Below is information about the "quotes_galore" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | quotes_galore (1845946) |
Name: | quotes_galore |
About: |
Welcome to quotes_galore!!!
Any quote that you post, can do with anything and everything, just be nice with your quotes.. and if you care to comment on them, go right ahead!
This is a community where you can post any of your favorite, least favorite, whichever and whatever kind of quotes you wish to. Please no verbal language or verbal abuse on what others have to right.
If a certain quote came from someone, please place the author or who wrote it after the quote.
Poetry is allowed.. your own and others.. just make sure you follow Rule #1.
Make sure for longer posts, use a GJ cut, and if you aren't sure how to use one.. ask me or look it up in FAQ.
If the quote/poem is really interesting to you, or you really like it, please leave a comment. Or, post your favorite quote in a comment that someone else has left.
NO swearing
Please be nice to others. If you don't like something, please keep your mouth SHUT. This is a NO DRAMA Community.
Once you become a member, you have to AT LEAST post something atleast ONCE a week.. and I don't mean just a comment. Make a post!!
I haven't made any icons or a layout for this community. If you are interested in making icons or even a layout, please contact me either by email: or AIM me at shymeg83.
Thank You *Meg* babygirl8381
Interests: | 139: abuse, accomplishment, achievement, attitude, beauty, being, boyfriends, break-ups, brothers, caring, chances, chat, children, chocolate, commitment, conversations, couples, courage, cravings, cuddling, decision making, decisions, deep thoughts, depressed, desire, desires, determination, divorce, dreaming, dreams, driven, emotions, encouragement, enemies, engagements, excitement, expressing feelings, faith, family, fate, feelings, forgiveness, friends, friendship, friendship quotes, friendships, gentlemen, girlfriends, giving, goal setting, god, growth, guidence, happiness, happy, heart, help, helping, helping others, hope, hugging, hugs, humor, husbands, inspiration, inspirational, kindness, kisses, kissing, leadership, letters, life, love, love quotes, love stories, lust, lyrics, making changes, marriage, meditating, meditation, men, military, miracles, motivating, motivation, movie quotes, movies, moving on, music, needs, parents, patients, peace, philosophy, poems, poetic, poetry, positive attitude, possibilities, postive thinking, proposals, quotations, quotes, recovery, reflecting, reflection, respect, romance, sad, self respect, self-esteem, seperation, sex, sharing, siblings, sisters, snuggling, songs, spiritual, stressed, success, support, sweet, taking chances, talking, teddybears, thinking, thoughts, time, true love, truth, waiting, wants, weddings, wisdom, wives, women, words. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 65: _alwaysovercast, _desiderio, _itsbeenawhile_, absolut_cunt, alefbetsoup, amerquise, axames9135, baby_strawberry, babygirl8381, bamsmorbidangel, beneath_it_all, britebabybluezz, callous_, cant_thiink1630, chicarooo2, clairezabear, crc_quotes, crushed__dreams, cutieprinzess05, damnuskippy, dancerchikk, daydreamer162, dreamaphobe, februarymistake, flutter_by_04, geijutsuka_chai, girlnxtdo0r, go_eh_way, grlgoneacoustic, hypergrl89kj, iceisscary, irishgeminigurl, irresponsible, jnah, kerbear2104, kudiekid, lilmisshottness, live_4_life, magnos2020, megalegs83, mentallydisabld, mugirl34, pinkparis22, pinktoyplayer, quotesfreak, raspberryangel, reckalicious, rhafreak04, s0_t3mptiin, sailorneptune13, selosa, shelbaquerkey, short_shyt07, shyenne, squealingpiglet, strawberrimunki, sullengrrl83, sweetlilred58, theonlyspree, tracie919, trmelton, vicious_vanilla, volcomchikki16, wishful_th1nker, xbroken_tearx |
Watched by: | 56: _brokenstars_, _desiderio, _itsbeenawhile_, _pink_as_fuck_, alefbetsoup, amerquise, andimlikewoah, andthenwekissed, axames9135, baby_strawberry, babygirl8381, bamsmorbidangel, britebabybluezz, cant_thiink1630, chicarooo2, clairezabear, crc_quotes, dancerchikk, dreamaphobe, familyzoo, firetrucks, geijutsuka_chai, girlnxtdo0r, groovygemie, iceisscary, irishgeminigurl, jnah, karazaloser, kerbear2104, kudiekid, lilmisshottness, live_4_life, magnos2020, marie1928, mentallydisabld, mugirl34, oh_bloody_hell_, prideandflame, quotesfreak, raspberryangel, rhafreak04, shelbaquerkey, short_shyt07, squealingpiglet, strawberrimunki, sullengrrl83, superstarpaula, sweetlilred58, t1nkurbell, theonlyspree, thinkthin128, tracie919, trmelton, vicious_vanilla, volcomchikki16, xo_baby_juli_ox |
Account type: | Free Account |