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Who should be Tennessee's next governor? Why not this fellow? His name is Basil Marceax ("dot com") and if you vote for him he will "immune you from all state crimes for the rest of you life."
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Despite conventional wisdom about high crime rates in hot months, New Yorkers are as likely to be victims of crime in October and December as in June and July. The takeaway: You could be murdered in literally any month. [WSJ]
Secret-sharing Wikileaks is about to release what is possibly its most important leak yet: nearly 100,000 internal military documents from the war in Afghanistan—released in concert with three of the world's most important newspapers. More »
A study in the July issue of the Journal of Neurophysiology says the same part of the brain that deals with romantic rejection also handles cocaine addiction. Now there's a scientific explanation for stalking! [NYDN]
Russia just elected its first black official. Commenter Tristan13 points us to this story, saying: "With all the race baiting going on lately, I found this story quite amusing." Yeah, but you know Andrew Breitbart's getting his smears ready.
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Gawker once called the novelist Tao Lin "maybe perhaps the single most irritating person we've ever had to deal with." Times change. Here is Tao Lin's account of being arrested for trespassing at the NYU bookstore last week.More »
Rod Blagojevich knows how to pick a defense team. To close out his corruption trial tomorrow, Blago has picked R. Kelly's former defense attorney, Sam Adam Jr., the same man who got the R&B; singer acquitted of child pornography charges.
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Actor Joshua Jackson (Pacey in Dawson's Creek) hosted his own convention outside Comic Con in San Diego yesterday. Pacey Con 2010 included Jackson reading Dawson's Creek fan fiction, autograph signing and, presumably, making out. (picture by some messageboard or other.)
We may never know what motivated first-time commenter Perchdwelr to leave an elaborate recipe for frozen margaritas on our tips page. But thank God they did. This looks great! (Mountain Dew is the secret ingredient.)
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Things Robert Pattinson has inspired: an entire generation of screaming tweens, magazine covers, cardboard cut-outs and entire lines of merchandise at Nordstrom, and, come September, fans of Twilight can buy Robert Pattinson-inspired underpants at British department store Marks & Spencer.
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Two cricket fans were startled when a 4.5 billion-year-old meteor crashed near them. "We were quietly supping our pints, both looked up at the same time and saw a black object coming towards us," Richard Haynes told the Telegraph.
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When a former Knicks dancer weds a SpikeTV producer you know the harmonics of the Universe are correctly tuned. Come, explore the New York Times wedding announcements with resident Gawker wedding expert Phyllis Nefler.More »
So, today Howard Deancalled Fox News 'absolutely racist' for its role in promoting that misleading video of USDA employee Shirley Sherrod. Which means that almost everyone involved in this scandal is a racist, according to someone.
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A Florida church called the Dove World Outreach Center, in keeping with its pledge to "stand up for righteousness," is hosting "International Burn a Koran Day" on September 11. But only after the "No Homo Mayor" protest next month.
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It was an average weekday morning last month at Rawesome Foods in Venice, California when federal, state, and local authorities busted in, guns drawn, looking for an illicit stash of raw milk. Law enforcement at its finest.
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A guy in a Harry Potter shirt stabbed someone in the eye with a pen at Comic Con last night over a seat at the Resident Evil: Afterlife panel. Now he'll never get to ask his incredibly pedantic question![CBR]
Oksana's got more tapes—this time, they're voicemails. Amanda Byrnes unretires. Incarcerated Lindsay Lohan: taunted! Someone didn't recognize Kevin Connolly. Vienna Girardi poses in a bikini. Sunday gossip roundup was like, No way. And she was like, Yes way.
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It's Fleet Week in Saint Tropez, which means the rich and famous are cavorting around, making fools of themselves. Paris Hiltonfell down, as she does. Let's explore this amazing place with the Hilton sisters!
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Canadian air force Captain Brian Bews is a lucky man. While training for an air show, he was beginning a maneuver called a High Alpha pass when sparks shot from the engine. He bailed out seconds before the plane exploded.
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The Coca-Cola Company has tried to have a lawsuit thrown out that claims Vitaminwater® is really just sugar water, but a federal court yesterday said the company has violated FDA regulations and will allow the lawsuit to proceed.
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Using a hidden camera, an Italian magazine owned by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi caught three Catholic priests inside a gay nightclub and having sex inside a church building. The local diocese is now calling on gay priests to come out. More »
[Manly man Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin rides a Harley Davidson motorized tricycle to a biker convention in southern Ukraine today. Trikes are tough. Image via AP]
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