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User:quinnclub (127766) Paid User quinnclub
The Seminar
Professor Quinn's Favorite Class
Name:Professor Quinn
Location:California, United States
Bio:Welcome to my journal.

Most of my posts are public.  Part of this is an effort to not be ashamed or secretive about anything I do. Part of it is that I like having an audience, and I like my soapbox. That may change, in the future.  This journal may go entirely private, or go away.  As of this writing, however, there are close to a thousand entries. Most days I make at least one entry, often more. For newcomers, I've been told that this can be overwhelming. 

With that in mind, I created some categories in my Memorable Entires section, to make things easier for everyone. It also makes things easier for me, when I want to look back over where my head has been at in the last few years. I'm tweaking this all the time, just like I'm tinkering with myself all the time, trying to be the best me that I can.

The categories are:
My 2004 Horoscope: mostly of interest to me, this single post category is a collection of my horoscopes that I put together on my birthday, in 2004. I'm keeping it in Memories so that I can look and see how accurate it has been, as the year progresses. I expect to do this for other years, as well.
Address Book: This is my Address Book, and another single post category.  After losing so many off my computer, I started keeping it here.  No one but me can see the results of the poll, and it's a good way to collect and keep track of peoples' changing addresses, as people can go in and change their own address, when it changes.  To change your answers on any poll, just cluck on the poll number and then click on "Fill Out Poll."  Your new responses will replace your old ones.
Artists Way: These two posts are reminders for myself, from the Artists' Way community that [info]semperfiona and started.  I keep the contract and basic principles here, for easy access.
The Bene Gesserit LitanyAgainst Fear: Only visible to friends of recalcitrant.
Ex-lover rants: Friends' Only rant.
HPV: When I was first diagnosed with HPV, I wrote about it extensively.  I haven't written about it in a while, but these five posts helped me a lot.  I put them here as a reminder, and in case they can help others, as well.
Limerance: A post by [info]adultolescent, about the difference between love and limerance.  I've based a lot of my romantic decisions since on this idea, and I like to reread the entry from time to time.
Rants: I frequently become Mr. Rantypants.  I rant about everything from love to politics to war to gay marriage.  Then I save them here, to make sure that I don't rant about the same thing too often.
Other People's Posts: Sometimes, other people post things that I want to save.  So I put them here.  They are all public posts.
Poetry: When I write poetry in my journal, I save it here.  There are also posts her about editing poetry, and some poetry tha tI adore by other people, such as Neil Gaiman and Lucille Clifton.
Poly Friendly Professionals: A single-post category, a post from [info]polyamory about poly and kink friendly professionals.
Quinn 101: The basics of me.  These 100 or so posts are the ones that offer, in my opinion, the best insight into the workings of my mind, and into my life.
Teaching: A handful of posts about teaching, reviews of my classes and links.
Writing: Lots of links, and posts in which my writer friends talk at length about craft and process, every one of them worth reading over and over.  Thus, this category.

That's the easiest way to get a sense for what I write here.  I tend to add people as Friends only if I've met them in person.  It's not the best metric for screening people, but it's the only one I have.  I use filters, frequently, although I rarely post about what filter I'm using and the filter composition changes depending on my mood.  I use this journal in part to communicate with people I don't get to see regularly and in part to think out my ideas, which are constantly forming.  I'm a work in progress, and that is reflected here, in a big way.  Sometimes I say things the wrong way, or mis-speak.  That's normal, we all do it.  Some days I feel good, other days I don't.  That's normal, too.  I don't spend a lot of energy trying to be something I'm not, here.  I don't have time for it.  This journal isn't the best side of me - sometimes it's quite the opposite.  But it is a part of me and part of my dialogue with myself, and with my community, about what that means, and what it continues to mean as time goes on.

Thanks for stopping by.
Memories:279 entries
Pictures:10 public
Interests:143: alanis morissette, alternative lifestyles, alternative marriage, amber, ani difranco, anne bishop, artist's way, babies, bad language, bdsm, behavior modification, being in love, being insular, bisexuality, books, braaaaains, buffy the vampire slayer, canada, charles de lint, chi, chiana, chicks with wings, children, chocolate, choosing life, comic books, comics, community, compersion, cookie dough, coupling, creativity, crossgen comics, crossword puzzles, cuddling, culture, cynicism, dance, dancing, dark eros, domination, dorks, dorques, double entendres, education, emerson, farscape, fiction, fiction writing, firefly, folk music, friends, gaming, geek chicks, geeking, gender, gender confusion, ginger, girl music, harlequins, hpv, innuendo, ireland, irony, jesters, kink, kissing, language, leather, lemurs, librarians, livejournal, london, lord of the rings, loss of innocence, love, lust, may swenson, medical marijuana, mfa, monster truck rallies, morpheus, movies, mrs. quinn, music, nanowrimo, neil gaiman, nestlings, nre, over-analyzing, paganism, paranioa, passion, planetary, poe, poetry, poly, polyamory, pool, posthumanism, queer eye, reading, redheads, role playing, role-playing games, roleplaying, rpgs, s/m, sacred sexuality, sandman, sarcasm, school, seasonal asshole disorder, sensuality, sex, sexuality, shakespeare, sign language, snuggling, sociology, spike, storytelling, sushi, tafkar, tarot, tbr, teaching, the bbc, the princess bride, touch, transhumanism, transmetropolitan, traveling, triads, tribe, tripping, video games, war on drugs, whiny folk chicks, word games, words, working out, writing. [Modify yours]
People197:1muse, _aayesha_, a2macgeek, acogswell, adammaker, ahf, akrissy, amber_phoenix, anotherjen, arc_stormcrow, arcaedia, arcticelf, ayalanya, bbbsg, beckastar, beowabbit, bethr, boadiccea, bookteacher, butrachel, carthalon, cathijosephine, catling, catskillz, catya, caulay, ceelove, chadu, chaggalagirl, chaiya, champignon, chazari, cherrybutterfly, chillguru, ciani, cobweb, contessagrrl, corwin77, cos, cr0wgrrl, curgoth, damuddymeg, dancingwolfgrrl, darkerdays, darkrosetiger, darthmike, darxus, dcicuto, delerium69, desert_born, devilmuse, devina, dietrich, dilletante, djfanboy, djinnthespazz, djpsyche, dr_pretentious, drewzhrodague, dryadgrl, dylanmonster, eac, echospiralheart, ectophylla, ectropy, eeblet, elvendoll, emberwolfe, ericrowe, ert, eternaleponine, fennel, fenriss, feyandstrange, fraterrisus, geekchick, georgiamagnolia, glyneth, goat, goddess_help_me, grovegoddess, grymnir, hakamadare, hawkegirl, heinleinfan, heinous_bitca, hippybngstockng, iamdragonbait, ifuonlyknew, ironfinch, javenallese, jgcr, jillfelice, jirikido, jul3z, kajmal, kalimar, kaytecat, keyne, kit_kindred, klingonlandlady, koipond, lachesis, lady_anemone, lintra, longueur, lunatravels, malawry, mangosteen, matociquala, meadmaker, melonaise, mercurialgirl, mizarchivist, montacute, moominmolly, mrf_arch, msdaisy, mshades, my_catharsis, mzrowan, neeuqdrazil, network, nex0s, nimuegrrl, northbard, notshakespeare, number42, obscurerichard, ommango, orangecone, orendure, phedredemorire, pheromone, pink_peril, powerfrau, pseydtonne, psybelle, purple_terror, purpleyarrow, purrfab, quinnclub, quinnfriend, r_ness, randysmith, recalcitrant, redredshoes, redshrike, rezendi, rgljr69, rjpb, robyns_nest, roisnoir, rule30, scottopic, seadragon68, seditiouscanary, semperfiona, shayde, snap_pop, sol3, spacediva, spike, starkeymonster, starphire, stevefava, sunspiral, sunstealer, sunyata__, sweetmmeblue, tafkar, tafkarfanfic, tarot_musings, tenore, the_hoptoad, tigira, tobi, tragic_glass, trustme2, tryslora, tyellas, tymonkey, ultraferret, uniquecrash5, veek, veggiemama2003, water_childe, waysofseeing, wilfulcait, will_n_tara_grl, wispfox, wolfwoman, woodwardiocom, zerokey, zogathon, zsquirrelboy, zzbottom
Communities9:cookie_fortunes, ff_friday, grammargasm, hpv, marriagemusings, nikkinewsnet, nnnop_ed, ourartistsway, polyboston
Feeds5:hallofmirrors, karen_bot, metrokitty, sfad, words_end
Mutual Friends:191: 1muse, _aayesha_, a2macgeek, acogswell, adammaker, ahf, akrissy, amber_phoenix, anotherjen, arc_stormcrow, arcticelf, ayalanya, bbbsg, beckastar, beowabbit, bethr, boadiccea, bookteacher, butrachel, carthalon, cathijosephine, catling, catskillz, catya, caulay, ceelove, chadu, chaggalagirl, chaiya, champignon, chazari, cherrybutterfly, chillguru, ciani, cobweb, contessagrrl, corwin77, cos, cr0wgrrl, curgoth, damuddymeg, dancingwolfgrrl, darkerdays, darkrosetiger, darthmike, darxus, dcicuto, delerium69, desert_born, devilmuse, devina, dietrich, dilletante, djfanboy, djinnthespazz, djpsyche, dr_pretentious, drewzhrodague, dryadgrl, dylanmonster, eac, echospiralheart, ectophylla, ectropy, eeblet, elvendoll, emberwolfe, ericrowe, ert, eternaleponine, fennel, fenriss, feyandstrange, fraterrisus, geekchick, georgiamagnolia, goat, goddess_help_me, grovegoddess, grymnir, hakamadare, hawkegirl, heinleinfan, heinous_bitca, hippybngstockng, iamdragonbait, ifuonlyknew, ironfinch, javenallese, jgcr, jillfelice, jirikido, jul3z, kajmal, kalimar, kaytecat, keyne, kit_kindred, klingonlandlady, koipond, lachesis, lady_anemone, lintra, longueur, lunatravels, malawry, mangosteen, matociquala, meadmaker, melonaise, mercurialgirl, mizarchivist, montacute, moominmolly, mrf_arch, msdaisy, mshades, my_catharsis, mzrowan, neeuqdrazil, network, nex0s, nimuegrrl, northbard, notshakespeare, number42, obscurerichard, ommango, orangecone, orendure, phedredemorire, pheromone, pink_peril, powerfrau, pseydtonne, psybelle, purple_terror, purpleyarrow, purrfab, quinnclub, quinnfriend, r_ness, randysmith, recalcitrant, redredshoes, redshrike, rezendi, rgljr69, rjpb, robyns_nest, ...
Account type:Paid Account

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