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User:klig (943475) Paid User klig
Dr Klig has your medicine
I'm an amateur anthropologist at heart
Name:Mojo Filter
Location:Melbourne, Australia
AOL IM:AIM status 286731937 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status kligulon (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:...and then I got a LiveJournal.

Obviously I'm not going to fit an entire potted history of my life in here, so you might as well read the journal. To make it easier for you (and in case I'm having a boring week) I've put up some links to some of the better and longer stuff I've written on LJ as a taster. About a third of my journal is friends-locked, but that's mostly personal stuff. The rollicking good reads are open to all.

Serious thinky stuff:
God and religion
Specialization and generalization
Systemic and categorical thinking

Native Title
The Aboriginal "problem"
The Asian century
Aspirational voters and the rest of us
Australian sport

The car that ate my bike
Party boy or intolerant hermit?

Klig wonders about...
Being an only child
Screen names

Not so serious:
The British monarchy
Fur suits
Dr Klig goes Vet

Venting and ranting
Doof doof

Things that don't really fit anywhere else:
Arthur C. Clarke
A short bit of alternative history

I'm also the mod for [info]de_cypher, a strange kind of puzzle community.

This journal is first and foremost a place where I write about things that are interesting me or that I have come across in my travels. If you enjoy reading what I write, feel free to add me. If you want to comment, comment. I'll do the same.

I'm trying to get all my Livejournal friends' locations plotted on a map - please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

The nicest thing anyone's ever said about me on LiveJournal - Courtesy of [info]melquiades76.

Atrocity has no excuses, no mitigating argument. Atrocity never balances or rectifies the past. Atrocity merely arms the future for more atrocity. It is self-perpetuating upon itself—a barbarous form of incest. Whoever commits atrocity also commits those future atrocities thus bred.
-Frank Herbert

The pencil is mightier than the pen.
-Robert Pirsig

"Much that was called religion has carried an unconscious attitude of hostility toward life. True religion must teach that life is filled with joys pleasing to the eye of God, that knowledge without action is empty. All men must see that the teaching of religion by rules and rote is largely a hoax. The proper teaching is recognized with ease. You can know it without fail because it awakens within you that sensations which tells you this is something you've always known."
-Frank Herbert

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

Creative Commons License

The contents of this blog are licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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Memories:69 entries
Pictures:1 public
Interests:147: a_lad_inane, alexander the great, alice in wonderland, aliens, alternate history, ancient history, anthropomorphising plants, antique maps, archaeology, arete, artificial intelligence, australian slang, austria, being alive, berlin, biking, bone-carving, bonsai, books, brueghel, buying books, byzantium, caesar, chaps, cheese, coffee god yes, coldplay, collecting, constantinople, danny carey, dilbert, doctor who, dorothy porter, dreamy aspirations, dune, eddie izzard, egypt, etymology, europe, european history, evolutionary psychology, exercise, flamenco, flat-earth creationist jokes, flem, frenzal rhomb, galleries, german language, getting stuff sorted, giger, girls who wear glasses, greek and roman classics, green tea, gunter grass, hating humbert humbert, he-man\she-ra slash, hiking, history, holy roman empire, humanism, italo calvino, jay, jess, jorge luis borges, kiwi obsession with rugby, languages, latin, latin language, led zeppelin, libraries, linear a, linguistics, literature, live music, mackenzie theory, magical realism, making my house nice, mispeled interests, modern history, monogamy, monty python, muffin, museums, music, my own hypocrisy, new books, ninja attack bonsai!, obscene amounts of books, octopus, olives, oolong tea, paco de lucia, patrick leigh fermor, paul atreides, philip k. dick, philosophy, photography, pink floyd, pointless polls, politics, premonitions of apocalypse, pretty much everything, prussia, public holidays, public transport, quality, radiohead, reading, robert pirsig, rock climbing, roman empire, romania, rome, russia, salman rushdie, sci-fi, science fiction, sex, siegfried sassoon, silence, simpsons, sleep, small victories, smashing pumpkins, sophie ellis-bextor, spurious interests, st petersburg, surprises, synaesthesia, taoism, tea, the blues, the fast show, the fermi paradox, the hermitage, the letter v, the simpsons, the sun, time, tool, travel, trees, turkey, utopia, vegetarianism, wine women and song, yi xing teapots. [Modify yours]
People156:8footwookie, a_lad_inane, abstract_savant, ailish, aletharch, alethe, amberspyglass, andricongirl, ark, arpad, astrokaiju, barrington, bed, biseinen, blacks42, bonobo_theory, brac, burkean, byzantinespy, cannabanoid, cdpoint, chappell, charity_whore, chickenfeet2003, chuckdarwin, clownfishdesign, cnwb, coralscars, correspondguy, crassy, czarina69, dadmirald, darkbay, davidcook, dch, dearcassandra, dearwinifred, debauchee, delve, destined4nothin, dollpaper, dr_nic, drood, drownedinink, echo_anomie, eclips1st, emoticripple, epideme, evil4unmi, exzy, fishbreeder, flemco, forthright, fragiletender, gentleman_lech, ghastlymess, givemethegun, glib_dichotomy, hangedwoman, hyperina, iberia, idlehymns, imomus, jazzyjay, jen_tlemnfarmer, joemorf, john_howard, journalyearzero, jozefpronek, jul3z, jupitah, kale_eater, katalysis, katiger, killfile, klig, lamartin, lao_tzu, laochbran, lilith23, lisanne, lizzabette, lokicarbis, lunassasin, madcowmoo, mark_latham, melquiades76, meremaiden, minga, mmmeva, molkovia04, mortuus, mr_fil, mr_nixon, mutti, nanikore, opportunitygrrl, owlrigh, paracelsus, passiflora_moon, pegkerr, pi216, pixel12, quuf, rabican, rakafkaven, redherring, reflexionen, rincemaj, ruby_gem, salachan, saladbar, samanthalake, samikami, sarahshines, sassenach_j, scarletdemon, sclerotic_rings, scouseboy, seattleforge, seitanicvegan, seltzerduke, she_rambles, shemchadash, skuwiph, smpte, solri, sophronia, spacenymph, sperfur, sphinx_n_herhat, springheel_jack, stucken, sumsinnow, takhisis, tamnonlinear, temujin9, teratai, theferrett, thirty_percent, tiresias2, trayce, tredligrrrl, unsworn_nomore, usuakari, vizilla, whirled, wiredwizard, wohali, wolfdancer, writingstatic, wyrrlen, ysabelly, yuki_onna, zhent, zoethe
Communities10:2hot4philosophy, anovelinpieces, aussiequestions, de_cypher, lj_nifty, mobettameta, news, paidmembers, photochallenge, readers_list
Feeds7:althistoryblog, calnhobbes, dilber3, doonesbury, gibsonfeed, pennyarcaderss, sinfestfeed
Mutual Friends:153: 8footwookie, a_lad_inane, abstract_savant, ailish, aletharch, alethe, amberspyglass, andricongirl, ark, arpad, astrokaiju, barrington, bed, biseinen, blacks42, bonobo_theory, brac, burkean, byzantinespy, cannabanoid, cdpoint, chappell, charity_whore, chickenfeet2003, chuckdarwin, clownfishdesign, cnwb, coralscars, correspondguy, crassy, czarina69, dadmirald, darkbay, davidcook, dch, dearcassandra, dearwinifred, debauchee, delve, destined4nothin, dollpaper, dr_nic, drood, drownedinink, echo_anomie, eclips1st, emoticripple, epideme, evil4unmi, exzy, fishbreeder, forthright, fragiletender, gentleman_lech, ghastlymess, givemethegun, glib_dichotomy, hangedwoman, hyperina, iberia, idlehymns, imomus, jen_tlemnfarmer, joemorf, john_howard, journalyearzero, jozefpronek, jul3z, jupitah, kale_eater, katalysis, katiger, killfile, klig, lamartin, lao_tzu, laochbran, lilith23, lisanne, lizzabette, lokicarbis, lunassasin, madcowmoo, mark_latham, melquiades76, meremaiden, minga, mmmeva, molkovia04, mortuus, mr_fil, mr_nixon, mutti, nanikore, opportunitygrrl, owlrigh, paracelsus, passiflora_moon, pegkerr, pi216, pixel12, quuf, rabican, rakafkaven, redherring, reflexionen, rincemaj, ruby_gem, salachan, saladbar, samanthalake, samikami, sarahshines, sassenach_j, scarletdemon, sclerotic_rings, scouseboy, seattleforge, seitanicvegan, seltzerduke, she_rambles, shemchadash, skuwiph, smpte, solri, sophronia, spacenymph, sperfur, sphinx_n_herhat, springheel_jack, stucken, sumsinnow, takhisis, tamnonlinear, temujin9, teratai, thirty_percent, tiresias2, trayce, tredligrrrl, unsworn_nomore, usuakari, vizilla, whirled, wiredwizard, wohali, wolfdancer, writingstatic, wyrrlen, ysabelly, ...
Also Friend of:1: kw34hd1
Member of:8: 2hot4philosophy, anovelinpieces, aussiequestions, de_cypher, lj_nifty, mobettameta, paidmembers, photochallenge
Account type:Paid Account

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