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  1. .@MingNa The Richmond Summer Market is amazing. Fri, Sat & Sun nights. Cash, empty stomach required. More here:
  2. Summer Night Market, Richmond, B.C., #iphoneography
  3. Lake Union evening aboard 1964 Chris Craft #iphoneography
  4. More than 140 charachters on the Aurora Bridge suicide attempt and my coverage of it:
  5. This debate about reporting a suicide attempt, via Twitter, is important and welcome. I was uncomfortable the entire time.
  6. Good news. Young girl on Aurora Bridge is over the rail, back on the safe side. Police boats leaving from under bridge. Amen.
  7. @dlboardman I have to agree that this is strange ground & I have been uncomfortable reporting it. But I also saw her hop rail & called 911.
  8. Just noticed that lights on Aurora Bridge never came on at sunset. Hard to see what is happening as bridge is dark.
  9. The @SeattlePI ran a series of stories on people under the bridges, affected by suicides after the man landed in my yard.
  10. FYI, I used to live under the I-5 Ship Canal Bridge. A jumper once landed in my yard. That was a terrible day. Hope today is better.
  11. In the news media we rarely report suicides or attempts at suicide. I feel really uncomfortable tweeting this one. This is awful.
  12. Woman on Fremont Bridge who said she was waiting in traffic for an hour just said "jump already," loudly. Crowd upset at her.
  13. Officers on bridge seem very calm, cool, professional. Still talking.
  14. She is still up there. Facing out now.
  15. She is still up there. Crowd of spectators here growing.
  16. Aurora bridge was to be closed soon to install suicide barrier.
  17. Waterway under bridge closed.
  18. Woman mid-span of bridge. Seems to be in teens.
  19. Driver stuck in traffic jam just called her an unprintable word.
  20. She looks down, then up at officer talking to her, then down at water far below.