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User:dearmelynn (2866) dearmelynn
Name:Miss Management
Location:Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Bio:Oh, yeah.
Memories:8 entries
Interests:21: a.j, aqua teen hunger force, bologna, brainwashing, cake, candle making, dvds, eating doritos, euchre, evan, hot lesbo sex, k's choice, kitties, mikolaj, muds, poop, portishead, sealab 2021, star wars, techno squid eats parliament, the family ghost. [Modify yours]
People93:_badgirls, _recoil, aardwolf, aknifeandafork, albee, aldora, ashadevi, ashwoman, ateolf, awhitewedding, bastian, beebeebeau2b, bikinibody, blindings, briansgrl, clotho, concretehead, darkness, darrick_mccloud, della_sera, disolvent, doctorcarbon, dom_ino, eicnan, entmike, epylar, erleichda, fallenfromgrace, fallwithme, fritzcat901, geekyglamgrrl, gernboken, godam, green23, harvey, hipstomp, homelessguy, ihcilon, indigohat, itsybitsykristy, jackalberson, jag, jdubois79, jkamillr, kippersnacks, kisama, kittydresser, ladycalliope, laruina, lisamaria, lizcroteau, lumpy_lia, matrixleap, matrixx, meinleben78, michellew12278, millie853, miss_ee, moon_baby, mrmongoose, mrs_paisley, narqo, newness_ends, nine, opaline77, paigeriffic, paleblueeyes, pink_kimono, pixystixfairy, planetconcrete, preggernaut, queensheba, rawee1, redsettrs, runicwarrior_04, sawahbean, shinywaistcoat, shizzynitzz, silt, sisterred, slimtastic, starfire103, supersoul, that_girl, thatdanachick, thatheathergirl, therev, trueromance78, tweck, vitanuova, vortexshedding, water_mark, xcoveredinbeesx
Communities27:athf, bellydancegear, bellydancing, blizzardwow, bodyproud, bush_sucks, club_ww, club_ww_recipes, collierville, curvygirlsrock, dachshunds, darksideofebay, dieting_foodies, euchre, eyeshadow_sluts, getting_fit, ks_fans, memphis_tn, memphisbbs, memphisgirls, replaytv, shortwave_d, tennessee, thejetagrove, ww_clothingswap, ww_diaries, ww_users
Friend of:88: _badgirls, _nothingnowhere, _recoil, aardwolf, aknifeandafork, albee, aldora, angyl, ashwoman, ateolf, bastian, beebeebeau2b, blindings, bluedawn, briansgrl, clotho, concretehead, darkness, darrick_mccloud, della_sera, disolvent, doctorcarbon, dom_ino, eicnan, entmike, erleichda, fallenfromgrace, fritzcat901, geekyglamgrrl, gernboken, godam, green23, harvey, homelessguy, house4redsox, ihcilon, indigohat, itsybitsykristy, jackalberson, jag, jcharles00, jkamillr, kippersnacks, kittydresser, ladycalliope, laruina, lisamaria, lizcroteau, lumpy_lia, matrixleap, matrixx, meinleben78, michellew12278, millie853, miss_ee, moon_baby, mrmongoose, mrs_paisley, narqo, newness_ends, nine, opaline77, paigeriffic, paleblueeyes, pink_kimono, pixystixfairy, planetconcrete, preggernaut, queensheba, rawee1, redsettrs, sawahbean, shinywaistcoat, shizzynitzz, silt, sisterred, slimtastic, super_woman2003, supersoul, that_girl, thatdanachick, thatheathergirl, therev, tweck, vitanuova, vortexshedding, water_mark, webbitch
Member of:25: athf, bellydancegear, bellydancing, blizzardwow, bush_sucks, club_ww, club_ww_recipes, dachshunds, darksideofebay, dieting_foodies, euchre, getting_fit, ks_choice, ks_fans, memphis_tn, memphisgirls, paidmembers, replaytv, shortwave_d, tennessee, thejetagrove, ww_clothingswap, ww_diaries, ww_users, ww_users_mods
Account type:Early Adopter

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