I had very high hopes for the country after the Democrats won a majority of Congress in 2006. I truly believed that they would draw down and eventually end the war. Who could blame me? That was the platform they ran on. I’m convinced that the past election was indeed a
referendum on the war in Iraq. To be a candidate who was resistant to Bush was just enough to get elected in 2006 in my opinion. It’s almost a year since the Democrats took control of Congress, and they have not produced one piece of legislation that would start the process of ending this war that is sucking our nation dry. Bush has beaten them in every single standoff.
While I’m clearly disappointed in the inability of the new Congress to end the war in Iraq I am happy they are in control as opposed to the Republicans. Had the last election swung the other way we probably would have invaded Iran by now. Bush would have been totally out of control and the damage would have been irreparable (if it’s not already). At least with the Democrats in power there have been hearings, oversight, investigations, and President Bush as been significantly scrutinized. No results have been produced but it has hindered his ability to run wild like a mad dog as he did previously. However, it’s still not enough and Congress needs to do more.
The Democrats keep telling us “we will hold this president accountable.” When they fail to do that they tell us “we just don’t have the votes.” That is true in some cases and it’s a problem. But it’s no excuse.
Since the Democrats have not done the job we elected them to do they at least owe us an explanation as to why. If it’s not simply politics and it’s just complete “Republican obstructionism” they need to convey that message better to the American people. The Speaker and Senate Majority leader need to constantly be on public television and writing oped pieces in the major newspapers explaining themselves. Furthermore, they should ensure that all members of Congress in the Democratic Party personally explain to their constituents why they have not been able to keep their promises.
I never advocated for impeachment. I’m not now either. However, I think it was very foolish for Speaker Pelosi to say
“impeachment is off the table.” All that did was send a message to President Bush that he can operate however he wishes without facing any consequences. With Democrats controlling Congress Bush should be scared of impeachment (at least) considering the astronomical number of criminal acts he has committed. Instead he continues to laugh at us and
dare us on every issue because he knows Congress will not punish him.
Sadly, it appears that we are stuck with this until 2008. The Democrats will do a lot of
barking but no biting. And when the “song and dance” is over the Democrats will write
blank checks for Bush’s war in Iraq to ensure another victory in 2008 taking a sizable majority of Congress and the White House.
I could be wrong but I have not seen any action on behalf of my party to convince me otherwise.
One would think it would be in the interest of the Democrats to end the war before 2008. Also, it should be the highest priority for the
Democratic candidates running for president so they don’t have to inherit this mess when they are inaugurated in 2009. I wonder if the Democrats think a continuation of the war is a good
political strategy for them (I don't know).
What about what the polls? They indicate that an overwhelming majority of Americans want an end to the war. We know Bush doesn’t care about the wishes of the American people, but Congress should being that they are the ones up for reelection.
Bush still enjoys strong support from Republicans in Congress. They would follow that fool to the gates of hell. And all the while our side is completely divided and in disarray.
There is a solution. It’s called unification. Speaker Pelosi needs to rally the conservative Blue Dogs, the progressives, and the moderates within the Democratic Party to come together in solidarity to finally defeat Bush and his neocon machine. They must be equally as stubborn as Bush when dealing with him and not take no for answer. If the president vetoes legislation send it right back to him. He never compromises--
so why are we? Bush has clearly demonstrated the need to be micromanaged by Congress. The proper "checks and balances" that we are all waiting for can start the cycle of ending the war, restoring the trust of the people, repairing the damage the Bush Administration has done to America, and putting our country back on track at home and abroad.
I'm no political expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I know that the majority of Congress has a lot more power than it's currently willing to exercise.
My apologies to the Democrats in Congress for the "tough love."
But it is very necessary. Our party is losing entirely too many good people over the Democrats backing down to Bush on such crucial issues. There is no defending it.
End of rant.
John Bruhns
Iraq Veteran.
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