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Keenspot Comics

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Friday, March 18, 2005

February 22, 2005
That's all, folks. Thank you for reading!

If you're despondent over the lack of QoW, this news may cheer you - due to an overwhelmingly positive reader response, QoW will start again next Monday and re-run all the original strips, seven days a week, with commentary. That's right, if you so choose you'll get to read my babblings about what exactly went on with the strips, stuff that wasn't supposed to happen, ideas that were ditched, ideas that were never explored, the works. I realize it's not NEW strips, but I thought it would be fun to do while I work on putting out my next project. Speaking of the next project - I will be announcing it as soon as it's ready to go. Keep an eye on the website, or the LJ community, or the forum, as I'll be posting it all over the place once it's live.

For those looking for other strips to read, check out my links section, and also the Keenspot dropdown up in the corner has a ton of good reads on it as well.

I have an utter BOATLOAD of original strip art. Still. If you haven't gotten a chance to grab one yet, now would be an excellent time! As before, it's a random draw - hooray for mystery and FUN! Here's the link to the auction - go take a look and bid!

Something Positive
Sexy Losers
Scary Go Round
Checkerboard Nightmare
It's Walky
Psychic Dyslexia Institute
Combustible Orange

Kill all remaining time you have here:
The Dionaea House - creepy and cool story!
fishfish designs: KITTY HATS!
Common Rotation - awesome band!
The Faerie Citadel: Wings and More!
Electronic Mayhem

Email Me

Hi there! You are reading the Queen of Wands rapid-fire reruns, a seven-day a week run of QoW with commentary. Commentary on later strips will contain spoilers, so if you are a new reader and here for the first time, I suggest you take a trip to the beginning of the archives and give the comic a read-through spoiler-free before jumping into the commentary.
This marks the third strip in the Queen of Wands/Something Positive crossover. To see the corresponding S*P strip, click here
Originally aired 9/18/02: Poor Kestrel. She just wants a cat that will love her. Poor Choo-choo. He just wants the psychotic redhead to leave him the hell alone. ....oooo, Kingdom Hearts. Shiny! I loved that game, bought it when it came out. Square meets Disney. Yummy. Luckily these crossover strips didn't really demand too much on either end - I'd talk to Randy, we'd say 'okay, here's what's going to happen here, what's going to happen over there so I know what to do on my end tomorrow', and that would be it. I think it's about the laziest crossover ever done. Panel two is still one of my favorite panels from the comic. He just looks so desperate. And deprived of air.

Randy interjects: Originally aired 9/18/02: I remember, at this point, realizing I had to update EXACTLY when Aeire did... and realizing the flaw in doing crossovers. Back then, I usually updated at 1am. If it weren't for my gay lover at the time, a Captain Morgan, I'd not have survived.