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User:d4b (2478) Paid User View public key d4b
Name:David Beroff
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Location:Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, United States
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 3652887 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:It struck me that I should give more of a personal background here, to help give some framework to the journal, so I will:

I (once again) live with my wife, Alida, and my two children, Sara (1989) [info]sarabe and Nathan (1993) [info]_n_a_t_e_. My mother-in-law, Olga, moved out West in 01/03. Our house is pretty cramped, cuz we don't use the space very effectively. This journal includes the period Alida and I were separated, from 10/12/00 to 12/31/01.

The younger four of us are all into karate, although I'm probably the least involved of us. I still go 2-3 times a week, primarily for the cardio and de-stressing benefits.

Both of my parents are still alive, and I probably have more contact with them by email than by phone or in person. My one brother (younger by three and a half years) eloped on his 30th birthday, and he and his wife eventually had a child. I'd love to share names and pictures, but they've stressed their desire for heavy privacy, so I will respect that. At least I can say that the kid is cute.

Money's tight; the small business that we own has grown smaller since the dot-bomb, and cashflow is still pretty shakey. I remain optimistic, but it causes problems in the mean time.

They say that men are from Mars, but I was born in New York City, grew up in central Jersey, and I've lived in Jenkintown, PA, immediately north of Philadelphia, for the last 14 years.

Pretty much everything that I do is within walking distance, and many people in Jenkintown (official population: 4,997) know me as one who walks every where at every hour. I often joke that I fill my own car tank once a quarter, whether or not it needs it, but it's actually pretty much true.

Not many extra-curricular activities, but I am one of the more senior members of the Tookany Creek Sitting Co-Op, and I just joined the Adath Jeshurun Choral Society in 12/02.

OK, now here's the more biz-like bio:

Founder and CEO of LLC, David Beroff started writing software at the age of 11, and by the age of 18, he was teaching second-year Computer Science classes at Rutgers University.   He was graduated from there a year later.   Beroff started and ran the firm part-time from 1993 to 1998 while employed as a software designer, then jumped into full 100-hour weeks running when his final employer collapsed.

Please post your full name, date of birth, full address, and telephone number (plus cell phone number, if you have one) to your journal, as the first chronological entry (backdated) in your journal, with Private security, and leave a note in your userinfo indicating that you've done so. The life you save may be your own. In the event of an emergency, LiveJournal administrators can view this information -- and please believe that it is only used in the event of an absolute emergency. But you'd be surprised how many of those there are on a service with four million users. And in an emergency situation, every second counts.

Yes, the Abuse team occasionally hears of users who plan to commit suicide, but there are other situations where having this information could possibly be of use to the police. There have been, for instance, phone posts that were interrupted by physical violence before, and other such situations. The Abuse team often gets reports of these things, and oftentimes, there is nothing we can do to help, because we can't find you.

Please take a moment of your time and make this post. Your privacy will never be violated except in absolute need, and though we hope it will never be necessary, it could prove to be very necessary indeed.

Originally written by [info]rahaeli as a personal plea and does not represent any official position on the part of LiveJournal!

You can add this meme to your own journal by going here.

Well, ok, I didn't start this meme, but I sure gave it legs, so... In case of emergency, break glass.
Interests:80: advertising, apache, autism, autistic, baby-sitting, babysitting, bicycles, bicycling, business, caller id, cgi, children, choral, coaching, counselor, counseloring, currency, currency tracking, currency tracking study, dot-coms, english, exercise, exercising, family, food, geocaching, geology, gps, gpsr, hebrew, hiking, internet, internet advertising, iridium flares, jenkintown, jewish, judaism, judiasm, karate, leads, linguistics, literati, livejournal, maps, marketing, marriage, misspelling, money, music, news, parenting, perl, philadelphia, programming, reading, religion, running, scrabble, sender id, senderid, sexuality, sing, singing, sitting, soho, spf, subscribers, subscriptions, topography, unix, websites, where's george, where's george?, wheres george, wheresgeorge,, women, working out, writing, [Modify yours]
People126:_eyeball_, _n_a_t_e_, a_man_duhh, agentlizzle, agentscarlett, alidalg, angledge, anotherjen, asianjewgirl, big_a_from_pa, big_al, blythe, boutchitude, boutell, brad, bradfitz, break_the_chain, butterflysxy, cabernettornado, chaossix6, cheryloverby, cigi, cobaltbluetony, codeguy, coedholly, cognizance, compwiz, crxpanda, cutekelliekitte, czarinat, d4b, dark_soul_6, datandcog, djembe_boy, duchesslovebug, dustindiamond, dyinghappy, eaglewolf, eek_eek, elizab3th, ever_searching, fireburner, glamourxsuicide, grabowski, helter, hiraya, honeydust, i_c_p, imnottroubled, imperfection247, inka77, insomnia, iscreamyourname, jessdev, jesus, jette, jgambrell, jojobear99, katka, kelkitten, kellybellynet, kissmyassets, kokak, krow, langert, lhld, liteblack, livinginiran, lovewithnoface, ludic_eros, mage67, mahkram, majortom1981, marcuso, maxlee, mistahe, mitomi, mommydearest, mortonfox, mstarr2003, myemotionsbleed, myrrideon, narfer, nativestargazer, nolegs, ophelia_revived, paulakaiser, phillydad, pink_cinderella, pinkneonchick, pinrad, purfectx, realitygrl, redheadevilchiq, rinburibbongirl, rtz, running, ryanfitz, sahrie, sarabe, shadowz, shelly26, shoshana66, sofahead, sokwebhotell, spiderbeetle, stagemanager, star3girl, starglider, starla, status, subbes, summerslastrose, superrach100, temptingjezebel, terra, thatdiva, therainking, thewalkingman, thisismostlyme, toni, tydel, whitaker, whs, xphile101, xunker
Communities28:capahs, forex, fotobilder, hardware, helpscreening, limpidity, lj_biz, lj_maintenance, lj_support, ljdq, my_sex_journal, natgeo, news, outofcontext, paidmembers, perl, philadelphia, phillyover25, photographers, quizilla, quizilla_news, ru_spam_talk, septa, wallstreet, webdev, wheres_george, wheresgeorge, wordoftheday
Feeds8:badnarik, blogthings, boutchitude_x, eleanorian, guitar_chck, talkbiz, theonionfeed, yahootopstories
Friend of:61: _eye_added_yuo_, _n_a_t_e_, agentscarlett, alidalg, angledge, asianjewgirl, big_al, butterflysxy, cabernettornado, chaossix6, cheryloverby, codeguy, coedholly, cognizance, crxpanda, cutekelliekitte, czarinat, d4b, dark_soul_6, dustindiamond, eaglewolf, eek_eek, ever_searching, fireburner, glamourxsuicide, grabowski, helter, honeydust, kelkitten, kokak, kw34hd1, lhld, livinginiran, mage67, majortom1981, marcuso, maxlee, mortonfox, mstarr2003, myfriends, narfer, nativestargazer, paulakaiser, phillydad, pink_cinderella, pinrad, purfectx, richard_starkey, rinburibbongirl, sarabe, shelly26, shoshana66, sofahead, stagemanager, subbes, thatdiva, thewalkingman, thisismostlyme, tydel, whitaker, xunker
Member of:19: capahs, forex, hardware, lj_biz, ljdq, natgeo, outofcontext, paidmembers, perl, philadelphia, phillyover25, photographers, quizilla, quizilla_news, sextips, wallstreet, webdev, wheres_george, wheresgeorge
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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