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(feed the angel bee)

..i drown my fingers into water... [31 Aug 2004|01:19am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | john frusciante - an exercise ]

thanks to sandy i got my place on web for pics:)

if you wanna check them out go to:

i'm still putting them on but there's about 40 of them on already:)

and new karate album is absolutely perfect...

(5 bees | feed the angel bee)

and yet another summer is gone [23 Aug 2004|04:58pm]
so, i'm back from the seaside. it's been great as always and now i'm again feeling a little lost in the big city
but yes, there's about 300 photos. if anyone's interested, shout!

and while shouting please give me an idea where to put it online

(11 bees | feed the angel bee)

[29 Jul 2004|12:17am]
after 2 years and 10 months my dreadlocks are gone

::takes a minute of silence::

(feed the angel bee)

...i wanna stop and thank you.... [14 Jul 2004|12:26am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | ryan adams - come pick me up ]

here i am, bored as hell and yet, full of ideas.
summer's here, it's hot more then i remember it was last summer. though it's been raining for last couple of days which makes drinking coffee on balcony full of plants, so enjoyable. i simply adore waking up, wraping myself in the blanket, pouring myself a cup of tea and sitting on the balcony.
same goes for reading books till wee hours of the morning.
in between time is filled with firnds, watching tv, cooking...
ana has two polish people staying with her atm so we're showing them around zagreb. hehe, funny stuff, i was already preparing to speak english to them all the time and suprise suprise, they're studying croatian in poland and actually speak croatian. plus friend's french bf ( whose parents are croatian). all is full of foreigners who speak croatian:) it's a great chance to go and see museums and see places you usually take for granted. and time to be positivelly proud of croatia and my hometown. tomorrow i plan on going to botanical garden and to the cemetary (not cause we adore death so much but cause zagreb's cemetary mirogoj is actually a sight-seeing place cause of the tombs which were done by some of the most famous croatian sculptors but most of all cause of the main building which is an architectural treasure - more at ).
as for the job - i got nothing planned. i'll work on the radio during the summer, not on my shows but on doing a 24 hour playlist every week. and i'll even get paid for it!

hopefully, in the beginning of august i'll again head for the seaside - to same place i was at last summer, brsec, but that's still not 100% sure. i hope and i pray cause if i don't go to seaside and don't taste the salt and sun i'll go mad here. ooooh and expect lots of photos cause my bro bought a digital camera so now i'm taking pics all over the place:)

my bro finally got back from portugal. he had a blast - he took nearly 400 pics of all around portugal and i really really wanna visit that country. as for gifts he brought back - he got me a pixies tee from the concert, portugese fisherman's cardigan and of course porto (muy, yummy).

hehe would you believe if i said that i've been typing this for more then an hour already?:)

that's my cue to finish this.

i wish you were here
with rain and sun

(4 bees | feed the angel bee)

...and the difference is you... [01 Jul 2004|11:49pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | jamie cullum - singing in the rain ]

there's one word to describe my life and me in last two weeks - tired. i'm so tired of everything that i spend most of my days at home sleeping and just not moving. seems the only energy i got i spend on cooking, reading and thinking about what song to put in this or that mix cd. and this weather isn't helping at all. i don't function good in the summer. it's just too hot for me. thankfully it started raining few hours ago. but it doesn't matter cause already on saturday it's gonna get even hotter then before. add to everything, i managed to get a cold. but how?! i spend my days indoors in the heat. i don't get it.
i try and study a bit which i'm really not good at cause i got no energy for that either. i did manage to pass two exams though.
oooh and i'm watching fussball, wee! that is when i'm not sleeping.
i can't wait till my bro gets back from portugal. he didn't go to the championship though. just went to visit some friends.
i'm still worried about my future and what i'll do in life. even more so when my mum isn't sure if the firm she works for will go bankrupt or not.
seems i have advice for everyone and somehow manage to help everyone but myself.

bleh, i don't even have the energy for writing this but that's probably cause today is one of the hottest days this year.

i hope you're all well cause i feel confused.

(2 bees | feed the angel bee)

[14 Jun 2004|10:41pm]
hehe, go sweden! :))

(1 bee | feed the angel bee)

yayayay!!!!!! [27 May 2004|11:34am]
happy b-day, jules!!!!!!!

thanks for terrorist info. it helped a lot:*

(1 bee | feed the angel bee)

...speak no words... [23 May 2004|06:41pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | manic street preachers - kevin carter ]

hmmm, i think i need some help.
i'm doing an essey on " Brigade Rosse and the problem of leftist terrorism in Europe" so if anyone has any links or info on the following it would be much help:
Brigade Rosse
Baader-Meinhof gang
Action Directe
Dev sol
Portugese communist party
Revolutionary organisation 17th November
Terra Lliure
Pima linea
Popular force of April 15th

(feed the angel bee)

[17 May 2004|02:01am]
this high school reunion invitation shook me up more then i expected.
i'd really love to see those people.
but the whole thing made me remember who i was and it will be a bit hard being there and being myself and they all know me as someone else.
plus i remembered all the bad things that happened after high school.

i'm glad all's behing me though, and yes i will go to the reunion.
and will shut up about it now cause i know i'm just worrying too much as usual.

(1 bee | feed the angel bee)

ha! [14 May 2004|12:53am]
please die:)

Zagrli me jako
Da te osjetim
To mi snagu daje
To me cini sretnim
Zagrli me jako
Reci: "Ima jos dobrote"
S tobom da poletim
Ood ljepote

Odavno vec nismo
Plakali od srece
Nikad bili tako blizu,
Blizu naseg sna

Ma, nisu vazne rijeci
Kad se jednom duse stope
Nista nije vazno
Srce zna

Dajes mi krila
Zza zivot cijeli
Prava je ljubav, od Boga dana,
Tek kada se dijeli
Kad imas nekog, nekoga svoga
Za tebe zivi, za tebe gine
To je dar od Boga

(7 bees | feed the angel bee)

[13 May 2004|12:41am]
dajes mi kriiiiiiiiiiiiiilaa!!!!

(feed the angel bee)

[12 May 2004|12:27am]
ooooooohhh and one more thing


me loves you muchley and wishes you the best:*

(feed the angel bee)

femininum top 10:) [12 May 2004|12:15am]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | mirah - the light ]

didn't do this in a while so here are the songs that are gonna be played tomorrow (as in wedensday) from 11am to probably 1pm.

1. mirah - dogs of b.a. ("c'mon miracle")
2. ani difranco - bodily ("educated guess")
3. lali puna - micronomic ("faking the books")
4. tori amos - snow cherries from france ("tales of the librarian")
5. norah jones - what am i to you? ("feels like home")
6. beth orton - the same day ("pass in time")
chicks on speed - wordy rappinghood ("99 cents")
8. indigo girls - heartache for everyone ("all that we let in")
sarah harmer - almost ("all of our names")
10. auf der maur - followed the waves ("auf der maur")

R1 pj harvey - the letter ("uh huh her")
R2 patti smith - stride of the mind ("trampin')
R3 jolie holland - old fashion morphine ("escondida")
R4 elizabeth anka vajagic - where you wonder ("stand with the stillness of this day")

you can vote if you like. grades go from 1-10.

and of course you can log in and listen at
tomorrow from 11am to 1pm

(2 bees | feed the angel bee)

important notice! [11 May 2004|11:31pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | jolie holland - damn shame ]

if you got some extra money or you're blessed with the thing called soulseek, you must get these two albums:
Jolie Holland - Escondida
Patti Smith - Trampin'

now go and get!

(2 bees | feed the angel bee)

[06 May 2004|12:26am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | cat power - nude as the news ]

ah yes, i almost forgot to update about the gig yesterday night.
so constellation records...
first of all, i must say that i've noticed and concluded (from canadian acts i've seen) that canadians are psycho people. but adorable in their crazy way :)
anyways, Polmo Polpo opened the concert. i must say i expected more of them. i've heard all the best about them and when they finally played it was, well average. it's nice for average though:)
then it was Elizabeth Anka Vajagic. and i must disagree with you Ben. i really liked her. she reminds me lots of Nina Nastasia and that's a big bonus there. plus she's croatian really, well at least her parents are so i can't just dislike her:))
in my opinion best band of the evening were Hangedup. amazing band - i couldn't really decide who was better, the girl on viola or guy on drums. and they mentioned croatian band Peach Pit and how much they like them so they won us over with that.

in spite of only 40 people in the club, they all put on a good performance and all were really sweet, especially Anka who insisted i sign her book when i asked her to sign my cd.

on friday i'll go and see mark olson and the creekdippers. i'm especially glad i'll see victoria williams.
i'll skip fantomas gig cause of them but i really really wanna see mark live and he's cheaper then fantomas so it was easy to decide.

(feed the angel bee)

announcement [27 Apr 2004|12:40am]
[ mood | angry ]

anyways, due to assholes,idiots, fuckwits and stupid people in general, who now used to work on the radio, there will be no more shows during the weekends. stupidity of two people caused more 10 people to lose their shows including me.
thnakfully to my involvment in radio's programme, Femininum will go on and you can still listen to it but from now on it will be wedensdays from 11am to 1pm.

to two idiots who i now want to kill - may you get kicked out of uni and never ever get a job anywhere else, and perhaps if it's possible may someone kick the hell out of you

thank you very much for reading and listening to my mean and very upset side. i just hope you never get to cause this state yourself.

(feed the angel bee)

[27 Apr 2004|12:11am]
my mantra:
"everything will be fine. don't kill anyone. don't cry. you're the one who's lucky. idiots will be punished"

(1 bee | feed the angel bee)

[26 Apr 2004|11:16pm]
arghhhhh, i'm so mad!!!!
i could really kill someone

fuck fuck fuck fuck!

(feed the angel bee)

stolen from bebby :) [25 Apr 2004|07:09pm]
A is for - Age: 23
B is for - Boyfriend/Girlfriend: well, no. i'm out of that :(
C is for - Career in future: journalist or a dj on the radio which i already do
D is for - Dad's name: mladen
E is for - Essential item to bring to a party: snacks and beer or wine + good mood
F is for - Favorite song at the moment: rilo kiley - frug
G is for - Guy/Girls you've kissed: 6 or 7 boys
H is for - Hometown: zagreb
I is for - Instruments you play: harmonica
J is for - Job title(s): student, journalist, dj
K is for - Kids: not yet
L is for - Living arrangement: living with parents and bro
M is for - Mum's name: ljubica
N is for - Nicest body part on you: some say it's my eyes
O is for - Overnight hospital stays: never
P is for - Phobia[s]: heights, earthquakes and sharks
Q is for - Quote you like: i'm actually not a quote person
R is for - Relationship that lasted the longest: about 2 years with break-ups in between
S is for - Sexual position: hehe,
T is for - Time you wake up every day: 11 am-ish - depends on wether i have a show or a class in the morning
U is for - Unique trait(s): umm, dreads? i'm not really unique
V is for - Vegetable you love: brocoli, colliflower, pees, tomatos, mashrooms, ... there's too many
W is for - Worst habit you have: i'm too sarcastic
X is for - X-rays you've had: 2
Y is for - Yummy food you make: pasta and soy dishes
Z is for - Zodiac sign: libra

(feed the angel bee)

[30 Mar 2004|10:32pm]
crystal heart
Heart of Crystal

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

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