Below is user information for solid gold on a silver platter | anthony. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | anthonyxoxo (535859) |
Name: | solid gold on a silver platter | anthony |
Website: | abandon booking |
Location: | Orlando, Florida, United States |
Birthdate: | 08-17 |
E-mail: | |
AOL IM: | anthonyempire (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
Bio: | blueblood and gold teeth |
Interests: | 5: conglomerates, fast driving, frozen cash, slow music, werewolf sex... [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 62: | alkonost_spb, astoriabound, atmyfuneral, autumnoffering, bfreebstrong, blacklakes, blindchemist, boynamedsoo, burningpaper, casadefamilia, christhemighty, cigaretta, cubaricho, d34df411, darcywretzky, dfizzle, digthefuzz, dumatt, edwardnigma, elenoise, empathyislost, farewell2gary, faultxfracture, frankmachine85, gofightfuck, guyute, hans_luvs_pix, happychild4sale, haterofyou, heartbreakeven, hldyourlight11, in_the_morning, jadedragn6, jen_shumate, jesuspic, justlikemurder, kissmeblack, lafrita, livefastdie, loathingandfear, mattmitchell, mokusatsu, murphmurphy, myorificebleeds, nfgspy16, openthelight, organisation, pickyernose, piebaldie, pr0digal, rayssa, roses4duckster, ryrytrebek, seicross, siobhann, smokedrinkthink, teh_jew, the_gnome, thepixelnoise, vegasnights, xgayxgangstax, ximafatpunkx |
Friend of: | 68: astoriabound, atmyfuneral, autumnoffering, blindchemist, boynamedsoo, casadefamilia, christhemighty, cigaretta, cubaricho, d34df411, darcywretzky, dfizzle, digthefuzz, dumatt, edwardnigma, elenoise, emoislander, empathyislost, farewell2gary, faultxfracture, frankmachine85, gofightfuck, guyute, hans_luvs_pix, hans_roolz, happychild4sale, haterofyou, heartbreakeven, hip_straights, hldyourlight11, icanonlyhope, in_the_morning, isaacgarcia, jadedragn6, jen_shumate, jesuspic, journals_r_gay, justlikemurder, kissmeblack, lafrita, landmark_a_cult, laughorcry, livefastdie, loathingandfear, mattmitchell, mmm_watermelons, mokusatsu, murphmurphy, myorificebleeds, nfgspy16, osama_rocks, pickyernose, piebaldie, pr0digal, rayssa, revero, roses4duckster, ryrytrebek, seicross, siobhann, smokedrinkthink, teh_jew, the_gnome, thepixelnoise, trendytiffer, vegasnights, xgayxgangstax, ximafatpunkx |
Member of: | 97: 23stories, 80skids, abstractthought, algorithms, alphabet_soup, andrewwk, backpacking, bodybuilder, breakthechain, cflrockshows, classiclit, code_red, college_4n6, collegegop, conan_obrien, dhr, disney_magic, disney_music, disneyworld, donnie_darko, economics, entrepreneurs, familyguy, floridascene, floridashows, fnordcabal, foundphotos, free_ucf, friends_of_p, funwithaknife, geekculture, gilmore_girls, gradlitgeeks, heardinthedark, hitchhiking, hs_forensics, indiefucks, insomniacsarmy, intl_marketing, iwalktheline, ktxt_lbk, lakeland, landmark_forum, latin, linguists, lj2600, logic_forum, longevity, longisland, masons, mensanminds, metro_orlando, moderate, mountain_dew, mountain_goats, nihilists, no_depression, ntpersonality, orlandofl, phreakers, phreaking, polisci101, politicsforum, post_modernism, psychology, republicans, riotsoundz, roller_coaster, rubi_con, screendoor, shoegaze, sociologists, songs_ohia, stand, subgenii, telemarketing, the2amhotel, the_weez, thought_club, toast_masters, trustmetrics, ucf_classifieds, uprightcitizens, urban_explorers, urbanmajors, ursaminorbeta, valenciaec, walgreens, weeklyworldnews, willoldham, wordoftheday, wordspy, wuthering, yes_and, zine_scene, zinereviews, zinescene |
Account type: | Free Account |