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Sunday, January 30th, 2005
2:32 pm
I just fed like a thousand seagulls!

current mood: excited

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Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
2:25 pm - ...

Well it could have been worse, I guess. But I did have to spend a few hours in the ER. I have a pre-existing heart condition and while coming home from the grocery store last night I started having a lot of problems. Michael and I ended spending the rest of the night in the ER. I have a appointment with a cardiologist on thursday, and lots of cool EKG stickers.

current mood: groggy

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Thursday, January 13th, 2005
1:27 am - Here is a another site Michael made :)

current mood: geeky

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Saturday, January 8th, 2005
11:08 pm - !
It's snowing!

current mood: excited

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Thursday, January 6th, 2005
1:45 am - Yeah that about sums it up....

current mood: silly

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Friday, December 31st, 2004
8:28 pm - Happy New Years!

current mood: hyper

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Sunday, December 26th, 2004
9:06 pm
Michaels birthday was great. He gets two birthdays, because he was born the 21st in New Zealand and that is the 22nd in USA. I made him a snickers cake (his idea) and we went out to dinner. The rest of the two days was spent doing other stuff ;) I am so glad all this christmas BS is over with. We don't celebrate it at all so this month has been very long. Its almost impossible to NOT have christmas stuff thrown in your face every two seconds, but we survived. I am looking forward to the new year and lots of champagne. I wish I had a fridge filled with champagne like on Absolutely fabulous. That would rule..

current mood: cheerful

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Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004
1:59 pm - Birthday Boy
Michael gets lots of spankings today!

current mood: hyper

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Wednesday, December 8th, 2004
6:46 pm;=web&qtw;=640&qth;=400

current mood: curious

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Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
3:01 pm
Ludo is afraid of orange segments, but I love him anyway.

Its really cold here and I love it. I like going out to the park and getting all numb from the cold, then coming inside to this warm house. The temperature change makes my skin change from pink to white and sometimes during the change it looks like polka dots.

current mood: happy

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Friday, November 19th, 2004
2:24 am - Target is cool.;=B0002KPIBO

current mood: amused

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Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004
3:21 am

And Ludo in his costume (ripe banana)

current mood: bouncy

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Saturday, October 23rd, 2004
5:56 pm - eyeball cupcakes

current mood: happy

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Monday, October 18th, 2004
12:48 am
What is everyone being for Halloween?

current mood: awake

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Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
12:09 am - I miss Thera!

Thera needs to come visit me, now. We could get drunk and bitch about everything, then play dress up.

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Monday, October 11th, 2004
12:21 pm - is this really legal?

Somebody needs to remind the American people that the Vietnam War WAS a mistake, and if people like Kerry has not returned from Vietnam and informed the public about the reality there then tens-of-thousands more kids might have died in that disaster.

current mood: annoyed

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Thursday, October 7th, 2004
4:20 pm - MMmmm
I got butterscotch and cocoa scented body wash. It rules.

current mood: nerdy

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Sunday, September 26th, 2004
6:35 pm - ...

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1:05 am
I have been busy lately, so I haven't spent much time browsing LJ or updating this one. Not much new around here. Things with the house are finally getting wrapped up and we plan on putting it on the market soon. I am really happy that we have been able to take our time fixing it up. Doing all these little things will hopefully pay off when it finally sells. Once we have this house up for sale Michael and I will start looking more seriously for our new place. We are still unsure about where we want to move too. Both of us *really* want to move to New Zealand, even more so lately.. But moving there would mean leaving our pets behind. New Zealand has very strict importation laws when it comes to animals. No pit bull breeds, or mixes of pit bulls allowed. Also all animals must do a mandotary 3 month quarantine. We can't imaging leaving our pets behind so its all very upsetting. But I know we will be happy where ever we do end up moving, so I am trying not to stress over it much :)

current mood: excited

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Saturday, September 18th, 2004
5:27 pm - : )
Yay its starting to get cold outside!

current mood: excited

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