Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Buffy Fans Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "buffy".
420 matches:
- _addicted2lj_ - LJ Addicts
- _error - Error Designs
- _fandom_icons_ - Fandom Icon
- _hell_on_earth_ - Hell On Earth- A Buffy/Angel RPG
- _ic0nic_designs - _ic0nic_designs
- _iconobsessed - _iconobsessed
- _icons4lj - _icons 4 livejournal
- _ljwhore - Livejournal Whores
- _shades_of_grey - Shades of Grey
- _sunnydale_ - Sunnydale RPG
- adambusch_icons - Adam Busch Icons
- adoptabunny - Adopt a Bunny
- after_death - ::DtB::
- aicob - AICOB
- aimcon - Aimless Misconception
- alexisdenisof - Alexis Denisof Fans
- all_things_btvs - All Things BTVS & A:tS
- allfandomfics - Multifandom Fanfiction
- amberbenson - Amber Benson Community
- anarchy_online - Anarchy Online
- andrew_zone - Funnel Cakes & Flying Monkeys
- angel_fans - Angel Fans
- angeldrabble - Angel Drabble
- angelfans_uk - ANGELS FANS
- angelphilosophy - Intelligent Angel Discussion
- angeluncensored - Angel Uncensored
- anonymous_buffy - Anonymous Buffy
- anti_riley - Riley needs to die
- arthousers - Arthouser
- ashaholicsanon - Ashaholics Anonymous
- atpobtvsats - ATPoers
- au_couples - Alt Universe Couples ~ A Gathering Place
- augusta_queers - Augusta Queers
- aurorafrost - aurorafrost -- bobby & dawn
- aussie_dykes - Aussie Dykes
- aussie_scoobies - Aussie Buffy Fans
- babblers - The Babblers
- baficathon - Buffy-Angel Fic Challenge Repository
- bagoftricks - my notebook
- bashippers - Buffy and Angel Shipper's Haven
- bauk - Buffy and Angel UK
- bdu_ljers - ljers
- bfa - The Buffy Fiction Archive
- bicon_challenge - Buffy Icon Challenge
- biglove - Big Love
- bitchism - Bitch Community
- blank_icons - Simply Blank
- bloodties - Tatiana and Sarah
- bloodyawful - Spike Fans
- book_nook - The Book Nook
- booknerds - Tanky & Jet's Nerdy Book Society
- boredloser - bored loser
- braindead - Like Okay
- brumscifisoc - Scifi Soc
- btvs_angel - Buffy & Angel Discussions and Crossovers
- btvs_atsiconage - BTVS and AtS Icon community
- btvs_claims - Claim anything from Buffy!
- btvs_ficathons - BtVS/A:tS Ficathons
- btvs_german - btvs_german
- btvs_requests - Buffy Icon Requests and Questions
- btvs_screencaps - btvs_screencaps
- btvs_slash - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Slash
- btvsmovie - Buffy Movie Fans
- btvsrpg - Buffy the vampire slayer role playing game
- btvsrpgmiami80s - Kiba's BtVS RPG Campaign: Miami, 1986
- buffistas - Buffistas
- buffy_bad_girls - Bad Girls
- buffy_blend - Buffy Blend Challenge
- buffy_chorus - Buffy Chorus: The Icon Challenge
- buffy_claims - Buffy Claims
- buffy_ep_claims - Claim a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode!
- buffy_fanfic - Buffy Fan Fiction
- buffy_fans - Buffy & Angel Fans
- buffy_giles - Buffy/Giles 'shippers
- buffy_graphics - BtVS & A:TS Graphics
- buffy_icons - BtVS/AtS icons
- buffy_musical - Buffy: The Musical
- buffy_nowish - Buffy and Culture
- buffy_recs - Buffy and Angel Recs
- buffy_stillness - buffy_stillness
- buffy_tvs - Giles
- buffyaddicts - hopelessly addicted
- buffyangelrpg33 - Buffy/Angel Rpg community
- buffyclaims - Claim anything BtVS or Angel
- buffyconla - Buffy convention in la, ca, usa
- buffyconvrep - Buffy/Angel Fan Conventions --- News & Reports
- buffycordelia - Volcano Girls: Buffy/Cordelia community
- buffydrabble - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Drabble
- buffyecticons - Buffy and Such icons
- buffyfaith - the buffy/faith shippers
- buffyfan - Buffy & Angel Fan Community
- buffyfan_sweden - Buffy fans in Sweden
- buffyfans_uk - UK Buffy and Angel Fans
- buffyfic - Buffy Fanfic
- buffyficaholics - buffyficaholics
- buffyinhawaii - Buffy in Hawaii
- buffymux - BuffyMUX
- buffyobsessed - "Buffy Obsessed"
- buffyphilosophy - Mutant Enemy (Buffy/Angel) Discussion
- buffyponderings - Buffy Ponderings
- buffypunx - Buffy Punx Unite!!
- buffyquotes - BtVS Quotes
- buffyrecs - Buffy Recs
- buffyrpers - Buffy Roleplayers
- buffyrules - Buffy Rules
- buffyshipclaims - BtVS/AtS 'Ship Claims
- buffythemusical - B U F F Y - the - Musical
- buffytodate - Discussion of current Buffy episodes
- buffytvs - btvs
- buffyversemusic - That song reminds me of...
- camaraderie - Camaraderie
- caput_draconis - Draco, please pass the Harry.
- caritas313 - Caritas
- cause_its_wrong - Because it's WRONG
- centaurville - Centaurville
- chaos_bleeds - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Chaos Bleeds
- chimaeras_lair - Chimaera's Lair
- chosen_ones - The Chosen Ones
- chromecat - it's like riding a biker
- city_in_dust - City In Dust RPG
- city_of - City of: Angel the Series
- clor_love - We <3 Clorinda!
- closet_romantic - Closet Romantic: A different kind of love
- coffeegroup - Eta Beta Pi
- comicbooks - Comic Books
- communitysearch - Find The Community That Is Right For You
- connexions - LiveJournal-Connexions Connection
- cordyscolumn - Cordy's Column
- costume_pics - costume_pics
- crack_van - multi-fandom mobile addiction
- cravingspike - CravingSpike
- crazy_fucks - The crazy people on LJ
- crimson_dawn - Crimson Dawn
- crimson_daze - Crimson Daze
- crossoverfic - Crossover Fan Fiction Community
- cs_discuss - Community Search Discussion Forum
- daily_whisperer - The Daily Whisperer
- dalton_sucks - OOC for Wookie Gang
- dbz360 - David Boreanaz Lovers
- deadlettershome - Dead Letters Home
- deadsexymen - I Like It In Leather!
- dearisobel - LiveJournal Icons
- denton_hellmout - The Denton Buffy RPG
- destiny_unknown - When Darkness Falls Community
- diedawndie - The Dawn Haters Community
- dimwit_inc - DIMWIT Inc. - Vampire Hunters
- dipsybot - dipsy
- doomedsunnydale - Doomed Sunnydale
- dragoncon - DragonCon
- drewgoddardfans - Drew Goddard Fans
- dtlucslash - Ditch the Logical - UC & Slash
- duckirda - Heidi and Irda's RP Journal
- dust_fanclub - Brave Small One
- eatbugs - we eat bugs
- eliza_lovers - Eliza Dushku Lovers
- elizad_icons - eliza dushku icons
- empire_of_evil - Empire Of Evil
- eroticjossverse - Buffy and Angel Smutty Goodness
- evilawakens - Evil Awakens: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG
- extramagicky - Willow and Tara's Life
- faithandspike - Faith + Spike Shipper
- fan_icons - Request Or Show Off Your Icon Creations, Contests!
- fanart - Fan Art
- fandom_songs - This song is PERFECT for...
- fandomfriends - ADD ME, FANDOM!
- fandomnation - Fandom Nation
- fanficbeta - FanFic Beta
- fanfictiontalks - fanfictiontalks
- fannish5 - The Fannish Friday 5
- fannish_icons - Fannish Icons
- fhsa_archive - Full House Slash Archive
- fic_bunnies - Challenged?
- fiction_writers - Fiction Writers Anonymous
- finbuffy - finnish buffy&angel fans united!
- flamey_icons - Extra Flamey Icons
- fool_city - T3h f001Z0Rz
- fourpointorgy - Four Point Orgy
- friday_group - Friday Kiddos
- fuffy - Fuffy
- fun_icons - Movie and Television related icons
- fusioneers - Fusioneers
- gallifrey - The Community of Rassilon
- gamercentral - Gaming Community
- gameslash - Slashing our Games with Pride
- gatestohell - Where Dimensions Collide
- gay_me_up - Gay Kids and Their Buffy-Lovin'
- gaycomicgeeks - Gay Geeks
- geek_out - Dark Geeks
- geeksrhot - Geeks Are Hot!
- geeksunite - geeks unite!
- ghost_hollow - Ghost Hollow
- ghostly_stories - ghostly_stories
- girlscliquefic - Girls Clique Fiction Challenge
- girlshavefun - GirlsHaveFun
- gothicgeek - gothicgeek
- greatbiggeek - Great Big Geek
- greatcrossover - The Great Crossover
- grimoire_online - Grimoire
- hansonroswell - hansonroswell
- happy4us - Share the Joy
- haunted_tales - Haunted Tales
- hellmouth - The Hellmouth
- hellmouth_home - The Buffyverse hangout``
- hellmouthhigh - Hellmouth High
- hellmouthlounge - The Hellmouth Lounge
- hello_fic_now - hello_fic_now
- hillside_inn - they're not gonna get us.
- hocksockicons - HOCK Sock Icons
- hopelessbubble - HopelessBubble Icons
- hpringslayer - Calliope Knight
- hugsandpuppies - Hugs and Puppies
- icon_heaven - Icon Heaven
- icon_lovers - Icon_Lovers!!
- icon_technique - icon_technique
- iconated - Iconated
- iconoclasts - We, the Iconoclasts
- iconsensual - Iconsensual
- iconsschmicons - IconsSchmicons
- idiotbox_lj - Ramblings from the Idiot Box (v.lj)
- iheartnorahrose - iheartnorahrose
- illyriaficathon - The Illyria Ficathon
- in_character - ...Tragedy Strikes the Hellmouth...
- indy17comx - Citizen Q
- info_slut - info_slut
- inner_sunnydale - Inside Sunny Dale
- iupuac - IUP Underground Anime Club
- jcalendar - smile.empty.bottle
- jossverse - jossverse
- karaokediva - Karaoke Diva
- kazz_icons - Kazz's Icons
- kazzfiction - kazz's fiction
- l_i_t - Lesbians In Training
- lesbianvampires - Lesbian Vampire Porn Appreciation
- lit_speak - fab five
- livingslayers - Real Live Slayers
- ljbronzers - LJ Bronzers
- ljcrack - it's all about the mesh
- lornelovers - Andy Hallett Fan Community
- lovealias_buffy - we <3 Alias and Buffy
- loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
- lunatic_cafe - The Lunatic Cafe
- making_friends - making_friends
- mango_icons - mangofandango's icons
- marryshagcliff - Marry, Shag, Throw off a Cliff
- matgags - The Middle-Aged Teenage Girl-Acting Guys Society
- melbourne_slash - Melbourne's Slashers
- mermaid_wings - 100 x 100 Pixels
- metagallifrey - The Community of the Community of Rassilon
- metaslash - Meta Slash
- metrogeekual - The Metrogeeks
- mibitch - Bitch
- minsa - minsa
- monkee_pants - Monkee Pants Community
- monkeyisland - Monkey Island
- monkeypants_inc - Laurel Fans
- mordavia - Mordavia
- morningafterrpg - Morning After RPG
- mtcs - Muffy The Coochie Slayer
- mutant_allies - Mutant Allies: Reviews, Commentary, and Analysis
- myownfun - My Own Fun
- nancytribe - The Nancy Tribe
- neonslash - NeonSlash
- neopianbronzers - Neopian LJ Bronzers
- notsobitchy - Not So Bitchy
- notsodelusional - Not So Delusional
- notsola - Not So LA
- notsooriginal - Not So Original
- notsosunnydale - Not So Sunnydale
- occlumency31 - TAY AND ANN
- omwf - Once More with Feeling
- oocbuffymusical - OOC: Buffy the Musical
- ooctalk - So, let's talk
- open_on_sunday - The new sunday100
- osiooc - OOC (Out of Character) Community for Sunnydale OSI
- our_gang - Our Gang: Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG
- our_gangooc - Our Gang: OOC Journal
- our_lil_secret - Rain and Jenn's playground
- ourhappyplace - Spike's Bitches
- ourownemo - viki likes elephants
- outcastclub - OutCast Corner
- pencil_floaters - Pencil Floater
- peroxidespike - Peroxide//Spike
- plothutch - Plot Bunny Adoption Challenge
- popdebate - pop culture debate
- power_names - Claim your powers. >)
- prettygirls - Pretty Girls
- privelegedones - Muffy And Buffy
- radioactivebull - Radioactive Bull
- rainbowbryte69 - BtVS Share-Spot
- random_crap - insanity is practically a prerequisite . . .
- randomaddiction - People with Issues
- rarehetpairings - rarehetpairings
- redlinen - red linen
- restless_rpg - Restless
- rookery - The Rookery
- rpers_for_rpers - Roleplayers searching for other roleplayers
- rpg_promo - RPG Promotions
- rpgclaims - Claims for the Fake
- sac_2004 - The Slash Advent Calendar of 2004
- sacrificial - After Sacrifice
- sarlldynasty - The Legend of Sarll
- scarlett_tears - Scarlett Tears
- scifi_smut - Fan fiction inspired by Sci-Fi/Fantasy works
- scifisisters - Sci-Fi Sisters
- scoobies - The Scooby Gang
- scoobies_ooc - OOC Community for Scoobies
- scooby_gang - The Scooby Gang
- sd_ooc - Sunnydale.
- season8btvs - Mock Mutant Enemy Writing Staff
- seattle_slash - Seattle Slash
- second_act - DDS Alumni
- senticon6 - SentiCon 6
- serenity_ooc - Firefly Sock Puppet Theatre - OOC
- serenity_rp - Firefly Sock Puppet Theatre
- sesamestreet - Sesame Street Fans
- sexsushay - Sex Sushay
- shadowseaves - Shadow's Eaves_Btvs_rpg
- shippersunited - SUers
- sigmalambdaed - Sigma Lambda Epsilon Delta
- silver_soph - sophie
- simplybases - Simply Bases
- simplybroken - Yeah Yeah Yeah
- skitzosunnydale - Skitzo Sunnydale
- slashmart - SlashMart
- slashtheslayer - Buffyverse Femmeslash
- slashy_goodness - slashy_goodness
- slayerdale_ooc - Slayer Dale Out of Community
- slayerlore - slayerlore
- slayerprov - The Jossverse Improv
- slayerverse - Slayerverse Buffy RPG
- slayerverse100 - A Buffy, Angel and Fray Challenge Community
- smg_daily - Sarah Michelle Gellar Pics
- smg_fans - Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan
- sog_ooc - Shades of Grey OOC
- songsets - LiveJournal Icon Songsets!
- southernstars - Southern Stars
- spanderslash - Spike and Xander
- spankthemoppet - "Grr Arrgh!" -- BtVS & AtS Fans
- spike__me - Spike Fan
- spuffyicons - Spuffy Icons
- spuffyness - Spuffy Fans
- stay_and_gloat - Giles/Ethan Community
- stickfergus - Stickfergus
- streamconscious - Stream of Consciousness
- suckit_andsee - Suck It And See
- sundale - Sundale: An Angelus/Xander RPG Journal
- sunday100 - Sunday100
- sunny90666_ooc - Sunnydale 90666 OOC Community
- sunny_dale - UC: Sunnydale // BTVS RPG
- sunny_grove - Welcome to Sunny Grove
- sunnyd_mittens - Sunnydale Mittens Community
- sunnydale_90666 - The 90666: Zip Code of the Hellmouth
- sunnydale_arts - The Sunnydale High School Center for the Arts
- sunnydale_calif - Welcome to Sunnydale
- sunnydale_elem - Sunnydale Elementary
- sunnydale_socks - Sunnydale Sock Puppet Theatre
- sunnydaleosi - Sunnydale OSI (Office of Subterranian Information)
- superherofanart - Superhero Fan Art
- talon_lounge - The Talon Lounge
- teenybopperanon - Teenybopper Anonymous
- tglaeukavs - Consanguinity, inspired by Buffy/Angel
- the_big_easy - The Big Easy
- the_bronze - The Bronze: A Buffy RPG Community
- the_btvs_rpger - BtVS rpgers unite!
- the_improv - The Improv
- the_lonelies - Better Company Than The Voices In My Head
- the_smidge - Sarah Fans Unite
- the_talon - The Talon
- theatrical_muse - theatrical_muse
- thescoobygang - The Scooby Gang
- thespikettes - The Spikettes
- thetabloid - The LiveJournal Tabloid -- Extry! Extry!
- thewholepoint - The Whole Point
- thosephotokids - Those Weird Kids at the Back Table
- tomboybuffy - TomboYBuffY
- treepretty - Fire Bad, Tree Pretty
- troikageeks - Troika Fans
- tues_nite_revue - The Buffy & Smallville fanatics' page
- tv_australia - Australian Television
- tv_claims - Claim a TV Couple
- tv_roundrobins - tv show round robins
- tv_shows - everything we watch!
- tvaddiction - tv addict
- tvondvd - TV On DVD
- tvshow_icon - TV Show Icons
- tvtotal - TV total
- tweetiepie - TLC
- twilightreality - Twilightreality
- uc_commons - UC Sunnydale's Common Room
- uc_sunnydale - The Scooby Gang
- urbanprincesses - ::...Urban Princesses....::
- valley_slash - slashers of the valley, unite!
- valleyofthesun - valleyofthesun
- vamp_fiction - Vampire Fiction
- vampire_slayer - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- vapiddirne - Stuff for you guys
- vapidjournal - Like, oh my GAWD
- vnews - Versaphile News
- voxpopulli - Vox Populli
- wankfree_icons - Wank-Free Icons
- watcherchroncle - The Watcher Chronicles
- wb_icons - WB Icons: Icons Feauturing Stars/Shows from the WB
- we_love_anya - We Love Anya
- wednesdaycomics - New Comic Wednesday
- weezywootoo - Louise
- wes_faith - Total Hottness
- wes_xandrew - wes_xandrew
- wesley_faith - Tweed and Leather
- whatilikeaboutu - fans of the wb show
- whistlerspoint - Whistler's Point, WA
- willowoz - Willow and Oz: Remembering what was
- wiscon - World's Only Feminist Science Fiction Convention
- wookie_gang - Wookie Gang
- wordoftheday100 - wordoftheday100
- writers_choice - Writer's Choice - where you pick the fandom
- x_dark_prince_x - Rudolf Martin Fans
- xandrew - XAndrew Community
- xmyxobsessionxx - Obsession
- yeah_your_cute - yep your cute
- zero_room - the zero room: where nostalgia recs stuff
Interested users
The following users are interested in buffy. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
473 matches:
- 000generic000 - emmy
- 42 - Jason
- acme - ariana
- aerolyn1 - May 29th, 1583
- agent57 - text messaging and unnecessary cruelty
- akane - Akane
- akihikio - Akihikio
- akkasha - Michele / akasha
- aldalin - Cyberdramon
- alendrel - Alendrel
- aleriel - Aleriel
- alielle - . . . //
- alisonk - flummoxed
- alister - Alister
- amalthea - Kim
- amanda_louise - Amanda
- americanbadass - His Crunkness
- amorphous - Claudia
- anahata - Syl
- andlosers - Ben
- andrew_w - Andrew
- andricongirl - Sunday Velvet
- andys - Andrew
- andysoft - AndySoft
- angel_sex - angel
- angeleyes - }}i{{ ~angela~ }}i{{
- angpang - Angela
- ankie - Anneke
- anmei - stormy pinkness
- antimony - antimony
- arisrabkin - Ari
- arosoff - Alexis
- asim - Woodrow Jarvis Hill
- aspenamy - ~Amy the Wonder Amy~
- asuka - sharon
- atomicliver - The Atomic Liver
- attack_cat - Cleo
- ayanami - boku wa...
- azhure - daughter of the moon
- b3rnd - Bernd
- baggy - Captain Baaaaaaaaaaag-maaaaan!
- bahia - suavidad superior
- baracuda - Baracuda
- base - Lizardboy
- bear - Kyllikki
- beatchik - Jen Wiggle
- becca02froggy - Rebecca
- becksifer - Black Becks
- belisama - Beli
- beloved - Lamia
- bentarm12 - bentarm
- beverly_mcintyr - Beverly McIntyre
- big_al81 - Al
- black_pearl - Black Pearl
- blairwitch - Juicy Oranges
- blink_lu - Blink Lu
- blue02dude - The One Thing More Powerful Than Evil
- blueabyss - Abyss
- blueasblood - blueasblood
- bluelotus - Sarah
- bluemurf - charms
- boadiccea - boadiccea
- bonkers - bonkers
- boog0r - A. P.
- bratlingpixie - Fabulous Slop
- brigid - little fattie gangsta penguin
- brit_will - will
- brunettewillow - Christine
- buffys - Buffy Summers
- butterfly - Butterfly
- bwilder - i'm a little dinosaur
- calistrisa - Cali
- cantspell - a smart girl in comfortable shoes
- capesideteen - Aaron
- captain_jester - Matt
- carlen - Carlen
- catsperspective - Andrea
- cattika - The Problem Slayer
- ceruleanlobster - Lola Strickland
- cez - Peep
- champagnedcfc - Leeners
- chelseabun - Chelsea Harrison
- chiabrit - Gullible's Tribbles
- chillywilly - Lauriann
- chiquitar - Chiquita Rosita
- chlaal - joan the english chick
- chrisctp - DJ Chris Love
- chrispina - mmmmm water
- chuckm - Chuck Meyer
- cicirossi - Cici
- circe - Circe
- clare - clare
- cloric - Cloric (the Cleric)
- cloud - Katherine
- coldfury - Chris Finch
- colours - Colours
- cordeliachic - Ariel
- cossima - YourObtSrvt
- cremlian - Scott Johnson
- crimsonphoenix - Keikura the CrimsonPhoenix
- cryingchild - Rob
- csnwltr - Csnwltr
- cynddylan - Cyn
- cypher - ./life/reviewed/
- damp_goddess - Mistress of Ceremonies
- dandoubledtwice - ddt : that bitch, Dan (dandoubledtwice) ...
- daneo - *vain.dane*
- danielspice - DanielSpice
- dansr - The Goddess of Perk
- darkfear - Russ
- darthkater - kate
- davomatic - That Tune.
- deathspleen - Deathspleen
- debgirl001 - Anita Hoare
- delerious - Julie-anne
- delree - Erin Elizabeth
- deus_x - Leslie Michael Orchard
- deuterium_d3 - Christian
- diddler - Magpie
- diffrentcolours - Carefully, Correctly Wrong
- dilvalicious - Queen Spazzo
- djwickwild - DJBenScott
- dmaleus - lobsterfest destiny
- doblaich - Jo
- dogboy - dogboy
- doggie - Eli Dog
- dr_phibes - Randal Pruss
- dreamrose - Krys
- dreamsmith - Author, Armorer, Archer (In that Order)
- dropsofblood - Dyanna
- earthstarlight - EarthStarLight
- electrcspacegrl - In slow motion, the blast is beautiful
- electricity - alice
- elisandra - Do not eat iPod Shuffle
- endsoftheworld - Wolfram
- enna - ...too honest and flawed...
- envenom - enVenom
- etchikoneko - etchi
- eternity - Gen
- euchrid3 - This Fool You Love Somehow
- evil - Running Out of Fuse...
- ex_position - This Justin
- faeriecat - faeriecat
- fancie - fanciful
- fee - fee
- fireflysoup - Dancing in the dharma of my firefly-soup.
- first_dragon - First_Dragon
- fiver00 - Jared
- flarnloop - Jenn'fer Treeclaw
- fletch - Fletch
- fluffydoombunny - Shannen Hart
- fluffygirl - FluffyGirl
- flyergirl - Isis FG
- fmulder4 - John B.
- folterte - folterte
- fosfomifira - Ms. Invisible
- frito_kal - Karen "Frito" Lawrence
- funkmeister - He's going to try and stick a cock in your kids
- funkygirl - Funkygirl*!
- gatomon - Reddy
- geekdiva - Velvet Geekdiva the Praenomin-Clad
- gelly - gelly
- geminiprincess - Chelsea Doyle
- giddycam - Steph
- glenno - Glenno
- glimmergirl - glim
- globetrotter1 - Annethrax Annie, dorkus giganticus
- goddessvt - Jillager Z. Pillager
- greenneutron - Cullen
- greenzowie - greenzowie
- grumpy_git - Andy
- gwen - Gwen
- hadaverde - Faye Green
- hamadryad - Queeg von Hindenberg
- hap - Me and Mrs. Jones
- hawk1001 - Marc
- hbwic - the -zulu-
- heathrow - Heather
- hector - Johnee Darko
- heith - Heith
- hellothere - HiThere
- hellsangel - Manda
- her_holiness - Dipika
- heymrmusic - Steven
- hkay - Hal
- hokuto - Hokuto
- hrhcourtney - a girl of many names
- huzzahuzzah - Willow
- i_am_alice - Lauren Hewitt
- icewing - Icewing
- idic575 - foolonthehill
- imajika - [monkey pirates stole my solid gold girlfriend]
- imber - Katherine Imber
- insatia - Insatia the Wonder Girl
- jacordscam - Jacord
- jade422 - ~`Laura`~
- jaina - xai^2
- jarrow272 - mobility with impact
- jasonbeast - Jim Buttram
- jazzyj - lightning
- jemimajoy - JemimaJoy
- jenx - JenX
- jerseyfc - RedPhoenix
- jeskaradia - aradia
- jettamaster - christine
- jettison - pigs they tend to wiggle when they walk.
- jfusion - Joe Fusion
- jodiemarie - The Platinum Diva
- joe714 - Jack Webb
- johnboy48 - Johnboy48
- johnboze - Ten Wildebeests in a Teacup
- jon4009 - Jon Grant
- joseph412 - Joseph412
- jsjackso - jsjackso
- juliebean - Julie
- juneymoon - JuneyMoon
- jvcam - Jonny
- k2cro4 - K2CrO4
- kadira - Kadira
- kailieann - Kailieann
- kalayamdsn - Michele
- kaleidescope - Kaleidoscope House
- kallisti - Kallisti
- kavanan3 - nicky
- kaylynne - Jenn
- keiffer - Keiffer
- kelbelle - kel
- kelseyb - Kelsey Brown
- kencam - Ken Anthony
- kenoki - kenoki
- kireisarah - Train now leaving on Track Number Sex
- kizzoo - Kizz
- koani - Koani
- krazykat - Mary
- krissle - some devil
- ktnb - Living in the Sweet Hereafter
- kymora - kymora
- lainy - Gimp
- lauralatham - laura.
- lealea - seraphina
- leighleigh13 - Leigh
- lesleyx - lesley or cassie blake from night world
- lie2me - Sebastian
- light - Chris
- lilflippyg - LilFlippyG
- lilgwen - Catherine
- lilithe - violet de'ath
- lilmisshardcore - *white*phantom*
- lilspicy - Lilspicy
- lirrin - Lilith
- lita607 - Anita
- livian - Livian
- lizardbeth - lizardbeth
- lokii - Forgive me Father, for I am Sin...
- lolagranola - Lola Granola
- loligo - Loligo
- lonelytears - Ever Lonely Amy
- lordshell - LordShell
- loretak - Lori
- loss4words - i lied, i said it's easy
- lyssie - ALC Punk!
- macleod - MacLeod
- madcowmoo - madcowmoo
- maddog31 - The One Who's Autistic about Baseball
- maleatg - MaleaTG
- malkav - I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
- mandingo - Bob Coleman
- mangocolada - Micaela
- maralasher - Hunter's Bitch
- margoeve - Storm Bringer - cleaning sins with torrents
- mariazoomsnail - Maria
- marlowe1 - Tim Lieder
- marrus - marrus
- masscooper - Diet Dr. Vodka
- mattboroson - Matthew Boroson
- mattycub - A vision of fur on rose petals
- mecculum - Pravartaka
- megami_sama - anay
- megg - megg
- meglet - Meg
- meimi - Meimi
- meiran - Chang Meiran
- meliaau - meliaau
- melodysk - Bitch Queen from Hell
- memories_malak - Dennis Racine
- mhickers - Michael Hickerson
- michelleleo - MichelleLeo
- mickr - Mick
- miguy - Michael Guy
- mildred - Strawberry Cheesecake
- minirth - minirth midori
- missadriane - Miss Adriane
- misti - misti
- moongirli - Nightengale
- moonpies42 - Moonpies42
- mordraug - Mordraug
- moxie - crazy handful of nothing
- mrpuzuzu - Neil
- mrzebra - Mr. Zebra
- murg - Tim
- mydarkstar - Twi
- namey - Bald Eagle
- nannyjan - Jan
- narcoleptic - Jungle Fighter Zeb
- nelson - Nelson
- nephthys - nephthys
- never - Ippolita
- nf - as white as they get
- nidoprincess - Jenny
- nitsuj - <enter name here>
- no_angel - Lena
- northern - Breathless Wonder
- nox - Friend Called Five
- number42 - Dan Traut
- obsessive_katy - Obsessive Katy
- odddecay - hug a revolutionary
- outlander - Isabel
- ozgeek - ozgeek
- paladin3 - The Big Old Black Great Dane
- pandora - behind blue eyes
- patricks - Patrick
- peeshypunk - peeshypunk
- pennae - Ada Apa Dengan Pennae?
- perinixie - perrinixie
- perizada - SV
- perkybitch - Ambiestar
- plymouth - The Water Seeker
- poeticdragon - Claire Fox
- ponyhead - Monday Morning Lunatic
- poofydoofy - Katie
- popularartistry - Artisan
- posir - don't whiz on the electric fence!
- posty54 - FunkyMonkeyButler
- princearthur15 - ArTeR
- prissychic - Prissychic
- pseudokat - Babbette the French Whore
- puppthead - The Sassy Frassy Lassie
- purupuru - Amy
- radiochick - Marie
- randomlife - David Andreasen
- rare - Sean
- rasputin - Jim! Ahh-ahhhhh! Savior of the universe!
- ravengirl - sugarbelly
- recoil - Ian
- red_dragon - Red Dragon
- renny - renny
- rfryer - Richard Fryer
- rhicat - Rhiannon
- ricin - Donato
- rmr - Robin's Journal
- robynlouise - Maddy Hanson
- robyno - Robyn
- rogue3 - Aaron
- rutalia - Rutalia the Lemon Goddess
- sabadius - Christopher Valmont
- sandrock - E-Chan/GundamSandrock
- sarafern - Drucilla
- sarafu - Sarafu
- sarah_bee - Sarah Bee
- saranwrap - Holli
- sarcastro - Evil Chipmunk
- sasha - 22nd Avenue Express
- sasori - Sasori
- sbaker - Steve
- scarykarrey - scarykarrey
- schnoodle - Schnoodle
- screamingdaisy - Lolliana
- screechy - Nadira's Journal
- seanmoon - O-ran U-tan
- seekyr - seekyr
- shadansa - Shadansa
- shadowcub - Patrick
- shannidee - Shannon Barney
- sharoane - My life is an exercise in inertia
- shaycbt - Lady Forgetalotupugus
- shelley42 - Always the Pallbearer, Never the Corpse
- sidd1605 - Sidd
- simonmarshall - Si
- sk8grlpunk - anah marie
- skinnyray - Mikie
- sky8 - Sky
- skylion - Marshal Zombie
- slappyhappy - Louise
- slayer - Caryn
- snoopyh42 - Adam H
- snugglepop - Beloved Lamb Plank
- solarias - Lauren
- sollitaire - Sollitaire
- sometimes - as she turns to go
- soulstorage - Lisolette
- sourgirli - askew
- space4rnt - class like pink champale
- sparkle - l'étincelle mignonne
- sparklymegz - Megz
- spikeydykey - shpikey
- stacyann - Stacy
- starlazdaze - Pale Orchid
- starre - dru
- starrynight - Heather
- stephenbooth_uk - Reverend Stephen Booth
- stormeye - makoto
- stormy - Stormy
- strawberrygrrl - Strawberrygrrl
- stringy - Stringy
- sugarwater - girlio
- swtlilhann - Hannah
- sylphic - ophelia
- sylvan - Silly Satyr
- talamasca - Talamasca
- tanseyo - tanseyo
- tapestry - tapestry
- tari - Tari
- tarstark - TarsTark
- tashari - Tashari
- teardrop - Shuichi
- teleute - teleute
- tep - Josh
- the_charmed_one - Chelsea
- thebookdragon - Menolly
- thedevil - Unspecified 2 dimensional demon in a rubber boot
- thedrought - but I'm le tired
- thejessicabacon - that cute chick over there
- thenike - Jim
- thepiratequeen - Extraordinary Machine
- thepsychoblonde - The Psycho Blonde, heather hartwell edison
- thopok - Bastiaan
- tiamatlady - TiamatLady
- tibi - Tim
- timepiece - timepiece
- timm - Tymm
- tirian - Dutch
- tlhf - Stuart
- toriamosnin - Beth
- tp - untitled ballad
- tressa - girlfriend.exe.bak (a.k.a. Jennette)
- trifle - Trifle
- triggerhappy - dalaz
- triplee - Eriq Sadiq, Scourge of the West Village
- trunksgirl - Pan Son
- tsenft - Terri Senft
- twicker - t
- tyche - countless screaming Argonauts
- ubu - ubu
- ummok - Shan @
- ungeekgirl - Caercia
- vaeran - god prefers a heretic
- velvetglitter - wintersweet
- venom - screams of pain
- veshadana - eMily
- vickistewart - Ikciv
- violinfreak - Duct Taped Head
- visceral - caryn
- vyxn - The Devil's Advocate
- wageslave - Lucan
- waxwings - pssst
- weds - Wednesday
- wibbble - John
- wilma210 - Tincerbell88
- witchzcat - Joanne
- wolfcat - Ky
- wolfling - Wolfling
- wolve02 - Jess
- worfie - Tubby Coat-Wearing Motherfucker
- wyrd_maiden - She's Not Like The Other Girls
- xena - Tricia
- xquizit - XQuiziT
- yakdog - Yakdog
- ynnny - Scot
- youngoat - youngoat
- yukio20 - Sunflame
- zanem - John
- zanzhera - Aina
- zippy_the_eel - A penguin, raised by eels