a while, and I was severely impressed. It's a series of three stories, each very powerful. The first, "Magnetic Rose", would be easily summed up as The Haunting of Hill House (book, not the movie) in space. Ghosts cause people to enter crazy fugue states and fixate on the past, not necessarily their own. The same hallucinatory quality and emotional depth, and great animation. The second, "Stink Bug", was just fun. A young man accidentally turns himself into a deadly biological weapon. Solid animation, and just plain entertaining. And, true to anime, the Americans were evil warmongers, represented by a gigantic black man in this case. I so need to make an LJ icon of him. The last story, "Cannon Fodder", was probably the weakest. The shortest one in the film, it feels fairly underdeveloped. It depicts a day in a city which has no purpose but firing giant cannons at another city, which is never seen, and probably doesn't even exist anymore. Overtones of 1984, with the deified leader and constant war, but I think it owes just as much to the proto-dystopia book We, with the confined city built and operated for one purpose. The animation style was some problems, but not too bad. The machines were well-done, but there was too much time spent watching the cannons and not the people. With a sharper scriptwriter (one who would trim the fat and insert more actual plot), it could be a fantastic full-length movie.
Saturday, I went to simonatomik's party. It was great to see Will before he left, and say what needed to be said. Hopefully I'll get a chance to visit him in Cincinnati, or catch up with him later down the road. Got to see lots of old friends and newer acquaintances (Will, Jamie, Tommy, Anna, Kelly, Ben, Robyne, Slay, Donna, Raven, Phil, Colleen, Tink), and meet a shitload of new people (Tommy's brother Chance, Daniel, Bob-o, Chris, and several others whose names I've forgotten). Somebody let me know who I missed. Had an Irish Carbomb for the first time, which is delightful and terrible all at once. Hopefully be able to make more plans to see people soon.
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4:01 am - Subtle and elegant, like a hammer to the temple
I love the IMDB message boards. The sheer hatred that some people can dish out while bitching about movies makes the rest of my life so much more relaxing.
Did a bit of reading about the Watchmen movie. benchilada had mentioned the Sam Hamm script, but I didn't know anything about it. Then I read about the ending. Jesus Haploid Christ in a flaming chicken basket. Time-travelling bullets, terrible temporal travesties, and paradoxes and bad logic galore. Ow, ow, ow.
Anyhow, tomorrow is catch up on lj and movie-watchery. This week, I'm going to try to see Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, and The Big Lebowski. Sleep now. More later.
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| Monday, August 16th, 2004
11:00 pm - My girlfriend is awesome.
Me: "So we're going to have to work on your math for when you do the GED." Her: "And my grammar." Me: "You need grammar help?" Her: "That there ain't no chicken, that be a pork hog!" Me: ".... There's no part of that statement that didn't hurt my brain." Her: "I've lived in this town too long."
bigger post tomorrow. Seriously. Yahoo Seriously. If I were any more serious, I'd be a star named after a dog.
current mood: sleepy
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| Saturday, August 14th, 2004
7:55 pm - Vengance, on a Tuesday.
If a few people spontaneously resist authority, it's a mob. Add a few dozen more, and it's a riot. How many does it take to be a revolution? Let's find out.
Who dares, wins.
Movies last night rocked. Reviews tomorrow. Off to Will's paarty for now. Cleaning/packing underway.
current music: BOA - Duvet
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| Friday, August 13th, 2004
9:47 am
Notice for the St. Louis Peoples Star Clipper is sponsoring an "Otaku Night" with a midnight showing of Zatoichi 5: On the Road at the Tivoli tonight. Festivities get started at 11:30, with free sushi, and other such shenanigans. You know you want to come; everyone loves blind gambling swordsmen. Come revel in the improper use of the word "otaku". Between this and simonatomik's party, this should be a fun weekend.
Also, the Tivoli is going to be showing the original, unedited version of Godzilla through next Thursday, and Alien vs. Predator comes out today. I probably going to see both of these, and it's always more fun when we can get a big group together. Who would be interested in either, and what days and times work for you?
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