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Below is user information for l!zv@ng™. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:lizvang (5407) Paid User lizvang
liz's damn live journal:
the life and times of liz | vol. 2
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Ontario, Canada
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status lizvangwizbang (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
lizvangwizbang @ hotmail dot com
Memories:239 entries
Pictures:over 20 public
Interests:67: , , , 80's music, 80's television, accents, acoustic guitars, alias, astrology, autumn, beer, california, chocolate, chuck palahniuk, cuddling, dan brown, dash30dash, degrassi, digital photography, dreaming, fireworks, flea markets, freckles, hot pink, ikea, irvine welsh, j.j. abrams, jim henson, john hughes, kissing, ljmaps_lizvang, lost, movies, music, mythology, nanowrimo, natural disasters, night, photography, photoshop, piercings, pop culture, porn, radio, rain, reading, rock and/or rolling, sarcasm, secrets, sex, silver, singing, six feet under, starry nights, stars, summer storms, tattoos, the eighties, the muppets, toe socks, tornadoes, toronto, travel, turtles, u2, uk, writing. [Modify yours]
People215:3circledsun, _lunatristessa_, abqd, aereon, alcestis, alen, alfabettezoupe, alicenwndrln, andysoft, angelicdestiny, angryvixen, annalytical, applelard, apriljoy, aquaholic, ariesgirlie, aristophren, azoth, azrhey, badboyjohn, bardiva, bebby, behindtheview, bigbull, billijean, bitterbride, blacksquiggles, bliss658, bohemianpsyche, buca, buckra, cameosis, caren, catherine, chandos, chelchik, chickcurious, cider, circlek, corto, cout, cpirate, crassy, crazyfrench, cs_puppypoetry, cyn, cynica, cypher, danica, dcoombs, deadpromqueen, debgirl001, demolitiondonna, denizsarikaya, designdiva, designergirl, digifox, dlocke, docmaestro, drewness, edanya, elsnaibs, emily, ericjevitts, ericundone, execution_style, exsanguinated, fantasygoat, fixxwisdom, flirtini, freaky_kiki, fuckhole, girlblue, gizzard, gliterybuterfly, gnomeygirl, gregclow, heckonwheels, henman, hilts, honu, hub_, imasoda, imperfectly, indianasweetie, innerly, insaniac, inspectorjury, irresistiblyred, jediem, jennfromtx, jez_e_bel, jimismyhero, jnet, jodilyn, jordandumptruck, justj, kellybellynet, kingofallporn, kitiara, klimtomaniac, klulyss, kristylicious, krizsa, kyotto, ladyfire, lakme, lalenalefay, ldy, lianna, life_and_times, lilactime, littlesue1971, lizvang, lost_piousness, luker, luminous, lusally, lyninthesky, lynspin, macdatty, magpie_no_7, marcydoll, marieofroumania, martylog, me11y, mellusions, mindme, moejo, mom, mondo_wang, monkey, moosifer, mrsqueaky, msfancypants, nafs, naomi, narrowminded, nbbmom, nreality, ohmyhead, ohmyheck, orangepoppy, paladin3, papajuan, peekaboo, perpetualmotion, petermarcus, photocapture, pixelwench, polarbear, pphaneuf, proof, puppydog_cs, quest, quixotique, rachbomb, raylenetaskoski, razzberee, reens, risquewritings, roshi, sabbat, sachimoto, saltwatersound, sarahcarotte, sassylass, savonarola, scarlete, sfllaw, shadowviolet, shazam, sickboy, simplysara, sirclick, somecanuckchick, spigotbigot, spikyme, stanza, starcowboy, starsinmybelly, stephaniekaye, strangegrrl, strawbetty, stridingcloud, suga_coated, sumiko19, swestrup, swsboy, symph, tamaraland, tat2rob, theducks, thefife, thefreak, thegapingmaw, themonkeymafia, theonlychild, thetech, thewalkingman, thisboyistoast, thrillckr, topazgrrl, traycer, true_nexus, turtlehead, uninvited_guest, valrhona, watership, weswilson, wolfwyrd, xenia, xian, yakdog, yupjustme
Communities16:aliasfans, camplj, eyespytoronto, fetusofborg, fotobilder_user, holga_cameras, living_well, nanowrimo_tdot, nyljbash, paidmembers, singleinthecity, so_busted, texture, tomyears, toronto, torontophoto
Feeds3:lizvangdotcom, mattgood_mblog, moby_journal
Mutual Friends:210: 3circledsun, _lunatristessa_, abqd, aereon, alcestis, alen, alfabettezoupe, alicenwndrln, andysoft, angelicdestiny, angryvixen, annalytical, applelard, apriljoy, aquaholic, ariesgirlie, aristophren, azoth, azrhey, badboyjohn, bardiva, bebby, behindtheview, bigbull, billijean, bitterbride, blacksquiggles, bliss658, bohemianpsyche, buca, cameosis, caren, catherine, chandos, chelchik, chickcurious, cider, circlek, corto, cout, cpirate, crazyfrench, cs_puppypoetry, cyn, cynica, cypher, danica, dcoombs, deadpromqueen, demolitiondonna, denizsarikaya, designdiva, designergirl, digifox, dlocke, docmaestro, drewness, edanya, elsnaibs, emily, ericjevitts, execution_style, exsanguinated, fantasygoat, fixxwisdom, flirtini, fuckhole, girlblue, gizzard, gliterybuterfly, gnomeygirl, gregclow, heckonwheels, henman, hilts, honu, hub_, imasoda, imperfectly, indianasweetie, innerly, insaniac, inspectorjury, irresistiblyred, jediem, jennfromtx, jez_e_bel, jimismyhero, jnet, jodilyn, jordandumptruck, justj, kellybellynet, kingofallporn, kitiara, klimtomaniac, klulyss, kristylicious, krizsa, kyotto, ladyfire, lakme, lalenalefay, ldy, lianna, life_and_times, lilactime, littlesue1971, lizvang, lost_piousness, luker, luminous, lusally, lyninthesky, lynspin, macdatty, magpie_no_7, marcydoll, marieofroumania, martylog, me11y, mellusions, mindme, moejo, mom, mondo_wang, monkey, moosifer, mrsqueaky, msfancypants, nafs, naomi, narrowminded, nbbmom, nreality, ohmyhead, ohmyheck, orangepoppy, paladin3, papajuan, peekaboo, perpetualmotion, petermarcus, photocapture, pixelwench, polarbear, pphaneuf, proof, puppydog_cs, quest, ...
Also Friend of:45: abstrakone, ahembree, andysocial, billiam, blog_project, blue111moon, brak55, braquage, byron, carouselrose, ccnuggie, cmorrigu, corven_uk, ehme, elle3, elpis2003, exceeder, faeriemuffin, flightyone, garaynbow, gilsmak, gracieclover, imprincessapril, kimmee, lets_rave_on, linzee, lundi_bleu, luverlypapi, marlene, metalsoul, mighty_gratira, moosedude, odic, perfectperson, pimmy, richgoalie, sarsie, spymunster, tkedilbert, underdog, watermarkk, webbitch, whine_country, wyze_guy, zume
Member of:17: aliasfans, camplj, eyespytoronto, fetusofborg, fotobilder_user, holga_cameras, living_well, nanowrimo, nanowrimo_tdot, nyljbash, paidmembers, singleinthecity, so_busted, texture, tomyears, toronto, torontophoto
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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