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[21 May 2003|07:47am]
Now I'm so pissed off, I just wrote a really long post and it has been lost, in evil space somewhere.

This computer needs a reformat.


Much fist shaking!
4Meep!s | Report to the Tallest

Cake & Jatz [20 May 2003|06:44pm]
Sorry guys, Mark and I won't be comming to Games tonight.

Far too much shit going on at the moment.

We should see you on the weekend anyways.

6Meep!s | Report to the Tallest

[18 May 2003|09:45am]
Went over to Cat and Jakes house last night for games and drinkies again (maybe you should just cut us a key! :P) and had a great time. Jake took to writing down random shite that spurted from my mouth on a piece of paper towel so that he didn't forget and could hassle me about it later. I'm just waiting for that one. Oh dear. Mark shating around the house on Cat's new $3 roller skates. Xandou! That was funny. Almost breaking the same window twice however was not. :P Boobies!

Waiting around for McDonalds to switch over to their day menu, my stomach is missing its lining and I want another one. Grease baby!


Bought Dahlia the new Living Dead Doll yesterday. She is so cute. She's been cut in half and stiched back together. LOL. Also bought a little present for Cat but I stupidly forgot it. It will have to wait. And then I'll forget it. I know these things, so next time you come over, prompt me. Sad huh?

My The Thing What Squeaks arrived in the mail on Friday. I was so happy. It really does squeak.

Mark and I are having an ongoing argument about the Pepsi ad with Sharikra in it. I think she looks like a mole. Bleached blonde dry looking hair, eyes are too dark with not enough or any lipstick and when she skulls that Pepsi, I can't help but think of the iminate burp. However, Mark kinda likes her. I've checked with other male friends and apparently she is shagable. I think she needs a bullet. Who agrees with me on this one?

Mo-Jo-Jo-Jo is being a good boy ATM. Correction. He is a bad boy. He's been out with us, playing and being nice, then he looked like he wanted to go back in the cage so Mark went to put him back in. He didn't like that and made a bolt for the louvre windows and the top of the lounge room. Appears that he has full flight and I need to get his wings clipped again. Now is is pooping on Mark. Can you feel the love?
5Meep!s | Report to the Tallest

Random update [17 May 2003|11:15am]
Went over to Cat and Jakes last night for games etc.

Was kindly donated 2 big glasses of wine. I love you Cat and Pam!

Going into the City and maybe the Valley today. I've got to go for the final fitting for the skirt Rosemary is making for me. Thankfully I had the presence of mind to put a rather larger deposit on it initially because I have been pretty short on money recently. I think owning so many animals and having a really bad back is to blame. Also the bills, ebay addiction and general spending is to blame. Must save! We are planning on moving again, maybe in a month or so. It should be with one of the guys from the last house we were in (one that I liked and actually cleans now and again) and another guy we know. Arhhh, I want a house. This place is cheap but it's crap. Also, the shower has backed up again and it's flooding. Oh the joy. Draino here we come.

Anywho, that is all.
Report to the Tallest

[16 May 2003|08:05pm]

Take the 'What Jhonen
Project Would You Be?
' @

Quiz created by: [info]sweetestdisease

Report to the Tallest

[16 May 2003|07:57pm]
What is everyone doing tonight?

We feel like doing something!
2Meep!s | Report to the Tallest

[16 May 2003|09:36am]
I'm tired, bored and a little sick.

However, I have an RDO today, which is spiffy.

Probably going to try to get my Learners again today. Starting to feel the burn of being dependant on Mark giving me lifts everywhere and it bugs me.

Went to games on Tuesday for a bit, we had no food in the house at home so I scoffed chippies. Not the best thing for me but hey. Only got to play one game of Halo before my coughing enduced headache got to me, then developed into a migraine. Poop.

Aside from that, nothing much else has happened, except for the ususal crap that we all know about, so no need to go into it here.

Going to see an old friend on Sunday, am very excited. It's been ages since we last caught up.

Anywho, I'm off to do stuff.

Hello floor, make me a sandwich!
Report to the Tallest

We needed this quiz several months ago! [12 May 2003|08:02pm]
You are The Dutchess
You are The Dutchess

You have major mood swings. One moment, you're in
the kitchen beating your child and the next,
you're talking sweetly with Alice at the
croquet match. Maybe you should cut back on
the pepper intake?

What Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Report to the Tallest

Man, the quizes I've been doing recently haven't been painting a very good picture! [09 May 2003|07:07pm]
Angry Goth
Angry Goth

What Kind of Goth Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Report to the Tallest

[08 May 2003|08:26pm]
Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
CategoryYour Score Average
When I think about you - or anyone - I touch myself
It takes a couple of drinks
Sex Drive 57.9%
A fool for love, but not always
Knows the other body type like a map
Gayness 0%
Makes Dr. Frank-n-Furter look tame
Fucking Sick53.1%
Dipped into depravity
You are 34.02% pure
Average Score: 69.3%
Report to the Tallest

Rah! [08 May 2003|07:57pm]

Violence isn't the answer to everything. But it
seems like a good idea to you. You have a shit
list, it's alphabetical, and you're currently
at "H". People don't mess with you.

What Weird Quote Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
3Meep!s | Report to the Tallest

[06 May 2003|06:05pm]
I got my Geisha dress from Ebay in the mail today!


Oh the excitement!

It fits well (although it could be a little smaller) and is more pretty in the flesh than the picture showed.

Jake - I have money for you - can we put the others on your PayPal tonight?

We can't stay for long, Mark is sick so we should be over shortly.

Report to the Tallest

[04 May 2003|03:02pm]

My uber sad post about me being bored and left all alone has resulted in kind people calling and inviting me over for drinkies, shanagins and lamb!

Spanks to Cat and Jake!
Report to the Tallest

[04 May 2003|10:44am]
I really need to get another user pic to show off my new hair.

Does anyone have any pics that they could send me?

I've got a couple from family stuff but they aren't on a digi cam and the scanner is broken.
Report to the Tallest

[01 May 2003|08:12pm]
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
Report to the Tallest

[30 Apr 2003|06:56pm]
We had an interesting ride back from the train station tonight, we got hit in the rear by someone who wasn't watching where they were going and now my neck is sore.
12Meep!s | Report to the Tallest

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk! [28 Apr 2003|06:16pm]
Look what else I got!

The Thing What Squeeks!

I need to stop now.
Report to the Tallest

This is what I won on Ebay recently [26 Apr 2003|02:42pm]
The shoes


The dress

How excited am I?
6Meep!s | Report to the Tallest

[26 Apr 2003|01:07am]
[ mood | tired ]

Went to Cat and Jakes house for dinner tonight, was absolutely lovley, our compliments to the chef.

Got amazingly drunk from 3 glass of scotch, apparently I pour too large drinks.

Meli gave us a life in (many thanks sweetie) to the Valley, went out to Faith for the first time in ages.

This will be the last I think.

The music was awful. Maybe NIN and Marilyn Manson were popular about, oh I don't know, 5 YEARS AGO but now they are just crap and everyone (well at least most people, except for the newbies) are fucking sick of them. At the risk of sounding like an elitist fuckwit, I still say this - enough with the stuff everyone has heard 200 times! And the air-con, fair enough I smoke but I really don't want to breathe in everyone's else's sidestream because the air-con can't get rid of it. So, I think it is safe to say, that since leaving Cat and Jakes humble abode, my night has gone downhill and it is only 1:00am. And the music is too loud, you can't even hold a conversation. The most annoying thing is that this has been brought up numerous times on Hellbane and other people's journals.


End rant.

10Meep!s | Report to the Tallest

[24 Apr 2003|10:35am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Daytime television - I now aspire to be a housewife. ]

I've got a chiro appointment at 12:00 and also need to pay the rent.

Yet, I can't be arsed moving from my chair and actually getting ready.

I was up between 2:00 and 3:30 last night, not feeling very well at all.

That sucks.

And now I'm very tired and really am not looking forward to having my spine manipulated.

Oh, and parting with my hard-earned dollars to live in a house that is litarey falling down around us also annoys me.

Report to the Tallest

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