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User:a_theist (538689) Paid User a_theist
imago Dei
aspiring to dethrone the god of classical theism
Website:Center for Process & Faith
Location:Wichita, Kansas, United States
AOL IM:AIM status depersonalized (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status soldoutapriori (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:depersonalized
Bio: I am the kind of guy that likes philosophy, but wouldn't ever, ever, ever major in it. I would rather study it on my own than waste money writing papers on topics that the teacher assigns. (I was wrong, I am majoring in philosophy this coming fall at Washburn University.)

Age: 27
Height: 6ft
Weight: 222 (I am not fat, I am big boned!)
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Blue


one day my ashes will return to earthly slumber
spread far and wide across the desert and the sea
until then i will live each day in awe and wonder
look forward to each sunrise ~Mark Solomon (Stavesacre)

Paul is a:

  • Someone who wants to be more humble in his faith and debates
  • Christian: not in the traditional sense
  • Rationalist/empiricist in respect to God (Yahweh). Although this may appear to be a contradiction, I find rest in it being more of a paradox, thus freeing it from any genuine criticism. In my opinion, this approach is the most adequate way of viewing the creator of the universe.
  • Hartshornean Panentheist
  • A Process Theist and a fan of the works of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne
  • evolutionist
  • Lover of Taco Bell

I am also begining to realize that I am not as different from other people in the world as I had previously thought-- Live Journal has shown me that much.

Quotable Quotes:

"About the age of seventeen , after reading Emerson's Essays, I made up my mind (doubtless without somewhat hazy notion of what I was doing) to trust reason to the end."
-Charles Hartshorne

"The 'sovereignty' of God is not, I suggest, a very biblical idea, especially if one has a low opinion of the respect of sovereigns for the freedom of their subjects."
~Charles Hartshorne

"I NEVER defend the Church's behavior. "The Church", as an institution, is a religion thing, not a relationship-with-Jesus thing. There are genuine ("remnant"?) disciples in the Church, and perhaps outside the Church, but the Church as an institution is NOT a relationship. It is a very very human thing."
~Gregory A. Boyd

"If we only love those who agree with us, we are in fact not loving others at all; we are only loving the assumed rightness of our own ideas." --Greg Boyd

"Believers should submit to the teaching of the Bible, even if this means affirming beliefs that seem to be (but are not actually) in violation of the law of contradiction.

The TROUBLE is that, if something is a contradiction in my mind then it is devoid of content in my mind and thus I am submitting to nothing in submitting to it.

I would rather hold that if a biblical teaching seems to imply a contradiction, this is one good bit of evidence that we are not understanding a biblical teaching. Recognizing that we cannot authentically submit to a nothing, we should press on to make sense of the teaching so we can eventually submit to something.

When we submit to contradictions (or what we think are contradictions) we miss an opportunity to advance our understanding."
-Gregory A. Boyd

1 Timothy 2:15-"but she shall be saved through her child-bearing, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety." (this one is a joke, not to be taken seriously.)

"being weird is rarely a total waste of time" - Greg Boyd

"Remember, education is MORE about confronting views you don't hold than absorbing views you already hold."
-Greg Boyd

Everything flows and nothing stays.
--Quoted in Plato's Cratylus

Philosophy never reverts to its old position after the shock of a great philosopher.
--Alfred North Whithead

"No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude."
-Alfred North Whitehead

"Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge."
-Alfred North Whitehead

Scientists animated by the purpose of proving that they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study.
-Alfred North Whitehead

The defense of morals is the battle-cry which best rallies stupidity against change.
-Alfred North Whitehead

"What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like and immorality is what they dislike."
-Alfred North Whitehead

"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but the firm resolve of virtue and reason."
-Alfred North Whitehead

"I know I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing."
-- Socrates

"By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."


"The unexamined life is not worth living."

The unexamined life may not be worth living, but the overexamined life is nothing to write home about either.
-Daniel C. Dennett

"Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity."

"But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:33

"Paul, I'm afraid I have no good advice. I have a very bad memory. The only real way to understand and remember ideas is to USE them. At least that's my experience."
--DG (David Griffin)

"One day this world will see me at the horizon
One day from a distant light
And just before I stand to face my love
I'll turn around
And with a smile I'll say my goodbyes
Just one last goodbye

Linkable Links:

I wish I wish...


The Cosmic Adventure: Science, Religion and the Quest for Purpose by John F. Haught

"Hymn of the Universe" (Pierre Teilhard de Chardins book available on-line)

David Ray Griffin

John B. Cobb, Jr.

If accuracy and clarity are important to you, the New Revised Standard Version should be your next Bible!

Philosophy of Mind Dictionary

Apologetics Encyclopedia


Theology Discussion Revamped!

The Logical Fallacies: Index

The Simpsons!

South Park Studios

You may be a fundamentalist atheist if....

Discontent([info]johnwayneonacid's website)


my xanga weblog

38th Parallel

Sign my Guestbook, pleasespeeeen!

click me darnit!

Click me

Strongbad emails

If you would like someone to pray for something going on in your life, please go here.


An explanation of my username because I am tired of confusing people

Interests:soteriology, christology,

Memories:7 entries
Pictures:less than 10 public
Interests:148: 38th parallel, a perfect circle, abraham joshua heschel, actual occasions, aesthetics, agnosticism, alfred north whitehead, anti anti-semitism, anti-calvinism, anti-gnosticism, anti-paganism, anti-puritanism, anti-relativism, atheism, blindside, blink-182, charles hartshorne, charles sanders peirce, claremont school of theology, cognitive science, coldplay, comedy, compulsive thinking, cosmology, creation out of chaos, david ray griffin, dipolar theism, disciples of christ, donald wayne viney, east west, empiricism, epistemology, ethics, evanescence, evolution, evolutionary theology, existence and actuality, fallacy of misplaced concreteness, free will, god, greg boyd, hard-core common sense, jay and silent bob, jesus, jesus christ, jewish studies, john b. cobb jr., john f. haught, keane, kenneth r. miller, kids in the hall, lazy intellectuals, lewis s. ford, logic, logical fallacies, love, marcus borg, married with children, mathematics, metaphysics, metaphysics of the future, miracles, monotheism, muse, n.t. wright, natural theology, naturalistic theism, neoclassical philosophy, neoclassical theism, neurophilosophy, neuropsychology, neuroscience, nicholas rescher, noosphere, novelty, omega point, omnibenevolence, omnipotence, omniscience, ontology, open theism, open view theism, panentheism, panexperientialism, panpsychism, pantemporalism, pauline epistles, pelagianism, philosophy, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, pierre teilhard de chardin, postmodern liberal theology, postmodern theology, pragmatism, presentism, process christology, process eschatology, process hermeneutics, process interdisciplinary thought, process metaphysics, process philosophy, process theodicy, process theology, process thought, project 86, proper grammar, psychedelic trance, purpose, quantum mechanics, radiohead, rationalism, reading, realism, reality, reason, ronald l. farmer, scrubs, secular humanism, self-determining freedom, simpsons, south park, spiritual warfare, st. paul, stavesacre, stewie griffin, sunflower seeds, sunny day real estate, surrelativism, synergism, taco bell, taoism, teilhard de chardin, the killers, the mind-body problem, the problem of evil, the simpsons, theism, theodicy, theology, theosophy, thomas nagel, time, tom green, tool, trinitarian theology, value. [Modify yours]
People150:1dream_weaver, _distorted_eyes, a_theist, achalanatha, aequo_animo, afraidtorejoice, aftondays, ahypnoticdream, alabra, aligatorii, allybarlow, amygdalan, angelicscars, archangel__7, arosebud918, ascraeus, atacuivel, awintersrose, badsede, blackperception, bombshell_bill, brotherj, cabrutus, chasemice, clarkshespits, clientisme, clintiskeen, cloudkucooland, cobain27, cobain_x_mortis, cometogether, cynicalscholar, danceswithvodka, dandycat, dandylion_523, daoistraver, deuschristus, dimethirwen, doctorvertigon, doodlebug19, elfin1980, emilyd422, empiress, erin_england, eternal_peace, flux1100, for_fun, fraly, geekqueen, godtrip, grungepuppie, guttaperk, halcyonbluehue, highexecutive, holytrinity, homo_registry, hosanna, hspete, immutable, iq2hi4uok, isoldmysoul2him, itsacountry, jenicided, jennet, jesusjakhammer, jjkbee, johnwayneonacid, katieboyd, kepharel, lacyrose81, lessahlee, liandriel, lifeisvanity, lilwilly, liquidviolet333, litlebanana, lolita7, lordtumnus, lost_love4life, lostphishsoul, luckysnorkel, lurker, machiko3377, materialme, megalomaniac972, mercutiaah, misslizzy, misswallace, mortuus, mozartsghost79, mrsscheisskopf, naamah, nailsc33, neurogirl, newzerokanada, octorok, onerowdychick, onlinepastor, opheliavane, ozzisme, palehorse, pcusaboy, pinkstars_, postbagboy, powersparkles, princessface, prissypie, process_thought, rayefrenzy, reckless_fool, rehab_rejectxkc, richardlog, ricochet_rabbit, rmwilliamsjr, saltandlight, salvation_child, scrabbledude, selenapoet, seraphimsigrist, sglider, shelliestar81, shoshi, sibyl_at_cumae, simplyme1, snur_snorre, spacefem, spider_677, synanimus, syzygy, teenchristian, thais, thedairyqueer, themennonite, therootbeer, thormonger, tidesong, timv, tishy, travellingzinda, triphicus, trumpetofchrist, tulipbr, uncertainanswer, under_blood, veazey21, vt_hokiepokie, worshipallday, xtrishxx, xx__heather__xx, zao_mori
Communities49:38th_parallel, 3faithdialogue, adoptedbychrist, aenima, anti_porn, antisepticnoise, apologetics, atheism, atheists, baneofexistence, bible_study, blindwatchmaker, blink182fans, cartoon_quotes, christianity, convert_me, determinism, electric_chair, familyguy, femalearchetype, freetobelieve, genepool, interfaith_talk, jesusliberation, learnphilosophy, ljbiblecrew, ljchristians, ljprayerteam, logic_forum, merely_theists, neuroscience, onmywayhome, philo_debate, philosophy, queryforanswer, questionofgod, real_philosophy, religiousdebate, scietech, south_park_fans, stand, stavesacre, strictlytool, students4christ, theism, theologia, thought_club, verseoftheday, waytruthandlife
Friend of:133: 1dream_weaver, _distorted_eyes, a_theist, achalanatha, aequo_animo, aftondays, alabra, aligatorii, allybarlow, angelicscars, archangel__7, arosebud918, ascraeus, atacuivel, badsede, blackperception, bombshell_bill, brotherj, cabrutus, chasemice, clarkshespits, clientisme, cloudkucooland, cobain27, cobain_x_mortis, cynicalscholar, danceswithvodka, dandylion_523, daoistraver, dildobucket_1b, dimethirwen, doctorvertigon, doodlebug19, elfin1980, emilyd422, empiress, erin_england, eternal_peace, flux1100, for_fun, fraly, gayjesus2004, godtrip, grungepuppie, halcyonbluehue, highexecutive, holytrinity, homo_registry, hosanna, hspete, iq2hi4uok, isoldmysoul2him, itsacountry, jenicided, jennet, jesus_thesavior, jesusjakhammer, jjkbee, johnwayneonacid, kepharel, lacyrose81, lessahlee, liandriel, lifeisvanity, lilwilly, litlebanana, lolita7, lordtumnus, lost_love4life, lostphishsoul, luckysnorkel, lurker, machiko3377, materialme, megalomaniac972, misslizzy, misswallace, mozartsghost79, mrsscheisskopf, naamah, nailsc33, neurogirl, newzerokanada, octorok, onerowdychick, opheliavane, ozzisme, palehorse, pcusaboy, pinkstars_, postbagboy, powersparkles, princessface, prissypie, rayefrenzy, rehab_rejectxkc, richardlog, ricochet_rabbit, rmwilliamsjr, saltandlight, salvation_child, scrabbledude, seraphimsigrist, sglider, shelliestar81, shoshi, sibyl_at_cumae, simplyme1, snur_snorre, spacefem, spider_677, suspended_, syzygy, teenchristian, thais, thedairyqueer, themennonite, therootbeer, theswingsets, thormonger, tidesong, tishy, total_fucktard, travellingzinda, triphicus, trumpetofchrist, tulipbr, uncertainanswer, veazey21, worshipallday, xtrishxx, xx__heather__xx, zao_mori
Member of:49: 38th_parallel, 3faithdialogue, adoptedbychrist, aenima, anti_porn, antisepticnoise, apologetics, atheism, atheists, baneofexistence, bible_study, blindwatchmaker, blink182fans, cartoon_quotes, christianity, convert_me, determinism, electric_chair, familyguy, femalearchetype, genepool, interfaith_talk, jesusliberation, learnphilosophy, ljbiblecrew, ljchristians, ljprayerteam, logic_forum, merely_theists, neuroscience, onmywayhome, paidmembers, philo_debate, philosophy, queryforanswer, questionofgod, real_philosophy, religiousdebate, scietech, south_park_fans, stand, stavesacre, strictlytool, students4christ, theism, theologia, thought_club, verseoftheday, waytruthandlife
Account type:Paid Account

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