It sucks to be an anti-gay Republican, because then when you accept maximum donations from guys who run gay sex sites, it kind of makes you look like a hypocrite - especially when you're wooing the religious right and trying to con them into thinking you're one of them.
Bay Windows reminds us of the positions McCain has taken on gay issues, just to give you the full flavor here:
McCain opposes same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples, he supports "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell," and opposes the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. He has also publicly stated he is uncertain whether condom use prevents the spread of HIV.
McCain also supports DOMA, Obama doesn't. Yeah, so basically McCain's bad on everything, and his only good position on gay stuff is that he doesn't support the Federal Marriage Amendment, though he supports state versions of the same amendments, and he only opposes the FMA because he doesn't think it's necessary RIGHT NOW. He thinks DOMA will stop gay marriage from hopping around the country, but if it doesn't, if the courts strike DOMA down, which they certainly will some day, then McCain will lose his only reason for not supporting the FMA.
Here is what McCain actually said about the FMA on the Senate floor:
"If the Supreme Court rejects the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional, if state legislatures are frustrated by the opinions of jurists in more states than one, and if state remedies to such judicial activism fail, and finally, if a large majority of Americans come to perceive that their communities' values are being ignored and other standards concerning marriages are being imposed on them against their will, and elections and state legislatures can provide no remedy, then and only then should we consider quite appropriately amending the Constitution of the United States."
Sounds like a lot of "ifs" but not really. Basically McCain is saying that if it looks like lots of gays are getting the right to marry, if the courts recognize our right to marry just as they did for other minorities before us, it will be appropriate to slap us down in the US Constitution. (No word from McCain on why he thinks Loving v. Virginia was wrongly decided by activist judges.)
This man is not our friend. Well, he is if we're stinking rich and run big gay sex sites.
PS Somebody needs to find McCain's MTV town hall appearance in 2000 when he was asked about gays in the military and the comparison with the military's former ban on blacks. Absolutely hideous answer McCain gave - how dare you compare the suffering of blacks to the suffering of gays, McCain cried. Hope someone can find it, I still remember it 8 years later - he was a pig.
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