So, you have your choice of headlines and polls. From Gallup, we have Americans Divided Over Ryan vs. Obama Deficit Plans, noting that Republicans love the Ryan plan, Democrats hate it and indies are split. What is also evident, though not in the headline, is that those making over 75K, whites, and those over 30 prefer Ryan, while 18-29, under 75K and non-whites prefer the Democratic/Obama alternative.
And from this, you might conclude the Ryan gamble is paying off. But not so fast. Check out:
Town Halls Gone WildAdd to that Greg Sargent:House G.O.P. Members Face Voter Anger Over Budget
Medicare Plan puts GOP on Defensive
GOP lawmaker Dan Webster's town hall turns ugly
Paul Ryan heckled by angry protestors: This will generate a lot of chatter today: According to WTMJ in Wisconsin, Ryan himself got a real earful at a town hall meeting from protestors who are furious over his proposal to end Medicare as we know it.It's early in the process, and when low-information voters are given a choice between a GOP and a Dem alternative, it's easy to pick sides even if you don't know what's in the budget.Seniors held up signs saying “hands off my Medicare,” and chanted that Ryan should “stop lying,” according to the report. Also note that Ryan was forced to leave in a different vehicle than he arrived in.
After you know? We'll see. But if you want examples of what the public does know, check out the GOP governors who represent the enaction of GOP principles. The latest to poll poorly once he implemented his program is PA's Tom Corbett.
Big Jump In Disapproval For Pennsylvania Governor, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Gov's Budget Unfair, Voters - Especially Women - Sayand if you want to know how the GOP responds to pressure, look no further than John Boehner.
So maybe it wasn’t the best timing in the world: Even as House Republicans face tough questions at their town hall meetings about Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan, Speaker John Boehner has given an interview in which he said Ryan’s plan was an idea “worthy of consideration” and that he wasn’t “wedded to it.”Pity the poor Speaker. The more the public knows about GOP policies, the worse Republican leaders do with the public, from John Boehner on down.