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Below is user information for DaddiCade. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:daddicade (83049) Paid User  
Cade's Den
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Location:London, United Kingdom
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Fat & Proud!
Lesbian / Dyke
Daddi to my Shadowboi
Polycystic Kidney Disease PKD
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS
BDSM & Leather
Chocolate & Orange
Mouse potato / Couch potato

• My life is an open book
• My intelligence will never be ransomed

Other sites
Radclyffe's Filing Cabinet
UKFD Group
Cade's London Dungeon

Other journals

Memories:12 entries
Interests:146: activism, alison moyet, anal sex, anti-censorship, anti-hate, anti-war, apple macintosh, arsenal fc, astronomy, barenaked ladies, bdsm, bears, bill bryson, boi, boidykes, bois, books, bookstores, boots, boy dykes, brian eno, bull dykes, butch, butch bois, butch dykes, butch on butch, butch2butch, butches, cannabis, cats, cheese, chocolate, cigars, civil protest, comics, daddies and bois, dawn french, direct action, disability, discipline, domination, douglas adams, drag kings, dykes, eastenders, eddie izzard, england, english language, english literature, faithless, fat, fat activism, fat dykes, feminism, fetishism, films, fisting, french & saunders, fucking, garlic, gay rights, harry potter, hash, hate crimes, hedonism, history, identity, individuality, intelligence, john lennon, john waters, johnny depp, kate bush, learning guitar, learning piano, leather, left wing politics, lesbian, lesbian bois, lesbian daddies, lesbianism, lesbians, london, magic mushrooms, needles, neil gaiman, nintendo, pasta, pcos, peace, perversion, philosophy, photography, piercing, piercings, pkd, politics, polycystic, polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidneys, polycystic ovaries, pride, protest, queer history, queer politics, queers, reading, road trips, rope, rough sex, rubber, rugby, s&m;, sadism, sado-masochism, salvador dali, sarcasm, scrabble, serial killers, sex, sexual expression, sexual freedom, shakespeare, skepticism, sm activism, stonebutches, stoner mctavish, strap-ons, surrealism, tattoos, tea, temporary piercings, terry pratchett, the beatles, the league of gentlemen, the simpsons, the sims, tigers, tim burton, tom of finland, true crime, uk, united kingdom, vampyres, writing, x-men. [Modify yours]
People94:angrydyke, baronessvarla, bearsir, beatgoddess, bikerwhitty, boi_wonderment, boichick, boiface, boirozzlyn, bounce_n_jiggle, catelin, charlottecooper, chubbycore, cmkprismatic, daddie, daddydyke, daddypreston, daddysboy, daddysin, dakotagirl71, damdyke, darwinian, devin_boi, dietcokeboy, drgynsclaw, dykeprincess, dykeydoo, fagtastic, fatgirlspeaks, fattest, fishnetaubrey, harvardval, hothead, hunin_munin, irishboi, isoldyourkidney, jbutch, judecorp, karendammit, kat_ryn, kinkzkat, krispyk, la_tigresse, leatherboy, leathereagle, leathermenace, leathermgoddess, leatherskyn, leopardesse, levidaddi, lilphish, littlesir, lthredge, lubberly, mattblakk, mermaidinblack, millarca, misia, mofabulous, moobabe, ms_raine, muncher, noahboyz, noiseburst, papabearyg, pegsioux, perse, pink_piggies, platofish, poppi_odin, puffpastry, purplepants, queergrrrl, queerpuppyboy, raeofhope27, ragingbulldyke, ribald_faggot, riffraffry, rogueboi, scarlin, sdaemon, silverseabear, smirkz, spikey_boi, split_the_sky, susanstinson, technodyke, titsandjesus, toast_boy, verbmynoun, wearbear, with_gusto, zenchump, zevinboots
Communities2:phish_pond, pkd_world
Friend of:58: angrydyke, baronessvarla, beatgoddess, daddie, daddypreston, daddysin, damdyke, devin_boi, dietcokeboy, fagtastic, feministsrdumb, hothead, hunin_munin, i_h8_men, isoldyourkidney, jbutch, karendammit, kat_ryn, kinkzkat, krispyk, la_tigresse, leathereagle, leathermenace, leathermgoddess, leopardesse, levidaddi, lilphish, littlesir, lubberly, mattblakk, millarca, ms_raine, muncher, noahboyz, papabearyg, pegsioux, perse, pink_piggies, pinkrose70, platofish, poppi_odin, puffpastry, purplepants, queergrrrl, queerpuppyboy, raeofhope27, ribald_faggot, scarlin, sdaemon, smirkz, split_the_sky, susanstinson, technodyke, toast_boy, verbmynoun, wearbear, zenchump, zevinboots
Member of:35: abortionnews, appleworld, arsenal, askthekinksters, bdsm_news, behind_the_lens, bloodsports, butch2butch, cityscapes, datavein, discworld, dna_fans, dysinformation, eastenders, eddieizzard, femalemisogyny, fryingpans, gaffa, kidneys, leatherdykes, lgbuk, liberal, livejournal_uk, non_lifestylers, nopity, paidmembers, pcosupport, phoenix_lj, photochallenge, photojournals, queerbutches, serialmurder, ukbdsm, vampyres, wrongbathroom
Account type:Paid Account

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