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User:treepretty (1169839) treepretty
Buffyverse Icon Contest
Fire Bad, Tree Pretty
Name:Fire Bad, Tree Pretty
Location:Ventura, California, United States
About:This is an icon contest community with a specific focus on icons featuring themes from the shows Buffy & Angel.

Contest Details :
- Contests will be held on a bi-weekly basis.
- The poll for voting will be posted every Sunday no later than 8pm EST/5pm PST.
- Results will be posted no later than 12 noon EST/9am PST on Tuesday.
- Submissions must be posted by no later than 7pm EST/ 4pm PST Sunday night in order to be included in the poll.
- Icons must be submitted by commenting to the appropriate post (the designated screened post, just after the winners post) in the community with your image embedded into the comment using an img src tag, and the url of your icon.
- Icons must meet standard LJ size requirements (jpg, png, or gif, under 40kb and 100x100 pixels or smaller) and must be stored on a host that allows offsite linking. (This means the image can be embedded into a post or comment on LJ)
- Winners will receive a banner made by [info]queenmaab to put on their website, journal, user info, etc.
- You may only enter ONE icon in each week's contest. Multiple submissions will be rejected.
- There will be no tie-breakers, all icons will win the place they are tied for.

Community Rules :
- New posts can only be made to this community by the two mods [info]queenmaab and [info]hey_lena.
- If you are participating in the contest, do not post your icon anywhere prior to the end of voting for that icon. If we find your icon elsewhere on LJ, it will be disqualified from the contest.
- Please do not vote for your own icon
- Please do not vote for a friendís icon just because it was made by them.
- Icons should be judged based on style as well as theme.
- Any questions or comments about this community should be directed to or

Theme Details :
- This is a Buffy/Angel community. All icons MUST be from the two shows. As a general rule: "If it was on the show, it is fair game".
- If the comics or graphic novels are used, they MUST be related directly to the show. Fray does not fall into this category as it is well after Buffy & her friends, and is in a different world or setting.
There is a comic arc that deals with the Dawn in more detail than the show went into (the false memories series)-these are ok, as Dawn is a character from the show.
There are also some comics that deal with previous slayers, like the Chinese slayer-she was also a character mentioned during a flashback on Angel, and is therefore fair game.
- In general, the theme we announce after the polls will give you your guidelines.

Award Details :
-Places: 1st-3rd, Most Creative/Unique, "to be announced", and Potential
-"to be announced" Award is a voting award, and is picked by us mods to reflect the current theme. This award will be different each week.
-the Potential Award is not a voting award, and is given by us mods to an icon we felt should have won, but did not. This award may or may not be given out each week.

We reserve the right to disqualify any submissions we feel do not meet the theme guidelines and/or rules.

Affiliated with:
Memories:1 entry
Interests:60: adam busch, alexis denisof, alyson hannigan, amber benson, amy acker, andrew, andy hallett, angel, angel icons, angel the series, anthony stewart head, anya, btvs, buffy, buffy icons, buffy the vampire slayer, charisma carpenter, clem, cordelia, danny strong, david boreanaz, dawn, doyle, eliza dushku, emma caufield, faith, fred, giles, gunn, hellmouth, icons, iyari limon, j august richards, james leary, james marsters, jonathan, joss whedon, julie benz, juliet landau, kennedy, lorne, michelle trachtenberg, molly, mutant enemy, nicolas brendan, rona, sarah michelle gellar, sits, slayers, spike, sunnydale, tara, tom lenk, troika, vampires, vi, warren, wesley, willow, xander. [Modify yours]
Members:396: 7thfloor, __buffy, __darkplaces, __fallen, __spears, _airbear_, _becoming_, _carmelita, _cinnamongirl_, _fivebyfive_, _fortunesfool_, _golddust_, _happyme_, _helygen_, _mismatch, _push, _retrospective_, _sanstitle, _shiningstar_, _thefirstevil_, _touched, acadeczombie, adidas_freak18, aisling12, ajoliewannabe, ajrbasketcase, alexirx, aliceroosevelt, alicondc, aliice, alliterator, alorarose, alwayz_alli, amylala, andemaiar, andrea_brite, anestasia, angeldustsky, angelussb, angelys, anneline, anythingbutgrey, aphelant, aphroditesflesh, aryas_zehral, ashley, ashleyr388, azuredflame, bargaining, bashipforever, becke, bettina256, binka_boo, bisclaveret, bittersweet_art, blankettegirl, blessed_beast, bleuunicorn, blond_bear, bluefaerydaze, blueirish, blueness, bluesuzanne, blueyedangld21, bondchick_nett, boocons, boringmachine, breakdwnthewall, brokenrecord__, brontejd, buffygirlfranny, buggo1056, bunney, bwlrbry, caldinni, calgal, calidearie, callingpiper, canadiangirl_86, carawj_icons, carebear173, catatonic1242, catmint68, catvampcrazines, celeksa, charmedgirl, chased, chasing_reality, cheers_darlin, chi2cali, cloud, cmcw97, coaxme, colin_chaotic, confess23, cookiedg4, cooldecade, crazed88, crazy_ditz, crimsonhue, crinkledpaper, crystaldesire, crystalkirk, cynicalskeptic, cyren_2132, dancernc4415, dancingxander, daniidebrabant, dantes_prayer, darkravenette, dawn_m, deathisyourart, delwyncole, dergerm, detoxcocktails, devianna, devils_whore, difyr, digitalmeowmix2, diva_stardust, dorksrock, drowning_girl, duckytears, e_notagain, eastcoast_angel, eatstake, ebertodoul, eddiesays, ekm, el_payasito, elevationist, elizaveta_, elsewheretobe, enigmaticsmile, eowyn797, epilogia, eurothrashed, ever_angel, evilshelly, eyesthatslay, faith_of_borg, faithx5, fallen_wiccan, fallenforever1, fallenslayer, feannaro, fluffy_angst, foggi, foxglove_icons, freeswimmer11, funsocaltiger, furless_cat, gatecrash, gelirovadiel, genesis222, getaway_machine, gilkurtis, girlfromsouth, glassslipper, godofvoid, gracefulreverie, greenxeyes, gwyddfid, harmony033, heartofthehouse, hellloitslate, heretic_angel, hestia, hey_lena, hey_pumpkin, highandrandom, holli, hollowxstar, iced_pink, illiana, im_addictive, indiana_jane_, inklacedfeather, jacklemmon, jedicandii, jedispyder, jenny_sparks, jjluver, jokerette, jslayeruk, kajungirl81, kamilaa, kattine, kelly1108, kiana7769, kibarika, killmebecomeme, kirstee, kittycat22, koala990, ktkid, kunstbewunderer, ladiosa, lafemmedarla, lanabanana, larissadawn, latara, lavellebelle, leelee_cakes, leevee_icons, legolassbitch, lextreme, lil_button, liquid_garnet, lissa_triana, lit_glitter, lizzieb, lonesheep, lostt1, love___me, lucy_tatlicadi, lunanne, luvxander, lyndseybird, lyrajane, lyricalviolet, madelineanne, magemulder, magicks, majestictragedy, malanai, mali_pie20, manada, marinwood, masterchief, maybedarkpink, me2you, mellowpeep, memorycharm, midgie, minaloush, misjudged, missafaery13, missandrony, misskiwitwist, misslunakitty, missmoody, missrogue, misstress_tink, momentary_grace, momentsintime, moonlapse, moonlitviolets, morgana869, mortari, mouthfullofdust, mrsthomas, multi_facetedg, mutantnatas, niannah, nicole_anell, nikita_80, nikta_w, nomadangel, nomes, notaphrodite, notreallywrong, notruthjustlies, notsosuperhuman, nova25, nympheline, obsessedmuch, oc_fangatic, ofkillingchloe, olly2288, ordinaryhero, ozw, pangs, parfum_cinq, partinggifts, passionless, perfectsquare, perfumedcoma, petrona, pigeonoverlord, pinkapples, pixiee, pixielady560, pleasefuckoff, plumcheeks, poisonivory, pornrockangel, pouty_giles, princessmela, prophecy_girl, pyro_manical, queencordy_, queenmaab, queenmab_223, queenvirginia, quem98, raebird, raven_annabelle, reallyshesokay, relique, remember_nomore, rhymeswithpork, rincewindmalfoy, ring_of_amara, robintcj, roguedemonhunte, rorylie, rubrchick, ruedifference, ryfid, sabine101, samelfice, sarahmichelle12, sbsmith04, scarlettfish, sculpturegarden, seductiveflaws, serenityjacobs, shadowphynyxx, shortiegirl06, sierjna, silvercobwebs, silverthistle, sin_fonia, sinecure, sisterspooky, slackerace, slayergurl121, slayergurlicons, sleeky, slippery_fish, slut_goddess, snowgeckel, snowpuppies, somuch4daangel, south_under, sparkz0r, spellingwitch, spikes_luv, spitefairy, sqrnookle, starchildemt, stariemichie, starlight1221, staticradar, stepharoony, still_burning, strangelilkitty, sunnydalewiccan, superfirechild, supes_, sweet_dreamz, sweetteeth15, swtlilhann, tamarabass, thatonekimgirl, theantijoss, thebaroness, theblacksparrow, thelalaprincess, theoriginalkat, thepodsquad, throw_rocks, tinkermellie, tiogardubh, tlace, toomuchsugar, toyluvr, trixieleitz, tsukikage1983, undyinglands, unicorn_, urbanenigma, vampyre_x, vampyredrusilla, veniax, verbalfrenzy, veuve_norie, vintageruby, vivicawishwell, wastedfairy, whisperwords, wild_dreamer, willowlove, wing_broken, writerz_bloc, xanphibian, xfunkydoryx, xintothewestx, xlostxdreamx, xsourxgrrlx, xxspikes_petxx, xxxtine, yachiru, zerographic, zimba
Watched by:321: 2nice, 7thfloor, __buffy, __darkplaces, __fallen, _becoming_, _carmelita, _fivebyfive_, _golddust_, _happyme_, _helygen_, _keaira_, _mismatch, _push, _retrospective_, _sanstitle, _shiningstar_, _thefirstevil_, _touched, acadeczombie, aisling12, aliceroosevelt, alliterator, alwayz_alli, amylala, anestasia, angeldustsky, angelussb, anneline, aphelant, aryas_zehral, ashley17, ashleyr388, azuredflame, bargaining, bashipforever, bettina256, binka_boo, bisclaveret, bittersweet_art, blessed_beast, blond_bear, bluefaerydaze, blueirish, blueness, bluesuzanne, blueyedangld21, bm_wesley, bondchick_nett, boocons, boringmachine, breakdwnthewall, brokenrecord__, brontejd, buffygirlfranny, buggo1056, burninating, bwlrbry, caldinni, calgal, calidearie, callingpiper, canadiangirl_86, carawj_icons, catmint68, catvampcrazines, chasing_reality, cheers_darlin, cmcw97, colegrey, cooldecade, crazed88, crazy_ditz, crimsonhue, crinkledpaper, crystaldesire, crystalkirk, cyren_2132, dancernc4415, dancingxander, darkravenette, dawn_m, deathisyourart, deethie, delicon, delwyncole, dergerm, detoxcocktails, devianna, devils_whore, diva_stardust, duckytears, e_notagain, eastcoast_angel, eatstake, ebertodoul, eddiesays, ekm, el_payasito, elevationist, elsewheretobe, eowyn797, epilogia, eurothrashed, ever_angel, evilshelly, eyesthatslay, faithx5, fallen_wiccan, fallenforever1, fallenslayer, feannaro, foggi, freeswimmer11, funsocaltiger, furless_cat, gatecrash, gelirovadiel, genesis222, gilkurtis, girlfromsouth, graashoppa, gracefulreverie, hallopino, harmony033, heartofthehouse, hellloitslate, hells_angel01, hestia, hey_lena, hey_pumpkin, highandrandom, hollowxstar, icon_ish, iconspy, illiana, inklacedfeather, jacklemmon, jedicandii, jedispyder, jjluver, jokerette, jslayeruk, kamilaa, kathy_the_cat, katiger, kattine, kiana7769, kibarika, kiki_miserychic, ...
Account type:Free Account

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