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User:laochbran (1240086) laochbran
The dragon that swam
In the seas of life
Location:Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Bio:I'm just this guy, you know?

I started writing this journal in 2003, and I wrote a bio at the time. But people move on. I'm not who I was. And now that I have a journal that covers the last year, I think I should let it speak for itself.

I named this journal laochbran for a pretentious reason. I lost a kind of special connection that I had with my son, but found a sense of purpose. That was an exciting time for me.

But I was also having some serious problems. I coped by being amazingly pretentious at times, but I also wanted to provide useful information, ranging from cooking and buddhism to literary analysis. I think my best writing at the time was to do with Popeye, the greatly underestimated philosopher.

I fell in love with [info]moltenshadow and she fell in love with me eventually. I wrote two poems that I am still proud of, and which still tell the truth. Breaking up with her was one of the most painful things I've done, and the reality is that it will never truly be over.

Things got worse after that. I blamed the antidepressants I was taking.

I met an aboriginal elder and a drummer, and felt really good about myself. I'm working through my issues. I'm finding artistic outlets in stand-up comedy and I play the drums, but my love life is still a mess.
Memories:13 entries
Interests:38: autism, bastard freakies, bug hunting, dance music, dragons, firan, game design, gunk, helping, information viruses, livejournal, livejournal support, magic, meme complexes, memes, memetics, mental disability, movies, mush, mythology, neurobiology, otherkin, personality disorders, propagation, psychology, roleplaying, screenwriting, shamanism, sp0rt, spr0t, storytelling, support, support sharks, taoism, traditional chinese medicine, transgender, valour above all else, writing. [Modify yours]
People114:acertaindoebear, albumlady, angelsk, anthologie, arienmir, atziluth, azahru, babb_chronicles, baxil, bitterlight, cadenzamuse, cadhla, cariadwyn, catkin, chrionna, chronicle, crasch, danielratherton, defenestr8r, delphaeus, desyana, deyaniera, dichotomy2, dreamflow, eclective, elehu, elenatb, emma_crowe, eris_shahid, fallibledragon, feedback_jini, forgottenmystic, godlyperspectiv, haikujaguar, halloranelder, haltedgrace, haunted_lady, headhasnoroom, hepkitten, howto, htj, imperialdragon, internet_addict, intuition9, jerseycajun, katriana, kevinpease, kiwired, klig, ladydiana, lederhosen, leora, lokira, lovewithnoface, matociquala, mermaidnchains, merovingian, michaelnolan, miss_rynn, misslynx, mnemosynosis, moiraowens, normanrafferty, peganthyrus, peregrinehill, pi216, platos_nicnac, postrodent, postvixen, psyntist, pthalogreen, purplkat, qamar, razorgirl_au, redredshoes, rho, rosefox, rosefox8, ross_winn, sanguinity_, sanguinitywrite, sartorias, satyrlovesong, sethanikeem, shadesong, shawnj, skelkins, spaaace_monkey, splodgenoodles, ssha, status, sum, tarleon, taufell, theferrett, thorfinn, thrames, thuath_reul, timelesswings, trapezebear, truevision, tyrc, vajrabot, viken, vvvexation, watery, wheel_of_masks, wolfieboy, xi_o_teaz, xredcordialx, yuki_onna, yulicorn, zisixi, zoethe
Communities53:aus_gamers, autism, blog_sociology, bookmarklj, channel_net, discuss_writing, eclecticspirit, empaths, fairy_lore, featureannounce, fictionslamming, firanites, formerassassins, house_of_syn, howto_userdoc, howtosupport, knownissues, little_details, lj_backend, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_support, lj_userdoc, memetics, news, no_pity, nonfluffypagans, o_k_research, occupational, online_therapy, pagan_writers, paidmembers, polyamorous, polyamory, pro_mushroom, psychology, seriouswriters, shamanism, support_pics, support_sharks, support_ssystem, support_testers, supportideas, supportlounge, supportoffice, tao_talk, tekalalmuck, thequestionclub, we_love_leora, wordoftheday, words_in_common
Feeds9:booksquare, calnhobbes, doonesbury, gibsonfeed, harpers, irregular_comic, overthehedge, sarah_weinman, theonionfeed
Friend of:77: acertaindoebear, albumlady, alceriniel, angelsk, arienmir, ataxiapb, azahru, bitterlight, buymeaclue, catkin, chronicle, danielratherton, defenestr8r, delphaeus, deyaniera, dildobucket_1a, elenatb, eris_shahid, fallibledragon, fool_in_spirit, godlyperspectiv, halloranelder, haltedgrace, haunted_lady, hepkitten, internet_addict, intuition9, katriana, kiwired, klig, ladydiana, lederhosen, leora, lovewithnoface, matociquala, mermaidnchains, merovingian, michaelnolan, misslynx, mnemosynosis, narb, normanrafferty, peregrinehill, pi216, platos_nicnac, postrodent, postvixen, psyntist, pthalogreen, radiofreecatgrl, rosefox, sanguinity_, sartorias, satyrlovesong, sethanikeem, shadesong, shawnj, skelkins, ssha, stagemanager, tarleon, taufell, theferrett, thrames, thuath_reul, timelesswings, truevision, tyrc, vaginalgoat, vajrabot, viken, xi_o_teaz, xredcordialx, yuki_onna, yulicorn, zisixi, zoethe
Member of:39: autism, blog_sociology, channel_net, discuss_writing, eclecticspirit, empaths, fairy_lore, fictionslamming, firanites, formerassassins, gunkmentoring, howto_userdoc, little_details, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_userdoc, no_pity, nonfluffypagans, o_k_research, occupational, pagan_writers, paidmembers, polyamorous, polyamory, pro_mushroom, psychology, seriouswriters, shamanism, support_pics, support_sharks, support_testers, supportideas, supportlounge, supportoffice, tao_talk, tekalalmuck, thequestionclub, we_love_leora, words_in_common
Account type:Free Account

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