This 24.78-carat "fancy intense pink" diamond just sold for $46 million at a Swiss auction, making it the most expensive jewel ever sold. It's okay, though! The birthstone necklace you bought at a truck stop is very pretty, too.
What was Sarah Palin's daughter Willow up to during the premiere of her family's new TLC reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska? According to TMZ, she was engaged in an epic Facebook war about the show. There are screenshots! More »
Tonight, we witnessed possibly the most shocking—and controversial—elimination in Dancing with the Stars history when Brandy was sent home, making way for Bristol Palin to compete in next week's final. Also: the audience booed. Loudly! The video, inside.
Two sisters were shot in Colorado on Monday. One survived; one didn't. Here's the thing: They were twins, and the police don't know which one is which.
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Why can't you tell when an hour has passed without looking at a watch? Why are you able to do three things at once? Does coffee make time go faster? Neuroscientsts explain how our brains tell time - or don't.[io9]
Today we briefly looked at how teacher training programs suck. It's true, they do. Boo hoo. It was the perfect opening for a well-placed joke, and one well-taught commenter took it.
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A flood of female Facebook users woke up this morning to find their accounts disabled — and the social network demanding government ID to let them back in. Facebook admits there was a problem, but says it's been fixed.
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Four Republicans have emerged as the clear early (err, very early) frontrunners in the 2012 Republican presidential primary, according to a recently concluded series of Public Policy Polling (D) surveys. The favorite of the bunch? Not so clear.
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A scrappy Chinese-speaking teenager sold $130,000 in parts for the white iPhone 4. Now he's being slapped with legal threats. Won't anyone defend Fei Lam's right to exploit fashion-obsessed gadgeteers?
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Your favorite late-'90s superstar is making a comeback on the small screen. Also today: Baz Luhrmann has found his Daisy Buchanan! Seth Rogen gets a writing gig. And a nerdy goddess heads to New Jersey.
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During a Sydney performance of "Seek and Destroy," Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett is kicking balloons around the stage. He winds up, swings his foot, and—uh oh. Was that a child that just went flying?
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A co-founder of MTV and once a top exec at AOL Time Warner, Bob Pittmanreturned to the media industry this week to help turn around radio giant Clear Channel Communications. More »
Do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do abstinence spokespersonBristol Palin and Jersey Shore's aggressive hook-up artist The Situation aren't the best choices for an abstinence PSA, mostly due to their bad acting skills. They also use the word "situation" 17 times in two minutes. Awful.
An Italian art historian claims some of the images depicted in Michelangelo's "Last Judgment"—the fresco on the wall of the Sistine Chapel—were inspired by acts the artist witnessed in homosexual bathhouses. Let's take a closer look, shall we? More »
Friends, this is the premiere issue of Pole Spin, "The International Pole Dance Fitness & Lifestyle Magazine." Let's take a look inside, shall we?
Hours after Prince William announced his engagement, England's "heritage souvenir" industry has flown into action. Commemorative royal wedding magazines! Royal wedding t-shirts! Royal wedding thimbles! A guide to the souvenirs already available, plus a few suggestions of our own, below. More »
Last night's season finales of The Big C and Weeds demonstrated what HBO's oft-wayward younger brother does best. They make compelling, if ridiculous, drama about middle class women in precarious tight spots. More »
The reports were true, the Beatles are now on iTunes. Reading the online reaction, however, you'd think only Apple overlord Steve Jobs was into the band's e-debut. Everyone else played like they were totally above it.
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It's been alleged that the Tea Party's "Operation Bristol" is keeping the teen mom in the competition. However, the real conspiracy is that her conservative supporters have figured out a way to exploit's email-voting feature, allowing infinite votes.
[Emma Watson, who everyone seems to have a crush on these days, heading to the New York premiere of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Halllows: Part One". Photo via Bauer-Griffin]
Set your phasers to fun! Last night's Gossip Girl was so full of intrigue is was like a carnival ride through the tunnel of mysteries. If said tunnel was dimly lit and didn't make much sense. More »
The men on Logo's gay housewives show The A-List finally came to blows, and it wasn't the blows we were expecting. There was actual 'mo-on-'mo violence and we all had a ringside seat.
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Last month's icky earring-removal story prompted the grossest stories you'll ever read. But we also received a message from a woman who had worked in the jewelry industry, and was not surprised about the hair-clog earring. She'd seen worse.[Jezebel]
After teaching the same course year after year, professors must develop rage over pet peeves. Watch as this professor loses it while attempting to give a keynote after someone simply yawns too loudly.
And why are birthdays such polarizing affairs? Did Jessica Simpson buy her own engagement ring? Did Britney's insanity make her parents fall back in love? Tuesday gossip is a toddler who keeps asking, "Why?"
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