The Everlasting Punker's LiveJournal
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The Everlasting Punker's LiveJournal:
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Tuesday, February 26th, 2002 | 7:44 am |
Now what do I do with the 20 mins before class? [ Name ] Jeremy [ Birthday ] 8/6/1982 [ Sex ] Male [ Location ] Columbia/St. Louis, MO [ Four vacations you have taken ] 1. Ontario, Canada (shudder) 2. Des Moines, IA (ad infinitum) 3. Emporia, KS (Does that even count?) 4. Memphis, TN [ Four songs you get stuck in your head frequently ] 1. Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger 2. Starship - We Built This City on Rock 'n' Roll 3. Tenacious D - Kielbasa Sausage 4. Wizo - Gemein [ Four beverages you drink frequently ] 1. Water 2. Coke 3. V8 (mmmmmm....) 4. Orange Juice [ Four tv shows that were on when you were a kid ] 1. Pee Wee's Playhouse 2. You Can't Do That on Television 3. I'm Telling 4. Teen Wolf [ Four places to go in your area ] 1. Wal-Mart 2. Wal-Mart 3. Denny's 4. Uh...Wal-Mart? [ Four things to do when you're bored ] 1. Write 2. Watch TV shows on my massive HARD DRIVE OF DOOM! 3. Video Games 4. Sleep [ Four things that never fail to cheer you up ] 1. "Pool Party" by The Aquabats 2. Doing well at something I supposedly suck at 3. Flattery 4. Pissing off someone I don't like [ Four things you can't live without ] 1. My computer 2. My guitar 3. People who can dish it out AND take it 4. My coronary artery [ About 20 years ago... ] 1. I was in my second trimester [ About 10 years ago... ] 1. I had my appendix taken out. 2. I was into ventriloquism. I even had my own dummy. 3. I had a seizure 4. I quit Cub Scouts [ About 5 years ago... ] 1. I was a humongous dork 2. Aerosmith was God's greatest gift of music 3. We started a religion called "Chickenology" 4. People threw food at me at lunch [ About 2 years ago... ] 1. I was in a band called " The No-Talent All-Stars" 2. I was in the midst of my longest relationship to date: 13 months 3. I lived with my father in a tiny apartment 4. I started[ About 1 year ago... ] 1. I went to Drake University 2. I grew my goatee 3. My best friend was Bradley "I Blow Goats" Smith 4. I decided to transfer to Mizzou [ Today... ] 1. I hung out with Jayme 2. I didn't sleep 3. I am pissed off at how cold it is (-1 wind chill!) 4. I finished my latest song [ Seven things you love ] 1. V8 (mmmmmm....again) 2. My collection of MP3's and Videos 3. Cigarettes 4. My Green Docs 5. Denny's nights with Wanyu and Nigel 6. Punk Rock! Oi! 7. WARM WEATHER!! (P.S. I didn't list people, cause it says 'things'.) [ Seven things you hate ] 1. Schedules 2. Humorlessness 3. Alfred Hitchcock movies 4-7. Canada [ Seven things on your desk ] 1. Computer 2. BedHead Manipulator (It's a hair product, you pervert) 3. Guitar Tuner 4. Generic Brand Dayquil 5. A can of zippo fluid 6. Blank CDs 7. Alarm Clock [ Seven facts about you ] 1. I'm 19 2. I am 6th Gen. Garage Family 3. I have changed my college major thrice 4. I've been in 4 bands 5. I'm an asshole (see previous post) 6. I hate sports but I love Madden 2001 7. My favorite author is Kurt Vonnegut [ 7 songs people should give a listen ] 1. "Anneliese Schmidt" by Wizo 2. "Pods and Gods" by NOFX 3. "A Man Could Go Quite Mad" from The Mystery of Edwin Drood 4. "Stout-Hearted Men" by Shooby Taylor 5. "I Remember When I Loved Her" by The Zombies 6. "Wasting My Life" by The Hippos 7. "It's Alright, It's OK" by Leah Andreone [ Top 7 things that turn you on about your sex of choice ] 1. intelligence 2. sarcasm/inability to be offended by sarcasm 3. lips 4. hair 5. mode of dress (jeans & t-shirt is much hotter than dresses and mini-skirts) 6. a spine is nice 7. comfortable showing emotion Now off to class! | 1:47 am |
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates... I came to a self-realization today, people. You ready? I am an asshole. That's right. I'm a prick, a jerk. I know most of you are saying: "Yeah, no shit! We've known this for years, Jeremy! What are you, slow? You're a total asshole! You even have that shirt that says something about you being an asshole! Of course you're an asshole, you asshole!" And I suppose, by that logic, most of you would be resoundingly correct, though a bit dim to be shouting at a text journal I've written that does not have the capability to react to your speech. In any case, what I mean is I think I'm even more of an asshole that I previously thought. See, I used to have this "there's an appropriate time & place" thing that accompanied the whole asshole motif. Now, I think I've lost that. I have a few examples I could give, however, to spare the skittish among you, I will present you with the most benign that still exercises my point. Today, I went to Bio Lab. This is taught by a 30-or-so year old TA who, up until today, I only referred to as "Dirty Longhair" behind his back. However, my pet name became a mode of address when we were forced to observe small pieces of spinach leaves from which all the air had been removed attempt to float in a bicarbonate solution after producing oxygen from photosynthesis. You see, it took approximately 20 minutes of observation before even one teeny tiny bit of spinach produced enough oxygen to float. Therefore, at about the fifteen-minute mark, I decided it was a reasonable idea to ask "Dirty Longhair" why "the ability to sit around and watch shit not do anything" was not listed in the course prerequisites. Of course, Casey (that's his real name) is a decently humored guy and thought it was funny. That's the thing, I don't even dislike "Dirty Longhair". Why then do I call him names and say things completely inappropriate for the setting? It all seems like a good idea at the time. Mmmmm....crack. Current Mood: apatheticCurrent Music: Wizo - Deutschpunkrevolte | Wednesday, February 20th, 2002 | 1:59 pm |
Trying to save the good name of punk.... So, by some chance, I found this kid's webpage in which he claims "PUNKS NOT DEAD U R" I would go on about how awful it is but you can see for yourself. Instead of trying to make fun of him, I thought it would be most beneficial to sign his guestbook with some constructive criticism. My entry is posted for your convenience below.
Dude, ok. I know you get a lot of posts on here calling you a faggot or whatever, and I'll admit, I'm tempted to write the same. However, since, because of you, both the term 'punker' and the name 'Jeremy' are at stake, I'd like to give you some honest advice that will probably make you sound more intelligent and have less people howling for your blood: 1. 'Z' is NOT a substitute for 'S'. I don't care if no one ever sees you write it. Don't. 2. Poetry is more than words that rhyme. Poetry is supposed to be an artful expression through words. If you can't accomplish that, don't write poetry. 3. is free to use. Spelling simple words like 'yachts' and 'loser' wrong is unacceptable. 4. Never abbreviate words to one letter or, worse yet, a number. (e.g. U R 2 lazy to write an entire word.) That's the internet equivalent of a Southern accent. 5. If you love your girlfriend, that's wonderful. But, let's face it, she's pretty...corpulent. She might be a wonderful person, but you can't tell that from pictures over the internet. I'm sure with these handy suggestions you can be on your way to a ridicule-free webpage in no time. I honestly am not writing this to make fun of you. I remember being a kid in high school. We all make mistakes. Good luck. Current Mood: discontentCurrent Music: NOFX - The Longest Line | Friday, February 15th, 2002 | 4:36 am |
Happy "Squelch the sinful Roman teenagers" Day! Well kids, another Valentine's Day has come and gone for single old me. Do I care? Hell no. I mean, it's always a little disheartening to see happy couples prance about like they're on fucking PCP but I realized that I really don't give two shakes of Oprah's vestigial tail that she keeps wrapped up in the back of her girdle. I had a dream the other night where I was at Mizzou, but it wasn't Columbia and no school was involved. It was basically a big city full of college age teens that were partying nonstop. So, everyone's just like, living it up and there are naked girls running around 'cause, fuck, it's a big party. They'd talk to me and I'd just kind of brush 'em off and then I went back to my dorm/apartment and ran into a girl that actually exists here and is pretty cool and we ended up hanging out and hooking up. I think that was me telling myself that I don't need to jump at every opportunity to hook up with a girl and that, in fact, not doing that will eventually lead me to what I really want. So screw Valentine's Day, I don't really care. I'm glad that there are people enjoying it with their significant others. Me, I'm fine for now. I would like to be in a band, though. Yeah, The Compassionate Fascists broke up. Stupid bastards. So now Im looking for people in or around St. Louis who want to be in a band. Let me know if you know anyone. Peace Current Mood: goodCurrent Music: Diesel Boy - Punk Rock Girl | Monday, February 11th, 2002 | 1:47 am |
Yo, cut it. God, I should update this more frequently. People used to actually read this. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to re-build my fanbase. I'm thinking about adding a German double major to my English major for the following reasons:
A. It's not that much more coursework. B. It would make my degree that much more useless. (Actually, more useful, but useless is funnier.) C. I can sound mean when saying anything. D. I can insult people and they won't know what I'm saying. E. I can fully understand Wizo song and write them fanmail in their native tongue. And the final reason... F. So I have an excuse to pick fights with people who think everyone who speaks German is a Nazi.
If you're asking, "But, Jeremy, why not just learn German? Why add it as a double major?" I will refer you to reason A and the parenthetical addition to reason B. Simpleton.
My love for football is reforming. It's like I'm a modern day Sampson. I cut off my mohawk and I lose all my punkness. It's crazy. Though I did just buy a pair of green Doc Martens, so maybe there's hope yet. But, dear God, do I want my mohawk back. Für die Leute, die Deutsch sprechen: Ich will meinen Iriquoisschnitt wiederbringen!
Current Music: Loser by Beck | Saturday, January 19th, 2002 | 10:43 pm |
What's done is done... Lately, I've been feeling a little...well, depressed isn't the right word, but for now, the proper term escapes me. This isn't a new sort of feeling. In fact, it's something I've been noticing on and off for a few months now. Tonight, I finally realized what it was. As I laid in my dorm room bed watching Mary Poppins on ABC whilst the rest of the world watched some dreadful football playoff...or something, it came to me. I have this overwhelming desire to relive my past. I don't think I'd want to change anything, just to be able to experience it with the understanding I have now. Either that, or I want to be able to slip back into a state of childlike innocence and ignorance where I don't logically break down everything I see and I don't spend weeks on end analyzing a 10 minute conversation I have with my best friend. It's probably a bit of both. Of course, I realize these are impossibilities and therein lies the tragedy. I know it's foolish to say my best days are behind me when I'm barely pushing twenty, but I already feel like an old man. You may laugh at me, as I would most likely laugh at someone else in this awkward spiral of anticlimactic thought. But, there is nothing more disheartening than a problem with no solution. Current Mood: discontentCurrent Music: "Last Hour of the Last Day of Work" by Less Than Jake | Saturday, January 12th, 2002 | 4:51 am |
150 Punk Points! My brother and I have decided that life is a video game where you have stats and whatnot. The type of stats you have determine what kind of person you are. For example, if you spend an 8 hour stretch online, you have just earned 50 geek points. If you write a bad poem describing how wretched your parents are (mostly for not buying you that cute black Camaro), you earn 100 goth points. I earned 150 punk points today for something, but I don't remember what it was. Anyway... Y'know, just once, I'd like to have a day go by where I don't get an email that advertises "The Hottest Cum-Guzzling Sluts I've Ever Seen". Just a thought. I watched Invader Zim for the first time today. I'm still laughing. I know I've said it before, but I must renew my vow: "Jhonen Vasquez, I love you." I saw the episode where Zim decides he needs organs to be human so he starts stealing organs from the other kids at school and replacing them with cans of soup, milk cartons, furnaces, or what have you. By the end, he's this corpulent sack of organs. It's hilarious. Oh, and my brother and I decided that everywhere we go, we're doing the "Sharks Snap" from West Side Story. Current Mood: okayCurrent Music: Some song in my head that doesn't really exist | Tuesday, January 8th, 2002 | 5:05 am |
One word: Yup! | You have a genius intellect and an awesome sense of humor. You can sarcastically put someone in their place without batting an eye. Your only problems seem to be that you have trouble acknowledging your true feelings and you may use your humor as a defense to hide what you are really feeling. But, your godliness overpowers any insignificant flaws you may have. Even if you tend to pass gas during very inconvenient moments.
Take The "Which Kevin Smith Male Are You?" Quiz!! | | 4:34 am |
Self disparaged, sharp-tongued hate The title is a line from a song I wrote. It's vaguely about this girl I was dating (am dating?) up at Mizzou. It's vaguely about her in the sense that the general feeling of it came from her, but it was added to and embellished to the point where it no longer is. Since we've been back in St. Louis (yes, she lives here too) we basically haven't spoken. We hung out once or twice in the first week or so. But, since then, there has been no communication whatsoever. I might've called her by this point (it's been about three weeks) except (a) she hasn't called me either which makes me think she's off doing her own thing and I don't want to interfere with that and (b) I've recently come to some conclusions that make dating her a less attractive prospect for me. As for (b), let me explain. This girl, while very sweet and pretty, drinks. A lot. At one time, that wouldn't have bothered me in the least. However, she drinks whenever she has the opportunity, like turning it down isn't even a choice and when she does drink, she gets drunk to the point where she can't see. Meanwhile I have given up smoking pot and drinking pretty much entirely. Remember in Fight Club where they had the scene with the chemical burn from the lye? That's how I view life. "This is your pain, this is your burning hand! Right here!" Tyler said. Everyone has some sort of pain, emotional, physical, whatever. And yes, some of it is real, some imagined. Some thrust upon and some self-created. Regardless, it's there. And everyone has their way to cope with it. Some sit in front of the television, some (like me *ahem*) play Final Fantasy X for 8 straight hours, and some do drugs/drink/have sex. None of these devices are better or worse than the others on an objective level. However, I have decided that for myself, my perception is all I have. The only thing that separates a sheep from the rest of the flock is his awareness that he is a sheep. Therefore, while, as I am human, I must pacify myself, I choose to do it in ways that do not inhibit my perception. I reiterate that I do not view this as the "right" way to live or that to do the opposite would be "wrong", this is simply what I choose. Even so, choosing this path makes it nigh impossible for me to connect on any sort of level with those who choose to cope with life by obliterating their perception, i.e. this girl. I realize that walking away was perhaps not the right thing to do. I realize that this is unfair and tomorrow I am going to call her and hopefully go and talk to her. I am going to explain this to her in the most inoffensive and non-combative terms I can. She deserves that. Ever since I met her I thought she had something deep down, and I still think she might. But, she is so closed off from the world and people in general that she refuses to show it and until she does she appears vain and self-absorbed by her actions. She has told me what some of her pain is and, in the grand scheme of things, it is mostly petty, self-pity pablum. Maybe something lies deeper, but until I know I can't surmise that. Being in this situation I have also realized that trying to pursue relationships (of any kind, but specifically romantic ones) for the pure sake of having a relationship is ludicrous and only creates problems. So, I think, for now, I'm not going to worry about girls unless someone really amazing comes along, which, knowing my luck, probably won't happen. And that, as they say, is that. Current Mood: thoughtfulCurrent Music: Tyler playing guitar | Monday, December 31st, 2001 | 5:18 pm |
Worst New Years Ever! Yeah, that's how I wanted to kick off the New Year. (groan) Oh well, I must go hop into Ye Olde Shower so I can go to my brother's place and follow him to the par-tay. Oh, and I should be getting a PS2 this week. Goodbye, social life. Current Music: "She's Coming Home to Me" by The Zombies | Saturday, December 8th, 2001 | 9:16 am |
C'mon and Kick Me Yeah! I'm in a band that doesn't suck and hell has officially frozen over. We practiced on Thursday and we sounded great. I got a couple songs really badly recorded onto a little mini-tape recorder and everyone who's heard it thinks it sounds great! So...yeah, finals start Monday. I have Bio (ugh) and German then. I have Sociology on Friday and that's it, which means three days of sitting on my ass in between, yay! So, I'll be back in St. Louis in a week and I have mixed feelings. I really like Columbia. Oh well. If I get too bored, I can always commit arson or something. Oh, and we're gonna practice over break so that should keep my spirits up. Hopefully, we'll be playing shows in mid-February. Yeah. Umm...I guess that's it. Stay in school. Current Mood: chipperCurrent Music: "Hash Pipe" by Weezer | Monday, December 3rd, 2001 | 3:13 am |
Everybody in the house say "Yeah!" I went to the Weezer concert on Friday in KC. I realized that they just don't do it for me anymore. When the blue album first came out back in like, eighth grade...I dunno, I was really into them. I listened to it almost everyday. I never bought Pinkerton or the green album, but I heard most of the tracks on them. Now, I didn't go to the show to see Weezer, really, I went to see Tenacious D, who, by the way, kicked fucking ass. Weezer was good, don't get me wrong, but I just didn't really enjoy it as much as I thought I would. It was a good show, but I was definitely ready for it to end when it did. My new band, The Compassionate Facists, has its first practice tomorrow...well, save the jam session where we decided to kick out Nigel and recruit it's I guess the first official practice with the new lineup. I think we're gonna kick some ass. Hopefully we'll be playing shows in Columbia over the spring and StL over the summer. What else? Umm...I finally started working on that script about me and my friends last week. Some people, both friends and casual acquaintances have read it and I have, so far, received rave reviews. Oh, and ravers suck. Peace. Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: "Alte Frau" by Wizo | Saturday, December 1st, 2001 | 2:36 pm |
I'm such a fucking poser! I'm going to say five words that will completely destroy my credibility in every way, shape, and form. Ready? I WORK AT HOT TOPIC. Let me repeat this for those of you that got distracted by the latest CNN update revealing what kind of camel hair Bin Laden's pillows are stuffed with. I WORK AT HOT TOPIC. Now, some of you might be saying, "So what? You work at Hot Topic. Big deal." Go away. Let me explain why Hot Topic is so horrendous: They sell clothes people in poor culture want for prices only people in rich culture can afford. Basically, they just perpetuate the bastardization of underground culture by peddling it to the masses in the most perfect of places, the mall. The entire business makes me want to wretch. So, dear friend, you may ask, "Jeremy, why are you still working at this terrible place?" And I'll tell you. I'm a sucker for getting paid to do nothing and 40% employee discounts. . And may God have mercy on my soul. Current Mood: goodCurrent Music: "Shut the Door" by The Mad Caddies | Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001 | 3:42 pm |
How punk am I? I AM 42% PUNK. The intelligent punk. Tuff and Smart. I may be able to maintain a train of thought long enough... What the fuck was I talking about?
Take the PUNK/POSER Test at! Current Mood: lazyCurrent Music: Zelda Theme Music | Saturday, September 29th, 2001 | 5:36 am |
Indian Video Crack Go download this NOW!!! Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: Go download and you'll see | Tuesday, September 25th, 2001 | 12:31 am |
Too Many Problems Yo yo yo homies, I been kizzickin' it ol' school down here at Mizzizzou...ok, y'know I thought I could talk like that for a paragraph or so, but I'd have to kick my ass. So, yeah this weekend I got up early on a Saturday to play competitive sports. Let me repeat that. I got up EARLY on a SATURDAY to play SPORTS. It was some city-wide kickball tournament for charity and we won, baby! Swept the tournament. No thanks to me, of course. Started my new band. No name yet, suggestions are welcome. Bridget and Bradley, don't even submit anything like Fatboy & The Somethings or I will send militant donkey farmers to assfuck you. I like punk and the drummer likes jazz so I guess we're going to mesh the two and make: junk! Anthony got all drunk Saturday (and Friday and Sunday and the other four days last week) and went on for 20 minutes about how he was my real father...even though I'm older than him. Anthony's funny. In fact, he holds the MU QUOTE OF THE WEEK on my AIM away message this week (for those of you not in the know, my AIM is GuyNcognto). One thing I can say for Anthony, he certainly keeps me sober. That's it for now kiddies, I'll try to keep this thing updated, I promise. Peace. Current Mood: relaxedCurrent Music: "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" by Daft Punk | Monday, September 3rd, 2001 | 11:17 am |
Freaky Shit. I'm back, baby. Quickly, let me get you up to speed:
I'm at Mizzou. I live with Tom. I broke up with Mandie.
So, that's the current state of things. I've been playing my bass more recently. Tom's playing some dumb techno crap right now. I might start a band with the guy who lives next door to us. There's no Goodwill around here. My computer kicks ass. Rocky in Jeff City is cool cause me and Tom are like Gods to them. Eat Mor Chikin.
Current Mood: awake Current Music: Tom's stupid techno shit-crap | Thursday, August 9th, 2001 | 5:36 pm |
Phew! Everything's OK. She realized she can't blame me for my brother. Which she really can't because he was like this before I knew him and the parts of him that rubbed off on me weren't the bad ones. So take that NoLimitSoldier and 7up_punk. NoLimitSoldier and 7up_punk? More like ONLY-RAY-BOLGIER-COULD-EAT-SO-MUCH-GUNK! !!
Current Mood: content Current Music: "You're Not the Boss of Me (Kick It)" by The Vandals | 3:44 am |
Fuck.... Well...since I haven't posteed in nearly a month, I might as well resume my journaling with me royally fucking myself. So my girlfriend and I have been doing well. Lately, I'd been thinking about the fact that I am going to college and she will be here, but I decided that I like her...may even love her...and want to stay with her. So, tonight I took her to meet my brother. My brother who used to command a street gang. My brother who refers to his friend's baby as "dinner". My brother who has been responsible (however indirectly) for innocent people's deaths. Of course, he regaled her with some of these tales through the course of our (me, her, him, Tom, and Zac) conversation. Now, Mandie's not a sheltered girl but she was really shaken by the stuff she heard tonight and I don't know how it's going to affect our relationship. Exhibit A: She kissed me goodbye still. Exhibit B: She she was "numb" and had to "sit down and think" and that she would call me in the morning. I'll let you all know what happens. And let me just reiterate: fuck. Current Mood: distressedCurrent Music: "Strangle the Girl" by The Queers | Tuesday, July 10th, 2001 | 5:13 am |
Tippecanoe and burn it, too! I should be asleep. I should soooo be asleep. I have to work at 1, but I'm supposed to go over to Mandie's between 9 and 10. I should really go to sleep. So, I got a new digital camera. I don't know why. I spent $200 on it and for the life of me, I still don't know why. I like it though. So now at least I have a recent picture instead of that one from New Years where I have green hair. Technology. Ooh, I could go into such a long spiel here. Of course, I am simultaneously pro- and anti-technology so it would end in some self-defeatist moot point anyway. Yeah, I'm going to sleep. Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: "Safe Tonight" by Anti-Flag |
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