The case of the missing white woman has been solved and true to form, the husband/boyfriend
has been arrested and been charged with a double murder.Living in the Bay Area, it was impossible to escape the
Scott and Laci Peterson Epic Tragedy as it unfolded in an hourly sideshow of media carnage. And the public just loved every minute of it.
Being older and wiser now, I would like to dispense some advice to the men of this country. I realized at a very early age (17 or 18) that I had absolutely no desire to have children and thus be a parent. Lots of reasons behind this realization and they include: 1) I don't particularly like children. I don't enjoy their company, so why would I want to subject myself to non-stop involvement with something I don't enjoy. 2) I really, really like my freedom. I have never had the desire to make a commitment of such permanence as parenthood would require. Call it selfish, but I enjoy my time being my own. 3) I don't particularly like people so why would I want to make more of them?
But enough about me. Once again we probably have a case of a man who just couldn't handle the idea of parenthood and all that it he flips out and murders his girlfriend/wife and the baby. Guys, you don't have to do this! This is not a viable option. It is horribly destructive and there is no turning back once the deed is done. This is not a video game; there is no "do over" button. There were many opportunities for you to get out before it went this far.
Any two idiots with the properly functioning equipment can produce a child. Just go to a family themed restaurant on a Saturday night if you need proof of this premise. You are not special or unique because you can have a child. Humans have been doing this since the dawn of our species-that is why there are so damn many of us. The world/country is not running out of citizens. You are not repopulating the planet after an apocalypse. Look around you: there are over six billion people on this planet and it is painfully obvious to see how well we are all getting along. If you think your parents or other family members are going to be disappointed by you electing not to reproduce, try to imagine their disappointment when you are arrested for the murder of your wife/girlfriend...they'll get over the first and if not, fuck 'em. If all of your friends and siblings are having children, do not succumb to peer pressure. This is a human life we are discussing not a 42" flat screen TV. You do not have to "keep up with the Jones" on this score.
Let's start at the beginning. Ask yourself: Do I really want to be a father and am I ready to accept ALL that it entails? Ask this many times of yourself. Check your answer. Run your answer by your friends, your spiritual advisor. Some things to consider:Do you enjoy getting a full night's sleep? You won't be getting much for the next 17 or so years. Does the idea of giving up the sports car for a family vehicle (van or SUV) produce a burning sensation in your gut? Do you understand just how intimately involved you will be with the Disney Corporation for at least 10 or 12 years (do you understand how much of your paycheck will be going to them and their products?) ? How do you feel knowing that it will be nearly impossible for you to watch any adult oriented (I don't mean pornography...) movies or programs for the next sixteen or so years...oh sure, you can put them on after you put the kids to bed, but realistically, are you going to be able to stay awake? These are just a few of the multitude of changes you will have to face it you want to be a parent. Look hard at them and don't blink.
Back when I drunkenly careened from relationship to relationship, I made a point of announcing that I was not interested in having children. Sure, it was the kiss of death to several potential relationships, but I had no business being with someone whose ultimate aim was to have a family. Why should we waste each other's time? If that's what you really want, go for it, but you need not involve me. You'll find what you're looking for...
Wear a condom. Insist on contraception on both sides. It only takes one microscopic zygote to change everything. CHANGE in EVERYTHING CHANGES. If you really have issues about becoming a father by accident, get a vasectomy.
And if you find yourself becoming a father and you are having grave reservations about the prospect, do not kill the mother and child. Get a lawyer. Move out of the house. Move across town. Move out of the state if necessary. But don't harm anyone. Have your lawyer handle all the affairs. Yes, there will be lots of tears. Angry phone calls. Unpleasant letters. Hell, her parents may even show up at your front door. Call your lawyer. Make all the satisfactory financial arrangements. Do not harm anyone. You can always get involved later, but do not harm anyone.
Labels: The HumanCondition